Neurosurgical Overview


Chiari type 1

Chiari type 2

Caudal dislocation of the medulla



Caudal dislocation into the cervical canal


Inferior vermis, medulla, fourth ventricle

Spina bifida (myelomeningocele)

May be present

Rarely absent


May be absent

Rarely absent

Medullary “kink”


Present in 55 %

Course of upper cervical nerves

Usually normal

Usually cephalad

Usual age of presentation

Young adult


Usual presentation

Cervical pain, suboccipital headache

Progressive hydrocephalus, respiratory distress

Once the diagnosis of adult Chiari is made, treatment options include observation versus surgical intervention depending on the severity of symptoms and the presence or absence of syringomyelia. The goal of surgery is to normalize the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brainstem and cerebellum at the foramen magnum. This is usually accomplished by performing a midline suboccipital craniectomy and duraplasty. Posterior cervical laminectomies of C1, and occasionally C2 or lower, may be necessary to fully expose the descended cerebellar tonsils. Duraplasty may be performed with a dural substitute such as bovine pericardium or DuraGen or with autograft such as local pericranium or fascia lata. Surgical complications include leakage from the wound, shunt-requiring hydrocephalus, infection, aseptic meningitis, subdural hematoma, and respiratory depression. Complication rates range from 10 to 33 % depending on the series. Substantive and lasting improvement is generally in the 80–90 % range [2830].

Clearly Chiari 1 malformation is a complex syndrome with still poorly understood pathophysiology. The multiplicity of presenting complaints, poor correlation with radiographic findings, and high surgical complication rates make it a formidable disease process. However, with careful patient selection and meticulous attention to surgical detail, Chiari 1 treatment can be extremely gratifying.

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is an acquired diagnosis, usually seen in an older population. Similar to Chiari 1, it involves a disruption of cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics. The classic triad of NPH includes dementia, gait disturbance, and urinary incontinence. NPH is an important diagnosis to evaluate in the setting of memory and cognitive impairment because it represents a remediable form of dementia. Many neurologic conditions, most commonly Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease, may present with symptoms similar to NPH. In addition, multiple other disease states can have similar findings please see Table 6.2 [31]. The gait disturbance of NPH is usually the first symptom to present and often manifests as short, shuffling, unsteady steps. Because of the perceived difficulty of lifting one’s feet off the floor, this gait is often described as “magnetic.” Dementia presents with impaired memory with both bradyphrenia (slowness of thought) and bradykinesia (slowness of movement). Urinary incontinence is usually a later symptom and completely unwitting by the patient.

Table 6.2
Conditions with similar presentations to NPH

Neurodegenerative disorders

Alzheimer’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Lewy body disease

Huntington’s disease

Frontotemporal dementia

Corticobasal degeneration

Progressive supranuclear palsy

Amytrophic lateral sclerosis

Multisystem atrophy

Spongiform encephalopathy

Vascular dementia

Cerebrovascular disease

Multi-infarct dementia

Binswanger’s disease


Vertebrobasilar insufficiency

Other hydrocephalic disorders

Aqueductal stenosis

Arrested hydrocephalus

Long-standing overt ventriculomegaly syndrome

Non-communicating hydrocephalus

Infectious diease

Lyme disease



Urological disorders

Urinary tract infection

Bladder or prostate cancer

Benign prostatic hypertrophy


Vitamin B12 deficiency

Collagen vascular diseases



Traumatic brain injury

Spinal stenosis

Chiari malformation

Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Carcinomatous meningitis

Spinal cord tumor

Because NPH shares signs and symptoms with so many disease states and has a poorly understood pathophysiology, it is difficult to diagnose. A good clinical history detailing the above symptoms presenting insidiously and progressively is important. Ventriculomegaly out of proportion to overall atrophy on CT or MR imaging is also useful but not a solely diagnostic criterion. A “tap test” or high-volume lumbar puncture is often performed. Opening pressures are generally in the upper range of normal (15 ± 4.5 cm H2O) and 40–50 ml of CSF removed [31]. Many centers prefer a trial of ambulatory lumbar drainage in which a lumbar drain is inserted and CSF drained constantly for 3–5 days. Patients will often experience an improvement by day three and a slow relapse after the drain is removed. Radionuclide cisternography and cerebral blood flow measurement testing rarely yield helpful diagnostic information.

