and Claudio Chillemi2

Sapienza University of Rome, Latina, Italy

Latina, Italy


Kellgren and Lawrence System

Classification for grading knee osteoarthritis. Signs must be observed on weight-bearing AP radiographs and otherwise from Ahlback classification; the grading is more centered on bone remodeling. According to the system, we can find four grades of severity: (0) absence of radiographic signs of osteoarthritis; (1) initial osteophytosis; (2) definite osteophytes and narrowing of joint rim space; (3) well appreciable multiple osteophytosis, sclerosis, and initial bone remodeling; and (4) joint rim not appreciable with severe sclerosis and bone remodeling.

Knee MRI Study, Protocol

  • Standard/routine exam (scan plane, sequence, weighing, TR, TE, matrix/nex, thickness mm/gap, Fov cm, others):

    • CORONAL, SE, T1, 690, 14, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14

    • CORONAL, DESS, DE, 24, 7, 256/2, 1/20 %, 14

    • SAGITTAL, TSE-PD, PD, 2500, 26, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14

    • SAGITTAL, SE, T1, 690, 14, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14

    • AXIAL, TSE-PD, PD, 4000, 26, 256/2, 4/0, 4, 14, FS

  • Postoperative meniscus add-on sequences (scan plane, sequence, weighing, TR, TE, matrix/nex, thickness mm/gap, Fov cm, others):

    • SAGITTAL, TSE-PD, PD, 4000, 26, 256/2, 4/0, 4, 14, FS

  • Postoperative ACL add-on sequences (scan plane, sequence, weighing, TR, TE, matrix/nex, thickness mm/gap, Fov cm, others):

    • AXIAL, TSE, T2, 3550, 30, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14

    • SAGITTAL, TSE, T2, 4000, 102, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14

  • Postoperative knee Gd add-on sequences (scan plane, sequence, weighing, TR, TE, matrix/nex, thickness mm/gap, Fov cm, others):

    • SAGITTAL-AXIAL, SE, T1, 589, 14, 512/2, 4/0, 4, 14, FS

Knee Radiographic Projection, AP Knee

Rationale: shows femorotibial articulation

  • Technique: patient in supine. Cassette under the knee with femoral condyles parallel to the grid. Beam direction: anteroposterior perpendicular to the grid, level 1–2 cm distal to the patella

  • Key points: distal femur and tibial plateau fractures

Knee Radiographic Projection, Camp Coventry PA Axial Projection-Tunnel View

Rationale: shows posterior aspect of femoral condyles, the intercondylar tibial spines, and the intercondylar notch

Aug 14, 2017 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on K

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