Neck Mass (Case 33)

Neck Mass (Case 33)

Bradley W. Lash MD and Erik L. Zeger MD

Case: A 24-year-old woman presents for evaluation of a painless lump on her right lateral neck. She noticed it first about 3 weeks ago, and since then it has grown slightly in size. She denies any local symptoms such as hoarseness, otalgia, or difficulty swallowing. She has had no recent infections or high fevers. She denies drenching night sweats or weight loss.

Differential Diagnosis

Infectious or inflammatory lymphadenopathy

Lymphoma (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma)

Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

Thyroid cancer

Benign neoplasms and congenital anomalies


Speaking Intelligently


Clinical Thinking

• The most common causes of neck masses in young adults are infectious/inflammatory, lymphomas, and congenital lesions.

• The incidence of malignancy increases with age and with risk factors such as tobacco or alcohol use.


• The lesion’s onset and growth pattern should be noted. Stable lesions present for a long time are likely to be congenital or benign neoplasms. Conversely, rapidly appearing painful lesions are likely to be infectious/inflammatory or a manifestation of lymphoma.

• Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection increases the risk of head and neck cancer even in those without traditional risk factors such as tobacco or alcohol use.

• Prior radiation exposure (i.e., in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma) increases the risk of thyroid cancer.

• Local symptoms such as hoarseness, otalgia, recurrent infections, and dysphagia should be noted.

• Assess for “B” symptoms: fevers, drenching night sweats, and greater than 10% weight loss.

• The lymphadenopathy associated with malignancy (both solid and hematologic tumors) is usually painless; one notable exception is pain associated with alcohol consumption in cases of Hodgkin lymphoma.

• Recent skin infections, dental infections, and sick contacts should be noted.

• A new neck mass in a patient over 40 years old should be considered malignant until proven otherwise.

Physical Examination

• A complete general examination is necessary to search for any source of infection, to look for hepatosplenomegaly, and to evaluate all other nodal areas.

• The location of the enlarged node is helpful. The neck is generally divided into three regions: the anterior triangle, posterior triangle, and central neck. Nodes in each of these areas suggest potential etiologies.

• Examine the mouth, the entire neck including vascular structures, the thyroid, and skin.

Note the characteristics of the mass: a mass that is rock-hard and fixed to adjacent structures is much more likely to be malignant. A tender, rubbery lesion is more likely to be infectious. A pulsatile lesion suggests a vascular aneurysm.

Direct laryngoscopy is part of the evaluation in most patients, especially those with risk factors for carcinoma.

Tests for Consideration

FNA is the first test. It can be performed with local anesthesia and under ultrasound guidance. Using a fine (21-gauge) needle, several passes through the mass are performed, with samples sent for cytologic evaluation. Studies have suggested both a high sensitivity and a high specificity of this test, even for lymphoma.


Open biopsy is performed with complete excision of the mass and allows for the most accurate diagnosis. In cases of lymphoma, tissue examination is critical, as it defines nodal architecture. In cases of Hodgkin lymphoma, the malignant cell represents a small fraction of cells in the lymph node and, therefore, FNA may not establish a conclusive diagnosis.


Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy: If a lymphoma is found, a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy are needed for staging purposes.


Routine laboratory studies rarely lead to a diagnosis but are often helpful. Studies to consider include:


CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, LDH, and testing for various infectious causes such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and HIV.

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While there are other serologic tests available, they rarely add meaningful information. The one exception might be a test to assess for tuberculous infection such as an interferon-γ release assay in patients at risk.



Clinical Entities Medical Knowledge

Infectious or Inflammatory Lymphadenopathy

Cervical adenitis is the most common cause of a neck mass in children and young adults. Often a clear source of infection is found (i.e., a recent viral syndrome, cellulitis, or dental infection).


Infectious causes of cervical adenitis often present as acute, painful swelling of one or more nodes. Inflammatory disorders such as sarcoidosis, connective tissue diseases, or salivary gland stones can present with rapidly developing painful lymphadenopathy much like infectious etiologies. History and physical might suggest the diagnosis, but often biopsy (in cases of sarcoidosis), imaging (in cases of stones), or laboratory testing (in cases of autoimmune diseases) are needed.

Infectious causes can be divided into bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal causes:

• Bacterial causal agents are often staphylococcal or streptococcal species; however, less common agents such as typical and atypical mycobacteria should be considered in appropriate contexts.

• Viruses are the most common causal agents of infectious lymphadenopathy. Infectious mononucleosis from EBV or atypical mononucleosis from cytomegalovirus (CMV) should be considered. Of note, acute retroviral syndrome in HIV can mimic these disorders.

• Fungal infections are uncommon causes, but histoplasmosis and other pathogens should be considered if appropriate.

• Protozoal causes are unusual, but toxoplasmosis should be considered in the right clinical setting.


The diagnosis is usually made by history and physical examination, but serologic testing may be necessary. If there is concern for EBV, a monospot test can be ordered. HIV testing should be strongly considered in those with risk factors. Routine cultures are often not necessary.


