CHAPTER 9 Leg EPIDEMIOLOGY OF LEG PAIN LEG PAIN IN THE GENERAL POPULATION (1) Leg discomfort • Common complaints in elderly population (up to two-thirds in some studies) • Varying characterization by patients: cramps, heaviness, shooting pains etc. Associated conditions • Often related to knee pain, radiating neuropathic pain (sciatic pain), and referred pain from other locations LEG PAIN IN ATHLETES Prevalence • Common, up to 80% of athletes experience chronic leg pain at some point (2) • Lower leg overuse injuries comprise 10% of all overuse injuries in athletes; higher in older athletes and with weight-bearing sports Common causes • Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS; most common cause of exercise-induced anterior leg pain) • Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS; shin splint)—5% of all athletic injuries, and stress fracture of tibia and fibula (less than half of all musculoskeletal injuries) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS FLOWCHART 9.1 Differential diagnosis of leg pain. LS, lumbosacral; MSK, musculoskeletal; MTSS, medial tibial stress syndrome. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES BASED ON LOCATION OF PAIN (FLOWCHART 9.1) POSTERIOR LEG (CALF) PAIN ANTERIOR LEG (SHIN/TIBIA) PAIN Muscle and tendon • Medial gastrocnemius tear (tennis leg) • Achilles tightness/tendinopathy • Myofascial pain syndrome • Compartment syndrome (deep posterior) • Muscle infarct: diabetic muscle infarct Nerve • Referred to leg: spinal stenosis (neurogenic claudication), radiculopathy (L5–S1 roots), sciatic neuropathy (piriformis syndrome) • Local nerve compression (tibial nerve entrapment; soleal sling syndrome) Vessels • Artery: arterial insufficiency (femoral or popliteal arteries), entrapment of arteries (popliteal or external iliac arteries) • Vein: DVT, postphlebitic syndrome Others • Ruptured Baker’s cyst • Tumor, infection (cellulitis), or fracture Bone • Stress fracture • Tumor, infection (osteomyelitis) Muscles and tendons • Chronic compartment syndrome (the anterior compartment) • Fascial defect/herniation (with/without superficial peroneal N irritation) Nerves • Referred to leg: radiculopathy (L4–L5 roots), saphenous neuropathy • Peripheral nerve entrapment (lateral sural cutaneous, superficial peroneal nerves) Vessels (more common etiology in posterior leg pain than anterior leg) • DVT • Entrapment of arteries (popliteal or external iliac arteries) DVT, deep vein thrombosis; N, nerve. FLOWCHART 9.2 Underlying causes of calf cramps. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CALF PAIN AND CRAMPS (FLOWCHART 9.2) • Calf cramps (3) • Muscle strain, ischemic or neuropathic claudication, restless leg syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, dystonias, and nocturnal myoclonus (4) • Paraphysiologic (occasional cramps that occur in otherwise healthy patients); seen during sports activity or during pregnancy • Metabolic: uremia (dialysis), hypothyroidism, hypovolemic hyponatremia (excess perspiration or “heat cramps,” diarrhea, vomiting, diuretic therapy), hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, hypoadrenalism, cirrhosis • Neurologic • Muscle disease: inflammatory myopathies, metabolic, mitochondrial, endocrine myopathy, dystrophinopathies, and myotonia • Medications/toxins/supplements: inhaled long-acting β2 agonist, K+ sparing and thiazide diuretics, cimetidine, statin medications, lithium, alcohol, Ca2+ channel blockers, creatine, and oral contraceptives DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF LEG SWELLING (6) Unilateral • Acute (<72 hours): deep vein thrombosis (DVT; MC), ruptured Baker’s cyst, compartment syndrome, ruptured medial head of gastrocnemius • Chronic: venous insufficiency (MC), secondary lymphedema (tumor, radiation, surgery, infection), pelvic tumor/mass, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy Bilateral • Acute: acute worsening of systemic cause (heart failure or renal disease) • Chronic: venous insufficiency, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, idiopathic edema, lymphedema, drugs, premenstrual edema, pregnancy, lipedema, renal disease, and liver disease DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF ATROPHY AND PSEUDOHYPERTROPHY Ipsilateral calf atrophy (7) • S1 radiculopathy, tethered cord or meningomyelocele, chronic sciatic neuropathy/tibial neuropathy, motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS], progressive muscular atrophy, Kennedy disease), peripheral neuropathy (multifocal motor