Once the diagnosis is established, CSF diversion is the treatment of choice. This can be performed with a lumbar-peritoneal shunt or more commonly with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Generally programmable shunt valves are employed in order to glean the most benefit from CSF diversion without exposing the patient to undue risk. A retrospective review of shunt insertion for NPH estimated a complication rate between 34 and 57 %, though this included long-term follow-up inclusive of delayed shunt malfunctions [32]. These complications included subdural hematoma, intracerebral hematoma, infection, seizure, and shunt malfunction. Estimated mortality directly associated with shunt insertion for NPH is 2 % [33].

Unlike most procedures where the risk is directly around the time of surgery, the risk of subdural hematoma is increased for the remaining lifetime of the patient, given the shunt is in good working order. As the usually enlarged ventricles are slowly drained and shrink, the mantle (tissue from the cortex or surface of the brain to the ventricular wall) may not proportionally expand. This makes the cortex more likely to sag away from the dural lining of the skull. The surface cortical veins are thus put on stretch and are more likely to rupture, resulting in a subdural hematoma. Moreover, as blood collects in the subdural space, placing pressure on the brain, the shunt will allow the ventricular system to further decompress, encouraging the hematoma to expand. Despite the relatively high reported morbidity and mortality rates associated with shunt insertion for NPH, most patients, and their families, opt for the procedure given the alternative bleak prognosis as well as the often near complete reversal of neurologic decline.

Chiari 1 and NPH represent two diagnoses relevant to the care of adults with neurologic deficits. They are both remediable disease processes, at least for a given amount of time, but if missed subject patients to a lifetime of progressive issues. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, both Chiari 1 and NPH are extremely responsive to neurosurgical intervention instilling meaningful positive impact on lives of both patients and their families (Tables 6.1 and 6.2).

Neurosurgical Infections


Infections may be encountered in the field of clinical neurosurgery under a number of circumstances. These include cerebral abscess, subdural empyema, parasitic infection, viral encephalitis, fungal infection, spinal epidural abscess, shunt infection, and neurosurgical postoperative infection. Each entity must be diagnosed and treated expediently to maximize the likelihood of a complete recovery. After treatment in the acute care setting, acute inpatient rehabilitation and subsequent outpatient rehabilitation services may be necessary and essential. What follows is a survey of some of the more common infections encountered in neurosurgery, along with their associated rehabilitation considerations.

Cerebral Abscess

A cerebral abscess is typically an encapsulated mass of purulent necrotic infected material within the brain parenchyma. An abscess may arise from hematogenous (through the blood) spread or contiguous spread. Hematogenous spread may originate in the lungs as a lung abscess, in the heart as endocarditis or in the gastrointestinal system such as a pelvic infection. These abscesses may be multiple in 10–50 % of cases [34]. Contiguous spread may occur as a result of sinusitis, dental infection, penetrating trauma, or after a neurosurgical procedure. Streptococcus is the most common organism identified in brain abscess but the organism may be anaerobic or even multiple [35].

Clinically, cerebral abscess may present with a focal neurological deficit based on the location of the lesion (i.e., aphasia or hemiparesis), seizure, or symptoms due to increased intracranial pressure, such as headache, vomiting, or altered mental status. Fever may not be present, and white blood cell count may be normal. Blood cultures are often negative and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be normal as well. Diagnosis is made by neuroimaging, with computed tomography (CT) used as the initial screening test and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) used for definitive diagnosis (Fig. 6.1).


