More than 80% of runners are out of alignment. The standard back examination should include assessment of pelvic alignment. An awareness of pelvic malalignment and the the malalignment syndrome is essential to allow one to provide proper care of a runner. The 3 most common presentations usually respond to a supervised, progressive treatment program. The validity of any research into the biomechanics of running should be questioned if the study has failed to look at whether pelvic malalignment was present and whether the altered, asymmetrical biomechanical changes attributable to the malalignment itself could have affected the results of the study.
Key points
- •
Understanding malalignment is essential for those caring for runners; approximately 80% have pelvic malalignment, which can mimic, hide, overlap with, trigger or aggravate other medical conditions.
- •
Malalignment syndrome includes the biomechanical changes, abnormal stresses, and resulting signs/symptoms seen with an upslip and rotational malalignment.
- •
A standard back examination can be misleading because it fails to assess alignment and does not look at the sites typically affected by pelvic malalignment.
- •
Malalignment can be corrected by following a supervised course of treatment that combines realignment, core strengthening, reestablishing movement patterns, and the timely use of appropriate complementary techniques.
- •
Treatment includes instruction in self-assessment and self-treatment to allow the runner to achieve and maintain realignment on a day-to-day basis and increase the chances of a full recovery and achieving his or her full potential.
Running is an asymmetric sport in that it requires bearing weight alternately on the right and left lower extremities and absorbing the resulting unilateral forces as best as possible as these are transmitted upward through the knee, hip, pelvis, and lumbosacral region to the spine. Malalignment refers to a minimal displacement from the normal alignment of any of the bones that are part of this kinetic chain and that results in abnormal biomechanical stresses that can compromise the ability to deal with these forces. This discussion focuses on the 3 most common presentations of pelvic malalignment. The term ‘malalignment syndrome’ refers to the biomechanical changes, signs and symptoms consistently seen in association with 2 of these presentations. Recognition of malalignment and the resulting detrimental effects should be part of the routine examination carried out by those caring for runners to avoid misdiagnosis, mistreatment, delayed recovery, and possibly failure of the runner to realize his or her full potential.
Running is an asymmetric sport in that it requires bearing weight alternately on the right and left lower extremities and absorbing the resulting unilateral forces as best as possible as these are transmitted upward through the knee, hip, pelvis, and lumbosacral region to the spine. Malalignment refers to a minimal displacement from the normal alignment of any of the bones that are part of this kinetic chain and that results in abnormal biomechanical stresses that can compromise the ability to deal with these forces. This discussion focuses on the 3 most common presentations of pelvic malalignment. The term ‘malalignment syndrome’ refers to the biomechanical changes, signs and symptoms consistently seen in association with 2 of these presentations. Recognition of malalignment and the resulting detrimental effects should be part of the routine examination carried out by those caring for runners to avoid misdiagnosis, mistreatment, delayed recovery, and possibly failure of the runner to realize his or her full potential.
The pelvic ring: normal and abnormal mobility and function
The sacroiliac (SI) joint is an intricate joint that depends on its configuration and its supporting ligaments ( Figs. 1 and 2 ), individual muscles ( Fig. 3 ), and a system of inner and outer core muscles and myofascial slings to:
- 1.
Allow for the smooth transfer of weight upward or downward through the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex ( Fig. 4 );
Fig. 4
Weight transfer forces through the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex from above and below. ( A ) In standing and sitting (pelvis in alignment, leg length equal). ( B ) On right 1-leg stance. ( C ) Changes in loads and forces imparted to the sacroiliac joint with a left frontal plane asymmetry. The right joint is more vertical, creating greater shear.
( From Schamberger W. The malalignment syndrome: Diagnosing and treating a common cause of acute and chronic pelvic, limb and back pain. Edinburgh (UK): Churchill Livingstone; 2013. Adapted from Porterfield JA, DeRosa C. Conditions of weight bearing: asymmetrical overload syndrome (AOS). In: Vleeming A, Mooney V, Stoeckart R, editors. Movement, stability and lumbopelvic pain. Integration of research and therapy. 2nd edition. Edinburgh (United Kingdom): Churchill Livingstone; 2007. p 394; with permission.)
