Injuries in Overhead Athletes

Fig. 2.1

Type II SLAP lesion. (Left) MR arthrography; (Right) arthroscopic view. B biceps tendon, G glenoid, H humeral head, L superior labrum

Type II SLAP lesions cause shoulder instability [1113] and pain [11, 14, 15]. According to previous biomechanical studies, an isolated type II SLAP lesion results in a subtle increase in glenohumeral translation [13, 16]. However, excessive external rotation at the glenohumeral joint—one of the pathomechanical mechanisms behind type II SLAP lesions—elongates the shoulder anterior capsule [16, 17]. When the combination of a type II SLAP lesion and excessive anterior capsular laxity occurs, shoulder symptoms may become more severe because of an apparent increase in glenohumeral translation [16]. SLAP lesions can be detected with MRI or MR arthrography. Most symptomatic type II SLAP lesions are associated with a positive O’Brien test or pain at the end range of shoulder motion (e.g., in maximal shoulder abduction or maximal shoulder external rotation in the abducted position).

Rotator Cuff Tear

Rotator cuff injury is common among overhead athletes, including baseball players [18] and tennis players [19]. Repetitive throwing motion leads to fatigue of the rotator cuff muscles and rotator cuff tears over time, usually involving the undersurface of the posterior half of the supraspinatus and superior half of the infraspinatus. Whereas articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (PASTA lesion) are common in overhead athletes (Fig. 2.2) [2022], full-thickness tears are diagnosed much less frequently.


Fig. 2.2

PASTA lesion (articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tear). (Left) MR arthrography in the abduction—external rotation position; (right) arthroscopic view. B biceps tendon, C superior capsule underlying supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons, G glenoid, H humeral head

A recent anatomical study has shown that the superior shoulder capsule is attached to a substantial area (30–61%) of the greater tuberosity [23]. This suggests that articular-sided partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons include detachment of the superior shoulder capsule from the greater tuberosity. It also suggests that low-grade partial tears found to involve less than 50% of the tendon thickness are not rotator cuff tears but just superior capsular tears, although they have been traditionally diagnosed as rotator cuff tears. By using MRI or ultrasonography, rotator cuff tears can be diagnosed very accurately in terms of whether they are partial or complete, along with their size and location. In a high-grade (more than 50% of the tendon thickness) partial thickness tear or complete rear of the supraspinatus tendon or infraspinatus tendon, patients have a positive subacromial impingement test (Neer test [24], Hawkins test [25], or Yocum test [26, 27]) and decreased muscle strength in shoulder abduction or external rotation. Cadaveric biomechanical study showed that a tear in the superior capsule at the greater tuberosity, which may be seen with partial rotator cuff tears, increased anterior and inferior translations [28]. For the treatment of articular-sided partial-thickness tears, the shoulder laxity should be evaluated.

Anterior Capsular-Ligament Tear or Elongation

Anterior shoulder instability due to dysfunction of the anterior capsular ligaments [14, 29, 30] may disable the throwing shoulder. Although traumatic subluxation causes anterior labral or capsular tears in some throwing athletes [31, 32], most cases of excessive anterior shoulder laxity (hypermobility of the humeral head) result from repeated stretching of the anterior capsular ligaments during the throwing motion [3235]. Excessive anterior capsular laxity (elongation of the anterior capsular ligaments) is thought to cause shoulder subluxation during acceleration of the throwing motion, thus disabling the throwing shoulder. Anterior capsular-ligament tear or elongation can be diagnosed by using MR arthrography (Fig. 2.3).


Fig. 2.3

Anterior labrum tear and capsular-ligament elongation. (Left) MR arthrography; (right) arthroscopic view. A anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament, G glenoid, H humeral head, L anterior labrum

Anterior capsular-ligament tear or elongation causes shoulder pain, rather than shoulder instability, through the application of excessive external rotation torque in the abducted shoulder position. This is because most tearing or elongation in overhead athletes is not as severe as that in patients with traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation, and a subtle increase in shoulder laxity, as seen in overhead athletes, causes shoulder pain. Some athletes have anterior shoulder pain due to anterior labrum tear, and some have posterior shoulder pain due to shoulder internal impingement; the latter is exacerbated by increased anterior shoulder laxity [36].

