CHAPTER 8 Knee EPIDEMIOLOGY OF KNEE PAIN KNEE PAIN IN THE GENERAL POPULATION Prevalence • ~5% of adult population has nonspecific knee pain Osteoarthritis (OA) • Most common (MC) cause of chronic knee pain in people >50 years old • Prevalence: 7% to 17% of people >45 years old from population-based studies (varies depending on the definition) • More common in aged population: 20% of adult population, 25% of 56 to 84 years old (Sweden) (1,2) • Higher in women, rural areas of developing countries Other common causes • Overexertion, minor trauma (contact with objects), and falls KNEE PAIN IN ATHLETES Anterior knee pain • Occurs in 25% of athletes, 70% between 16 and 25 years old (3) Knee injuries • Second MC cause of lost playing time after ankle injuries in sports (4) Knee ligament injuries • MC sports injury leading to medical disability compensation • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury: MC, 70% during athletic activity, female > male by 2 to 8 times, noncontact pivoting injury (eg, skiing, football, soccer, and basketball) • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury from football (fall on flexed knee with plantar flexed foot) Meniscal injury • Noncontact cutting, deceleration, hyperflexion, or landing from a jump (eg, football, basketball, wrestling, skiing, baseball) (5) Knee OA • Higher prevalence in soccer players (7% vs 1.6% in control) KNEE PAIN AT WORK (6) Risk factors for chronic knee pain • Exposure to loading of the joints, such as heavy lifting, kneeling, and crawling in obese patients • Increased body weight correlates with knee pain in men and hip pain in women Knee OA • Odds ratio 2.2 for jobs requiring knee bending and at least medium level of physical activity (7) • Relative risk two to three times higher in physically demanding jobs (shipyard workers, male farmers, male construction workers, firefighters, female janitors, and letter carriers) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS MSK (MUSCULOSKELETAL) CAUSES OF KNEE PAIN BASED ON LOCATION (8) (FIGURE 8.1; FLOWCHART 8.1) • Localization of pain is not discrete in intra-articular lesions, such as osteoarthritis (more discrete when irritating soft tissue and superficial tendons/ligaments). FIGURE 8.1 Surface anatomy of the knee. FLOWCHART 8.1 Differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal knee pain. AVN, avascular necrosis; Fx, fracture; MSK, musculoskeletal; OA, osteoarthritis. REGION DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES Anterior Superior (at and proximal to patella) Quadriceps tendinopathy/tear/enthesopathy Patellofemoral ligament (retinaculum) injury Painful medial plica syndrome in the medial patellofemoral space: pain with/without snapping Patellar fracture Indistinct localization • Patellofemoral syndrome/chondromalacia patellar/patellofemoral OA/synovitis; pain around the patella • Lateral patellofemoral overloading syndrome Inferior Patellar tendinopathy and tear • Enthesopathy (adolescent): Sinding-Larsen-Johansson and Osgood-Schlatter syndrome Bursitis • Prepatellar: housemaid knee; on the inferior border of the patella • Infrapatellar (superficial and deep) bursitis (near tibial tuberosity) Indistinct localization • Hoffa’s fat (infrapatellar) impingement syndrome/synovitis • Rarely fibroma of tendon sheath of the infrapatellar fat pad (9) • Anterior cruciate ligament cyst Medial Above joint line Medial collateral ligament (MCL) sprain (MC on the femoral insertion) Distal adductor magnus tendinopathy (medial thigh pain: more common) Indistinct: osteochondritis dissecans, spontaneous osteonecrosis (more common in medial femoral condyle than lateral condyle) Joint line MCL bursitis/sprain Medial meniscal tear, parameniscal cyst, and medial femorotibial OA Below joint line Pes anserine tendinobursitis Indistinct localization • Infrapatellar branch of saphenous neuritis: typically neuropathic pain • Patellotibial ligament injury Lateral Proximal (near condyle) Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome (friction over the lateral condyle) Lateral collateral ligament sprain Popliteus tendinopathy; posterolateral Distal (at or below joint line) Biceps femoris tendinopathy (insertional) ITB insertional enthesopathy (at lateral tibial tubercle) Indistinct localization • Lateral meniscal tear and lateral femorotibial OA • Tibiofibular joint arthralgia/ligament sprain Posterior Medial Baker’s cyst rupture: pain down to posteromedial calf (mimics deep vein thrombosis) Painful fabella syndrome: lateral gastrocnemius Indistinct localization • Posterior horn of meniscus tear • Popliteal aneurysm • Unruptured Baker’s cyst or popliteal ganglia • Lymphadenopathy and tumor Referred pain Hip pathologies: 5% present with isolated knee symptoms, especially in younger age group • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis • Legg-Calves-Perthes disease Hip fracture, femoral shaft fracture (stress fracture) MC, most common; OA, osteoarthritis FIGURE 8.2 Bony and soft tissue anatomy (A) anterior aspect; (B) posterior aspect; (C) medial and lateral meniscus. NEUROPATHIC CAUSES OF KNEE AND LEG PAIN (10) (FLOWCHART 8.2) FLOWCHART 8.2 Differential diagnosis of neuropathic knee pain. N, neuropathy; SI, sacroiliac. REGION PAIN LOCATION DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES Medial Localized knee pain Saphenous N/infrapatellar branch neuralgia • Localized to knee if infrapatellar branch involved in isolation • Often concomitant with pes anserine tendinobursitis Pain radiating down to the knee Less common than saphenous/infrapatellar neuropathy Medial femoral cutaneous N, N to vastus medialis lesion Anterior division of obturator neuropathy Posterior Knee pain radiating distally (tibial N) Neuralgia of posterior articular branch of the tibial nerve • Trauma, iatrogenic, nerve tumor, intraneural ganglion cyst, and ossificans Pain radiating down to knee Sciatic N irritation at the level of buttock and posterior hip Posterior femoral cutaneous neuropathy Facet arthropathy with referred pain Posterior division of the obturator nerve Lateral Localized knee pain Retinacular branch from posterolateral genicular N • Patellofemoral syndrome or lateral patellofemoral overloading syndrome with lateral retinacular N irritation Knee pain radiating down to leg Fibular N (sensory symptoms localized in the ankle and foot unless lateral sural cutaneous N involved) • Common peroneal neuropathy • Lateral sural cutaneous neuropathy (branch from common peroneal nerve) Pain down to knee Lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy (meralgia paresthetica) N to vastus lateralis, intermedius; unusual N, nerve. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF KNEE SWELLING Acute injury (hemarthrosis) COMMON CAUSES LESS COMMON CAUSES MUST NOT BE MISSED ACL tear/rupture Peripheral meniscal tear Tibial plateau fracture Patellar dislocation Avulsion of ACL in children Osteochondral fracture Knee dislocation Rupture of extensor mechanism ACL, anterior cruciate ligament. • Acute knee injury without significant swelling: central meniscal tear, medial collateral ligament (MCL) tear/rupture, PCL rupture, cartilage lesion, epiphyseal injury, or posterolateral corner injury Knee swelling without significant trauma • Osteoarthritis flare-up, inflammatory arthropathy (rheumatoid arthritis [RA], crystal-induced arthropathy, and other rheumatologic disease), and bursitis (suprapatellar, prepatellar, Baker’s cyst), ganglion cyst or tumor (soft tissue or bony) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF SUBJECTIVE KNEE INSTABILITY (11,12) MUSCULOSKELETAL CAUSES No trauma Knee OA/chondromalacia patellar/patellofemoral syndrome Effusion and pain Worse with descending stairs or standing from chair Meniscal degeneration/tear Locking in bucket handle tear Intra-articular loose body Osteochondritis dissecans Inflammatory joint disease (RA, crystal deposition disease/gout/pseudogout) Effusion and stiffness Trauma Muscle and tendon tear Localized pain Ligament (ACL/PCL and mediolateral collateral ligament injury) Collateral ligament; mediolateral instability (more prominent) ACL/PCL: sagittal and rotational instability (more prominent) Indistinct pain Meniscal tear Localized pain/tenderness ± swelling NEUROLOGIC CAUSES Muscle weakness Muscle disease, neuromuscular junction disease, femoral mononeuropathy, radiculopathy, motor neuron disease Weakness > pain in muscle, neuromuscular and motor neuron disease Significant pain in radiculopathy/plexopathy typically Spasticity Upper motor neuron disease Brain injury or spinal cord injury/disorder Spasticity with genu recurvatum with eventual incompetency of joint capsule Sensory ataxia Sensory neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy), neuronopathy (dorsal root ganglion), or myelopathy (dorsal column of spinal cord) Numbness and loss of proprioception (foot and ankle equally or more involved) ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; OA, osteoarthritis; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; RA, rheumatoid arthritis. