Infective Endocarditis

Infective Endocarditis

Richard A. Friedman

Jeffrey R. Starke

Infective endocarditis (IE) refers to a condition in which an organism or organisms infect the endocardium, valves, or related structures that have been injured previously by surgery, trauma, or disease. The infecting organism may be bacterial, fungal, chlamydial, rickettsial, or viral. In the first half of the twentieth century, many patients with IE had had prior rheumatic heart disease. In the latter part of the century, most children with IE have complex congenital heart defects.

Previous classifications divided cases between acute bacterial endocarditis (i.e., rapid, fulminant course with death occurring within 6 weeks) and subacute bacterial endocarditis (i.e., slow, indolent course, usually taking several months). The acute form usually was caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, or Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the subacute form most commonly involved the viridans streptococci. The newer classification is based on a microbiologic cause rather than a description of the course of disease, and the general term IE is the name more widely accepted.


Widely divergent figures are reported for the incidence of IE in children. Most large series are retrospective and do not report the total number of admissions to a given institution during the study period. From 1952 to 1962, 1 of 4,500 pediatric admissions to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto was for endocarditis. At Boston Children’s Hospital, 1 of 1,800 admissions from 1963 to 1972 was for endocarditis, but between 1933 and 1963, the incidence was only 1 in 4,500. Between 1972 and 1982, 1 of 1,280 pediatric admissions to Case Western Reserve–Rainbow Babies Hospital was a child with endocarditis. A recent review indicates that endocarditis accounts for approximately 1 in 1,280 pediatric admissions per year.

The mean age of children with endocarditis is increasing, probably because of increases in longevity after corrective or palliative surgery. Between 1930 and 1950, the average age at the time of hospital admission was approximately 5 years, but between 1960 and 1980, it increased to 8.5 to 13.0 years of age. However, a large retrospective study comparing operated and unoperated children with congenital heart disease (CHD) who developed IE demonstrated no difference in the mean ages of these groups of patients.

The increased incidence of IE among neonates without congenital heart defects seems to be associated with advances in life support in this population and the frequent use of indwelling catheters for nutritional or pharmacologic support.

Virtually any congenital defect may predispose to the development of IE. The lifetime risk of developing IE in a patient with an unrepaired, simple ventricular septal defect is between 3.2% and 13.0%. In a large, cooperative study of the natural history of aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, and ventricular septal defect, the risk of developing endocarditis by 30 years of age was determined to be 9.7% for unoperated patients; if the patient had undergone surgical repair, the incidence of IE was much lower. For aortic stenosis, the risk (1.4%) was slightly increased after surgical intervention, and patients with pulmonic stenosis had a 0.9% risk of developing IE.

In other studies, tetralogy of Fallot accounted for the largest percentage of patients with CHD who developed IE. Ventricular septal defect was the second most common lesion, followed by aortic stenosis (8%), patent ductus arteriosus (7%), and transposition of the great vessels (4%). The most common lesions in patients with CHD who developed endocarditis after surgery were tetralogy of Fallot and transposition of the great vessels with pulmonary stenosis; both occurred in patients who had received systemic-pulmonary shunts. Several other patients had had complex cyanotic CHD with shunts, and 70% of this group developed IE 1 to more than 5 years after surgery. Of patients requiring prosthetic valves, 79% developed infections more than 3 months after surgery. Events predisposing the patient to bacteremia were identified in approximately one-third of these cases. Details concerning the unoperated patients with underlying heart disease were not described well, but apparently most had congenital valve deformities or valve disease secondary to rheumatic fever.

A smaller series from the Yale–New Haven Hospitals showed a higher incidence of IE in patients with CHD who had not undergone surgery than in those who had. Acyanotic lesions occurred more commonly in the unoperated group, and cyanotic lesions predominated in the postoperative group. Dacron patches and Gore-Tex grafts were more common sites of infection than were prosthetic valves. Apparently, patients with complete correction of tetralogy of Fallot have a low incidence of endocarditis compared with patients who remain palliated. In a large series of patients followed for a mean of 23.7 years, only one patient (1%) developed IE. Tricuspid atresia with diminished pulmonary artery flow commonly is palliated with a shunt procedure; these patients may have an incidence of IE approaching 25%.

