Fig. 5.1
(a) AP and (b) Lateral radiographs of a right elbow demonstrating the three components of the terrible triad: posterior dislocation, radial head fracture, and coronoid process fracture

Fig. 5.2
3-Dimensional reconstruction CT scan of a right elbow with a terrible triad injury, as viewed (a) laterally and (b) medially
The individual components of the terrible triad can be individually classified to aid in the evaluation of this injury:
Fractures of the Radial Head
The radial head is an important secondary stabilizer of the elbow to valgus stress and the radiocapitellar joint accounts for 60 % of load transfer through the elbow joint [14]. Several classification systems exist for fractures of the radial head. The most common cited classification system is that described by Mason [15] and later modified by Johnston [16]. The classification system is purely radiographic and in many cases has proven insufficient to guide clinical treatment. Mason type 1 fractures are nondisplaced fractures of the radial head. Type II fractures are displaced more than 2 mm and involve greater than 30 % of the surface of the head. Type III fractures are described as comminuted fractures often involving the entire head. Johnston later added the type IV fracture category, which is characterized by a radial head fracture with concurrent ulnohumeral dislocation (Fig. 5.3). This system does not account for associated injuries, which include tears of the interosseous membrane or mechanical blocks to range of motion from osteochondral shear injuries, which often influence both treatment and outcome. The Hotchkiss modification includes clinical examination and provides guidelines for the treatment (Fig. 5.4). In spite of the limitations as a comprehensive classification system, the Mason classification endures as one of the most popular and often cited systems used to describe radial head fractures .

Fig. 5.3
Mason classification of radial head fractures . (a) Type I—Fissures or marginal fractures without displacement; (b) Type II—marginal sector fracture with displacement (Segment of the lateral border of the radial head is separated from the other quadrants, is impacted and depressed, or is tilted out of line) (c) Type III—Comminuted fractures involving the whole head of the radius

Fig. 5.4
Hotchkiss modification. Type I—nondisplaced or minimally displaced (<2 mm) fractures of the radial head or neck with no mechanical block, Type II—displaced fractures (>2 mm) that are reparable and may have a mechanical block to motion, Type III—comminuted fractures that are not reparable that require excision or replacement, Type IV—radial head fracture with ipsilateral ulnohumeral dislocation
Fractures of the Coronoid Process
The coronoid process of the ulna serves as a bony anterior buttress, which prevents the posterior displacement of the forearm relative to the humerus. The triceps, brachialis, and biceps muscles have a net resultant posteriorly directed force. Thus when a coronoid fracture reaches a critical threshold and becomes large enough that it no longer acts as a restraint against this posterior force, the elbow will remain subluxed or dislocated, despite an initial reduction of the joint. Coronoid fractures were first classified by Regan and Morrey into three categories based on the size of the fragment as seen on a perfect lateral radiograph of the elbow [17, 18]. Type I fractures involve only the tip of the coronoid process, which does not have any soft tissue attachments and thus often does not require fixation. Type II fractures involve less than 50 % of the height of the coronoid process. The brachialis and anterior capsule have attachments attach to this portion of the coronoid [19–21]. Type III fractures involve more than half of the coronoid and render the elbow unstable. Because the anterior band of the ulnar collateral ligament inserts at the base of the coronoid, these fractures cause instability both posteriorly and to valgus stress [22]. A modification of the system later added a “B” to represent the presence and an “A” to indicate the absence of an associated elbow dislocation (Fig. 5.5). This classification system has prognostic implications, as larger fractures were associated with worse outcomes due to greater instability of the elbow joint [17]. This classification system predates the routine use of advanced imaging and does not provide information about the mechanism of injury or the obliquity of the fracture. However due to its simplicity and prognostic utility it remains a useful and popular classification in the management of coronoid fractures.

Fig. 5.5
Regan and Morrey classification of coronoid fractures. Type 1—avulsion of the tip, Type II—fracture involving <50 % of the coronoid process height, Type III—fracture involving >50 % of the coronoid process height
The availability of CT scans has advanced our ability to accurately delineate the morphology of coronoid fractures. In 2003 a new classification system was proposed by O’Driscoll in order to improve the description of coronoid fracture patterns [23]. This system accounts for the mechanism of injury, provides information regarding associated osseous and soft tissue injuries and ultimately guides treatment. The classification is comprised of three main types: type I is a transverse fracture of the tip of the coronoid process, type II is a fracture of the anteromedial facet and type III is a fracture of the base of the coronoid. These three types are further subdivided based on the severity of involvement (Fig. 5.6).