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF PAINFUL KNEE SNAPPING (13,14) Lateral knee snapping: discoid lateral meniscus, biceps femoris tendon snapping, popliteus tendon snapping, and iliotibial band friction syndrome Medial knee snapping: medial plicae, meniscal pathology, and subluxation of the gracilis and semitendinous tendons Others: intra-articular loose body, fabella, congenital snapping knee, patellar dysplasia ANATOMY BONE AND JOINT (15) Patellofemoral joint • Patella: largest sesamoid bone, two facets with central ridge, lateral larger than medial (can be further divided into seven facets) º With aging, the patellofemoral (PF) joint is reduced to a cylindrical outline with reduced the bone-to-bone contact area • Trochlea of the femur: concavity between the condyles Femoro-tibial joint: condylar articulation, incongruent shape (17) • Allows transmission of body weight from the femur to the tibia while providing hinge-like sagittal rotation along with a small degree of tibial axial rotation • Medial condyle: larger, increased curvature and projects further distally than lateral condyle • Lateral condyle: more anterior than medial condyle • Articular cartilaginous layer Proximal tibiofibular joint (12) • Synovial joint, hyaline cartilage articulation, 10% to 12% communicates with the knee joint • Oblique articulation varies; angle can affect stability • Thicker capsule anteriorly • Posterior proximal tibiofibular ligament reinforced by posterolateral corner structures of the knee; for example, biceps femoris and popliteus tendons Other structures • Capsule or capsular ligament (15) • Synovial membrane and fluid Blood supply • Popliteal artery (through adductor canal; anterior to posterior, medial and lateral genicular arteries: main suppliers), femoral artery (descending genicular artery, runs with saphenous nerve/infrapatellar branch), and anterior tibial artery (recurrent artery at the fibular neck) • Middle genicular artery: supplies the cruciate ligaments, synovial capsule, and the margin of the meniscus • Inferior lateral genicular artery: under the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) near the meniscus; caution during lateral joint line injection or arthroscopy • Inferior medial genicular artery: between the tibia and medial collateral ligament (MCL) LIGAMENT AND MENISCUS Intra-articular (Figure 8.2) • Cruciate ligament (anterior and posterior cruciate ligament) (19) • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) – Chronic ACL deficiency: medial compartment degenerative joint disease (DJD); increased risk regardless of ACL repair – Increased hamstring (biceps femoris) activity during midstance gait • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) º Primary restraint to posterior translation of the tibia, stabilize in varus, and valgus stress • Meniscus (21) MEDIAL MENISCUS LATERAL MENISCUS C shape; posterior horn is larger Anchored to the tibial collateral ligament, coronary ligament (not in lateral meniscus) More firmly attached to capsule Greater resistance to AP translation MC degenerative tear: posterior horn of the medial meniscus (posterior oblique fiber of MCL limit the movement) Circular shape Posteriorly anchored to the posterior/anterior meniscofemoral ligament (posterior horn to medial femoral condyle) and popliteus Less firmly attached to the capsule (separated posteriorly by popliteus tendon sheath) Move further than medial meniscus (by ~2 times; less tear); popliteus pulls the meniscus backward during flexion – Fifty percent compressive force transmitted to the meniscus in extension – Increased OA in patients with meniscus injury – Primary stabilizer in ACL-deficient knee – Lateral more mobile than medial meniscus – Anterior horn more mobile than