A retrospective study looked at the differences in the underlying defects between pediatric patients diagnosed with endocarditis between 1970 and 1990 and those in earlier studies. As expected, almost one-half of the patients had undergone surgery for their defects, and many of them had artificial valves inserted at the time of operation. Mitral valve prolapse seems to have become a major risk factor, presenting in 29% of patients with IE.

IE associated with prosthetic materials, especially valves and valved conduits, has increased. Prosthetic valve endocarditis has been categorized as early onset (i.e., within 3 months of implant) or late onset. The incidence of infection after implantation ranges from less than 1% to 10%. Neither the type of valve nor the site of implant significantly affects the incidence of prosthetic valve endocarditis. Staphylococcus spp. predominate in early-onset prosthetic valve endocarditis, and Streptococcus spp. are the most common cause of infection in late-onset disease, probably a reflection of intraoperative contamination. The overall incidence of early-onset prosthetic valve endocarditis has been reduced greatly since the standard administration of perioperative antibiotics was instituted.


Animal studies and clinical and autopsy investigations have shown that a series of events creates an environment suitable for the establishment of IE. Hemodynamic factors that predispose to turbulence of blood flow and subsequent endothelial damage have been shown to be primary in the development of a nidus of infection in the heart and great vessels. Studies have shown that a Venturi effect is responsible for the fact that the highest yield of bacteria can be found on the low-pressure sink side of a high-pressure jet (i.e., left atrial surface of mitral valve in mitral regurgitation, right ventricular side of ventricular septal defect). As a consequence of turbulent blood flow, endothelial damage occurs and initiates the formation of platelet and fibrin deposition. This series of events is similar to that seen in the course of primary plug formation with vascular injury. Exposure to cold, high cardiac output states, hormonal manipulations, high altitude, and passage of a sterile catheter across a heart valve in animals also have caused this lesion.

Growth in fibrin and platelet deposition results in the formation of a nonbacterial thrombotic vegetation (NBTV) that is essential in the pathogenesis of endocarditis. Transient bacteremias that occur as a normal part of daily life may cause colonization of the NBTV. As the NBTV grows in size and bacteria adhere, infected vegetation develops. The virulence of different bacteria may be related directly to their ability to adhere to the NBTV. A factor that may be important in increased virulence is the ability of certain streptococci found in the oral cavity to produce dextran; the amount of dextran produced by the bacterial strain also may correlate with virulence. Another substance that may be a receptor for certain organisms is fibronectin, a substance found on the surface of NBTV in polyethylene catheter-induced IE. Organisms such as S. aureus, Candida albicans, Streptococcus sanguis, and Streptococcus faecalis adhere to fibronectin, but nonadherence is the rule for organisms rarely found to cause IE.

After the NBTV is colonized, the size of the vegetation grows by increasing numbers of bacteria and by additional deposition of platelets and fibrin. The colonized NBTV produces a constant bacteremia, and reseeding of the vegetation occurs by adherence of circulating organisms to the already enlarging vegetation. Three zones in the vegetation have been described: necrotic endocardium; a broad zone of bacteria, pyknotic nuclear debris, and fibrin; and a thin surface coat of fibrin and leukocytes. Proliferation of bacteria in the protected middle zone is relatively unchecked because the normal host defense mechanisms are unable to penetrate into the vegetation, and penetration of any circulating antimicrobial agent is diminished. Because the internal environment of the middle zone of the NBTV depresses bacterial metabolism, the action of any antimicrobial agent that does penetrate is attenuated.

Pathologic changes observed in the heart are produced by local extension of the infection. Vegetations may be single or multiple, ranging from less than 1 mm to several centimeters. Large lesions may resemble tumors and cause hemodynamically significant stenosis. Certain organisms, such as Candida spp., Haemophilus spp., and S. aureus, may produce friable lesions that can embolize. Ulceration of tissue, especially heart valves, may result in perforation and produce the onset of sudden congestive heart failure (CHF). Other complications include rupture of chordae tendineae, abscesses of the valve ring, fistula formation with the development of pericardial empyema and tamponade, aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva or ventricle, and myocardial infarction secondary to emboli.