Fig. 6.1
Axial postcontrast T1 weighted MRI demonstrating brain abscess with typical hypotense center and ring enhancement

Treatment consists of surgical drainage and intravenous antibiotics. Most abscesses can be drained by stereotactic needle aspiration. Surgical excision may be necessary in cases of traumatic abscess with retained foreign body. Initial antibiotic therapy is broad spectrum and then tailored by culture results and continued for 6–8 weeks. During acute rehabilitation, careful monitoring is needed to assess for signs of neurological worsening, infectious relapse, and poor wound healing. Seizure prophylaxis should continue in the setting of all supratentorial abscesses, and close follow-up with infectious disease and neurosurgery is critical. Prevention of deep venous thrombosis can be managed with subcutaneous heparin if immobility is an issue. Nutrition, bowel and bladder regimens, and prevention of skin breakdown also need to be addressed in debilitated patients. Subacute rehabilitation is important for treatment of neurological deficits, which may be present in up to 50 % of patients.

Subdural Empyema

Subdural empyema is a purulent infection within the subdural space, usually over the convexities of the brain. These mostly occur as a result of contiguous spread of infection of the paranasal sinuses. Much less likely are postsurgical, traumatic, and hematogenous origins. Clinically, they tend to present more acutely and fulminantly than cerebral abscesses might, with fever, headache, meningismus, weakness, and altered mental status [36]. Streptococci are the most common organisms. Once again, MRI allows for definitive diagnosis (Fig. 6.2).


Fig. 6.2
Coronal postcontrast T1 weighted MRI showing subdural empyema along the left frontal convexity with marginal enhancement around a subdural hypodensity

Treatment is surgical and pharmaceutical. Burr hole drainage may be sufficient for an early fully liquefied empyema, but craniotomy is necessary in all other circumstances. Antibiotics are required for at least 4–6 weeks. The majority of patients have some degree of neurological deficit on discharge and therefore will require inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation.

Parasitic Infections

A number of parasitic infections may involve the central nervous system (CNS) and often occur in the setting of foreign travel or immunosuppression. Cysticercosis is the most common parasitic infection in the CNS and is caused by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium, endemic in Central and South America among other regions[37]. Cysts may develop in the brain parenchyma, subarachnoid space, or ventricles. Patients may present with seizures, signs of elevated intracranial pressure, and focal neurological deficits. The infection may be diagnosed by serum serology and CNS involvement by CT (which can identify a punctate high density scolex or head) and MRI (Fig. 6.3).


Fig. 6.3
Axial noncontrast proton density weighted MRI depicting a left parietal cysticercosis lesion with a bulls eye appearance of bright edema around a dark cyst around a bright scolex

Treatment usually consists of antiparasitic agents, antiepileptic drugs, and steroids. Surgery is necessary only if diagnosis is in doubt, if a large cyst with mass effect is present, or if hydrocephalus is present due to ventricular location requiring shunting. Fifteen days of medical therapy may suffice.

The other parasitic infection seen with some frequency in neurosurgery is toxoplasmosis. This is a protozoan that is clinically significant only in an immunocompromised host. It is the most common mass lesion in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Toxoplasmosis presents as a mass lesion in the brain but must be distinguished from progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). This can usually be done with serologic testing, but occasionally the neurosurgeon is asked to perform a biopsy to make the diagnosis. Treatment is with antitoxoplasmosis agents.

Viral Encephalitis

Herpes simplex encephalitis is the viral entity that may be seen by a neurosurgeon and require biopsy for diagnosis. It is a fulminant disease that may rapidly progress to coma. Treatment with acyclovir should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis is even entertained. MRI imaging demonstrates edema in the temporal lobes, sometimes associated with hemorrhage [38]. Biopsy may be necessary in equivocal cases. Fourteen to twenty-one days of treatment is indicated, and rehabilitation is critical to recovery of function.