- 2.
Help ensure stability of the joint when this is functionally required; for example, on the weight-bearing side during walking and running ; and
- 3.
Permit a minimal (2-4 mm at most) of SI joint motion: rotation around all 3 axes and movement (translation) along the corresponding planes ( Fig. 5 ).
Fig. 5
Axes and planes around which sacroiliac joint movement occurs.
This motion is essential for mobility and helps to absorb stress and store energy while decreasing the energy cost of running. During the gait cycle, for example, there is rotation of the pelvis as a whole, of the sacrum around one of the diagonal axes ( Fig. 6 ), and of each innominate relative to the sacrum :
- a.
In the coronal (or frontal) plane: upward on the weight-bearing side (see Fig. 4 B);
- b.
In the sagittal plane: rotation forward (or anterior) during stance-phase, backward (or posterior) on swing-through (see Fig. 6 ); and
- c.
In the horizontal (or transverse) plane: outward (or outflaring) during stance phase, inward (or inflaring) with swing-through ( Fig. 7 ).
Fig. 7
Inflare and outflare of the innominates in the horizontal plane. During normal gait cycle (right stance, left swing-through phase), the right outflares, the left inflares: (i) anterior, (ii) posterior, and (iii) superior views. ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS, posterior superior iliac spine.
Excessive rotation of an innominate relative to the sacrum around any of the 3 main axes can result in the innominate on one or both sides literally getting “stuck” in the direction of 1 or more of these 3 planes (see Fig. 5 ). Susceptibility to this occurring is attributable in part to the intricate configuration of the SI joint ( Fig. 8 ):
- 1.
It is L-shaped, with the 2 main arms of the sacral articular surface being oriented along different planes;
- 2.
The upper and lower sacral surfaces are intimately molded to those on the innominate by way of:
- a.
The concavity of 1 surface being matched by a corresponding convexity of the opposing surface ;
- b.
The gradual development of a crescent-shaped ridge running the length of the iliac surface, with a matching depression on the sacral side ; and
- c.
Anterior widening of the sacrum, which restricts movement between the innominates by causing wedging in an anterior-to-posterior direction.
- a.
These features enhance the stability of the joint, especially on weight bearing, and also allow for some movement of 2 to 4 mm between the joint surfaces. Abnormal loading conditions that exceed this normal displacement in any direction can cause the adjoining SI joint surfaces to end up in an aberrant position so that the surfaces no longer match and stay compressed in some areas, separated in others, affecting normal movement (see Fig. 7 iii; Figs. 9 and 10 ). If the surfaces do become fixed or locked in an abnormal position, major consequences include dysfunction of SI joint mobility, a disturbance of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex and its ability to transfer weight and absorb shock, persistent malalignment of the pelvic ring and an alteration of gait. Such a shift can be caused by:
- 1.
Minimal excessive movement in 1 direction; for example, an awkward lift, especially with addition of a torqueing component by reaching up/downward or sideways;
- 2.
Trauma to the pelvis itself or transmitted upward through an extremity; for example, in a motor vehicle accident or by falling onto 1 buttock ( Fig. 11 ); landing hard on a straight leg, as on jumping while running cross-country, or simply missing a step ( Fig. 12 ); and
Fig. 11
Common mechanisms of pelvic injury. ( A ) In a motor vehicle accident: the force impacting on the acetabulum at an angle below the inferior transvers axis (ITA) results in anterior rotation of the innominate. ( B ) In a fall: forcing the leg upward or landing on the ischial tuberosity can stretch/disrupt the ligaments between the sacrum and ilium.
Fig. 12
Missing a step and landing with increased force on 1 extremity can cause malalignment of the pelvis. The force created can result in displacement of the innominate relative to the sacrum. At the time of impact, if the leg is positioned ( A ) vertically, this can result in upward displacement (a so-called upslip) or ( B ) at a hip-flexion angle, this can result in an anterior rotation of the innominate.
- 3.
Increased tension or spasm in muscles that attach to the pelvic ring or laxity in those needed to stabilize the joints (see Figs. 3 and 39 ).