neuropathy, diabetic amyotrophy), myopathy (Miyoshi, inclusion body myositis), benign focal amyotrophy, and so on. Peroneal pseudohypertrophy • Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth), spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy (Duchenne or Becker type), and myopathies DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF COMMON TIBIAL DEFORMITY Tibial torsion • Medial or lateral tibial torsion (rotation) • Medial (intoeing): femoral anteversion, metatarsus adductus, or foot deformity • Lateral tibial rotation: normal developmental finding during childhood Bowing leg • Anterolateral bowing: frequently associated with dysplasia of the tibia leading to pathologic fractures and pseudoarthrosis, although a benign form also exists • Posteromedial bowing: usually benign • Anteromedial bowing: associated with fibular hemimelia (congenital fibular aplasia or hypoplasia) OTHER HISTORY TO ASK • Onset: acute (vascular, trauma > inflammatory) versus gradual (musculoskeletal, nerve entrapment) • Associated precipitating or aggravating activities • Details of training regimen: any recent change in type/intensity of training, distance of running, or sports activity (lower extremity weight bearing activity, or jumping sports) • Duration of pain/timing of pain and relief after the cessation of the activity • Female athletic triads: inadequate nutritional status, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, osteoporosis, and excessively thin/lean (8) • Claudication VASCULAR CLAUDICATION NEUROGENIC CLAUDICATION Triggered/aggravated by Increased vascular demand/inadequate vascular supply Lumbar extension/lateral flexion Relieved by Rest Lumbar flexion Effect of walking on pain Pain occurs after fixed amount of exertion Pain after variable amount of exertion Effect of resting on pain Immediate relief of pain after stop Continued lingering pain ANATOMY CROSS-SECTIONAL ANATOMY Bony and cross-sectional anatomy of the leg (9) (see Figure 1.5B) BONES Tibia • Main weight-bearing structure, stress reaction to the loading • The tibial plateau, tibial tubercle, tibial eminence, proximal tibia, tibial shaft (narrowest at junction of middle and distal third), and tibial plafond distally • Superficial location of the bone (subcutaneous in the anterior–medial aspect): predispose to open fracture Fibular • Not directly involved in transmission of weight Superior and inferior tibiofibular joint • (See Chapters 8 and 10; knee and ankle) with interosseous membrane to bind tibia and fibula MUSCLES PHYSICAL EXAMINATION INSPECTION Atrophy, edema, deformity, erythema/ecchymosis, wound, hyperpigmentation, and the like • Deformity: usually developmental but also occurs secondary to posttraumatic sequelae • Edema • Ecchymosis, focal swelling (hematoma), or mild depression/palpable deficits in muscles occurs with massive muscle tear (MC) PALPATION Tibial crest and muscles (anterior, lateral, and posterior) Evaluate for masses (eg, lipoma, muscle herniation, or bony protuberance or mass) Palpate arterial pulses with knee in extension and flexion (arterial entrapment syndrome) • Absence of both dorsal pedal and posterior tibial pulses strongly suggests peripheral arterial disease (PAD), whereas presence of either pulse suggests PAD is less likely NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION Motor examination • Check ankle dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, eversion, inversion, and knee flexion (gastrocnemius) Sensory examination • Evaluate both dermatomal and peripheral nerve distributions • Peripheral nerve distributions Palpate over areas of scarring or percuss over common entrapment site to check reproduction of paresthesia or pain in the distribution of peripheral nerves (Tinel sign or Valleix’s phenomenon) Evaluate sensory symptoms in relation to the inciting activity EVALUATION OF FOOT FOR PES PLANUS (OVERPRONATION) AND PES CAVUS (WITH SUPINATION) Overpronation • Evaluate hindfoot valgus, tibial internal rotation, tight Achilles tendon (gastrocnemius), and genu valgum • Frequently encountered in Achilles tendinopathy, MTSS, tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction Oversupination • Evaluate hindfoot varus, tibial external rotation, and genu varum • Frequently encountered in overloading of lateral compartment (peroneus longus and brevis) or proximal tibiofibular joint dysfunction and creates risk of stress related bony injury DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES PLAIN RADIOGRAPHS • Generally the first diagnostic