Fungal Infection

These infections are typically seen in immunocompromised patients. Aspergillus may occur as a cerebral abscess (Fig. 6.4) in organ transplant patients [39].


Fig. 6.4
Axial postcontrast T1 weighted MRI demonstrating a left frontal aspergillus abscess

Cryptococcus can develop in normal or immunocompromised patients, as a cryptococcoma or pseudocyst or as meningitis. A neurosurgeon may be called to drain a large pseudocyst or manage intracranial hypertension if it exists. Some patients will develop hydrocephalus and require a shunt.

Spinal Epidural Abscess

Spinal epidural abscess is a purulent infection within the spinal canal that presents with a classic triad of symptoms consisting of fever, back pain, and spinal tenderness. Diagnosis may be delayed if fever is not present, leading to weakness and paralysis. Once again, the source may be hematogenous spread from another nidus of infection or direct extension. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common organism and it is often associated with vertebral osteomyelitis [40]. The diagnosis is typically made by MRI (Fig. 6.5), and the organism may or may not be identified by blood cultures.


Fig. 6.5
Sagittal postcontrast T1 weighted lumbar MRI showing a spinal epidural abscess with diffuse enhancement within the spinal canal

Surgical treatment is necessary if there is a neurological deficit, if bacterial identification cannot be made, and if the spine is unstable. Postoperative intravenous antibiotics are continued for 6–8 weeks.

Rehabilitation will involve therapy to improve neurologic dysfunction of the involved limbs as well as truncal stability, activities of daily living, and other modalities used in the care of spinal cord injury patients. Care must be taken to assess patients for temperature, wound healing, and level of neurologic function to rule out treatment failure and relapse of disease. Pain level should also be monitored and instability considered if discomfort increases over time rather than decreases. Any concerns should be communicated to the neurosurgeon in a timely manner.

Shunt Infection

The risk of infection after shunt surgery is relatively high, at about 7 % [41]. This may be partly related to the extensiveness of the foreign body inserted and its potential contact with the skin as it is inserted. The most common pathogen is Staphylococcus epidermidis. The clinical presentation is similar to that of a shunt malfunction or CNS infection or peritonitis. Headache, nausea and vomiting, fever, lethargy, and abdominal pain are common presenting symptoms.

The diagnostic workup includes routine blood work, a shunt tap to obtain CSF for culture, a CT to look for ventriculomegaly indicating shunt malfunction, and an abdominal CT that may show a pseudocyst around the peritoneal catheter tip. Treatment consists of antibiotics and removal of the shunt hardware. If the patient is shunt dependent, the shunt may be externalized by bringing the distal tubing out through a small incision at the clavicle and connecting it to a closed external drainage system until the infection is cleared. A completely new system can then be surgically placed. If a newly shunted patient is transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility, the physiatrist and staff should monitor the patient for symptoms and signs of shunt infection, as discussed above. Any concerns should be relayed to the neurosurgeon and reevaluation in the acute care setting should be considered.

Postoperative Infection

Neurosurgical postoperative infection may take the form of a wound infection, meningitis, cranial osteomyelitis, brain abscess, or subdural empyema. Any postoperative fever should be evaluated for neurosurgical and non-neurosurgical causes. Non-neurosurgical causes may be noninfectious, such as atelectasis, drug fever, transfusion reaction, or deep venous thrombosis; or they may be infectious, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, or IV line infection. Neurosurgical causes that are not infectious include central fever and meningismus or chemical meningitis. This last entity is a sterile inflammatory reaction to blood spilled in the subarachnoid space. It causes fever and neck stiffness similar to bacterial meningitis. It should therefore be worked up as such, with a lumbar puncture, and treated as such with antibiotics, if bacterial meningitis is a significant possibility [42].