posterior, lateral meniscus more mobile than medial (due to joint capsule and deep MCL), peripheral more mobile than central; firmly attached to intercondylar area of tibia Extra-articular (22) • MCL (23) (Figure 8.3) • LCL (Figure 8.4) FIGURE 8.4 Extra-articular structures—the lateral aspect of the knee. M, muscle. FIGURE 8.3 Extra-articular structures—the medial aspect of the knee. M, muscle. • Arcuate ligament complex (posterolateral corner) • Popliteus muscle NERVE Innervation of the Knee (24) (Figure 8.5) REGION NERVES Anteromedial Infrapatellar branch of the saphenous N: well-recognized cause of anteromedial knee pain Other contributing nerves • The medial femoral cutaneous N: medial patellofemoral retinacular and articular cartilage • Nerve to the vastus medialis (medial retinacular branch) in the substance of the vastus medialis (in 90%) • Anterior branch of the obturator N Lateral Sciatic nerve • Superior lateral genicular nerve (8–10 cm above joint line from sciatic N) • Common peroneal N • Inferior lateral articular nerve: the lateral joint capsule and proximal tibiofibular joint • Recurrent branch: from distal to the fibular head • Small terminal branches • N to the vastus intermedius • N to the vastus lateralis; no consistent branch to the capsule Posterior Posterior articular branch of the tibial N • One to five branches, branching 10–25 cm above the joint line Posterior division of the obturator N N, nerve. Local neuropathic pain (medial/lateral/posterior) can be secondary to the following • Mononeuropathy (or 1–2 nerves): local injury/entrapment along the course • Diffuse pain from local pathologies affecting the knee joint capsule complex (musculoskeletal etiology) • Lesion at level of root or higher (rather than focal peripheral nerve lesion) FIGURE 8.5 Nerve innervation of the knee. N, nerve. BIOMECHANICS KINEMATIC AND KINETIC Patellofemoral joint (15) (Figure 8.6) • Zero to 20 degree knee flexion: accompanied by internal rotation of the tibia (by popliteus) and laterally directed quadriceps muscle vector • Further flexion of knee moves patella anterior relative to center of rotation of the knee, which improves the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps mechanism • Patella continues to move laterally at 90° of knee flexion, and lateral border of the patella provides the primary loading site • Loading of PF joint Tibiofemoral joint (27) • Knee extension from flexion • Knee flexion from full extension preceded by the tibia internal rotation (if standing • Sagittal plane range 0° to 140°, other motions (transverse and frontal planes) limited by interlocking of the femoral condyles in extension; transverse plane motion: maximal at knee flexion (45° internal rotation, 30° external rotation) • Knee range of motion (ROM) during functional activities • In osteoarthritis, greater femoral internal rotation, decreased tibial posterior translation • Joint reaction force: three times during walking and four times with climbing FIGURE 8.6 “Screw home” motion of knee (rotation of knee joint with flexion/extension movement). Tibiofibular joint • Dissipate torsional loads applied at ankle, absorption of lateral tibial bending movement, and transmission of 1/6 body weight • Knee flexion and extension • Affected by ankle movement: ankle dorsiflexion Knee joint in a closed kinetic chain (on standing and walking) • Flexion and extension momentum depending on the center of mass and ground reaction force (GRF) º If the GRF is posterior to the knee joint, flexion. If anterior, then extension momentum • Response to foot and ankle biomechanics (pronation–supination) • Response to hip biomechanics Anterior cruciate ligament • Biomechanics and clinical application – More crouched position: may reduce the risk of ACL injuries • ACL-deficient knee Biomechanics in knee OA • Knee OA (medial tibiofemoral) associated with high external knee adduction moment, reflects compression of the medial compartment of the knee • Increased pelvic anterior tilt, swing-pelvic list, decreased standing knee abduction, as well as decreased standing hip flexor and knee extensor moments • In severe bilateral medial knee OA: increased hip abduction, knee extension, and ankle plantar flexion KNEE STABILITY Tibofemoral joint stabilizers (29) • Dynamic