Distant organ involvement secondary to emboli may occur. One necropsy review of endocarditis in children found the most common site of distant organ involvement to be the lungs; the kidney was the organ most frequently involved on the systemic side of the circulation. In other studies, cerebral emboli have been found in 30% of adults and children who had IE, with subsequent development of infarction, abscess, mycotic aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and acute hemiplegia of childhood. Microemboli in the cerebral circulation may cause a confused mental state. Strokes usually are secondary to emboli in the middle cerebral artery. Aortic valve infection probably has the highest incidence of embolic complications.

Immunologic mechanisms during subacute IE play an important role in the pathogenesis and sequelae. Cell-mediated and humoral immunity are active in this disease process. A hypergammaglobulinemic state that usually exists is caused by polyclonal and antigen-specific B-cell activation. Part of the hypergammaglobulinemia is caused by circulating rheumatoid factors. Levels of rheumatoid factor may decrease with successful therapy and increase with relapse of disease. Antibody responses directed at the infecting organism and nonspecific responses have been demonstrated. Possibly, C3b in conjunction with circulating immune complexes may bind to the surface of B cells and initiate production of antibodies not directed primarily at the infecting organism. Circulating immune complexes are found with increased frequency in patients with long-standing illness, right-sided disease, hypocomplementemic states, and extravalvular manifestations. One study of 29 patients with culture-proven IE found that almost all of them had levels of circulating immune complexes higher than 12 fg/mL. A mixed-type cryoglobulinemia occurs in 90% of patients with IE. Renal involvement with focal and diffuse glomerulonephritis has been described, and immune complex deposition is found in both. Other autoantibodies, including antiendocardial, antisarcolemmal, antimyolemmal, and antinuclear, are detected during the course of IE.


The clinical manifestations of IE depend on the underlying pathophysiologic processes of the disease. The extent of local involvement of the myocardium or valves, embolization from vegetations, and activation of immunologic mechanisms play essential roles in clinical expression. Patients with acute IE may present in shock and with clinical pictures consistent with overwhelming sepsis. In some cases, confirmation of endocarditis may be found only at autopsy. The subacute form of the disease may follow an indolent course, and a diagnosis may not be established for weeks or months. Because endocarditis frequently occurs in children with underlying heart disease, subtle changes in their physical examination may be missed unless the examiner is discerning and alert. Table 284.1 lists the major clinical manifestations of IE and their relative frequency of occurrence in children.

The most common finding in IE is fever, although approximately 10% of patients have no fever. Fever usually is low-grade and shows no specific pattern, especially in the subacute form. Other nonspecific complaints include malaise, anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Involvement of the large joints, with arthralgias or arthritis, occurs in 24% of patients. Nausea, vomiting, and nonspecific abdominal pains are found in 16% of patients. Chest pains, which usually are related to myalgias but sometimes are secondary to pulmonary embolism, especially with tricuspid valve involvement, occur in as many as 10% of older children.

Heart murmurs in patients with IE have been accepted as a classic finding. They occur in as many as 90% of affected children, but most of these patients have underlying congenital defects and initially present with murmurs specific for their lesions. A new or changing murmur occurs in approximately 25% of children. CHF may affect as many as 30% of children
with IE, and it is especially common in patients who develop a new murmur of valvular insufficiency. Exacerbation of CHF in children with rheumatic or congenital lesions should alert the clinician to consider the diagnosis of IE for patients who previously had been controlled well on medical therapy for their chronic condition.


Symptom/finding Incidence (%)
Fever 56–100
Anorexia/weight loss 8–83
Malaise 40–79
Arthralgias 16–38
Gastrointestinal problems 9–36
Chest pain 5–20
Heart failure 9–47
Splenomegaly 36–67
Petechiae 10–50
Embolic events 14–50
New/changing murmur 9–44
Clubbing 2–42
Osler nodes 7–8
Roth spots 0–6
Janeway lesions 0–10
Splinter hemorrhages 0–10

Signs and symptoms of neurologic involvement are seen in approximately 20% of children with IE. The sudden development of a clinical picture consistent with cerebral infarction in a child with an underlying heart defect should suggest the diagnosis. Acute hemiplegia, seizures, ataxia, aphasia, focal neurologic defects, sensory loss, and changing mental status may occur as presenting features or even years after the disease process has been treated.