imaging modality used for lower leg pain (11) (Flowchart 9.3) • Specific for fractures if fracture line or displaced fracture is present Limitations • Insensitive for early-stress–related bony injuries: may need to repeat in 2 weeks or MRI if suspicious Bone scan • Sensitive for early bony injury but is not specific MRI • Imaging modality of choice for leg pain • Fat-suppressed fluid-sensitive sequences (T2-weighted, proton density): best for detecting edema • T1-weighted images: used for better depiction of anatomy, muscle atrophy, fatty infiltration • Marrow edema: intermediate or low signal intensity in T1-weighted and high signal intensity on fat-suppressed fluid-sensitive sequences • Muscle edema (eg, in compartment syndrome): high signal intensity on T2-weighted sequences FLOWCHART 9.3 Diagnostic workup for leg pain in an outpatient clinic. CRP, C-reactive protein; Dx, diagnosis; EMG, electromyography; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Tx, treatment; US, ultrasound. Source: Adapted from Ref. (12). Edwards PH, Jr, Wright ML, Hartman JF. A practical approach for the differential diagnosis of chronic leg pain in the athlete. Am J Sports Med. 2005;33(8):1241–1249. POINT-OF-CARE ULTRASONOGRAPHY (US) Indications • Diagnostic evaluation of acute tendon or muscle injury or tear, tendinosis; anatomical evaluation of nerve trunk • Needle guidance for injections Advantages • Allows for dynamic maneuvers/evaluation, such as evaluation of muscle/tendon impingement (rotator cuff), tendon instability, or muscle herniation (occurs upto 40% in CECS) Limitations • Operator dependant, inadequate penetration/resolution of deep structures • Intracortical (marrow) lesion: tumor, cyst, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular necrosis CT SCAN • Useful in differentiating stress reactions from stress fracture versus other bony abnormalities • Able to detect osseus cortical findings as osteopenia, resorption cavities, and striations • Limitations: insensitive in the early stages of bony stress injury (normal). Unable to detect cancellous bone marrow edema or bone bruise VASCULAR STUDY AND OTHER TESTS Venous studies: venous duplex to rule out DVT Arterial studies: ankle brachial index (ABI), duplex US, and angiography (CT or MR angiography) used to evaluate PAD • ABI: systolic blood pressure (SBP) in ankle divided by SBP in arm, correlates well with findings on angiography. ABI values ≤0.9; PAD >1.4; noncompressible/calcified vessels Compartment pressure study: gold standard for CECS TREATMENT NONOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT General guidelines • Initial relative rest (from prolonged lower extremities weight bearing or any symptom provocation activities and/or decreasing activity duration depending on the condition) with use of modalities (eg, therapeutic US) as needed, and gradual return to exercise as symptoms improve º Maintain upper extremity endurance exercise during period of recovery • Clarify weight-bearing status (on specific condition, based on follow-up imaging) • Identify biomechanical culprit in overuse injury Therapeutic exercises • Stretching of gastrocnemius (Achilles stretching with neutral subtalar placement), hamstring (knee extension and flexion), flexor hallucis longus (FHL), and flexor digitorum longus (FDL; stretch with toe dorsiflexion) • Evaluation of proximal (knee and hip) and distal segment (foot and ankle) deformity: assessment of biomechanics and address it • Aerobic endurance exercise (upper body ergometer) to avoid deconditioning Oral medication • First line: acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and/or short duration of muscle relaxant • Second line: weak opioid medications Orthotic • Check foot and ankle orthoses part Injection • Trigger point injection with lidocaine ± steroid injection used for myofascial pain syndrome and fascial tear • Cutaneous nerve block (sural, saphenous nerve, and superficial peroneal nerve) used most often for focal entrapment neuropathy or neuroma • Botox for exertional compartment syndrome (13) MUSCULOSKELETAL PATHOLOGY MEDIAL TIBIAL STRESS SYNDROME Introduction (10) • Commonly used definition: pain and tenderness along the posteromedial border of the tibia resulting from exercise (14) • Common in physically active population; 4% to 35% depending on the studies Etiology and risk factors (15) • Increased hindfoot (calcaneal) eversion and pes planus (tibialis posterior dysfunction results in a biomechanical disadvantage) • Weakness or inflexibility/tightness