


Valgus test


Clinical context

The MCL is the most commonly injured knee ligament and the valgus stress test is the primary tool for assessing the integrity of its deep and superficial fibres. In addition the posteromedial capsule, posterior oblique ligament, PCL and ACL will also be subject to stress during this manoeuvre.

In the acute injury, full physical assessment may not be possible because of pain, apprehension and swelling, so diagnosis may depend on assessment of the force and mechanism of injury, the degree of pain, the rapidity of swelling (immediate, significant swelling suggesting haemarthrosis) and the degree of disability.

Assessment of the subacute or chronic lesion allows the MCL injury to be graded (Bulstrode et al 2002, Kesson & Atkins 2005):

Grade Findings
Minor/grade I Pain, tenderness and diffuse swelling with medial joint gapping of less than 5 mm on valgus testing with maintenance of the normal joint end-feel and a minimal suction sign (drawing in the skin over the medial joint line) signifies some MCL microfailure but no instability
Moderate/grade II Pain, tenderness and local swelling with medial joint gapping of 5–10 mm on valgus testing with maintenance of the normal joint end-feel and a marked suction sign caused by moderate to major MCL tear. Minor ligamentous laxity does not usually result in serious functional instability unless the demands on the knee are high
Severe/grade III Severe pain at the time of injury, significant swelling and possible haemarthrosis. Gapping of greater than 10 mm, with loss of the definite ligamentous end-feel, indicating a complete MCL rupture

Imaging with stress X-rays and/or MRI may help grade the injury more specifically and determine the presence of concurrent damage to other structures.

Although valgus stress is the most frequently used test in assessing injury to the MCL, the absence of an appropriate reference standard against which to measure the accuracy of mild injury or rupture has resulted in little evidence to support its use. Only one study reported a sensitivity of 86% for MCL tears using arthroscopy as a reference standard (Malanga et al 2003).

Varus test

Clinical context

Lateral or posterolateral knee injuries are relatively uncommon as the mechanism of injury usually requires an external impact (e.g. being hit by a car or a rugby tackle) to force the knee into an extreme varus position. In contrast to the MCL, the ligament is quite independent of the lateral capsule and meniscus which makes the structure less vulnerable to injury. The normal degree of varus is variable (usually around 7°) and should be compared to the normal knee if laxity is suspected. Stress X-ray showing a lateral opening of more than 8 mm is suggestive of a grade III injury (see ligament injury table, p. 184) and the likelihood of injury to the other posterolateral structures (cruciate ligaments, posterolateral capsule, arcuate–popliteus complex, iliotibial band) increases with the degree of abnormal varus movement detected (LaPrade & Terry 1997, Larsen & Toth 2005). Lateral instability, though much less common, is potentially more disabling than medial instability.

Varus stress tests the integrity of the LCL ligament. Although laxity noted on this test may indicate one-plane lateral instability, it is more likely to be positive where there has been injury to the other structures that contribute to posterolateral stability (Malanga et al 2003). If this is suspected, the posterolateral drawer test (see p. 205), dial test (see p. 209) or external recurvatum test (see p. 211) are considered to be more accurate in detecting posterolateral rotational instability (PLRI; Baker et al 1983). Conversely, a negative varus test does not rule out PLRI as an intact PCL contributes to varus stability in full extension and may limit varus excursion. In one large study, the LCL was found to be involved in only 23% of PLRI injuries (LaPrade & Terry 1997).

There is little evidence on the accuracy of any of the tests for the lateral structures of the knee primarily due to the absence of an appropriate reference standard. The clinical findings for lateral and posterolateral injuries of the knee are often subtle and, as a result, are more frequently misinterpreted (Hughston et al 1976).

Posterior drawer test

Clinical context

In a complete PCL tear, the average extent of posterior excursion of the tibia is 9.2 mm although incomplete tears will produce varied degrees of laxity (Hewett et al 1997). Injury of other stabilizing structures (i.e. arcuate–popliteus complex, posterior oblique ligament, iliotibial band) should always be considered as a potential source of pain and/or instability. Posterior excursion can be assessed and graded by measuring the amount of ‘step-off’ between the anterior tibial plateau and the femoral condyles (Larsen & Toth 2005).