Splenomegaly occurs in approximately 55% of children with IE, usually in those with subacute disease and activated immune systems. On palpation, the spleen is not tender. Hepatomegaly also is observed in many patients. Infarction of the spleen or abscess formation should be suspected in patients with left upper quadrant pain and tenderness that radiates to the shoulder area. A pleural friction rub or pleural effusion may be observed.

Specific skin lesions associated with IE occur more commonly in adults than in children. Petechiae are seen in approximately one-third of the children, especially in those with a more chronic course. Common sites of involvement are the mucous membranes of the mouth, the conjunctivae, and the extremities. Petechiae are the most common skin manifestations in IE, occurring in as many as 40% of patients; purpura is a rare finding. Osler nodes, which also have been described in systemic lupus erythematosus and in extremities distal to the sites of prolonged arterial catheterization, are exquisitely tender lesions. They are found most commonly on the pads of the fingers and toes, the thenar and hypothenar eminences, the sides of the fingers, and the skin on the lower part of the arm. Much controversy exists regarding whether they represent an immunologic response to infection manifesting as a vasculitis or are septic emboli. Janeway lesions are nontender, hemorrhagic plaques that occur frequently on the palms and the soles and represent septic emboli with bacteria, neutrophils, and subsequent necrosis with subcutaneous hemorrhage. Roth spots are small, pale retinal lesions with areas of hemorrhage that usually are located near the optic disc. Osler nodes, Janeway lesions, splinter hemorrhages, and Roth spots occur in only 5% to 7% of children with endocarditis.

Although accounting for a small percentage of cases of endocarditis, S. pneumoniae carries a high risk of mortality. Two recent reviews of this disease noted that the presence of “Osler triad”—pneumonia, meningitis, and endocarditis—is not as prevalent in children as it is in the adult population. However, some of these patients did have concomitant meningitis, and experts cautioned that this additional diagnosis should be eliminated in these patients.

Infants and neonates may present with a clinical picture less specific than that seen in older children. The onset is more acute and clinically mimics overwhelming sepsis. The diagnosis rarely is suspected before death occurs. The use of indwelling vascular catheters has increased the incidence of endocarditis in neonates. Persistent bacteremia associated with a deterioration in pulmonary function, coagulopathies, thrombocytopenia, and the appearance of murmurs should arouse suspicion of the possible presence of endocarditis in a neonate.

The clinical presentation of IE in intravenous drug abusers has several distinctive features. Previous underlying heart disease is found in one-third of these patients. The tricuspid valve is the site most commonly affected, and these patients often have pulmonary complications, including infarction, abscess formation, and signs and symptoms of pleural effusion. Extracardiac sites of infection are found in approximately two-thirds of these patients. Tricuspid insufficiency with findings of a murmur of tricuspid regurgitation, a pulsatile liver, and a gallop rhythm are found in 33% of patients.


Laboratory Investigation

Table 284.2 summarizes the most common laboratory findings in children with IE. Blood cultures are the single most important diagnostic tool for establishing the diagnosis of IE. Because bacteremia usually is continuous and low-grade, the timing and site of collection do not affect the yield. In approximately 66% of all cases of IE, the blood cultures grow the infecting organism and, in 90%, the results of the first two blood cultures are positive. If a patient has received antibiotics before the culture is tried, the chance of obtaining a positive culture may be reduced from between 95% and 100% to 64%. If pretreatment has occurred, placing the blood sample in hypertonic media may enhance the chance of isolating the organism. Patients with fungal endocarditis may have only intermittently positive blood culture results, and the organism may take a week or longer to grow in culture.

