Fig. 23.1
(a) CT scan with bilateral spondylolysis (b) lateral radiographic study with L5-S1 spondylolisthesis
23.4.3 Proposed Imaging Protocol
Lumbar radiographs (anteroposterior, lateral and both oblique views)
If negative: MRI for initial screen
Localised CT scan for positive spondylolysis on MRI (staging the lesion) or for symptoms prevailing with normal MRI
If all negative: SPECT
23.4.4 Conservative Management
The majority of athletes with spondylolysis or pars stress reactions respond well to non-operative treatment. Yet, the return to sport will be difficult, and, in most cases, the future performance will be affected by the underlying disease. Clinical decisions made with players presenting with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis include apprehension for the future progression of the spondylolisthesis and issues concerning pain. In the acute setting, treatment includes rest from sport, stop repetitive extension/rotation activities and analgesic drugs. Achieve pain-free before initiating physical rehabilitation, and institute a return to play transition. Some authors advocate physical rehabilitation before pain-free.
The role and best type of external immobilisation continues to be debated. Controversy exists if the brace is to be used and the same applies to the type of brace. We still do not know unquestionably if the responsibility for the clinical improvement is the immobilisation or the forced compliance with activity restriction that works well in the pathology. Most authors defend bracing the acute lesions, but not the chronic ones. The objective is to limit hyperextension of the lumbar spine. There are many types of braces: thoraco-lumbar-sacral orthosis (TLSO) or Boston brace antilordotic, lumbar-sacral orthosis (LSO) antilordotic and corset/soft brace. The duration of immobilisation is another controversial subject. Authors defend 2–6 months brace 23 h a day. However the majority of authors have agreed that athletes can return to play when they are pain-free, regardless the time that has passed since the beginning of the symptoms or whether there is radiographic evidence of pars healing.
Bony stimulation is another option considered if the athlete has pain and no healing at 4 months treatment.
The authors defend return to sport after a short period of rest and brace, with transition when pain-free to physical rehabilitation for 1 month. Initial activities must be focused on core muscle strengthening and lower limb flexibility. Surgical excellent results mean that if pain persists after 1 month, the authors consider surgical treatment as a good option.
23.4.5 Surgical Treatment
Several operative treatments have been performed for patients who do not respond quickly to conservative treatment or who have a developing progressive spondylolisthesis.
The best techniques for surgical treatment are controversial in their use and can be separated in three categories: direct repair of spondylolysis when there is no slippage or a grade 1 slippage without disc pathology, decompression alone when there is just radiculopathy in an older patient and decompression and in situ fusion or reduction and fusion.
There are many techniques for pars repair; the authors’ technique consists of iliac autograft and temporary fixation with transpedicular screws when there is a pars defect without spondylolisthesis or a pars defect with grade 1 spondylolisthesis with no disc disease. The screws are taken 1 year after the first procedure, and the results are excellent with full return to sport without physical limitations in most circumstances. When the disc is affected with spondylolysis or grade 1 spondylolisthesis, the authors use minimally invasive transforaminal interbody fusion (MIS TLIF). For grade 2 or more, the authors proceed to reduction and 360° fusion or in situ fusion without reduction (Fig. 23.2).

