Fig. 2.1
Standing radiograph revealing post-traumatic tibiotalar arthritis
Achieving arthrodesis depends not only on surgical technique but also on the patient’s biology. Healing after arthrodesis involves initiation of the acute inflammatory response. The first phase of the inflammatory response involves the formation of hematoma around the fusion site. Vital transcription factors, cytokines, stem cells, and other inflammatory cells are critical to osseous regeneration. Without healthy perfusion of the surrounding bone and soft tissues, the body is unable to initiate this complex biologic healing process. This can be particularly troublesome in the foot and ankle, where perfusion is often limited by comorbidities (diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, poor nutrition, smoking, medications, etc.), post-traumatic processes, or prior surgery and/or scars which threaten the surrounding soft tissue envelope. It is therefore critical to evaluate the vascular status and local biology of the ankle prior to proceeding with arthrodesis.
Successful healing also depends on the patient’s ability to remain non-weight-bearing postoperatively and adhere to postoperative protocols. Arthrodesis relies predominantly on primary bone healing in which haversian remodeling eventually leads to both cortical and cancellous osseous continuity. This process requires minimal motion at the fusion site to allow the complex interaction of osteoclasts and osteoblasts to occur. Micromotion leads to an increase in mechanical strain, which has been shown to negatively affect healing. Overall, a suboptimal biologic environment or suboptimal mechanical stability may lead to a higher risk of nonunion.
In the past decades, the improvement of arthroscopic instrumentation and minimally invasive techniques has made it easier to achieve a successful ankle fusion. Minimally invasive techniques include both arthroscopic and mini-open tibiotalar arthrodesis. Fusion rates appear to be equivalent or superior to open techniques and have the advantage of preserving the soft tissue envelope in those with compromised skin or poor vascularity [11]. Further, several studies have cited additional advantages of minimally invasive techniques including a reduction in time to fusion, shorter hospitalization stay, and reduced overall recovery time [11]. Although there are some limitations/contraindications to performing minimally invasive arthrodesis, these techniques provide a method that appears to lower the morbidity associated with open procedures.
Arthroscopic Ankle Fusion
The most significant advantage of minimally invasive ankle fusion is the preservation of surrounding soft tissues. By preserving the surrounding periosteum and blood supply, minimally invasive techniques provide increased vascularity to the fusion site. As a result, the risk of nonunion may be reduced [9] and the rate of fusion increased [9, 11]. Other cited advantages include decreased time to fusion and shortened length of hospital stay [11], which promote faster postoperative mobilization and ability to bear weight sooner than with open procedures.
Disadvantages of minimally invasive fusion techniques include increased operative time for those inexperienced with the technique, as well as the inability to correct significant deformity [11]. There is also a learning curve associated with arthroscopic ankle fusion, and the procedure is often found to be more technically demanding [9]. Therefore, it is imperative that both the surgeon and the operating room staff are familiar with the procedure prior to proceeding with minimally invasive techniques [11].