Most cases of inflammatory or infectious adenitis resolve without intervention. If a bacterial infection is considered, a single course of appropriate antibiotics should be given. If the patient’s node does not resolve with antibiotics, biopsy should be undertaken. See Cecil Essentials 51, 95.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

If a cervical biopsy reveals squamous cell carcinoma, it signifies locally advanced disease. While metastatic disease from other primary sites can present with cervical lymphadenopathy, the most common primary site is in the head and neck.


Head and neck cancer often presents in patients over the age of 40 years who have risk factors (tobacco and alcohol abuse) and is often a painless, enlarging mass. Of note, recent data have shown an increase in this disease in younger patients; in these cases, HPV infection seems to be a possible etiology. Often a primary site is found by history or examination, but occult primaries do occur. Localizing symptoms such as otalgia, hoarseness, or dysphagia might point to a primary site.


The diagnosis is established by complete head and neck examination including panendoscopy (which includes direct laryngoscopy, esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, and endoscopic evaluation of the nasopharynx). This is most often performed by a surgeon. Imaging studies help to stage the disease and plan surgical resection.


The treatment depends on the site of origin. As general rule, surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Complete radical resection with lymph node dissection is the most common procedure. In cases where the primary is not known or in cases where the surgery would be too morbid, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used. See Cecil Essentials 57.


Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)

Lymphomas are common causes of lymphadenopathy in all age groups. It may be localized or disseminated at diagnosis. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is more common than Hodgkin lymphoma; however, in some series, up to 80% of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma had cervical node involvement as part of their presentation.


Lymphoma often presents as a painless, slowly enlarging mass. Since in most cases it is a systemic disease at diagnosis, associated symptoms known as “B” symptoms (fever, night sweats, >10% weight loss) may be present.


The diagnosis is made by biopsy. FNA is able to diagnose lymphoma fairly well. If the FNA is positive for lymphoma or suspicious for lymphoma, a lymph node excision is needed to subtype the lymphoma. Additional diagnostic testing includes CT scan, PET scan, and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.


There are numerous classification systems for the various lymphomas. One way of thinking about non-Hodgkin lymphomas is to classify them based on their aggressiveness:

Indolent lymphomas: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, hairy cell leukemia, follicular lymphoma, nodal and extranodal marginal-zone lymphoma, T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia, mycosis fungoides.

Aggressive lymphomas: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Highly aggressive lymphomas: Burkitt lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia.

The treatment is based on the type of lymphoma found and the stage at diagnosis. Surgery has no role except in the initial diagnosis. The mainstays of therapy are chemotherapy and radiation therapy. See Cecil Essentials 51.


Benign Neoplasms and Congenital Anomalies

Benign neoplasms (lipomas, fibromas, neuromas, and hemangiomas) and congenital anomalies (brachial cleft cysts and thyroglossal duct cysts) occur within the neck. While congenital lesions are more common in children, they can be found in adults.


In the case of benign neoplasms, the typical presentation is that of a slowly enlarging mass, which is generally painless. They are typically present for many years and are problematic only if they cause problems with surrounding structures or are cosmetically bothersome.

For congenital anomalies, presentation depends on the type. Classically brachial cysts will be present in the lateral neck, and patients may have a history of recurrent infection or drainage. Thyroglossal duct cysts are found in the midline and move with protrusion of the tongue.


Often history and physical examination are sufficient to make the diagnosis, although radiographic imaging may be needed. For certain lesions, malignancy can only truly be ruled out at the time of biopsy.


Treatment is either observation or surgical correction. The choice depends on histology, the location of the lesion, and patient preference.


Thyroid Cancer

Cancer of the thyroid is an uncommon cancer in adults, but the incidence is increasing. It is about four times more common in women than in men. The only consistent risk factor is prior radiation exposure. Thyroid cancer can be divided into three broad histologic categories: differentiated (including papillary, follicular, Hürthle cell), medullary, and anaplastic.


The typical patient presentation is somewhat dependent on histologic type:

Differentiated: Most commonly found either incidentally on imaging or as a mass in the thyroid. Local symptoms such as hoarseness can rarely occur.

Medullary: Often found in patients with a positive family history (multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes, RET oncogene mutations). Usually is an asymptomatic mass but can present as paraneoplastic hypercalcemia from calcitonin secretion.

Anaplastic: Rare, but extremely aggressive. It is locally destructive, often causing airway compromise. It is by definition incurable and stage IV at diagnosis, even if it has not spread beyond the thyroid.

While the incidence is increasing, mortality has not changed for the differentiated types of thyroid cancer. This is probably a manifestation of a lead time bias secondary to incidental diagnosis on imaging.


After physical examination and/or imaging finds a nodule, the next step is to determine the thyroid status. If a patient has hyperthyroidism, no further workup is needed, as the nodule is unlikely to be cancer. If a nodule is found in a euthyroid or hypothyroid patient, FNA of the lesion should be done.


Treatment is initially surgical. There are controversies over which surgery should be done and whether lymph node dissection should be performed. Postoperatively, a radioactive iodine scan can be done to look for metastatic disease. See Cecil Essentials 66.


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Oct 3, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Neck Mass (Case 33)

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