Little League Shoulder (Proximal Humeral Epiphysiolysis)

Repetitive throwing motion in adolescent throwing athletes can lead to epiphyseal plate injuries, because the epiphyseal plate is weaker than the surrounding tendons and ligaments. This injury is called proximal humeral epiphysiolysis, or Little League shoulder. Proximal humeral epiphysiolysis causes shoulder pain localized to the proximal humerus during throwing and is diagnosed from radiographic or ultrasonographic evidence of widening of the proximal humeral epiphysis (Fig. 2.4) [37, 38]. Most patients feel tenderness of the epiphyseal plate in the proximal humerus.


Fig. 2.4

Radiographic findings in Little League shoulder (proximal humeral epiphysiolysis). (a) Widening of the right proximal humeral epiphysis at the first visit to our clinic; (b) intact epiphyseal plate of the left proximal humerus; (c) healed epiphyseal plate of the right proximal humerus after cessation of baseball for 3 months

Neurovascular Disease: Suprascapular Neuropathy, Quadrilateral Space Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, and Effort Thrombosis

In overhead athletes, less common causes of shoulder pain include quadrilateral space syndrome [39, 40] and suprascapular nerve entrapment [4143], in addition to vascular problems such as effort thrombosis of the axillary artery or vein [4447] and thoracic outlet syndrome [42, 43, 48, 49]. These neurovascular causes are difficult to diagnose and often require specialised tests such as electromyography and arteriography (Fig. 2.5).


Fig. 2.5

Three-dimensional CT angiography of thoracic outlet syndrome. White arrows show compression of the subclavian artery between the clavicle and first rib (Image courtesy of Dr. Kozo Furushima, Keiyu Hospital, Japan)

2.3 Relevant Pathology

2.3.1 Shoulder Internal Impingement

Shoulder internal impingement, namely impingement of the undersurface of the rotator cuff on the posterior superior labrum and the glenoid during the late cocking phase of throwing motion, is thought to be a cause of posterior rotator cuff injury and type II SLAP lesions [50, 51]. Whereas shoulder internal impingement is physiological, occurring in both throwing and non-throwing shoulders when the arm is in the abducted externally rotated position [52], forceful internal impingement can be pathological. Therefore, increased glenohumeral contact pressure is critical to the occurrence of pathological internal impingement. Previous biomechanical and electromyographic studies have shown that (1) excessive glenohumeral horizontal abduction [53], (2) increased anterior capsular laxity [36], (3) posterior capsular contracture [54], (4) rotator cuff muscle imbalance through decreased strength of the subscapularis muscle [55, 56], (5) decreased internal rotator muscle strength [55], and (6) increased scapular internal rotation result in forceful internal impingement [10].

2.3.2 Shoulder Subacromial Impingement

Subacromial impingement is mostly diagnosed in older overhead athletes. Several studies have reported a relationship between decreased upward scapular rotation and shoulder disorders caused by subacromial impingement [8, 57]. A previous biomechanical study showed that posteroinferior capsule tightness increased the contact pressure and area on the coracoacromial arch [58]. Radiographs in older overhead athletes sometimes show a prominent anterior acromion or acromial spur.

2.3.3 Peel-Back Mechanism

Peel-back is the pathomechanism of type II SLAP lesions [14]. Cadaveric studies have shown that excessive humeral external rotation causes increased strain on [59], and detachment of [60, 61], the superior labrum, suggesting that increased humeral external rotation results in peel-back of the superior labrum. Although increased external rotation is often necessary to throw at a highly competitive level [17], it can cause type II SLAP lesions.

2.3.4 SICK Scapula

Burkhart et al. [15] termed scapular dyskinesis in throwing athletes “SICK” scapula (scapular malposition, inferior medial border prominence, coracoid pain and malposition, and dyskinesis of scapular movement) and designated three types: type I (inferior medial scapular border prominence), type II (medial scapular border prominence), and type III (superior medial scapular border prominence). Medial scapular border prominence, which represents increased internal rotation of the scapula, can be a cause of dead arm syndrome [15, 62, 63]. One cadaveric biomechanical study showed that increased internal scapular rotation (a possible cause of medial scapular border prominence) increased the pressure caused between the greater tuberosity and the glenoid by internal impingement during the late cocking phase of throwing motion, thereby increasing the risk of tearing the impinged rotator cuff tendons and superior labrum [10]. Decreased upward scapular rotation increased the internal impingement area. Altered scapular orientation is thought to result in alteration of the centre of rotation [63], diminished function of the kinematic chain between the upper and lower extremities [63, 64], and decreased shoulder muscle function [62, 63], thereby increasing the risk of shoulder injury [62, 63, 65].