However, in the majority of those presenting with malalignment, there is no obvious cause. One of the theories seeking to explain this phenomenon suggests that the malalignment is the outcome of a persistent asymmetry of muscle tension throughout the body caused by asymmetrical signals being generated at the segmental level (spinal cord), brain stem or cortex.
A description of the 3 most common presentations of pelvic malalignment follows, after an outline of some basic tests that are helpful in making the diagnosis.
Assessing pelvic malalignment
The diagnosis can usually be made by:
- 1.
Looking for the characteristic asymmetry of major landmarks specific to each of these presentations by comparing the position of one thumb to that on the other side, to detect any:
- a.
Relative upward or downward displacement ( Fig. 13 ):
- i.
Compare the thumbs placed against the iliac crest, inferior aspect of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), superior rim of the pubic bones and inferior aspect of the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS).
Fig. 13
Rotational malalignment: right anterior, left posterior innominate rotation. ( A ) Asymmetry of anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS; right down, left up ). ( B ) Asymmetry of posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) and iliac crest ( right up, left down ); obvious downward displacement of shoulder and brassiere on left secondary to compensatory scoliosis. ( C ) Right superior pubic ramus displaced downward relative to the left. ( D ) Shift of the right pelvic landmarks relative to their left counterparts: right iliac crest, PSIS, and ischial tuberosity moved upward; right ASIS, anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS), and pubic ramus moved downward.
- i.
- b.
Displacement from midline ( Fig. 14 ):
- i.
Compare the thumbs placed against the medial aspect of the ASIS or PSIS.
Fig. 14
( A ) With an abnormal presentation – relative to midline, thumbs placed against inside of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) show: (i) initial asymmetry, with right outflare (thumb away from midline), and left inflare (closer to midline); (ii) symmetry after correction (equidistant from midline). ( B ) Relative to midline (buttock crease, spinous processes), thumbs against inner aspect of PSIS show: (i) initial asymmetry with right outflare (thumb closer to midline), left inflare (thumb away from midline); (ii) symmetry after correction.
- i.
- a.
- 2.
Doing the sitting–lying test as follows:
- a.
Start with the runner lying supine on a firm surface and then assist him or her to come up into a sitting position to minimize any use of trunk or abdominal muscles in order to decrease the chance of veering off to 1 side in the process. A runner can carry out this step alone with a belt to pull up on, using the muscles in both arms.
- b.
With him or her in sitting up, place a thumb lightly against the inferior aspect of the medial malleolus on each side, pointing the tip downward, so that the distal phalanx ends up positioned vertically to allow for a more accurate side-to-side comparison.
- c.
Check to see if the thumbs are level with each other or if one is displaced upward relative to the other, as if the leg were shorter on that side ( Fig. 15 ).
Fig. 15
Sitting part of the sitting–lying test. ( A ) Long sitting. ( B ) The left leg seems to be longer than the right.
- d.
While maintaining the placement of the thumbs, have the runner lie down and observe if, on doing so:
- i.
The thumbs (ie, legs) move up together, or
- ii.
There is a relative shift in their position, one thumb moving upward and the other downward; if that is, the case, the reverse would be evident on having him or her sit up again ( Fig. 16 ).
Fig. 16
- i.
- a.
Repeat the test once or twice to confirm your observations.
Presentations with the pelvis aligned
About 10% to 15% of the population present with the pelvis in alignment and no history of having had any adjustments (eg, manipulation, mobilization) carried out any time in the past. Findings with 2 common variants relating to leg length are as follows.
Pelvis Aligned, Legs Length Equal
All the pelvic landmarks are level with their counterpart on the left in standing, sitting, and lying. The right and left ASIS and PSIS are equidistant from the midline (see Fig. 14 Aii, Bii). The malleoli lie at the same level and move together, downward on sitting up and upward on lying down.
Pelvis Aligned, Right Anatomic (True) Leg Length Difference Present
Compared with the left side, the right iliac crest and all other right pelvic landmarks are higher in standing but are level and equidistant from midline when sitting and lying ( Fig. 17 ). The right malleolus will appear to be displaced downward relative to the left one by the same amount in both sitting and lying (reflective of the true leg length difference) and the legs move together on changing from one position to the other.