Fig. 23.2
(a) Iliac autograftand temporary fixation (b) MIS TLIF, (c) reduction and fixation
23.5 Lumbar Disc Disease and Lumbar Disc Herniation
The aetiology of degenerative disc disease is multifactorial, including genetic predisposition, occupational/leisure physical loading, ageing, smoking and anthropomorphic factors [32, 33]. While current research places genetic factors with the principal role, it is known that elite athletes experience greater forces on the lumbar spine over prolonged, repetitive and consisting training periods.
Intervertebral discs have an important biomechanical role within the spine, as they permit motion between the spinal segments while diffusing compressive, sliding and torsional forces [34]. The deterioration of the disc can decrease its ability to resist to extrinsic forces, as they are no longer transmitted proportionally and are strongly associated with LBP. Disc degeneration involves structural disruption as well as cell-mediated changes in composition.
Discs have a tendency to degenerate earlier than other musculoskeletal structures, with adolescents presenting signs between the ages of 11 and 16 years [35]. It is particularly susceptible in exercises with repetitive flexion, or hyperflexion, combined with lateral bending or rotation [36]. When these movements are combined with axial compression, there is a distress of the internal structure of the disc.
The posterolateral annulus fibrosus is the weakest area of the intervertebral disc and is the most susceptible area to herniation of the nucleus pulposus (HNP). HNP results from repetitive torsional forces with lumbar flexion. Acute HNP accounts for approximately 10% of back pain in adolescent athletes.
Participation in sports appears to be a risk factor for the development of disc degeneration. Disc degeneration appears to be influenced by the type and intensity of the sport. Football players showed disc degeneration almost exclusively in L4 to S1 levels [37].
23.5.1 Clinical Presentation
Axial discogenic pain is difficult to diagnose. The exact correlation between a degenerated disc and LBP remains vague. High rates of radiographic findings of degenerated discs in asymptomatic patients are evidence against a required relationship in the general population.
The pathogenesis of disc pain is explained only partially by the mechanical pressure of the disc protrusion. Symptoms of acute disc herniation may occur with minimal disc changes visualised by MRI. Secreted cytokines, such as phospholipase A2 and nitric oxide that stimulate inflammation at the dorsal root ganglion, have been identified. The nucleus pulposus itself may be a direct neurotoxin to the dorsal root ganglion.
Herniated discs in adolescent athlete tend to be more centrally located, with a smaller volume of extruded disc than encountered in adult athletes. Patients may present with tension signs of sciatica, but many athletes will present with non-specific buttock, low back or posterior thigh pain, neurogenic scoliosis and hamstring tightness. Examination usually reveals decreased lumbar motion, a positive straight-leg raise test and possibly a decrease in reflexes or strength.
Cauda equine syndrome is an infrequent but significant clinical entity in patients with back pain. Although it typically presents in more acute fashion with the characteristic findings of saddle paraesthesia, bowel or bladder incontinence or retention, and occasional radiculopathy at the lower lumbar levels, back pain also can be one of the findings. Cauda equine syndrome is a surgical emergency.
Disc herniation regularly is managed successfully with a multidisciplinary approach. Physical therapy is initiated with an extension-based stabilisation programme when the patient is able to support it. Therapy includes a trunk and pelvic flexibility and isometric strengthening programme. The pain management service assists with medication, such as the tricyclic antidepressants, neuroleptic agents and epidural corticosteroids. Surgical management is necessary only for cauda equine syndromes, a progressive neurologic deficit, and refractory pain.
Athletes with disc herniation may return to competition when they have attained a full range of motion, strength and sport-specific attention to technique.
23.5.2 Diagnostic Imaging
Typically, plain anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are used in the initial assessment of discogenic pain. Flexion and extension lateral radiographs can be used to show mobility across the lumbar segment or instability. The cost/utility of additional radiation has caused its clinical usefulness to be questioned [38].
Plain radiograph can show decrease in disc space height initially and osteophyte formation with disease evolution. Lundin proposed that the radiographic finding that most strongly correlated with LBP was decreased disc space height [39]. Additionally, the greater the number of levels involved, the more likely the athlete was to have had LBP. Plain radiographs may be normal in cases of lumbar disc herniation, although a lateral lumbosacral view may demonstrate a non-specific slight reduction in disc space height.
MRI is the imaging study of choice to study the disc and is highly sensitive to degenerative changes such as loss of signal intensity on T2-weighted images, annular tears, high-intensity zones and associated bone marrow vertebral endplate changes defined as Modic [40]. The clinical significance of Modic changes is controversial. Sword et al. [41] found that decreased signal intensity within the disc correlated with LBP in athletes and in nonathletes. Abnormal vertebral configuration with an increased anteroposterior diameter correlated with the occurrence of LBP. MRI is also the most sensitive test for detecting herniation and nerve root compression [42].
Discography is another possible method to identify LBP of discogenic origin. The reproduction of a patient’s typical LBP with discography suggests that leakage of intradiscal fluid or annular distension is involved in the production of back pain (Fig. 23.3).

Fig. 23.3
Disc herniation with discopathy
23.5.3 Non-operative Treatment
Non-operative modalities are the pillars of treatment of discogenic LBP in the athlete. Several rehabilitation protocols have been suggested specifically for this condition. Cooke’s five-stage protocol [43] is one of the most used and is composed of stage I early protected mobilisation, stage II dynamic spinal mobilisation, stage III spine safe strengthening and conditioning training, stage IV return to sports and stage V maintenance programme.
Each athlete has a unique clinical picture, and the recovery pattern will depend on the personalised rehabilitation programme.
Lumbar disc herniation has a rehabilitation protocol which is similar to that of discogenic back pain, and the return to sports activity happens when the athlete is free of symptoms. Ninety percent of the athletes with disc herniation improve with non-operative treatment. Therapy goals are always pain reduction and decreasing the length of symptomatic episodes.
23.5.4 Operative Treatment
Indications for operative treatment of lumbar discopathy are the source of controversial discussions in the literature. The traditional operative indications are mechanical LBP correlated with positive findings on imaging, continuous symptoms for at least 6 months despite active non-operative treatment and localised midline spinal tenderness that corresponds to the radiographic level of the disease [8]. Surgical treatment is either total disc replacement or lumbar fusion. The authors do not recommend surgical treatment for disc disease without herniation. Surgical treatment of disc disease has inconstant clinical outcomes in the literature for the general population. In high-level athletes, there are few reports concerning operative treatment for discopathy. The authors do not support surgical treatment in discogenic back pain.
Disc herniation indications for surgery are more consensual than the ones for discopathy alone. Progressive neurological deficit and radicular pain that does not respond to conservative treatment are the two main indications, and the results in athletes are excellent in terms of return to play and elimination of radiculopathy.
23.6 Another Causes of Vertebral Pain
23.6.1 Vertebral Growth and Stress Fractures
Adolescent spine is susceptible to injury because of the areas of growth cartilage and undeveloped ossification centres. In the junction between the vertebral body and the apophysis in the outer annulus fibrosus, there is a fragile link of force transfer which can lead to vertebral endplate fractures. The symptoms, when the avulsed fragment invades the spinal canal, are similar to the central herniated disc.
Stress fractures result from repeated submaximal loads causing fatigue of the bone structures. These fractures happen when the stress implicated in the bone is greater than the capacity of the bone to heal. Bone turnover depends on genetic, hormonal, mechanical and nutritional factors. The repetitive microdamage and the incapacity to keep appropriate skeletal repair (fatigue reaction or fracture) are characteristics of stress fractures in the athlete.
Specifically in football players, stress fractures occur almost always in lower extremities, with the majority occurring in the fifth metatarsal. Nevertheless, stress fractures of the spine can happen and lead to an inconclusive diagnostic. Stress fractures of the sacrum are an infrequent cause of LBP in athletes. Their prevalence is unknown. Such fractures are more common in female athletes, but they have been reported in male athletes as well.

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