Indications for arthroscopic ankle fusion are similar to those for open procedures, with a few exceptions. Arthroscopic fusion is also a desirable option for patients who have compromise of the soft tissue envelope about the ankle. This may be due to prior trauma, vascular insult, or other systemic diseases [12] (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2
Venous stasis ulcer in a patient with underlying advanced tibiotalar post-traumatic arthritis
The ideal scenario for an arthroscopic ankle fusion is a patient with severe ankle arthritis and minimal associated malalignment, defined as less than 10–15 degrees of coronal plane deformity and less than 10 mm of translation in the sagittal plane [11]. Arthroscopic ankle fusion has been successful in patients with a variety of conditions, including peripheral vascular disease [11], rheumatoid arthritis [11, 13], congenital deformity [9, 11], hemophilic arthropathy [11, 14–16], previous incisions about the foot and ankle [9, 17], and osteochondritis dissecans [11] (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3
Postoperative radiograph demonstrating a successful arthroscopic fusion of the tibiotalar joint in a patient with a significant overlying venous stasis ulcer and compromised soft tissue envelope
With arthroscopic techniques, it can be difficult to correct substantial deformity including rotation, translation, or varus/valgus malalignment [11]. Greater than 10–15 degrees of varus/valgus malalignment or more than 10 mm of anterior or posterior translation can be challenging to manage through an arthroscopic approach (Fig. 2.4). This is partly due to the fact that with arthroscopic fusion, there is minimal bony and/or soft tissue dissection, potentially leaving scar and extra-articular osteophytes that may block optimal positioning [11]. Additionally, arthroscopic correction is challenging in the setting of substantial bone loss, as structural bone grafting is difficult to perform through limited incisions. Avascular necrosis of the talus has historically been cited as a contraindication, although more recent evidence supports the use of minimally invasive approaches if less than 30% of the talus is affected [9]. Active infection is always a contraindication to arthrodesis, and relative contraindications include neuropathic arthropathy and smoking [12].

Fig. 2.4
Examples of optimal (a) versus suboptimal (b) ankle alignment for arthroscopic ankle fusion
Pearls and Pitfalls
Patient Positioning
When using traction, place the leg holder and operative lower extremity in line with the patient and OR table. This will aid with visualization of the joint and avoid distracting out of line in respect to the position of the foot and ankle.
The patient should be placed approximately 12 inches from the foot of the bed in order to allow for distal translation of the extremity during traction.
Position of Fusion
When evaluating anterior-posterior position of the talus in respect to the tibia, the lateral process of the talus should be in line with the tibial shaft on a lateral fluoroscopic image.
Proper positioning of the ankle is imperative. Ideally, the ankle should be neutral dorsiflexion/plantarflexion, 5 degrees of physiologic valgus, and approximately 5 degrees of external rotation.
When placing screws, adequate imaging must be obtained to ensure there is not any penetration of the subtalar joint with the screws in final position.
On final fluoroscopic imaging, a clear appearing space may remain at the posterior tibiotalar joint. This is a common finding in arthroscopic ankle fusion and should not cause alarm or signify the need for further compression and/or bone grafting.
Potential Challenges
Patients with post-traumatic arthritis or a history of prior ankle surgery often have extensive scar tissue and osteophytes about the ankle. This may create difficulty with exposure and visualization and add complexity to the procedure. It is helpful to debride the anterior joint at the beginning of the procedure to optimize visualization.
In patients with longstanding stiffness and limited dorsiflexion, contracture of the gastroc-soleus complex may be present and limit the ability to fully correct the ankle to neutral. If this occurs, an Achilles lengthening or gastrocnemius recession may be helpful.
Approaches and Techniques
Standard preoperative evaluation begins with a detailed history. This includes eliciting a history of previous trauma, surgery, or other injuries. Comorbidities that may affect outcome must be reviewed, including diabetes, smoking, poor nutrition, and peripheral vascular disease. A thorough discussion regarding attempted non-operative measures should be held, including NSAIDs, bracing, physical therapy, or injections.
Physical examination begins with inspection of the ankle. This includes assessment of overlying skin changes, swelling, deformity (Fig. 2.5), previous incisions, and vascularity. Standing alignment with the patient facing both toward and away from the examiner should be evaluated. Gait should also be assessed. Range of motion of the tibiotalar, subtalar, and surrounding joints should be examined. If there is ankle equinus, it should be determined if this is due to bony impingement or either a gastrocnemius or combined gastroc-soleus contracture.