of the calf muscle (gastrocnemius) results in impaired biomechanics and diminished shock absorption capability History and physical examination • Intermittent or continuous pain on the medial side of the lower leg • Tenderness over the distal two-thirds of the posterior medial tibial crest • Reproduction of tibial pain/symptoms on provocative maneuvers (not specific) Diagnosis • Clinically diagnosed with imaging study to rule out other etiologies • Imaging studies • Compartmental pressure testing for evaluation for chronic compartment syndrome Treatment (14) • Ice, NSAIDs, activity modification, tibialis posterior strengthening, closed kinetic chain functional exercise, and graded running program of interval training with increasing duration and intensity • Custom made foot insole can be considered in pes planus (16,17) • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy has been shown to result in a faster return to running (18) CHRONIC EXERTIONAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME (CECS) Introduction (19) • Reversible ischemia occurring secondary to a noncompliant osseofascial compartment that is unaccommodating to the expansion of muscle volume that occurs with exercise • Location: most commonly in anterior compartment (45%), followed by deep posterior (40%), lateral (10%), and superficial posterior (5%) • Female > male and mean age of presentation: 20 years old • Etiology and risk factors (20) History and physical examination • Recurrent exercise-induced leg discomfort occurring at a well defined and reproducible point in the run or training time (gradual onset of discomfort) • Often accompanied by nerve irritation (superficial peroneal nerve in the anterolateral compartment, tibial nerve in the deep posterior compartment) • Physical examination: muscle firmness and tenderness to palpation and pain with passive stretching of the muscle • Foot overpronation or possible weakness of involved muscle (not striking) • Muscle herniation (through facial defects) may be noted on examination in 40% to 60% of cases (commonly in anterior compartment) Diagnosis • Clinical suspicion confirmed by intracompartmental pressure measurement criteria as noted in the following. Application of these criteria with a history suggestive of CECS: <5% false-positive rate in the diagnosis of CECS (21) • Differential diagnosis Treatment • Conservative treatments • Surgical fasciotomy: indicated for persistent symptoms despite 6 to 12 weeks of conservative treatment STRESS FRACTURE (OF TIBIA) Introduction (24) • Most common location of stress fracture is the tibia (50% of stress fracture in athletes). Posteromedial tibia is the most common location within tibia • Risk factors: young and healthy adults who participate in activities that involve significant amounts of walking, running, or jumping such as seen in certain sports (most commonly in running, though also seen in dancers and basketball and soccer players) and military recruits, impaired bone mineralization History and physical examination • Little discomfort even in the setting of nonunion • Gradually progressive (weeks to months) anterior leg pain or vague discomfort that occurs with activities • Localized tenderness, swelling, and palpable callus Diagnosis • Clinical suspicion (suggestive history and examination) confirmed by imaging study • X-ray: negative for first 2 to 3 weeks. Findings suggestive of stress fractures include evidence of a periosteal reaction, cortical thickening, sclerosis, or a true fracture line • MRI: grading of tibial stress injuries (25) • Differential diagnosis Treatment • 6 to 8 weeks of non–weight bearing º Typical return-to-running program for a non-elite athlete after the initial period of rest with uncomplicated stress fracture (24) – 1st week: a for 5 minutes – 2nd week: a for 15 minutes – 3rd week: for 25 minutes – 4th week: 45 minutes • Anterior tibial fracture may need surgical referral for intramedullary nailing given risk for nonunion • For improvement of bone mineralization: vitamin D supplementation, improved nutritional intake, and smoking cessation MEDIAL GASTROCNEMIUS TEAR • Medial gastrocnemius tears are a common location of muscle tears in the leg • “Tennis leg”: leg pain caused by tear of the medial gastrocnemius (MC), followed by, in order of decreasing incidence, soleus tear, both gastrocnemius and soleus tears, tears of both heads of gastrocnemius and lastly, plantaris tear • Peak incidence in middle age men Etiology and mechanism of injury • Ankle dorsiflexion while the