Common presentations of pelvic malalignment
As indicated, in 80% to 90% of the general population the pelvis is not in alignment. Although there are several ways that the pelvic ring can go out of alignment, this discussion focuses on the 3 most common presentations that:
- 1.
Can occur in isolation or in combination with 1 or both of the others; and
- 2.
Altogether make up more than 90% of the 80% to 90% noted to have pelvic malalignment.
The remaining 5% to 10% present with other ways that the innominates and sacrum can go out of alignment, either symmetrically or asymmetrically; except for sacral torsion and a downslip of an innominate, they will not be discussed further. The 3 most common presentations, and their prevalence, are as follows:
- 1.
Outflare and inflare: noted in 40% to 50%;
- 2.
Rotational malalignment: noted in 80% to 85%; and
- 3.
An upslip: noted in 20%.
Outflare and inflare
Examination Findings
- 1.
Flaring of 1 or both innominates is the second most frequently seen of the 3 most common presentations of pelvic malalignment, noted in 40% to 50% altogether.
- 2.
The right or left innominate becomes fixed in excessive outward or inward rotation in the horizontal plane. The contralateral innominate, although it may be found to lie in its normal position, is usually fixed flared in the opposite direction, as if to compensate. With a right outflare and left inflare:
- a.
The right ASIS will have moved away from the midline of the abdomen, the left toward it (see Fig. 14 Ai). Findings are the reverse for the PSIS: the left toward, the right away from midline, demarcated by the gluteal cleft and spinous processes (see Fig. 14 Bi).
- b.
The left ASIS ends up moved forward with the inflare, the right backward with the outflare (see Fig. 7 iii). As a result, the left one seems to be:
- i.
Protruded forward in standing and sitting compared with the right and
- ii.
Displaced upward (ie, h i gher) and the right downward (ie, l O wer) when observed with the runner lying supine ( Fig. 18 ).
Fig. 18
Right outflare, left inflare. ( A , B ) A spirit level resting on top of the right and left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) shows elevation of the left side. ( B ) Feet (clamps) attached to the level rest on the ASIS; they help to raise the bubble into view (eg, for someone who is obese, pregnant). ( C ) ASIS now level, bubble in center, after correction of the outflare/inflare (same subject as in A ).
- i.
- c.
Barring a coexisting true leg length difference, the landmarks are level in the frontal plane in all positions and leg length is equal in sitting and lying.
- d.
Radiographs show the changes in the landmarks observed ( Fig. 19 ).
Fig. 19
Radiographic changes seen with a left outflare, right inflare. ( A ) Anteroposterior projection of pelvis and hip joints. The femoral heads remain at the same level as the left acetabulum moves outward and the right inward in the horizontal plane. Innominate width seems to be increased on the left and decreased on the right. The anterior superior iliac spine looks to be increased in overall size and broader on the outflare ( left ) side and smaller and narrower on the inflare ( right ) side. The left femoral neck lies further away from and the right one closer to the ipsilateral inferior pubic ramus. The left lesser trochanter (LT) seems to be smaller as a result of overlapping occurring with passive external rotation of the femur; on the right it seems to be larger, having been brought into view with internal rotation of that femur (see also Fig. 10 ). ( B ) Diagrammatic conceptualization of the AP beam projection onto the pelvis when aligned and with a left outflare, right inflare present; superoinferior view.
- a.
Diagnosis and Corrective Procedures: Right Outflare, Left Inflare
When a right outflare, left inflare is present, on lying supine:
- 1.
The right ASIS is l O wer and displaced O utward, away from midline.
Remember the mnemonic of the 4 O s:
The treatment method referred to here is a form of manual therapy, known as the muscle energy technique (MET). It gets the runner to harness the energy in muscles that are positioned in a way that enables them to effect the specific change. In this case, resisting abduction and external rotation of the femur by blocking outward movement of the partially flexed right knee ( Fig. 20 ) reverses the origin and insertion of the right piriformis and gluteus maximus (see Figs. 2 and 3 ). These muscles can act on the innominate (which is still free to move) to rotate it forward in the horizontal plane until it again comes to lie in its normal position relative to the sacrum. The repeated contraction–relaxation of these muscles also can decrease tone and increase muscle relaxation and lengthening that, together, make it easier for the bones to slot back into their proper place.