Fig. 5.6
O’Driscoll classification of coronoid fractures (Type 1 tip fractures: subtype 1— <2 mm, subtype 2— >2 mm; Type 2 anteromedial facet fractures: subtype 1—amteromedial rim, subtype 2—anteromedial rim and tip, subtype 3—anteromedial rim and sublime tubercle ± tip; Type 3 basal fractures—subtype 1—coronoid body and base, subtype 2—transolecranon basal coronoid fracture)
In the O’Driscoll classification , type I fractures involve the tip of the coronoid process but do not extend medially into the sublime tubercle, anteromedial facet, or distally into the coronoid body. They are transverse in orientation and usually include the insertion of the anterior capsule [24]. These fractures occur due to a shearing mechanism as the coronoid is driven against the distal humerus during an elbow dislocation. Type I fractures are further sub-classified into two types, based on the size of the fractured tip: subtype 1 involve less than 2 mm of bone and subtype 2 fractures involve more than 2 mm of the coronoid tip. Tip fractures are the most commonly encountered pattern in a classic terrible triad injury.
Type II fractures involve the anteromedial aspect of the coronoid process (anteromedial facet) and are associated with a varus and posterormedial mechanism of injury. These fractures are often associated with disruption of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and can result in persistent elbow instability leading to rapid posttraumatic arthritis if not recognized and appropriately treated. Not all fractures require surgical repair but identification of this injury pattern is necessary as indications for surgery differ compared to tip fractures. In addition to LCL disruption the medial collateral ligament (MCL) can also be involved in the injury pattern. Anteromedial sub-type 1 fractures are located between the tip of the coronoid and the sublime tubercle, with the fracture line exiting medially at the cortex in the anterior half of the sublime tubercle. Laterally, the fracture line exits just medial to the tip of the coronoid. In sub-type 2 fractures the fracture line extends laterally to include the tip of the coronoid process . Sub-type 3 fractures are characterized by having the entire sublime tubercle involved. Type II subtype 3 fractures, by definition, involve the insertion of the anterior bundle of the MCL. Anteromedial facet fractures are most commonly associated with posteromedial rotatory instability of the elbow, not posterolateral rotatory instability seen in terrible triad injuries. In general, these fractures do not typically occur in a classic terrible triad injury although very rarely can be seen.
Basal coronoid fractures (type III) involve the body of the coronoid, indicated by the fracture involving at least 50 % of the height of the coronoid. These fractures are often associated with a less severe soft-tissue injury compared with the tip and anteromedial fracture patterns. The differentiation between basal subtype 1 and subtype 2 fractures is made based on an associated olecranon fracture. Additionally, subtype 1 fractures are typically fragmented, extend into the proximal radioulnar articulation and are often associated with a radial head injury as well. Basal injuries can rarely be seen in terrible triad injuries but more commonly in fracture dislocation patterns involving a fracture of the olecranon process (posterior Monteggia fracture-dislocation).
Injury to the Lateral Collateral Ligaments
In addition to bony fractures, terrible triad injuries also compromise the lateral ligamentous stabilizers of the elbow. The lateral ligamentous stabilizers include the lateral ulnar collateral (LUCL), the radial collateral (RCL) , and the annular ligaments. In 2003 McKee and his coworkers described the pattern of lateral soft-tissue injury in a series of patients with elbow dislocations and fracture dislocations requiring open operative repair [25]. Six injury patterns to the lateral stabilizers were described: (1) proximal avulsion of the lateral ligaments, (2) bony avulsion fracture of the lateral epicondyle, (3) mid-substance rupture of the lateral ligaments, (4) ulnar avulsion of the LUCL at its insertion, (5) ulnar bony avulsion of the LUCL at the supinator crest (cristae supinatoris) and (6) a combination of 2 or more of the described patterns. The most common pattern in their series was proximal avulsion of the lateral ligaments, which was encountered in 52 % of patients (32 of 62 patients). In 41 cases (66 % of patients) a concomitant rupture of the common extensor origin was also discovered [25].
