Local Complications After Radiosynovectomy and Possible Treatment Strategies: A Literature Survey

Fig. 9.1
Distribution scan after injection of 150 MBq Re-186-colloid into the left hip joint. Lower left: Circumscribed redness of the skin with a small moistened blain at the site of puncture 4 days after therapy. Lower right: Considerable fading of inflammatory activity 10 days after RSO, central defect is completely closed without any secretion

Savaser and colleagues reported a case of needle track ulceration after RSO of an ankle joint with Re-186 in 1999 [4]. The lesion showed scarred healing after a few weeks without any further treatment. In a series of 38 knee joints treated with Yttrium-90, three patients showed “minor pigmentation at the injection site”; a needle track ulceration was documented in two other patients [5] which required treatment with skin grafting in one case.

While superficial lesions often show (scarred) healing without any special therapy, larger necroses with radiogenic damage of deeper tissue layers should be promptly treated to shorten the course of the disease and to minimize the complaints of the respective patients. Necrosis of para-articular tissue by accidental para-articular injection of the radionuclide is indeed the worst local complication after radiosynovectomy. Due to a restricted blood supply of the necrotic area, the healing process is additionally hampered by a low oxygen content.

The frequency of larger skin or soft tissue necroses is generally assumed to be very low which is proven by the analysis of the periodic safety update reports (see chapter by Fischer et al. in this book). Two necroses from a total of 11,000 RSO procedures were reported by Kolarz and Thumb in 1982 [6]. In another study which involved interrogation of both 260 nuclear medicine physicians performing radiosynovectomy throughout Germany and 20 insurance companies engaged in medical liability using a standardized questionnaire and covering 5 years, a total of 29 necroses were documented [7]. However, the response rate was only 25.7 % after 9 months. Thus, the true number of radionecroses after para-articular radionuclide application is probably higher but will never be reliably documented.

Deeper skin necroses have been documented in case reports [8, 9]. Due to the more pronounced deterioration of deeper tissue layers, a spontaneous healing cannot be expected, and surgical debridement and closure of the defect by skin grafting seems to be the adequate treatment.

Besides an insufficient injection technique, the choice of an inappropriate radionuclide and/or an excessive activity may be the reason for a radionecrosis. The choice of the appropriate radionuclide for a joint depends mainly on the tissue penetration depth of the beta particles which is particularly dependent on the energy of the radionuclide. This penetration depth must be suitable for the size of the joint which should be treated. Yttrium-90 has a maximum beta energy of 2.2 MeV resulting in a maximum tissue penetration depth up to 11 mm (mean value 3.6 mm). Thus, Y-90 is expected to be the most hazardous radionuclide used for radiosynovectomy and is approved for treatment of the knee joint only. Small joints (finger or toe joints, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, temporomandibular) must be injected with the low-energy beta emitter Erbium-169 (mean beta energy 0.34 MeV) which has a mean penetration depth of only 0.3 mm. Rhenium-186 is approved for treatment of mid-sized joints like wrist, elbow, ankle, or hip joint and has a mean penetration depth of 1.2 mm.

A further alignment to the different joints is accomplished by using different activities for joints of different sizes. This is documented in both national and international guidelines for radiosynovectomy, although not a legal requirement [10, 11].

Examples of radiogenic damage of the surrounding soft tissue following inappropriate choice of a radionuclide with an energy too high for the treated joint are published in the literature. Two necroses from RSO using Yttrium-90 in finger joints (metacarpophalangeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joint) were documented in an old study from 1972, covering a total of 250 treatment sessions [12]. However, no further information on the clinical course or treatment modalities is given in this paper. More recent studies showed severe complications with large, deep tissue ulcerations in ankle joints treated with Yttrium-90. Two cases of severe necroses were seen in a series of 7 RSO procedures of ankle joints treated with 555 MBq Yttrium-90 [13]. Another case report showed the same complication after RSO using Yttrium-90 in an ankle joint; however, the injected activity is not documented in this publication [14]. Thus, the combination of the “wrong” radionuclide (Yttrium-90 instead of Rhenium-186) and an excessive activity led to these serious complications which needed aggressive treatment with surgical excision of the necrotic soft tissue and closure with a fasciocutaneous flap.

The treatment of choice for these complications is still under debate. Some advice may be gained from therapy of radiogenic lesions after external beam radiation therapy. The common problem in both clinical settings is that radiation leads to parenchymal stem cell and vascular damage. This results in a reduced capacity of tissue regeneration from local hypoxia, finally leading to tissue necrosis [15]. Apart from a “wait-and-see” strategy or local conservative treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be used to overcome the local oxygen shortage. The higher oxygen partial pressure induces revascularization of irradiated tissue and thus promotes its self-healing mechanisms [16] with clinical success rates up to 93 % in treatment of radiation-induced edema, ulceration, and bone necroses [15]. In our own survey, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was used in three cases of tissue necrosis after para-articular injection of Re-186 colloid with clinical success in two of them. However, in one patient with a local radiogenic tissue defect from Yttrium-90, 40 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen did not prevent tissue necrosis, and surgical therapy was needed [7].

