Locked-up syndrome and formula composition

Chapter Fifteen. Locked-up syndrome and formula composition


Locked-up syndrome330

Treatment principle 330

Herb selection principles and formula composition strategies 330

Cautions 331

Structure of the formula and selection of herbs 331

Examples of classical formulas 332


This chapter introduces the principles, methods and strategies for the composition of formulas that aromatically regulate the Qi, transform phlegm and open the orifices. They are used to treat the locked-up syndrome (closed syndrome). All of the formulas shown in the examples are available in pill form for emergency use. At present, herbal injections or transfusions are administrated for even quicker effects.

Locked-up syndrome


Heat type

Main symptoms

Loss of consciousness, locked jaw, rigid limbs, clenched fists, no urination or bowel movement, high fever, irritability, red face, heavy breathing and warm limbs.


Thick yellow coating.


Rapid, slippery and forceful.

Cold type

Main symptoms

Loss of consciousness, locked jaw, rigid limbs, clenched fists, no urination or bowel movement, cold limbs, pale complexion.


Thick white coating.


Deep and wiry.

Associated disorders in western medicine

Cerebrovascular accident, epilepsy, sunstroke, hysteria, severe pain, fainting, hepatic coma and uremia.

Analysis of the syndrome

Locked-up syndrome is an acute, severe excess syndrome, which may occur alone or develop from some severe disease. The pathological change is a sudden blockage of the sensory orifices and blockage of the functions of associated internal organs by rebellious Qi, blood, phlegm or ascending Yang.

• The symptoms in this syndrome show obvious signs of blockage of the orifices and a locked-up body, such as loss of consciousness, locked jaw, rigid limbs, clenched fists, no urination or bowel movement.

• In locked-up syndrome caused by heat, there are symptoms and signs of heat, such as high fever, irritability, red face, heavy breathing, warm limbs, a thick yellow tongue coating and a rapid, slippery and forceful pulse.

• If locked-up syndrome is caused by cold, the Yang and Qi are blocked, and there are cold signs, such as cold limbs, pale complexion, a thick white tongue coating and a deep and wiry pulse.

Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Locked-up syndrome and formula composition

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