Fig. 14.1
Arthroscopic view of a bucket-handle tear inspected by a hook probe

Fig. 14.2
Radial tear of medial meniscus (yellow arrow)

Fig. 14.3
Flap tear (yellow arrow) of medial meniscus dislocated to meniscotibial compartment (a), the meniscal flap is retrieved with the hook probe (b and c), partial meniscectomy is performed (d)
On the other hand, degenerative meniscus lesions (Fig. 14.4) have an importantly different nature. A degenerative meniscus might present characteristics such as cavitations, softened meniscal tissue, fibrillation, multiple tear patterns, or other degenerative changes [21]. Horizontal tears are most often degenerative, even in younger populations [22–24]. Considering posterior root tears, the medial meniscus ones are more frequently considered as degenerative, while the lateral ones are more frequently considered traumatic, often related to acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture [25, 26]. This seems to influence prognosis and outcome.

Fig. 14.4
Arthroscopic view of a complex degenerative tear (a) treated by partial meniscectomy and radiofrequency (b)
Patient’s age is known to play a role on the etiological and pathophysiological factors of meniscal lesions, despite these can occur in all age groups [4, 19, 27]. The tissue characteristics including water content, cells, extracellular matrix, collagen, and adhesion glycoproteins vary according to age, injury pattern, and pathological conditions [28]. During normal knee kinematics, the menisci “suffer” from compressive, radial tensile, and shear stresses [29–31]. These have consequences in meniscus injuries and on secondarily on further knee joint consequences of these injuries [32]. High-energy and sports-related trauma can be implicated in meniscus tears [33] which might also occur combined with fractures around the knee [33].
Clinical presentation of acute tears usually includes sudden onset of pain and/or swelling of the knee joint. Mechanical symptoms such as clicking, catching, or locking of the knee joint might be caused by unstable tears [34]. Young and active persons, specifically when involved in level 1 contact sports that comprise frequent pivoting (e.g., football, rugby, or American football), are more prone to meniscus tears [34]. However, apparently innocuous activities such as walking or squatting have also been connected to injuries of the menisci [35].
One of the most frequent traumatic mechanisms has been described as a twisting movement at the knee while the leg is bent which is common during football regardless of the competitive level. Torsional loading or axial loading (a high compressive force between femur and tibia) might also cause meniscus injuries [36]. Valgus impact with external rotation of the tibia can also cause a well-known triad of injuries involving meniscal damage combined with medial collateral and ACL tears [37, 38]. Another movement typically described by patients with meniscus tears is a sudden transition from knee’s hyperflexion to full extension, (the meniscus gets entrapped between the femur and the tibia) [36].
Meniscal injuries are a common incidental finding on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in symptomatic and asymptomatic knees [39]. Most tears are found in older patients that usually result from long-term degenerative changes. Among patients with clinical and radiographic findings of osteoarthritis, the reported prevalence of meniscal lesions is comprised between 68% and 90% [40, 41]. High-level sports, given its high demand, with repetition of microtrauma, might play a role in the early degeneration of the menisci, as well as the knee joint in general [42]. In both situations, a decreased vascularization might be expected to lead to tissue degeneration [19, 43]. The assessment of the global status of the knee joint is mandatory once it is questionable if the isolated treatment of meniscal tears is effective in the reduction of symptoms caused by global joint osteoarthritis [19]. Sometimes, depending on several aspects, this is the case even in active professional football players (e.g., previous injuries, long-lasting careers, inadequate pitch or shoe wear, age).
14.3 Classification of Meniscal Injuries
Careful assessment of history and clinical examination is mandatory. There are many different clinical tests described for diagnosing a meniscal lesion (e.g., McMurray’s test, joint line tenderness, Apley’s grinding test) [44]. These have only low to moderate diagnostic accuracy which increases substantially when several tests are combined with adequate clinical history [44]. Standing X-ray protocol evaluations (including frontal plane, lateral, skyline patella, and “schuss” view) are useful and advised as soon as possible in order to assess alignment and global joint evaluation. MRI has high accuracy regarding the preoperative evaluation of meniscus lesions (Fig. 14.5) [45–47]. A radiologist trained in musculoskeletal radiological assessment is advised once this is associated with an increase in accuracy [48, 49].