knee is extended, short/abrupt sprints, climbing stairs, sudden forceful eccentric contraction of the muscle (eg, lunging forward by pushing off of leg while in a crouched position as seen commonly in tennis) History and physical examination • Sudden intense calf pain, as if the calf has been kicked or struck by a ball or racket followed by swelling, cramping, and discolorization or ecchymosis within 24 hours • Visible depression of the musculature in distal leg and proximal migration of muscle bulk Diagnosis • Clinical diagnosis confirmed by imaging study • US • MRI: helps to further characterize the lesion, distinguish hemorrhage versus hematoma at musculotendinous junction, and evaluate for any concurrent bony pathology (ie, stress fracture and intracortical structure abnormalities) • Differential diagnosis: ruptured Baker’s cyst, hematoma without muscle tear, DVT, plantaris, or Achilles tendon tear and intracortical lesion of the bone Treatment • First employ the RICE method • Initially, also beneficial to use gentle stretch, massage, and cryotherapy • Pain medications (acetaminophen, NSAIDs) can be used as needed • One- to two-centimeter heel lift (to decrease calf stretch) initially and/or Unna boot for 2 weeks can help with pain. • Progress to eccentric strengthening, heel raises/dropping exercise, proprioception exercises and closed kinetic chain exercises with core and general conditioning • Running, jumping, and cutting activity can be initiated in 6 to 12 weeks • Prognosis: benign prognosis with no significant difference in strength compared to the contralateral leg after about 2 years PLANTARIS TENDON AND SOLEUS MUSCLE TEAR Introduction (27) • Rare; even existence of plantaris tendon tear has been disputed in the past • Plantaris tears occur at the musculotendinous junction (mid-calf level), similar to the gastrocnemius • Soleus tears occur when the ankle is passively dorsiflexed while the knee is flexed (eg, position of foot landing while uphill running). Tears can occur throughout the extent of the muscle History and physical examination • Patients complain of painful weight bearing • Inspection shows swelling (less than what is seen with other muscle tears) ± ecchymosis • Pain can be elicited with active dorsiflexion of affected ankle and point tenderness is noted on palpation • Often difficult to distinguish from gastrocnemius or proximal Achilles tendon injury Diagnosis • Clinical suspicion based on history and exam confirmed by imaging study • US and MRI evidence of fluid between the gastrocnemius and soleus Treatment • Similar to the gastrocnemius tendon tear
Definition of cramps: sudden involuntary, painful contractions of skeletal muscles
Occurs in 30% to 95% of the general population
Cramps during exercise (recurrent)
Common causes: serum deficit of magnesium and on medications
Other causes of cramps: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, vascular disorders, metabolic myopathy, radiculoneuropathy
Peripheral nervous system: motor neuron disease, acute poliomyelitis, radiculopathy, peripheral neuropathies and syndromes associated with antibodies to voltage-gated K+ channels (eg, neuromyotonia) (5)
Neurofibromatosis type 1 present in ~50% of patients with anterolateral bowing
Abrupt increase in activity can lead to overuse or stress injury
Time until pain resolution is faster in vascular etiologies compared to neuropathic and musculoskeletal etiologies, in which pain is often persistent or presents after the inciting activity
Medial tibial torsion: check femoral anteversion, and foot/ankle inspection
Hyperpigmentation in the medial ankle (hemosiderin deposition) and pitting edema: venous insufficiency
Kaposi–Stemmer sign: inability to pinch a fold of skin on the dorsum of the second toe; lymphedema
Proximal lateral calf: lateral sural cutaneous nerve, branches from common peroneal nerve
Proximal medial leg: saphenous nerve
Distal anterior: superficial peroneal nerve
Distal posterior: sural nerve
Water based exercise often useful for maintaining limited weight bearing
Cross-training can be considered after initial rest period
Intervene faulty biomechanics, for example, pes planus (hindfoot eversion), hyperpronation, tight Achilles cord (gastrocnemius), pes cavus (hindfoot inversion) with appropriate foot orthotics: heel lift, medial or lateral heel wedge
Footwear education: for example, roomier (wider and longer) shoe with higher toe box
Clarify utility and proper fit of anti-supinator and anti-pronator shoe options; patient often confused.