- 2.
The left ASIS is h i gher and displaced i nward, toward the midline.
Remember the mnemonic of the 4 I s:
Blocking adduction of the left leg reverses the origin and insertion of the left gracilis and adductor longus ( Fig. 21 ; see Fig. 55 ). The force generated is now directed to their attachment onto the left pubic tubercle and is capable of rotating the innominate outward, back into alignment ( Fig. 22 ).
Clinical Correlation for Runners
- 1.
An outflare strains the anterior SI joint ligaments/capsule and compresses the posterior joint margins; an inflare has the opposite effect (see Figs. 1 , 2 , 7 iii, and 19 B). There may be discomfort from the structures put under stress.
- 2.
With a right inflare, left outflare, the left acetabulum faces progressively more posterolaterally as that innominate rotates outward (see Fig. 19 A). The left superior rim comes to lie more directly anterior to the femoral head with the outward rotation of that innominate, sometimes to the point that the femoral head actually impinges against the rim as the hip joint is increasingly flexed going through swing phase. Compared with the ease with which the right leg moves through this phase:
- a.
The runner may literally sense the block to this motion occurring on the left side and there may be discomfort or pain with impingement of the acetabular rim, felt in the left groin and/or hip region.
- b.
Left swing-through is limited. To compensate, he or she can:
- i.
Bring the acetabulum facing further forward by actively increasing the extent that the pelvic ring as a whole rotates clockwise during left swing phase, partly effected by increasing active clockwise rotation of the trunk and changing the movement pattern of the arms, in an attempt to match right stride length; and
- ii.
Cut back the degree of right swing-through to match that on the left and, instead, increase stride frequency to maintain the same speed.
- i.
- a.
Either compensation method leads to unwanted changes in the gait pattern that can prove costly in terms of decreased efficiency and increased energy demands.
Rotational malalignment
Examination Findings
Innominate rotation is the most frequently seen of the 3 common presentations of pelvic malalignment, noted in 80% to 85% altogether. An innominate can become fixed relative to the sacroiliac joint, in a position of excessive rotation in the sagittal plane, either forward (anterior) or backward (posterior). Usually, but not necessarily, the contralateral innominate is fixed in rotation in the opposite direction. Some 80% to 85% thus affected have a right anterior, left posterior and 15% to 20% a left anterior, right posterior rotation. The SI joint may be locked on one side so that on the kinetic rotational (Gillet) test the innominate and adjoining sacrum on the locked side move as 1 unit, upward on progressive hip flexion, downward on hip extension, which is opposite to what happens normally ( Fig. 23 ).
Diagnosing Rotational Malalignment
With a right anterior, left posterior rotation (see Fig. 13 ; Fig. 24 ):
- 1.
All the anterior and posterior landmarks are displaced asymmetrically on both side-to-side and front-to-back comparison. For example:
- a.
The right ASIS ends up lower compared with the ipsilateral PSIS and the left ASIS; and
- b.
The right pubic ramus is displaced downward and rotated forward in the sagittal plane; the left undergoes displacement in the opposite directions.
- a.
- 2.
There is a pelvic obliquity, with the right iliac crest and ischial tuberosity ending up higher relative to left side (see Figs. 13 and 17 ).
- 3.
There is an apparent leg length difference noted in the sitting–lying test. Which leg seems to be longer or shorter is of little importance. What matters is that there is a shift in leg length on this test, with the right malleolus moving upward in sitting up and downward on lying down relative to the left (see Figs. 15 and 16 ; Fig. 25 ). This shift is characteristic of a right anterior, left posterior rotation; it would be in the opposite direction with a left anterior, right posterior rotation.
Fig. 25
Sitting–lying test: rotational malalignment presentation. All 3 subjects have right anterior, left posterior innominate rotation, with relative lengthening of the right leg compared with the left on moving from long sitting to supine lying. ( A ) The right leg is shorter sitting, longer lying; this is the most common pattern. ( B ) The right leg is shorter sitting but less so in lying. ( C ) The right leg is longer sitting and even more so in lying.