Grade Amount of step-off between anterior tibial plateau and femoral condyles
1 Palpable step (approx 5 mm)
2 The normal anterior step is eliminated and the medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau are level
3 The medial tibial plateau is displaced posteriorly in relation to the medial femoral condyle resulting in a reverse ‘step off’. With this finding, posterolateral corner and medial injuries should also be considered

The posterior drawer test is considered to be the most accurate test for diagnosing isolated PCL injuries but this has not been verified in studies examining its use as an isolated test. A high degree of sensitivity and specificity has been recorded where it is used as part of a composite assessment to determine PCL injury, particularly when complemented by other tests such as the posterior sag test (Malanga et al 2003); analysing the test in this context is helpful as it mirrors usual clinical practice.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, increased inter-examiner reliability has been noted in the presence of more significant grade II and III injuries (Rubenstein et al 1994).

Anterior drawer test

Clinical context

In an evaluation of the evidence around physical tests at the knee, a composite assessment (which included the anterior drawer test) was found to be more accurate than any one single test in diagnosing ligament and meniscal lesions (Solomon et al 2001). The test has also demonstrated a high degree of specificity (Jackson et al 2003) although doubts over its degree of sensitivity led other studies to conclude that the test should be secondary to the more sensitive Lachman (see p. 194) or pivot shift test (see p. 201) (Benjaminse et al 2006, Jackson et al 2003, Ostrowski 2006, Scholten et al 2003). It is an easier test to perform, however, and for the less experienced practitioner, the findings may be more helpful than trying to detect abnormalities with the pivot shift test. The sensitivity of all these tests improves when testing in the acute stages is avoided and they are used either when the patient is anaesthetized or in the subacute/chronic stage of the condition.

In the test position of 90° knee flexion, the MCL and posterior capsule provide secondary restraints to anterior tibial translation. If these structures are intact and the ACL is injured in isolation, the drawer test will be normal, leading to a false negative result. Other factors that can lead to a false negative result are hamstring spasm, a bucket-handle meniscal tear which blocks anterior translation of the tibia, or a partial ACL tear which has attached to the PCL during the healing process (Kim & Kim 1995). A false positive test can occur (increased anterior translation even when the ACL is intact) if the medial coronary (meniscotibial) ligament has been disrupted (Magee 2008). Increased anterior excursion of the medial tibial condyle should lead the clinician to conduct further multiplanar tests (see Slocum AMRI, p. 198) to establish the extent of the rotational instability. If a click or sudden shift accompanies a positive drawer test, suspicion of a concurrent meniscal tear should be aroused. The sudden movement or jerk is known as Finochietto’s jump sign (Magee 2008).

Lachman’s test

Clinical context

This is a test for one-plane anterior instability and is the most sensitive physical test for diagnosing an isolated ACL injury. It was originally described by Torg but he named the test after his boss, Lachman (Torg et al 1976).

In studies using arthroscopy as the ‘gold standard’ for ACL diagnosis (Jackson et al 2003, Ostrowski 2006) Lachman’s test has been shown to be both more sensitive and specific compared with the anterior drawer (see p. 191) and pivot shift (see p. 201) tests. The Lachman test has also been found to be more accurate than MRI in the diagnosis of ligamentous injury (Kocabey et al 2004, Liu et al 1995, Rose & Gold 1996), a negative test thereby effectively ruling out complete ACL rupture (Scholten et al 2003).

The test is less sensitive where there is complex or acute injury (Frobell et al 2007, Yoon et al 1997) and, as with all ligament tests at the knee, is more sensitive when performed under anaesthesia (Kim & Kim 1995, Katz & Fingeroth 1986). Torg’s original study (Torg et al 1976) examined its use on patients with combined ACL and meniscal lesions and reported high levels of sensitivity, largely unaffected by the presence of bucket-handle tears. False negative results have been reported however, in cases where there is only a partial tear of the ACL, in chronic lesions where the injured ACL has adhered to the PCL, or where there is a concurrent meniscal injury sufficiently significant to prevent anterior translation of the tibia (Kim & Kim 1995).

In the test position, maximum tension is found in all portions of the ACL (Kim & Kim 1995). If instability is detected, stress X-rays can assist in grading the degree of injury (see below) although, in practice, clinicians are more likely to use their findings on examination to subjectively grade the degree of tibial translation.

Grade Amount of anterior tibial translation
1 < 5 mm
2 5–10 mm
3 >10 mm


• Anteromedial rotatory instability (AMRI)

Slocum (AMRI) test

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Aug 8, 2016 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on Knee

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