Successful treatment requires complete resection of the damaged tissue with consecutive closure of the defect with well-vascularized, nonirradiated tissue. Depending on the severity and the dimensions of the local defect, either regional pedicled flaps or free-tissue transfer has been used [7, 9]. Despite appropriate surgery, complications with local wound dehiscence, seroma, or blood vessel thrombosis are seen, sometimes resulting in complete flap loss [17]. Due to the very low beta energy, skin ulcers from Er-169 colloids are likely to heal spontaneously with less pronounced tissue damage.

9.3 Intra-articular Infection

Joint infection is a severe complication which is not related to the radiopharmaceutical agent itself but might occur from any joint puncture performed either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The individual risk for intra-articular infection depends on several predisposing factors, e.g., systemic inflammatory disease (rheumatoid arthritis), immunocompetence, ongoing pharmacotherapy, existence of joint replacement, and others. The frequency of joint infections after intra-articular injections is generally assumed to be very low and ranges from 1:3000 down to 1:100.000 [18]. In a survey covering 126.000 arthrographies, only three intra-articular infections were documented [19].

Apart from poor non-aseptic injection technique or contamination of the injected drug preparation, an infection may arise from bacterial infection of deeper tissue layers not eliminated by skin disinfection [20] or from hematogenous spread along the needle track [21].

Published data concerning joint infections after RSO are very rare. Three cases with intra-articular infection were documented in a very early paper by Menkes in 1979 [22], reviewing a total of >9,000 RSO procedures between 1969 and 1975. One case of a septic arthritis after repeated RSO was described by Taylor et al. [23] in a series of 121 knee joint treatments using Yttrium-90. However, there is no further information about any treatment strategy or the clinical course of such complication.

In our data pool [7], a total of 13 intra-articular infections were documented. In seven of these patients, oral antibiotics did not lead to restitution and, thus, intra-articular antibiotics were needed. An endoscopic joint lavage was performed in four additional patients.

In our experience, two patients developed severe pain and massive joint swelling with redness and skin hyperthermia a few hours after treatment with RSO for chronic effusion after endoprosthetic knee joint replacement. As the clinical symptoms were typical for joint infection, the patients were immediately treated with oral antibiotics (fixed combination of amoxicillin 875 mg and clavulanate 125 mg twice a day) and showed complete regression of complaints and symptoms after 3 weeks.

Early and intense therapy is necessary in case of septic arthritis to prevent severe joint damage and ankylosis or even systemic complications. According to the guidelines, aspiration of joint fluid must be done if an intra-articular infection is suspected. This is mandatory for establishing the diagnosis and the choice of an appropriate pharmacotherapy according to the antibiogram. If the symptoms increase within 24–48 h or if repeated aspiration is unsuccessful, surgical treatment is indicated [24]. An early (“primary”) surgical therapy was also recommended in the literature [25]. A lower intra-articular bacterial count rate, the clinical decompression after joint lavage, and the avoidance of a possible “non-responding” to the antibiotic treatment are possible advantages compared to the primary antibiotic therapy.

9.4 Thromboembolic Complications

As with intra-articular infections, thromboembolic complications are not specific for radionuclide joint treatment but may occur following the mandatory immobilization of the treated joint using a tight bandage and a splint. This holds especially true for radiosynovectomy of lower limb joints in old and immobile patients or for those with a concomitant high risk of thrombosis, e.g., varicose veins or coagulopathies for any reasons. However, there are no documented cases of a thromboembolic complication in the literature so far, which is definitely linked to the radiosynovectomy procedure.

In our survey, a total of 12 cases of thrombosis after radiosynovectomy of lower limb joints were documented: 1 of them after treatment of both the knee and the hip joint in the same patient. An elevated risk profile was documented in 6 of 12 patients, and no prophylactic anticoagulation was performed. Most of these patients (8/12) were successfully treated with routine anticoagulation pharmacotherapy. A guideline for effective treatment of venous thromboembolic disease recommends short-term treatment with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin or unfractionated heparin given intravenously [26].

Provided there are no preexisting risk factors in the individual patient, the risk of a thromboembolic complication must be carefully weighed against possible side effects from anticoagulation therapy, and thus, a general thromboembolic prophylaxis cannot be recommended. If RSO is performed in two adjacent joints of the lower limb (knee and hip joint or knee and ankle joint), the immobilization of both joints leads to an increased (“medium”) risk with 10–20 % deep venous thromboses of the shank, 2–4 % of more proximal thromboses, 1–2 % of clinically relevant pulmonary embolism, and 0.1–0.4 % of lethal pulmonary embolism [27]. In such patients and in those with two or more predisposing risk factors, an effective antithrombotic prophylaxis is mandatory [28]. Ready-to-use syringes containing low molecular heparin should be used for this purpose if the respective patient does not display any contraindications like bleeding abnormalities and cerebral or dissected aortic aneurysms.

9.5 Other Possible Complications: A Critical Review

Other complications published in the literature which are not direct results of RSO procedure and of minor severity include a transient and frequently self-limiting radiogenic effusion which has been documented in 2 % of patients several hours after radionuclide instillation [29]. A co-injection of a corticosteroid during radiosynovectomy helps to avoid this adverse event in the vast majority of patients [30]. Probably due to a tight bandage after RSO with compression of the local nerves, a transient fibular nerve paresis and symptoms mimicking Sudeck’s dystrophy and carpal tunnel syndrome were documented in our survey, but there was no information on the further clinical course. A case of a radiogenic dermatitis has been documented which was probably a result of extended fluoroscopy during radiosynovectomy in a severely destroyed joint [7].

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