Fig. 2.5
Severe valgus deformity of the left ankle. Arthroscopic ankle fusion would be contraindicated with such a high degree of coronal malalignment
Because patients can have concurrent adjacent joint arthritis, the adjacent joints should be isolated and examined as a potential source of pain. This is an important point, as pain from surrounding joints can radiate proximally and present as ankle pain. The foot and ankle should be palpated to localize areas of tenderness, and muscle strength should be tested with resisted dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, eversion, and inversion. It is imperative to evaluate the neurovascular status of the foot and ankle. Both dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial artery pulses should be evaluated. If unable to be palpated, further workup with studies such as ankle brachial indices and toe oxygen pressures must be measured to confirm adequate blood flow. Sensation should be tested in the superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, sural, saphenous, and tibial nerve distributions. In a patient with known or suspected peripheral neuropathy, a Semmes-Weinstein filament is used to assess for protective sensation.
Preoperative radiographs should include weight-bearing anteroposterior (AP), lateral, and mortise views of the ankle. It is important to obtain weight-bearing views in order to provide a dynamic assessment of the foot and ankle. If hindfoot malalignment is suspected, a Harris hindfoot alignment or Saltzman alignment view can also be helpful. If there is uncertainty regarding the extent of arthritis, computed tomography (CT) is useful to define osseous architecture in further detail. CT imaging can also be helpful to evaluate for adjacent joint disease or define the extent of cystic change and/or bone loss in affected joints. In the setting of deformity, a scanogram can evaluate the overall alignment of the lower extremity. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be helpful in the setting of isolated cartilage defects or osteochondral lesions, but will have lower utility in more advanced arthritic processes.
In patients with a history of infection, persistent nonunion, or a history or physical examination worrisome for an infectious process, inflammatory markers including c-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate should be obtained. In these patients, it is imperative to rule out any remaining infection prior to proceeding with arthrodesis. White blood cell count may also be obtained but in the setting of chronic infection will often be only mildly elevated or even normal.
In the setting of adjacent joint disease or difficulty ascertaining the true etiology of symptoms, selective fluoroscopic injections of the surrounding joints can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. These injections may be critical to identifying which joints are the true source of pain and can be helpful for accurate preoperative planning.
In the majority of cases, the initial treatment of ankle arthritis includes nonsurgical measures with an emphasis on alleviating pain. Non-operative modalities may include NSAIDs, activity modification, physical therapy, and walking aids. Bracing and/or immobilization may also be effective. Steroid injections also improve pain to varying degrees, but are somewhat unpredictable. When conservative modalities no longer provide lasting relief and symptoms are severely impacting the quality of life, surgical management carries a predictably high likelihood of achieving significant pain relief.
The patient is positioned supine on a radiolucent table with a thigh tourniquet and a bump under the ipsilateral hip in order to achieve neutral rotation of the ankle.
The tibialis anterior tendon, peroneus tertius tendon, and superficial peroneal nerve are marked with a surgical marking pen to decrease risk of iatrogenic injury during portal placement.
The operative extremity is placed in the leg holder with the knee flexed to 90 degrees and the ankle hanging free. If traction will be utilized, it is helpful to place the lower extremity and leg holder in line with the bed in order to achieve balanced distraction through the joint.
Ankle arthroscopy and arthrodesis are performed through standard anteromedial and anterolateral portals.
10 mL of normal saline is injected into the ankle joint at the planned anteromedial portal to insufflate the joint.
Once the anteromedial portal is established just medial to the tibialis anterior tendon and 3–5 mm proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus, the anterolateral portal is made under direct visualization. It is helpful to first place an 18-gauge needle at the level of the anterolateral portal to ensure proper location and trajectory. Care is taken to protect the superficial peroneal nerve when creating the anterolateral portal.
Once the portals have been established, a synovectomy and diagnostic arthroscopy is completed. Adequate visualization is imperative, and surrounding scar tissue and synovitis must be debrided. This can be particularly difficult in patients with a history of prior trauma or surgery as these patients often have substantial scarring and soft tissue impingement.
Prior to inflating the tourniquet, a thorough anterior debridement of any tibial or talar osteophytes is performed. Care is taken to elevate the capsule from the bone with the ankle in dorsiflexion. Once elevated, the neurovascular bundle is less at risk and the osteophytes can be safely removed with a rasp or burr.Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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