Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

Chapter 29 Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

Case 29.2

Case 29.3

2. If she was your patient, what questions would you ask, and what would you examine, in order to:

b assess the activity of the tissue mass

The patient should be asked about the presence of symptoms, and examined for signs, that relate to her metabolic rate and the activity of her nervous system. Both of these are influenced by thyroid hormones. This includes the following:

The following table describes the major changes that can typically occur with changes in thyroid activity.

Possible clinical features which may be elicited if the thyroid is overactive Possible clinical features which may be elicited if the thyroid is under-active

Case 29.4

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

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