Treatment Algorithm
Following closed reduction of a complex elbow dislocation, the joint often remains unstable and incongruent. Prolonged immobilization is fraught with complications and can lead to either long-term stiffness or continued instability. Thus most terrible triad injuries are most appropriately managed with surgical fixation except a very isolated group that can be considered for nonoperative management .
A step-wise approach aids in addressing all the critical components of this injury complex if surgical repair is performed. This includes fixation or replacement of the radial head, fixation of the coronoid fragment and repair of the lateral collateral ligament. Once this has been completed, the elbow is assessed for stability to determine the need for adjunctive treatment such repair of the medial collateral ligament or placement of an external fixator.
Nonoperative Strategies/Therapy Protocols
Initial treatment involves closed reduction and splinting with radiographs to confirm concentric elbow joint reduction . If reduction cannot be obtained or maintained, repeated attempts at closed reduction should not be attempted. Repeated reduction maneuvers are postulated to contribute to the formation of heterotopic ossification about the elbow. Because this injury complex is particularly prone to instability, patients can knowingly or unknowingly dislocate while immobilized in a long arm cast. Even if cast immobilization is successful at maintaining a concentric reduction over time, it precludes early range of motion and leads to contracture. In general, several criteria are required for patients being considered for nonoperative treatment. These include: (1) obtaining and maintaining a concentric reduction of the ulnohumeral and radiocapitellar joints, (2) the reduction must remain stable through a functional arc of motion (within 30° of full extension) and thus allow for early active motion, (3) patients should have small (type I or type II) minimally displaced coronoid fractures, and (4) pronation/supination should be tested to insure the radial head fracture does not cause a mechanical block to motion. Patients should be able to perform supine overhead passive flexion and extension exercises without crepitation or the sensation of instability. Regular weekly surveillance radiographs are required for the first 3–4 weeks to ensure maintenance of a concentric elbow joint.
A recent study reviewed a small series of select patients with terrible triad injuries of the elbow treated nonsurgically utilizing the previously described criteria. The authors reported mean MEPI score of 94 and demonstrated acceptable post injury range of motion (mean flexion 134°, extension 6°, pronation 87° and supination 82°) and strength (strength as mean percentage of the contralateral unaffected elbow: flexion 100 %, extension 89 %, pronation 79 %, and supination 89 %) [26]. 36 % of patients went on to have some radiographic evidence of arthritis and two patients required surgery, one for early recurrent instability and a second for arthroscopic debridement of heterotopic ossification. Overall, these are comparable results to surgically repaired injuries although strict criteria must be used to attempt nonoperative treatment for it to be successful. While a very select group of these injuries can be treated without surgery it is rare and operative fixation is indicated in most cases.
Surgical Management/Technique-Based/Surgical Pearls
A systematic approach helps to address the critical components of this injury and has been shown to improve clinical outcomes [9]. Traditionally this includes fixation or replacement of the radial head, fixation of the coronoid fragment and repair of the LCL. Once this is completed the elbow is reassessed for stability, to determine the need for repair of the medial collateral ligament and whether an external fixator is required.
Patient Set-Up and Surgical Approach
Surgery can be performed under regional or general anesthesia. The patient is typically positioned supine using a arm board or “lazy” lateral with the arm brought over the chest. A nonsterile tourniquet can be applied under the final drapes or a sterile tourniquet can be placed depending on the size of the patient’s arm. Preoperative imaging and fluoroscopy should be available for use intraoperatively. Two types of incisions may be used, either an extensile posterior skin incision or a lateral skin incision. With the posterior incision full-thickness fasciocutaneous flaps are raised starting on the lateral side. The medial flap is only developed if medial exposure is required for medial collateral ligament repair or ulnar nerve release.
The injury is initially exposed via a lateral arthrotomy. The injured structures are identified from superficial to deep. The deep lateral approach is performed either through Kocher’s (Fig. 5.7) or Kaplan’s interval or a combination of both. Typically the lateral collateral ligament complex with the common extensor is avulsed off the lateral epicondyle and either the Kaplan or Kocher interval or both can be developed distally to gain access to the radial head and coronoid [25, 27]. Although usually not necessary, releasing a portion of the extensor origin from the lateral supracondylar ride of the humerus can improve lateral exposure. Distally, the annular ligament is incised and later repaired. Deep to the common extensor tendon , the origin of the lateral ligament complex is assessed. Often, the common extensor and the lateral ligament complex are detached as a unit and do not need separation but rather are repaired en mass. Commonly a bare lateral epicondyle is encountered, consistent with a complete proximal avulsion of the LUCL [25]. Next the radial head is assessed. The decision to proceed with either radial head fracture fixation or replacement with arthroplasty is made based on the age of the patient, the degree of comminution and bone quality. If the radial head fracture is deemed repairable attention is turned to fixation of the coronoid process. However, if arthroplasty is planned then a radial neck osteotomy is performed in preparation for the prosthetic implant. The radial neck osteotomy and removal of the remaining head fragments have the benefit of dramatically improving exposure of the fracture bed of the coronoid process from the lateral side.