2.3.5 Pathologic Shoulder Laxity

Increased shoulder laxity due to dysfunction of the anterior capsular ligaments can disable the throwing shoulder [3235, 66]. Jobe et al. [67, 68] postulated that, in overhead athletes, capsular laxity due to repetitive microtrauma may result in increased shoulder laxity with secondary pathologies such as labrum damage or partial rotator cuff tear (pathologic shoulder laxity). One cadaveric biomechanical study showed that excessive anterior capsular laxity, which was created by repeatedly applying excessive external rotational torque as seen in throwing athletes [34], significantly increased horizontal abduction and contact pressure in the glenohumeral joint [36]. These results suggest that excessive anterior capsular laxity can cause forceful internal impingement during the late cocking phase of throwing.

2.4 Management Principles

Physical therapy is the most important treatment for preventing surgery in overhead athletes—especially in the early stage of the pathologic kinetic chain—and for improving shoulder function after surgery. When a pathologic kinematic chain, including scapular dyskinesis, muscle imbalance, posterior tightness, and increased anterior laxity, is ameliorated with physical therapy, shoulder pain during throwing decreases or disappears in most cases. An understanding of the interactions in the upper-extremity kinetic chain and determination of the precise pathological condition in each athlete are necessary for physical therapy to succeed (Fig. 2.6).


Fig. 2.6

Interactions in the upper-extremity kinetic chain. The main four pathological conditions—abnormal scapular function, posterior tightness, capsular laxity, and imbalanced shoulder muscle strength—influence each other. These four pathological conditions also cause subacromial impingement, internal impingement, peel-back of the superior labrum, valgus extension overload syndrome, and other pathologies, which may lead to anatomical failure. The reverse is also possible, i.e. impingements, peel-back, and overload can cause the four main pathological conditions

The main four pathological conditions—abnormal scapular function [10, 63], posterior tightness [14, 54], capsular laxity [33, 34, 36, 68], and imbalanced shoulder muscle strength [55, 56]—influence each other. These four pathological conditions also cause subacromial impingement [58], internal impingement [10, 36, 54, 56], peel-back of the superior labrum [12, 14, 56], valgus extension overload syndrome [69], and other pathologies, which may lead to anatomical failure. The reverse is also possible, i.e. impingements, peel-back, and overload can cause the four main pathological conditions. The function of the trunk and lower extremity should be evaluated very carefully and treated. If physical therapy fails, surgical treatment needs to be considered.

The Hara test is useful for assessing the upper-extremity kinetic chain for abnormalities leading to shoulder pain. The Hara test comprises 11 physical examinations relevant to the scapular and humeral kinetic chain: (1) scapula–spine distance (Fig. 2.7); (2) elbow extension test (Fig. 2.8); (3) elbow push test (Fig. 2.12); (4) manual muscle strength of abduction; (5) manual muscle strength of external rotation; (6) manual muscle strength of internal rotation; (7) combined abduction test (Fig. 2.9); (8) horizontal flexion test (Fig. 2.10); (9) capsular laxity tests; (10) subacromial impingement tests; and (11) hyper-external rotation test (Fig. 2.11). The total score (i.e., the number of “intact” results—see Fig. 2.12) for the Hara test and the abnormalities in each examination are evaluated.


Fig. 2.7

In the scapula–spine distance test, the distance from the medial edge of the scapular spine to the spinous process of the thoracic spine is measured with the arms at the sides. The reference point on the thoracic spine is defined as the nearest spinous process. A difference of more than 1.0 cm between the left- and right-side measurements is considered abnormal


Fig. 2.8

Elbow extension test for assessment of scapular stability. The elbow extension test is performed with the shoulders in 90° of forward flexion. The subject extends the elbow joint from 90° of flexion with maximum force while the examiner holds the subject’s forearm to resist the extension force. The test is considered abnormal when the muscle strength on the dominant side is less than that on the non-dominant side


Fig. 2.9

Elbow push test for assessment of scapular stability. The elbow push test is performed with the shoulders in 90° of forward flexion. While grasping the contralateral elbow with each hand, the subject pushes each elbow in turn anteriorly with maximum force. The examiner resists this pushing by holding the elbow. The test is considered to be abnormal when the muscle strength on the dominant side is less than that on the non-dominant side