Fig. 14.5
Two consecutive MRI images (a and b) of a longitudinal medial meniscus tear (yellow arrow)
Meniscus lesions have different patterns, which are linked to different prognosis, clinical evolution, and implications [43]. Posterior capsular avulsions are considered out of the scope of this text. A correct diagnosis and classification and understanding the specificity of different meniscus tears are critical to determine the best choice for treatment. Several classification methods of meniscal lesions have been proposed over the years aiming to guide treatment as well as prognosis and assessment of outcome [21].
Vascularity is known to play a central role in meniscus healing; thus it has been taken into account in the most frequently used classifications. Cooper et al. [50] described a classification system in which the meniscus is divided into circumferential zones. Zone 0 corresponds to the meniscal-synovial junction, zone 1 corresponds to the outer third of the meniscus, zone 2 includes the middle third, and zone 3 is the central third of the meniscus [50].
The ISAKOS classification of meniscal tears aims to be an improvement on the classification systems by combining the best currently available clinical and basic science knowledge. It provides sufficient interobserver reliability for decisive factors, which assist surgeons in the choice of the most adequate management, as well as collecting data from clinical trials designed to evaluate the outcomes [21].
Various tear patterns and configurations have been described [51, 52]. These include radial tears, flap or parrot-beak tears, longitudinal tears, bucket-handle tears, horizontal cleavage tears, complex degenerative tears, and more recently a hot topic on meniscal root tears (Fig. 14.6). A complex tear is usually described as a combination of two or more type of tears which might occur in multiple planes [19]. It must be also considered that, in some circumstances, a degenerative meniscus injury, previously asymptomatic, might change and become symptomatic after an acute traumatic event [19].