For example, anti-pronator (medial hindfoot reinforcement) shoes will aggravate pain from peroneal tendinopathy due to resultant varus positioning of hindfoot
Can be used as an adjunct treatment for complex regional pain syndrome (superficial peroneal nerve and posterior tibial nerve blocks) or diffuse pain syndrome
Traction induced periostitis of tibia secondary to dysfunction of the tibialis posterior, FDL, and medial soleus
Excess tibial stress results in remodeling of the tibial cortex with resultant osteopenia
Described as dull or intense and is exacerbated by repetitive weight-bearing activity
Passive ankle dorsiflexion and active ankle plantar flexion against resistance
Bilateral or unilateral standing toe raises and jumping
X-ray to rule out stress fracture (may have to repeat in 1–2 weeks)
Bone scan: may be positive in MTSS and stress fractures
MRI: equivocal in MTSS. Positive in stress fracture and chronic compartment syndrome
Occurs bilaterally in 75% to 90% of cases
Aberrant biomechanics (rear foot landing or overpronation)
Anabolic steroid and creatine use
Training errors with excessive eccentric exercise
Characterized as tight, cramp-like, or squeezing pain
Relief of pain with discontinuation of inciting activity
Pressure value interpretation by Stryker intracompartmental pressure monitor:
0 to 8 mmHg: normal; 30 to 50 mmHg: equivocal; >50 mmHg: surgical emergency
Three criteria by Pedowitz et al. (22)
Pre-exercise resting intracompartmental pressure: ≥15 mmHg
1-minute postexercise pressure: ≥30 mmHg
5-minute postexercise pressure: ≥20 mmHg
Intracompartmental pressure increase >10 mmHg from baseline pressure with exercise
Stress fracture: commonly coexist (up to 30%)
MTSS, periosteitis or tenosynovitis/tendonitis
Nerve entrapment, lumbosacral (LS) radiculopathy, or neurogenic claudication
DVT, vascular claudication, or popliteal artery entrapment
Infection, myopathy, or tumor
Limit activities to the level of minimal symptom, NSAIDs, soft tissue release, stretching and strengthening, and foot orthotic (for overpronation)
Forefoot running (23), gradual increase (no greater than 10%/wk) in duration and intensity
Heel lift and medial wedge if significant Achilles tightness present or pes planus
Botox injection (13); good pain relief and mild weakness without functional decline
Endoscopic release site should be distal from location where superficial peroneal perforates the fascia (7–10 cm above ankle)
Success rate greater than 80% for anterior/lateral and 50% for posterior compartment fasciotomies
Complications occur in about 10% of surgeries
Females are generally less responsive to fasciotomy compared to males
Postoperatively, return to activity as soon as possible is recommended with no limitation of activity
Anteromedial tibial stress fractures result from tension type stress and have a high risk for nonunion. Posteromedial tibial stress fractures present like shin splints
High risk of delayed healing and nonunion
Percussion of the bone away from the site of the fracture may produce the pain
“Dreaded black line” refers to a transverse fracture line in the anterior tibial shaft
Grade 1: periosteal edema on fat-suppressed T2 images (shin splints)
Grade 2: grade 1 + marrow edema on fat-suppressed T2 images
Grade 3: grade 2 + marrow edema on T1 images
Grade 4: grade 3 + clearly visible fracture line
MTSS: relief of symptoms with rest or daily ambulation, pain is nonfocal, shorter time course to symptom onset, rarely cause proximal tibial pain
Stress reaction, muscle strain, and neoplasm
Radiologic union at 3 months and return to play at 4 months (pain and tenderness has to be resolved)
a: Runs on softer surfaces during the initial return-to-running phase
b: Nonimpact activity on off days, which can be the same form of cross-training that the athlete was performing before resuming running
c: Gradual increase in distance and intensity depending on the runner’s goals over 4 to 6 weeks.
10 minutes
15 minutes
b × 2 days
20 minutes
25 minutes
b × 2 days
30 minutes
30 minutes
35 minutes
40 minutes
Isolated tear of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius occurs in ~15% of cases involving gastrocnemius tears.
Common findings
Disruption of the normal fiber alignment at the musculotendinous junction
Hematoma and fluid collection between the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
Longitudinal views are obtained to evaluate the size and extent of muscle retraction and transverse scans are used to evaluate the degree of tear (partial vs complete tear)
Rest until able to walk without a limp
Ice, Compression, and Elevation until swelling subsides
Three-dimensional (3D) walking boot and crutches can be used in severe strains.

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