Central fevers are caused by intracranial pathology that affects the temperature regulatory centers in the hypothalamus. They are typically without peaks and troughs, are not affected by antipyretics, and are not associated with sweating. Wound infections are most commonly caused by Staphylococcus species. They present with classic signs of redness, warmth, and pain. These patients must be further evaluated with blood work, imaging, and possible lumbar puncture in order to exclude intracranial extension of the infection with associated meningitis, osteomyelitis, or brain abscess. Meningitis may cause nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, and altered mentation. It must be differentiated from chemical meningitis by CSF culture and treated with antibiotics.

Postoperative neurosurgical infection may extend intracranially as demonstrated on imaging and require surgical re-exploration. Abscess and empyema can then be evacuated, with irrigation and debridement of the involved structures. One controversial component is the craniotomy bone flap. This is a technically devitalized tissue and should be discarded as such, to prevent persistent or recurrent infection. However, this practice commits the patient to another future surgery: a cranioplasty to repair the cranial defect. To mitigate against this, some evidence has arisen in the literature suggesting that, if the bone flap is extensively soaked and scrubbed with antiseptic solution, it may be replaced and not discarded [43].

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

TBI Overview

The spectrum of head trauma is broad, ranging from minor, negative imaging entities (i.e., CT and MRI of the brain reported as negative) such as concussion to more complex injuries involving obvious, severe intracranial injury. Depending on the type of rehabilitative facility, the percentage of patients with head injuries varies significantly. In general, these patients can be challenging. Frustration with an oscillating rehabilitative course is common. This chapter will help to introduce the reader to the different types of brain injuries and the usual post-injury course. A brief description of the inpatient experience for each is helpful to acquaint the reader with what might also present itself while in a rehabilitative facility, even weeks after discharge. To keep the information presented here brief, we will focus only on adult traumatic brain injury.


Thanks to the growing popularity of American football, this “minor” type of head injury has received increasing attention. As a result, various grading scales have been used to develop return-to-work or play guidelines. These guidelines are now well published and readily available via government and neurology-/neurosurgery-supported websites. The reader is encouraged to further investigate these websites for further details. Of particular use is the AAN guidelines for sports-related concussion:

In general terms, concussion is when the brain is impacted and experiences sudden acceleration/deceleration forces. This temporary action results in disruption of the usual harmony of the various brain regions’ communication with each other. This is thought to be secondary to different densities of brain regions moving at different velocities relative to one another. Additionally, cell injury results in the release of glutamate which further starts a chemical cascade of further local cell injury. The whole cellular milieu is deranged and as a result the normal well-tuned autoregulation of blood flow is disrupted [44]. The above processes result in desynchronization of the brain: the dynamic symphony of the brain is out now of tune. This is manifested in several ways including these typical symptoms:

  • Blank stare or befuddled expression

  • Delayed motor or verbal response

  • Easy distractibility, attention derangements

  • Speech alteration – slurred, incomprehensible, or perseverant

  • Incoordination

  • Emotional lability

  • Short-term memory deficits

  • Loss of consciousness

These symptoms may last for some time and reflect the degree of concussion. This also has a direct correlation to the duration of the post-concussive recovery. Generally, these patients are admitted, usually for observation and further evaluation of other injuries. Typically these patients do not proceed to rehabilitation but may be in inpatient facilities for concomitant injuries sustained elsewhere. It is important however to be familiar with the post-concussive syndrome that usually follows as this may also be present in the other types of traumatic brain injuries to be discussed [4549].

Post-concussive symptoms may include the following involving somatic, cognitive, and psychological realms:

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Light-headedness

  • Blurry visual or other visual disturbance

  • Anosmia

  • Tinnitus or other less common hearing difficulties including reduced acuity

  • Imbalance

  • Concentration difficulties

  • Judgment impairment

  • Emotional lability

  • Personality deviation

  • Loss of libido

  • Sleep/wake cycle disruption – insomnia or hypersomnolence

  • Fatigability

  • Photophobia or hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound)

Long-term sequelae include:

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