Fig. 14.6
Types of meniscal tears: longitudinal/bucket-handle tear (a), oblique tear (b), parrot-beak or flap tear (c), complex degenerative tear (d), radial tear (e), horizontal cleavage tear (f), root tear (g)
14.4 Treatment of Meniscus Injuries: Meniscectomy, Repair, and Replacement
14.4.1 Meniscectomy
Meniscectomy is still one of the most frequent cases in orthopedic surgery [4]. However, recent results favor meniscal repair over partial meniscectomy concerning either clinical outcome and/or risk for subsequent osteoarthritis [5]. Considering the amount of tissue that is removed, it is usually referred as partial, subtotal, or total meniscectomy. However, the “boundaries” for each of these categories are not very well established [32]. Partial meniscectomy has been linked to higher risk of radiographic changes toward osteoarthritis compared to repair on a recent systematic review (level I–IV studies) [5]. Considering traumatic meniscal tears, worse long-term results have been attributed to partial meniscectomy when compared to repair either in return to sports as well as risk for osteoarthritis [53].
The preservation of peripheral rim and the largest possible amount of meniscus tissue has positive implications for load transmission and contact area [54–56]. Joint instability (e.g., ACL repair) should be properly addressed once the risk of undergoing subsequent meniscectomies was decreased in patients undergoing a concomitant ACL reconstruction meniscus repair [57]. So there is a difference considering prognosis and outcome when dealing with meniscal tears by meniscectomy on a stable versus unstable knee [32]. Worse results are expected when performing isolated meniscectomies on unstable knees [32]. It has been defended that the indications for surgical repair can be widened for the medial meniscus given the increased risk of secondary meniscectomy (if “left alone”), even for small stable lesions [58]. On the opposite, for the lateral meniscus with small stable lesions, “let the meniscus alone” can be sometimes a good option given the low risk of subsequent meniscectomy [46]. An overall odds ratio of 3.50 for medial meniscal tears has been described when ACL surgery is performed more than 12 months after the ACL injury when compared to less than 12 months after ACL injury [59]. On the other hand, concerning lateral meniscus tears and the period of time comprised between ACL injury and reconstruction surgery, there was minimal to no evidence that this represents a risk factor [59]. These conclusions are in line with the documented distinctive roles of medial and lateral menisci within the knee joint.
For traumatic lateral meniscus tears approached during ACL reconstruction procedures [60], it seems plausible to provide the general recommendation to leave small tears (<1 cm) alone, repair large tears in the vascular zone, and excise only unstable, irreparable tears in the avascular zone [61]. Moreover, the risk for rapid chondrolysis after lateral meniscectomy is considerably higher when compared to medial meniscectomy [62, 63]. This is an important possible complication that patients must be informed about prior to surgery. In general, a worse outcome should be expected following a lateral meniscectomy when compared to medial [32].
It has also been demonstrated that the volume of subsequent meniscectomy after a failed meniscus repair is not more than that of the meniscectomy that would have been performed initially without repairing [64]. Despite this, partial meniscectomy has been connected to satisfactory results and faster return to activity and rehabilitation program when compared to meniscus repair [53, 65]. This creates controversy between surgeons, athletes, managers, and agents. In brief, meniscectomy remains as a possibility. However, higher risk of complications, possible lower rate of return to the same level (mainly in the lateral compartment) and a higher risk of secondary osteoarthritis must be discussed with the athlete. Nowadays, even in high-level athletes, there is an increasing strength toward the general recommendation to preserve the meniscus.
14.4.2 Meniscus Repair
Meniscus repair techniques include all-inside [66, 67], inside-out [68, 69], or outside-in [70, 71] approaches, alone or in combination. “All-inside” refers to the fact that suture/repair devices are kept inside the joint at all times during repair. Bioabsorbable meniscal repair devices, including arrows (Fig. 14.7), screws [72], darts, and staples, have been described for all-inside use. However, most of these devices were composed of the rigid poly-L-lactic-acid (PLLA) that has been linked to some concerns related to degradability. Despite some good results described in the literature [73, 74], these devices were related to higher failure rates [75, 76] and a higher number of complications including synovitis, inflammatory reaction, cyst formation, device failure/migration, and chondral damage [76]. Given the considerable prevalence of complications, these rigid (third-generation) devices have progressively lost popularity, particularly in high-level athletes.

Fig. 14.7
Arthroscopic suture of the lateral meniscus using an all-inside device (a). The scope is introduced through the medial portal, and the suture device is managed through the lateral portal single-handed (a). Arthroscopic view of the device trespassing the meniscus through the capsule where a peek anchor holds the suture (b). The same device is similarly passed a second time in a different point of the meniscus. The suture is finally tensioned, and the final result enables a stable repair of the meniscus (c)
The most frequently used all-inside sutures are currently considered as the fourth generation of all-inside sutures. These are usually composed of suture combined with small anchors (serving as blocks) and a prettied slipknot [66]. They have low profile and permit variable compression and retensioning of the suture. A depth-limiting sleeve on the inserter is commonly used to avoid excessive penetrations of the needle, which has an inherent risk of iatrogenic complications (neurovascular structures) [77].
Inside-out (Fig. 14.8) means that the sutures come from the inner joint where they are passed through the meniscus toward the outside (capsule) where knots are tied (or equivalent). In outside-in (Fig. 14.9), the devices for passing the sutures are introduced percutaneously into the joint catching the meniscus tissue, and afterward they are also fixed over the capsule beneath the subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 14.10). Regardless of the used technique, vertical or horizontal mattress sutures can be considered. Vertical sutures are perpendicular to the circumferential fibers of the meniscus and have been stated to have higher pullout resistance [78]. Horizontal sutures are parallel to the same fibers.