- 4.
Remember the mnemonic of the 5 L s to help determine the side of an anterior rotation:
In the case of a right anterior, left posterior rotation, the right anterior landmarks end up lower relative to those on the left and the right leg lengthens on lying down.
- 5.
Radiographs show the changes in the landmarks observed ( Fig. 26 ).
Fig. 26
Radiographic changes with malalignment: the effect on sacroiliac and facet joint orientation to the anteroposterior beam. The L1-L4 vertebral rotation into the left convexity (ie, counterclockwise) opens up the left midlumbar facet joints and accentuates the closing/compression of the right facet joints that results with the simultaneous left rotation and right side-flexion of the vertebrae. The right sacroiliac joint seems to be open along its full length, whereas only the midsection of the left one is visible as a result of overlapping and reorientation of the joint surfaces relative to the beam and to the right side (see also Figs. 10 and 19 ). L5 is sacralized on the left.
Corrective Procedures for Rotational Malalignment
There are a number of different manual therapy techniques that can be used to correct a rotational malalignment. However, MET, leverage, or a combination of the 2 techniques can be useful in that they may allow the runner to correct a recurrence between visits to the therapist or even when on the track or out on the road ( Figs. 27–34 and 37 ). In the case of a:
- 1.
Right anterior rotation:
- a.
Blocking movement of the right thigh away from the trunk (ie, right hip extension) activates right gluteus maximus ( Figs. 30 and 31 ). Reversal of its origin and insertion allows it to rotate the right innominate in a posterior direction, by way of its attachments to the posterosuperior aspect of the ilium (see Fig. 2 B).
- b.
Passively moving the right femur into increasing flexion to the point where the femoral head impinges against the anterior rim of the acetabulum creates leverage and simultaneously tightens some posterior structures, including the sacrotuberous ligament. The combined effect is a posterior rotational force on the right innominate (see Fig. 27 A).
- a.
- 2.
Left posterior rotation:
- a.
Blocking movement the left thigh toward the trunk (ie, left hip flexion) activates left iliacus ( Figs. 32 and 33 ) and rectus femoris (see Fig. 28 B); the latter also responds to blocking extension of the flexed knee (see Fig. 28 A; Fig. 34 ). The muscles then exert an anterior rotational force by way of their attachments to the anterosuperior part of the ilium and to the pubic bone, respectively (see Fig. 3 ).
- b.
Passively extending the femur to the point where the femoral head impinges on the posterior acetabular rim turns the femur into a lever capable of creating an anterior rotational force on the left innominate (see Fig. 27 B).
- a.
Clinical Correlation for Runners
- 1.
Runners should be discouraged from routinely doing excessive unilateral stretches of iliopsoas, rectus femoris, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings, especially when the pelvis is free to move, as in standing ( Fig. 35 ). For example, a right iliopsoas/quadriceps stretch tightens up right iliacus and rectus femoris; the femur may also end up far enough in extension to exert a leverage effect (see Fig. 35 A). This maneuver is capable of:
- a.
Forcing the right innominate to go out of alignment so it ends up fixed in an anterior rotated position; and
- b.
Undoing any realignment that has been achieved, because it can literally force the innominate back out of alignment again.
Fig. 35
( A ) Popular unilateral quadriceps stretch that can cause or aggravate a preexisting right anterior rotation, by way of (1) rectus femoris pulling on its innominate origin and/or (2) the femur coming to act as a lever with increasing hip extension. ( B ) Unilateral hamstrings stretch (eg, straight leg propped up on a chair or table) can have a similar deleterious effect by causing/aggravating a posterior rotation. However, this same maneuver may be able to correct a preexisting right anterior rotation (see also Fig. 37 ).
- a.
- 2.
To decrease this risk, stretches are best carried out simultaneously on both sides, preferably with the pelvis stabilized; for example, bilateral hamstring stretch: sitting on the floor, legs out in front; quadriceps, iliopsoas and pectineus: leaning the pelvis and trunk backward while kneeling ( Fig. 36 ).
Fig. 36
- 3.