stabilizers: quadriceps, hamstring, gastrocnemius, and popliteus muscles • Static stabilizers: joint capsule, lateral/medial meniscus, and ligaments (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, and another small ligament) • Hamstring and ACL: resist anterior movement of tibia • Quadriceps and PCL: resist posterior movement of tibia • Posteromedial stabilizers: oblique ligament (semimembranosus), semitendinosus • Anterolateral: ITB, retinaculum • Posterolateral stabilizers: lateral collateral ligament, oblique trans-popliteal ligament (semimembranosus), arcuate ligament, fabellofibular ligament, and popliteus muscle • Posterior: oblique trans-popliteal ligament, arcuate ligament, joint capsule, and popliteal muscle • Medial and lateral knee-stabilizing structures by layer MEDIAL LATERAL Layer I: sartorius and fascia Layer II: superficial MCL, posterior oblique ligament, semimembranosus M Layer III: deep MCL (meniscofemoral and meniscotibial), and capsule Layer I: lateral fascia, ITB, and biceps femoris Layer II: patellofemoral retinaculum/ligament Layer III: • Superficial: lateral collateral ligament, fabellofibular ligament, • Deeper: popliteo fibular ligament, popliteus tendon and arcuate ligament (fibular to lateral condyle; reinforces the posterolateral capsule and covers the popliteus) and capsule ITB, iliotibial band, MCL, medial collateral ligament; M, muscle. Patellofemoral joint stabilizers (34) • Medial: vastus medialis obliquus (VMO; primary dynamic restraint to lateral tracking of the patella), medial PF ligament (especially 0°–30° flexion) > patellotibial/meniscal ligament and retinaculum • Lateral: vastus lateralis oblique > anterior fibers of ITB and lateral retinaculum Tibiofibular joint stabilizers (12,35) • Bony: angle of joint plane (from the coronal plane) and configuration variation of tibiofibular joint • Ligaments and muscles: capsule (thicker in anterior), tibiofibular ligament; anterior (three bands), posterior (two bands; weaker than anterior with reinforcement from posterolateral structures; LCL, arcuate ligament, fabellofibular ligament, popliteo fibular ligament, popliteus muscles), and biceps femoris muscle
Medial facet: smaller and steeper angle (
lateral subluxation and tilt of patella: more common). Thickest hyaline cartilage in our body
Complex arterial plexus supplies proximal two-thirds of the patella (16)
Lateral facet: larger, extends more proximally
Trochlear dysplasia: a loss of the normal concave anatomy and depth of the groove, creating a flat trochlea
patellar instability and/or PF syndrome
Femur slant medially (~6º)
Allows full flexion without contact between the posterior joint margins of the tibia and the femur
Distributes reactive load over a wide area and helps contribute to cam shape of condyles, which maximizes the extensor lever arm
Type 2 collagen and an abundance of proteoglycan versus type 1 collagen mostly in meniscus
Retinaculum: in the anterior third of capsule, the combined fascia, and aponeurotic sheet
Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL): just proximal and posterior to the medial epicondyle and distal to the adductor tubercle
the proximal and medial surface of the patella: important stabilizer against lateral subluxation/dislocation of the patella
Coronary ligament (meniscotibial ligament, deep layer of MCL): medial third, capsule between the tibia and the medial menisci (18)
Oblique popliteal ligament: (middle layer of MCL): thickened capsule by an expansion from the semimembranosus
The largest synovium in the body, lining fibrous capsule, suprapatellar pouch, infrapatellar fat pad, cruciate ligament, and meniscus
Suprapatellar recess: up to 5 to 6 cm or above the patella; communicates with knee joint unless there is a complete plica
Common location for intra-articular knee joint injection (supralateral approach)
Knee joint synovial fluid: less than 1 mL physiologically
Joint effusion (>15 mL)
can inhibit quadriceps (vastus medialis more than rectus femoris, vastus lateralis)
Popliteal bursa and semimembranosus bursa may communicate with knee joint
Adductor canal: sartorius, vastus medialis, adductor magnus tendon/fascia, 3 to 10 cm above the superior pole of the patella
Intra-articular and extrasynovial band of dense connective tissue