Fig. 2.10

Combined abduction test for assessment of posterior shoulder tightness. The examiner completely prevents any movement of the scapula by holding it. The humerus is passively abducted in the coronal plane. This test is considered abnormal when the upper arm fails to touch the head during glenohumeral abduction with a fixed scapula. Left: intact; right: abnormal


Fig. 2.11

Horizontal flexion test for assessment of posterior shoulder tightness. The examiner completely prevents any movement of the scapula by holding it and horizontally flexes the humerus. This test is considered to be abnormal when, during shoulder horizontal flexion with a fixed scapula, the subject is unable to reach around the other shoulder to touch the bed. Left: intact; right: abnormal


Fig. 2.12

The hyper-external rotation test, which evaluates peel-back of the superior labrum and pathologic internal impingement, is performed in 90° of shoulder abduction with the elbow flexed at 90° in the supine position. The test is considered abnormal when the subject feels pain as the examiner applies external rotation torque beyond the maximum external rotation position

The scapula–spine distance, elbow extension test, elbow push test, subacromial impingement tests, and manual muscle tests of shoulder abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation are assessed while the subject is sitting. Patients are supine for the combined abduction test, horizontal flexion test, capsular laxity tests, and hyper-external rotation test.

In the scapula–spine distance test, the distance from the medial edge of the scapular spine to the spinous process of the thoracic spine is measured with the arms at the sides (Fig. 2.10). The reference point on the thoracic spine is defined as the nearest spinous process. A difference of more than 1.0 cm between the left- and right-side measurements is considered abnormal. To assess the scapular stabilizers, the elbow extension test and elbow push test are performed with the shoulders in 90° of forward flexion (Figs. 2.11 and 2.12). For the elbow extension test, the subject extends the elbow joint from 90° of flexion by using maximum force while the examiner holds the subject’s forearm to resist the extension force (Fig. 2.11). For the elbow push test, while grabbing the contralateral elbow with each hand, the subject pushes each elbow in turn anteriorly with maximum force as the examiner resists the subject’s pushing by holding the elbow (Fig. 2.12). Muscle strength is evaluated by manual muscle testing on a scale of 0–5. We assess the muscle strength of shoulder abduction with the subject’s thumb up; this is known as the “full can position” [26, 27, 70]. We measure external rotation strength with the subject’s arm at his/her side [71]. To assess internal rotation strength, we record the subject’s strength in lifting his/her hand off his/her back [72]. We consider the results of the elbow extension test, elbow push test, and manual muscle tests of abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation to be abnormal when the muscle strength on the dominant side is less than that on the non-dominant side. To assess the posterior tightness of the shoulder joint, subjects perform the combined abduction test and horizontal flexion test while the examiner fixes the scapula and prevents it from moving by holding it. The humerus is passively abducted in the coronal plane for the combined abduction test (Fig. 2.13) and horizontally flexed for the horizontal flexion test (Fig. 2.15). If the subject’s upper arm fails to touch his/her head during glenohumeral abduction with a fixed scapula, the combined abduction test is graded as abnormal. The horizontal flexion test is considered abnormal when the subject is unable to reach around the other shoulder to touch the bed during horizontal flexion with a fixed scapula. Capsular laxity is evaluated by load-and-shift testing in the anterior, posterior, and inferior directions; anterior apprehension and relocation tests are also done. When the dominant side shows increased laxity, or when the subject feels that the shoulder is unstable during any test, capsular laxity is considered abnormal. To evaluate subacromial impingement, we perform the Neer [24], Hawkins [25], and Yocum [26, 27] tests. If the subject feels shoulder pain during any of these tests, subacromial impingement testing is graded as abnormal. The hyper-external rotation test (Fig. 2.15), which evaluates peel-back of the superior labrum [12, 14, 16] and pathologic internal impingement [50, 53, 65], is performed in 90° of shoulder abduction with the elbow flexed at 90° in the supine position. The test is considered to be abnormal when a subject feels pain as the examiner applies external rotation torque beyond the maximum external rotation position. The number of “intact” results among the 11 physical examinations is recorded as the total Hara test score for each subject. The maximum total score (11 points) represents all “intact” results (i.e., no abnormality found) for all tests; subjects with lower scores are considered likely to have a problem in the upper-extremity kinetic chain.


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Mar 29, 2020 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Injuries in Overhead Athletes

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