Fig. 5.7
Posteriolateral approach to the elbow (Kocher) (a) Skin incision begins proximal to the lateral epidondyle and is carried distally and obliquely to a point 5 cm from the tip of the olecranon on the ulna. (b) In line with its fibers, the interval between the Anconeus (target sign) and the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (open circle). (c) the Anconeus (target sign) is retracted dorsally and the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (open circle) is retracted volarly to reveal the underlying deep structures
When the radial head is amenable to fixation , visualization of the coronoid injury can be challenging. Several maneuvers can assist with visualization and exposure from the lateral arthrotomy. The fragments of the radial head, if loose, can be temporarily removed from the wound. Alternatively, the fragments can sometimes be hinged distally on their intact soft tissue attachments. If additional exposure is still required the elbow joint can be subluxed posterolaterally to deliver the coronoid into the field of view. In some cases, a separate medial approach will be needed for adequate exposure and internal fixation of the coronoid fracture. This is more common in cases where the radial head fracture fragments are small and reparable precluding good coronoid exposure and/or the coronoid fracture is large, comminuted, or preferentially involves the anteromedial facet.
Coronoid Fracture Fixation
Surgical repair and stabilization are carried out from deep to superficial, and the coronoid injury is addressed first. Fixation of the coronoid fracture depends on its size and degree of comminution [21, 22, 24]. Small O’Driscoll type 1 fractures can often be ignored as there is minimal bony compromise and the benefits of anterior capsular repair are minimal. If fixation is needed for stability this can be accomplished with sutures passed through drill holes from the dorsal aspect of the proximal ulna into the fracture bed and can be facilitated by utilizing a targeting guide (Fig. 5.8). This device can typically be found in any anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction tray. In Type 1 fractures with only a small osseous fragment, sutures provide more reliable fixation than screws.

Fig. 5.8
Coronoid fracture fixed with targeting guide. (a) lateral joint exposure (b) radial head resection (c) targeting guide into the coronoid fracture bed (d) drilling transosseous tunnels in the proximal ulna
The requirement for fixation of small coronoid tip fractures remains controversial. Recent research has called into question the need for coronoid fracture fixation [28]. Terada et al. [29] and Josefsson et al. [30] both reported that chronic elbow instability was more common in patients with smaller fractures of the coronoid process. The authors suggested that even small coronoid fractures should be repaired to reconstruct the anterior buttress provided by the anterior capsule. However, a recent biomechanical study suggests that fixation of small type I coronoid tip fractures contributes little to stability in spite of this anterior capsular attachment [31]. Repair of the collateral ligaments was found to be more critical than suture fixation of the coronoid process in the treatment of small type I coronoid fractures [31]. However, because the overwhelming majority of published protocols still support coronoid or anterior capsule fixation, repair of even small coronoid fractures is currently the standard [6, 12, 21, 32].
For larger transverse fragments the suture is passed through drill holes in the fragment and is also passed through the capsule. With larger osseous fragments screw fixation can be performed with a large pointed reduction forceps to hold the fracture reduced while an ACL drill guide is utilized to pass a guide wire from the proximal posterior ulna into the coronoid fragment. A partially threaded cannulated screw can then be advanced over the guide wire and the fracture is compressed. If the size of the coronoid fragment allows, a second screw is placed in the same manner. Anatomic reduction of the fracture is often challenging and is likely unnecessary as long as the anterior buttress and capsular attachments are securely restored [21].
