Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

Chapter 29 Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

Case 29.4

A 50-year-old man has presented with weakness and deformity of one hand. His hand is shown in Figure 29.2.


Case 29.7

A 40-year-old woman presents with diffuse swelling of her right leg. It commenced 2 days ago, starting in her leg, and extended proximally up her thigh over this time period. There is no history of trauma, or any bites or stings. She has not travelled away from her home state for over a year. She states that the limb feels very heavy, and complains of discomfort rather than actual pain. On examination, the affected limb has a ‘dusky’ appearance and is warmer than her left lower limb. There are no sensory changes or motor weakness, all pulses are present, and there is a positive Homan’s sign. There is no tenderness of the limb.

Her leg is shown in Figure 29.3.

Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Miscellaneous cases in adulthood

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