Fig. 14.8
Model representing inside-out technique of meniscal suture with curved cannulas to assess more precise approach to the injury and diminish neurovascular risk

Fig. 14.9
Polylactic acid arrow for meniscal repair (yellow arrow). Acknowledge the risks for subsequent conflict and/or rigid loose bodies resulting from possible erratic degradation of the implant inside and/or outside the joint

Fig. 14.10
Outside-in meniscus repair technique. Two needles used as suture passers with nylon loops (a) one needle trespasses the meniscus, and the first suture is passed through the meniscus (b) a second needle brings the suture through the capsule for the outside (c) and sutures are tensioned and tied percutaneously resulting in a vertical suture (yellow arrow) (d)
In order to increase possibilities for healing, sutures combined with grasping, trephination, or augmentation with fibrin clot have been proposed [36]. As previously mentioned, meniscal sutures are not exclusive of acute traumatic tears, once some selected degenerative injuries (including some horizontal cleavage tears) might be effectively repaired [79]. Some degenerative meniscal root tears have also been successfully repaired thus preserving meniscal functions [80].
Currently, the type of tears that can be possibly suitable for suture include horizontal injuries (degenerative nature even in younger patients) [22], vertical or longitudinal tears, bucket-handle, and some radial tears (vascular zone) which are considered in the traumatic group [20]. All these can be considered as possibly repairable depending on the classification, zone, and surgeon’s experience. Flap tears (frequently traumatic) are frequently considered irreparable. This type of lesion can also be detected in complex degenerative (irreparable) lesions. Multiple factors must be considered when considering to repair a meniscus lesion [51]. These include age, activity level, tear pattern, chronicity of the tears, combined injuries (ACL injury), and healing potential/vascularization. Meniscus repair in older people provides worst outcome comparing to youngsters [81].
Several “biologic” techniques have been tried and kept under intense development aiming to enhance healing and repair of meniscus lesions even in the so-called avascular zones [18, 82]. These include fibrin clot [69, 83], fibrin glue [84], meniscal rasping, growth factors [85], and cell-based therapies [86]. Even more experimental in vivo strategies have been described. As an example, a bioabsorbable conduit has been tried to augment the healing of avascular meniscal tears by increasing vascularization (dog model) [87]. Additional tactics have been using several biomaterials such as porous polyurethane [88], porcine small intestinal submucosa [89], fascia sheaths [90], collagen scaffolds, and growth factors [82]. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies will most probably provide new answers to overcome current clinical limitations. However, this ambitious target has not yet been entirely achieved and requires ongoing research [82].
Suture/repair techniques have recently improved a lot based on increased biological and anatomical knowledge accompanied with advances in surgical techniques and medical devices [91]. So several techniques are available and can be selected according to the injury pattern, surgeon’s experience, and available resources (Fig. 14.11).

Fig. 14.11
Techniques for meniscus repair and most common indications Indications for Meniscal Repair
Through recent times, there has been a progressive increase in indications for potentially repairable meniscus lesions including some tears previously considered as irreparable (Fig. 14.12).

Fig. 14.12
Meniscus injury types and general potential to repair
Longitudinal and Bucket-Handle Tears
A vertical or longitudinal tear occurs in the same orientation as the circumferential fibers of the meniscus. If such tear reaches enough length with potential for dislocation/instability, it is referred as a bucket-handle tear which might cause locking of the knee joint. These tears, mainly those at the peripheral vascular zones, have always been considered as the most straightforward indication for repair either by horizontal or vertical sutures or combinations of both [5, 92, 93]. Stable tears are easier and have better chances for successful repair [94, 95]. In the presence of a bucket-handle dislocated/unstable tear, the first action will be to reduce bluntly the meniscus to its native site prior to repair [94].
Radial Tears
These are usually related to trauma but have been also described in the degenerative meniscus. According to its peripheral extent, radial tears can be complete or incomplete. They are oriented extending from the inner edge of the meniscus toward its periphery, where there might be some healing capacity. Radial tears are generally considered as unstable [96]. They were classically considered as irreparable because once the circumferential hoop fibers are disrupted and the majority of the tear is often avascular. However, a complete radial tear has major biomechanical consequences. Hence, repair of complete radial meniscal tears is critical to restore the mechanical resistance necessary to maintain hoop tension in the meniscus (Fig. 14.13). Repair of radial tears is currently considered a challenge and represents a difficult decision for the surgeon [91]. Sutures enhanced by fibrin clot have been described as providing positive results for the treatment of radial tears [79, 97].