A medial approach offers excellent visualization of the entire coronoid, including the base. Fixation from the medial side can also be achieved with targeted screws into the coronoid through the dorsal surface of the ulna . Larger fracture fragments or fractures with medial comminution can be repaired using fracture specific plates or mini-fragment plates molded to the contour of the medial coronoid. Various medial approaches are available including a split of the flexor pronator, a flexor carpi ulnaris splitting approach through the bed of the ulnar nerve or the Taylor-Scham approach between the ulnar shaft and the ulnar head of the flexor carpi ulnaris. Each of the these approaches has been previously described in Chap. 3.
Radial Head Fractures
The goals of treatment for the fracture of the radial head are to have a stable construct allowing the radial head to function both as an elbow stabilizer and also permitting early protected mobilization. In general, aggressive operative treatment of radial head injuries restoring the load bearing capacity of the lateral column is preferred in patients with terrible triad injuries. Because the radial head is an important secondary stabilizer, excision in the setting of complex elbow instability is contraindicated acutely [33]. The radial head resists valgus load when the MCL is injured and acts as a buttress to posterior instability with a deficient coronoid [34, 35]. Additionally, it restores the lateral column of the elbow, acting to tension the repaired lateral ligaments resisting varus and posterolateral rotatory instability. Previous studies have demonstrated elbow instability and posttraumatic arthrosis following resection of the radial head in complex elbow dislocations [7]. Therefore, the preferred surgical treatment options in the setting of terrible triad injuries include open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) or radial head arthroplasty .
The decision between performing open reduction and internal fixation is based upon several factors including fracture location, number of fragments, and comminution. Previous studies have demonstrated inferior outcomes in radial head fractures with greater than three articular fragments treated with open reduction and internal fixation [30]. In a series of 56 radial head fractures treated with ORIF, 13 of the 14 Mason Type III fractures with more than three fragments had unsatisfactory results in contrast to all 15 Mason type II fractures which had satisfactory results [36]. A recent study compared radial head fractures treated with ORIF versus radial head arthroplasty in patients with terrible triad injuries [31]. All patients were managed with a standard algorithm consisting of either repair or replacement of the radial head, repair of the lateral ligaments and repair of the coronoid fracture. The decision to replace or repair the radial head was based on the number of articular fragments; patients with three or less fragments underwent internal fixation. With a minimum of 18 months of follow-up no differences were found in DASH score, Broberg-Morrey index, or in overall range of motion. All patients that underwent arthroplasty at the index procedure had a stable elbow at final follow-up where as 3 or 9 patients in the ORIF group were found to have residual instability. However, 37 % of the patients in the arthroplasty group demonstrated radiographic signs of arthritis compared to none in the ORIF group [37]. Based upon this data, open reduction internal fixation will likely reduce the long-term chance of developing arthritis but should only be considered in patients in whom stable fixation can be achieved with good bone, no comminution, and a limited number of fragments. Otherwise, arthroplasty provides a more reliable outcome in terms of restoring stability.
Radial Head Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
Open reduction and internal fixation is reserved for radial head fractures with three or fewer fragments, good bone quality, minimal comminution, and ideally when there is not complete disruption at the radial neck. Advances in contemporary techniques have improved surgical outcomes using internal fixation [36]. Variable pitch headless screws, 1.5 or 2.0 mm cortical mini-fragment screws, pre-contoured radial rim and neck plates, T-plates, mini-condylar plates, and absorbable pins have all been described for the restoration of the fractured radial head and neck.
The articular surface should be reduced under direct visualization using a dental pick or small point-to-point reduction forceps, and should be confirmed with fluoroscopic imaging. Provisional fixation is obtained with small diameter Kirschner wires. Hardware is then placed with the goal of achieving enough stability to allow postoperative functional mobilization (Fig. 5.9). Headless or countersunk screws are utilized to avoid radiocapitellar chondrolysis. Additionally, careful attention to screw lengths will avoid radioulnar joint penetration and avoid painful rotation, diminished range of motion and osteoarthritis. If the fracture pattern involves extension into the radial neck, then operative fixation usually requires the addition of a plate. The nonarticulating portion of the radial head is referred to as the “safe zone” [38–40] which is the preferred region of plate placement. The safe zone corresponds to an approximately 90–110° arc of radial head surface and is defined as the lateral portion of the radial head/neck that lies between perpendicular axes through the radial styloid and Lister’s tubercle [40]. Application of the plate to the radial side of the neck with the forearm in neutral rotation ensures placement in the “safe zone”. Care should be taken to avoid plating distally past the bicipital tuberosity as distal dissection places the posterior interosseous nerve at risk for injury.