Lateral femoral condyle
anterior portion of tibial eminence
Two bundles based on the location of the tibial insertion
Anteromedial bundle: taut in flexion, resists anterior tibial translation in 60° to 90° of flexion, and resists rotatory subluxation
Posterolateral bundle: taut in extension; resists anterior subluxation in full extension. More important restraint at knee in full extension
Function (20)
Restraint to anterior translation of the tibia, internal rotation of tibia, and hyperextension of knee. Can cause rotational instability and limited knee full extension if impaired
Secondary: resists varus and valgus force (can cause medial compartment overloading if impaired)
Joint proprioception: repair does not improve proprioceptive deficit
Functionally, hamstring analog: 25% of impaired function by ACL injury are compensated by hamstrings
Blood supply by middle genicular artery, innervated by posterior articular nerve
Posterolateral bundle: medial femoral condyle
posterolateral to the tibia 1 cm distal to joint line, checking larger and less curved medial condyle
Stronger and thicker than ACL; more synovial tissue: better potential for healing than ACL
Anterolateral bundle: taut in flexion, posterolateral stability at 90° flexion and posteromedial: tight in extension
Fibrocartilaginous structure, type 1 collagen
Supplied by superior and inferior geniculate artery
Vascular in the outer 10% to 25% of the lateral and 10% to 30% of the medial meniscus
Collagen fibers in a circumferential pattern, much less proteoglycan (<1%)
Shock absorption and load transmission (to articular cartilage) in knee joint movement. Static loading by the tensile strength of the meniscal matrix (hoop tension). Distributes stress over a large area. Increase joint congruence
increased to 85% in 90º knee flexion
Contributes to joint stability, proprioception, and joint lubrication (distributes synovial fluid)
Varus alignment: potential risk factor for medial meniscal tear and extrusion
Superficial MCL: one femoral and two tibial attachments (~1 and 6 cm from joint line)
Primary restraint to valgus laxity: higher load response at 90° knee flexion
MCL bursa under the superficial MCL
Deep MCL: meniscofemoral and meniscotibial ligaments
Secondary restraint to valgus loads: restraint against external rotation in 0 to 30° flexion
Posterior oblique ligament: fibrous extension of the semimembranosus that blends with and reinforces the joint capsule
Internal rotator and valgus stabilizer at between 0 and 30° flexion
Abundant blood supply; good potential for healing
Single layer, cord-like structure (vs band-like structure in MCL): ~7 cm in length, proximal/posterior to the popliteus origin on the femoral condyle to the fibular head
Primary static stabilizer to varus at knee from 0 to 30° of knee flexion
No direct attachment to the meniscus
Check rein to external rotation of the tibia and posterior tibial translation
LCL, arcuate ligament (variable, fibular head to oblique popliteal ligament, and lateral gastrocnemius muscle), joint capsule, popliteus muscle, fabello fibular ligament (variable), lateral gastrocnemius
Popliteo fibular ligament, biceps femoris tendon, and iliotibial band (ITB): important stabilizer in posterolateral corner
Arcuate sign: avulsion of tip of the fibular head (LCL or biceps tendon rupture)
associated cruciate ligament injury (~90%)
Missed posterolateral corner injury
common cause of failed ACL reconstruction
Underneath the LCL (anterior/inferior to LCL) and inferior to (underneath) ITB when flexed. Intracapsular in the femoral insertion, and extrasynovial
Attached to the lateral meniscus (post horn)/fibular
allows the popliteus to withdraw the meniscus during knee flexion/stabilizes the meniscus and prevents medial entrapment of the meniscus when varus forces are applied
Flexes and internally rotates the tibia concentrically; eccentric contraction resists extension and external rotation
stability against external rotation. Unlocks the knee via externally rotating the femur on the tibia
Hyperpronation: risk factor for popliteal tendinopathy and symptom (from popliteal tendinopathy) worse with walking downhill and stair negotiation
lateral retinacular nerve
Possible culprit of patellofemoral syndrome and lateral patellar overloading syndrome (25,26)