Fig. 14.13
Complex meniscus injury including a radial tear before tensioning the sutures (a yellow arrow) and after tensioning the sutures (b red arrow)
Horizontal Cleavage Tears
Symptomatic horizontal meniscal tears in young patients are a particular condition that they are often present as isolated severe meniscus injuries. Classically, the meniscus will be divided into a superior and an inferior surface. A complete resection of such tear would subsequently result in an extensive (total/subtotal) meniscectomy. Arthroscopic repair of such lesions is sometimes possible and has provided fair outcome [79]. A recent systematic review (level IV) concluded that horizontal cleavage tears show a comparable success rate to repairs of other types of meniscal tears [98]. However, the postoperative protocol is usually significantly longer opposing to meniscectomy, and this is a relevant factor in active high-level athletes. Open meniscal repair of complex horizontal tears, even those extending into the avascular zone, has proven to be effective at midterm follow-up in young and active patients with a low rate of failure [99, 100].
Meniscal Root Tears (MRTs)
This type of meniscal tears is receiving increasing attention [101]. Most regularly, MRTs are degenerative in nature (medial compartment) and must be differentiated from the traumatic root tears (more often in lateral compartment and combined with ACL tear). They can be repaired by tibial fixation [80] when the tissue remnant is adequate for repair. The repair of root tears (Fig. 14.14) has been done by trans-osseous tunnels [26] and all-inside techniques (more frequently on anterior horns) [102].

Fig. 14.14
Schematic representation of transtibial reinsertion of posterior root tear of the medial meniscus
14.4.3 Meniscus Replacement
Meniscus allograft transplantation (MAT) has proven to be an effective and reproducible technique when dealing with consequences of severe meniscal loss [103, 104]. On the other hand, partial meniscus replacement by means of scaffolds (mainly acellular) has been used with promising short-term clinical outcome for chronic partial meniscus defects [82, 105–107]. The indications for both techniques are different, while, in summary, scaffold implantation requires that the meniscal roots and peripheral rim remain preserved (which is not a requirement for MAT). There is even one case report describing return to play on a professional footballer after partial lateral meniscus replacement [108]. However, we cannot find current evidence in the literature to promote such techniques in active athletes and expect consistent return to sports at the same level. Such technique, however, represents the best option in some young patients with post-meniscectomized knees as bridging procedures for more aggressive therapies (e.g., osteotomies or arthroplasties). This is quite common in footballers in the final stage of their active competitive careers.
14.5 Results and Return to Sports
Generally fair results are to be expected even allowing athletes to return to pre-injury levels of sports after partial meniscectomy particularly on the short term [109]. However, results seem to deteriorate with time concerning the lateral compartment. Chatain et al. [110] found a higher rate of lowering sports level after lateral meniscectomy [110]. Jaureguito et al. [111] reported in their series that the time of maximal improvement after arthroscopic partial lateral meniscectomy occurred at a mean of 5 months after surgery and lasted about 2 years [111]. Higher reoperation rates (about twice as much) have been reported after lateral meniscectomy comparing to medial (further arthroscopies, osteotomies, or arthroplasties) [32, 110]. Meniscectomy also has been considered to lower the outcome of ACL repair [112, 113]. Considering these, there is a growing trend toward meniscus repair and preservation.

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