Limb pain in the elderly

Chapter 37 Limb pain in the elderly

Case 37.6


Barry is a 59-year-old fishmonger who you see intermittently for mechanical low back pain. This morning he awoke with a painful right calf and swollen right lower extremity. On arriving at work, Barry calls your office and arranges an appointment for later that morning.

He reports that the previous day he stood for an unusually long period of time (7 hours), while filleting fish, which made his leg feel ‘tired’.

Further questioning indicates that the pain is increasing, and located diffusely around the medial aspect of his upper calf. He describes the pain as aching, which intensifies on passive ankle dorsiflexion and active weight bearing ankle plantar flexion. He cannot recall any specific trauma to his legs.

Barry denies experiencing chest pain or shortness of breath, and reports no previous health issues. He feels he is generally well, albeit for him carrying roughly 30 kg of excess weight which he attributes to a poor diet and lack of exercise. Barry has a history of intermittent low back pain spanning several decades, which more recently began to radiate to his right lateral calf. Barry has not been medically evaluated since he was a young man.

Physical examination

Vitals •Pulse rate/min 94, regular
•Respiratory rate/min 16
•Blood pressure mm Hg 170/100
•Temperature (degrees C) 36.6
Limbs The patient is slightly bow legged. Varicose veins transverse the patient’s calves bilaterally
On the right lower extremity

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Limb pain in the elderly

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