From above the fibular head
Articularis genu muscle and anterior superior aspect of the capsule
PF contact is made; the initial contact at the lateral facet of the patella
lateral PF joint and ITB pain at initial knee flexion
Increases with flexion (50% with 1º–15º, 300% in 60º, 800% of body weight in deep squatting)
Different activities: ~3 times higher in stair climbing, ~7 times higher in squatting. Maximal contact at 45º flexion
Q angle: angle of patellar ligament and pull of quadriceps (normal up to 10°–17°, female > male due to wider pelvis, genu valgum, femoral anteversion, abnormal if >20°)
Increased Q angle
increased lateral pull on patella
Tibia externally rotates to accommodate the medial condyle (more anterior protruded medial condyle than lateral condyle in axial plane)
Tibia externally rotates 5° in the last 15° of extension
closed kinetic chain, the femur externally rotates) by the popliteus muscle contraction
With knee flexion, the instant center of rotation on the femur moves posteriorly (posterior rollback), allows knee flexion without impingement
Relaxes tension of collateral ligaments sufficient to permit flexion
Level walking: 65° for swing phase, stairs 80°, sit to stand from low chair: 95°, and bath transfer 120° (in bath) to 130° (out of bath) (28)
Flexion of 110°: reasonable goal for activities for daily living (ADLs) otherwise compensated by other joints
dysfunction of “screw home” motion during extension (17)
fibular anterior-posterior motion
Knee extension: taut lateral collateral ligament (0°–30°) stabilizes tibiofibular joint. With knee flexion, proximal fibula moves anteriorly with relaxation of LCL (as well as biceps femoris); loose
external rotation of the fibula; forced ankle dorsiflexion
increase torsional load, predisposing higher risk of fracture or ligament sprain, dislocation
Ankle dorsiflexed in standing (closed kinetic chain)
flexion momentum to knee versus ankle plantar flexion in standing
extension momentum
Pronation response (from foot and ankle conditions; eg, flat foot or functional leg length discrepancy)
tibia externally rotated (internal rotation moment proximally), genu valgum and slight knee flexion
Heel lift can affect GRF to decrease excessive extension momentum (pain in knee extension)
Adduction momentum diminished by medial heel/extended wedge
Increased adduction moment partly by increased medial quadriceps muscle hyperactivity
Medial wedge and extended wedge also can decrease tibia external rotation (pronation response)
Lateral wedge can decrease adductor moment by moving GRF closer to the knee center
Increased hip anteversion (increased angle from femoral neck axis and transcondylar line)
intercondylar groove rotates more internally and tibia also internally rotates
supination response occurs
Decreased hip anteversion or increased retroversion
intercondylar groove face laterally (external rotation)
pronation response occurs
Gender differences in ACL injuries (29): female > male by three to six times (30), multifactorial
Over activation of quadriceps versus hamstring on landing and cutting
Posture: more upright during cutting (increased valgus of the knee and quadriceps activation)
Jumping while fatigued: decreased hip flexion/knee flexion, decreased eccentric capacity, and increased knee valgus
Compensation to avoid anterior displacement of the tibia during gait (during obstacle-crossing)
decrease knee extensor moment (effort)/prevent quadriceps contracture
Shift center of mass forward; increased anterior tilt of the pelvis and hip flexion
Increased peak hip extensor and ankle plantar flexor moments
Significant increases in the anterior tilt of the pelvis and flexion at both hips when the unaffected leading toe was above the obstacle
To prevent quadriceps contraction, patients may have to shift the center of body mass forward and thus cause greater pelvic anterior tilt and hip flexion, in both the swing limb and the stance limb, with normal leading toe clearance for safe obstacle crossing (31)
Biomechanical intervention: to reduce the knee adduction moment, AposTherapy®, and foot inserts (32)
Training of the hip muscles and pelvic control are essential for patients with knee OA, especially in severe OA (33)

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