However, unilateral leverage maneuvers can actually be used effectively by the runner on the side of a known rotation. For example, a right anterior rotation may respond to placing the right foot on a chair and gradually leaning forward with the trunk, arms dangling downward ( Fig. 37 ). The same may be accomplished by having the right foot up on a ledge and leaning forward (see Fig. 35 B). The progressive increase in passive hip flexion turns the femur into a lever capable of correcting the rotation.
Fig. 37
A right anterior rotation may be corrected by resting the right foot on a raised surface and simply letting the trunk hang down in forward flexion as far as is comfortable. With increasing right hip flexion, the femur can eventually exert a leverage effect, with posterior rotation of the innominate (see also Fig. 35 B). Bouncing or straining while reaching down must be avoided because it can precipitate or aggravate pain and muscle spasm.
- 4.
Unilateral stretches of a specific muscle may be indicated following realignment for:
- a.
Muscles that have undergone contracture while in a shortened state during the time that malalignment was present; and
- b.
Ones that fail to relax completely, show increased tone, or are actually in spasm.
- a.
Examination Findings
Of the 3 most common presentations of pelvic malalignment, an upslip is the least frequently seen, appearing in isolation in 10% and in combination with a flare, rotational malalignment, or both in another 10%. The innominate on 1 side ends up displaced straight upward relative to the adjacent sacrum and becomes fixed in that position. Again, although often no cause may be evident, some obvious ones include:
- 1.
Having the force of an impact transmitted straight upward, either through:
- a.
One extremity: for example, missing a step (see Fig. 12 A); landing hard on 1 leg when jumping or running downhill with the knee in extension ( Fig. 38 ) or
Fig. 38
Right upslip caused by a unilateral upward force on the femur transmitted through the hip joint to the innominate. ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS, posterior superior iliac spine.
- b.
The innominate itself; for example, falling directly onto an ischial tuberosity (see Fig. 11 B).
- a.
- 2.
An upward traction force being applied to the innominate; for example, with a chronic increase in tension or spasm in quadratus lumborum, psoas major/minor ( Fig. 39 ).
Fig. 39
Muscles capable of generating forces ( arrows ) that can result in an upslip.
As a result, on the side of the upslip one finds:
- 1.
The anterior and posterior pelvic landmarks are all displaced upward relative to those of the opposite innominate and to the sacrum.
- 2.
The ipsilateral leg is moved upward passively with the innominate, creating an apparent leg length difference. Relative to the opposite leg, it seems shortened to the same extent in both sitting and lying and the malleolus moves downward and upward, respectively, together with that on the other side ( Fig. 40 ).
Fig. 40
Sitting–lying test: right sacroiliac joint upslip. The legs move together and the right leg remains short to the same extent in sitting and lying. The right anterior and posterior pelvic landmarks are all displaced upward relative to the sacrum and left innominate. ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine.
- 3.
A pelvic obliquity is evident in standing, sitting, and lying.
Corrective Procedures for an Upslip
With the runner lying supine, applying gentle, repetitive traction to the leg on the upslip side usually suffices, often simply by helping to relax tense muscles around the hip/pelvic girdle that are holding the innominate in the upslip position (see Fig. 39 ; Fig. 41 ). If that fails to achieve correction, manipulation using a quick downward pull on the leg once or twice may prove successful. The runner can be instructed in self-correction (see Fig. 41 B):
- 1.
Starting by simply letting that leg hang down while standing on a step or stool, and
- 2.
Progressively increasing either the time it is suspended or the amount of a weight attached, usually 20 to 30 minutes using 2.5 to 4.5 kg proves effective.
Clinical Correlation for Runners
- 1.
The apparent leg length difference, pelvic obliquity, and compensatory scoliosis combined result in unwanted stress points, change in style, and compensatory measures; for example, leaning into the weight-bearing low side to help clear the long leg for swing-through and adjustments for side-to-side differences in stride length.
- 2.
Dysfunction of the SI joint on the side of the upslip increasing stress on the other parts of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex bilaterally.
- 3.
A coexisting rotational malalignment can hide an upslip; hence, it is important to recheck alignment after correction of the rotation.
- 4.
A caution: keep the rare downslip in mind.
When dealing with a supposed upslip that fails to respond to treatment, including repeated downward traction, consider the possibility that the runner has actually sustained a downslip of the contralateral innominate. For example, a traction force on one of the lower extremities that is strong enough to pull the innominate into a downslip position can occur when the runner:
- 1.
Has to pull upward on a straight leg, often unexpectedly and in midstride, to extract a foot that got stuck in deep mud;
- 2.
Is thrown forward, off the bike, during the cycling part of a biathlon or triathlon while 1 foot is still caught up in the stirrup.
The malalignment syndrome
Both rotational malalignment and an upslip result in typical biomechanical changes, symptoms and signs that together constitute the malalignment syndrome. A discussion of the characteristic findings associated with this well-defined clinical entity and the implications for runners follows.
Pelvic Ring Distortion
Displacement of the pelvic ring results in abnormal stresses on all of the joints of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex, particularly on the adjoining surfaces of the joints and their capsule and supportive ligaments. The distortion also causes:
- 1.
Disturbance of the normal transfer of weight through this complex (see Fig. 4 ) ;
- 2.
Irritation of neural receptors lying within any of the structures put under stress, which can result in localized and/or referred pain and paresthesias (see Case History: Runner A, below);
- 3.
Accelerated degeneration of any sites in the lower extremities, pelvis and spine put under increased stress as a result; in particular, the discs and facet joints in the lower lumbosacral region (see Figs. 10 and 26 ; Figs. 42 and 43 ) ; and
Fig. 42
Effect of a malalignment-related shift toward right pronation, left supination on the knee. ( A ) Right side: the tendency toward pronation and knee valgus angulation increases the Q-angle and the pressure on the lateral compartment; excessive pronation can result in a forceful upward movement of the fibula and a jamming of the proximal tibiofibular joint (similar to what can occur with an ankle eversion sprain). ( B ) Left side: the tendency toward supination and knee varus angulation decreases the Q-angle and increases pressure on the medial compartment.
Fig. 43
- 4.
Pelvic obliquity and an apparent leg length difference.
Clinical correlation for runners
Runners, who alternately bear all weight on one extremity, are likely to develop compensatory mechanisms that can affect their running biomechanics and efficiency. In an attempt to cope with any pain and/or the altered biomechanics of weight transfer, they may:
- 1.
Actively change their pattern of weight bearing; for example:
- a.
Landing more on the mid foot or forefoot to shift impact away from a painful heel area;
- b.
Tending to pronation and increasing dorsiflexion to improve shock absorption at the now more flexible foot/ankle level and decrease the forces transmitted upward; and
- c.
Offload the painful site by shortening the stance phase on this side and/or shifting the center of gravity away, by leaning into the opposite direction.
- a.
- 2.
Lean toward the side of an unstable SI joint, to approximate the surfaces and thereby increase stability (see Fig. 4 C; Fig. 44 ).
Fig. 44
Compensated right Trendelenburg gait. Impaired transfer of weight through an unstable right sacroiliac joint can occur with ligament laxity, decreased muscular support, or degenerative loss of joint surface. It may be reduced or prevented by having the pelvis abduct and shift to the right to increase compression and minimize vertical shear stresses through that joint (see Fig. 4 C).
Compensatory Curves of the Spine
The pelvic obliquity results in a compensatory scoliosis—curves in the frontal plane—to ensure the head ends up in midline as best as possible, with the eyes and ears level, to minimize any disturbance of visual function and the labyrinthine balancing mechanisms.
Clinical correlation for runners
Superimposing these compensatory lateral curves on an existing lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis creates additional stresses on the spine ( Fig. 45 ).
- 1.
It can cause back pain; in particular, at the:
- a.
Lumbosacral junction, where L5 interlinks with the sacrum. The lumbar convexity is formed by rotation of L1 to L4 inclusive into the convexity (see Fig. 24 ). Any further rotation of L4 relative to L5 puts an additional torsional stress on the L4-5 disc, results in facet joint compression on 1 side and distraction on the other, and may actually cause unwanted rotation of L5 relative to the sacrum and secondarily of the sacrum itself ( Fig. 46 ).
- a.