Ideally, three to five sets of blood cultures should be obtained within the first 24 hours. The commonly practiced simultaneous drawing of blood for culture with fever is not supported by any studies. Bacteremia in endocarditis usually is continuous and thus can be drawn at any time. In children in whom drawing large volumes of blood would be contraindicated, blood should be cultured in aerobic conditions because endocarditis caused by an anaerobic organism is an extremely rare event.
Specimens should be taken from different sites and should contain 3 to 5 mL of blood. Thioglycolate broth should be used, and the bottles should be kept for 3 weeks to detect slow-growing organisms. Nutritionally variant streptococci should be suspected if a gram-positive coccus is isolated in broth but fails to grow in subculture. The organism then should be subcultured onto media enriched with pyridoxal phosphate or L-cysteine.


Finding Incidence (%)
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate 71–94
Positive rheumatoid fever 25–55
Anemia 19–79
Positive blood culture result 68–98
Hematuria 28–47

Blood culture results may be negative in 10% to 15% of cases of suspected endocarditis because of prior administration of antibiotics; endocarditis caused by rickettsiae, chlamydiae, or viruses; slow-growing organisms (e.g., Candida spp., Haemophilus spp., Brucella spp.) or nutritionally variant streptococci; infections caused by anaerobic organisms; NBTV endocarditis; mural endocarditis; right-sided endocarditis; fungal endocarditis (especially Aspergillus spp.); or an incorrect diagnosis. Additional sites, including urine, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, bone marrow, and lymph nodes, may be infected concomitantly, and cultures of these additional sites should be included if blood culture results fail to demonstrate an infecting agent.

Necessary adjunctive laboratory tests include measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is elevated in as many as 90% of patients and correlates with the hypergammaglobulinemia found in this disease. An artifactually low erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be found with renal disease, severe CHF, or polycythemia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate should decrease toward normal if therapy has been successful, and serial measurements may be helpful in monitoring therapy. A positive rheumatoid factor has been found in one-fourth to one-half of pediatric patients with IE and may be supportive evidence for the diagnosis in cases of culture-negative endocarditis. Immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis, although not a common finding, may result in hypocomplementemia. Anemia, usually caused by a chronic disease state, is found in 40% of patients. Because children with cyanotic CHD frequently develop IE, the finding of a normal or slightly high hemoglobin level should suggest the possibility of anemia. Although leukocytosis is not an uncommon occurrence, leukopenia may occur in acute cases with overwhelming sepsis. Microemboli and consequent microinfarcts in the kidney produce hematuria with or without proteinuria, casts, and bacteremia in 25% to 50% of patients.

Circulating immune complexes as measured by the Raji cell radioimmune assay or the 123I-C1q-binding assay are present in most adults with IE, although they may be conspicuously absent in acute disease. Immune complexes may be found in septicemic patients and in as many as 10% of normal adult controls. Although few studies have reported on circulating immune complex levels in children with IE, elevated levels have been found in some patients.

Serologic testing for specific organisms may be helpful in cases of culture-negative endocarditis. Antibodies against teichoic acids, which are major components of the cell wall in S. aureus, may be present in 85% of adults with IE, although the false-positive rate may be as high as 10%. A teichoic acid antibody titer of greater than 1:1 in a bacteremic adult patient correlates with deep-seated infections, including but not restricted to endocarditis. However, teichoic acid antibody levels do not differentiate the types of deep-seated infection. As with circulating immune complexes, serial measurements of teichoic acid antibody levels may correlate with successful therapy. Unfortunately, no data exist concerning teichoic acid antibody levels in children with IE.


The role of echocardiography in helping to establish the diagnosis of IE has grown considerably because the technology has improved vastly since single-crystal M-mode techniques were introduced. M-mode echocardiography uses a single, narrow ultrasound beam, and the reflected ultrasound echoes are recorded on moving paper. Two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography uses multiple echo beams and provides a cross-sectional moving image of the heart, which can be recorded from several angles. The 2D technique usually is superior to the M-mode technique in investigating vegetative lesions. Some areas of the heart, such as the pulmonary valve, are visualized better using 2D imaging, and the increased sensitivity of this technique in detecting pulmonary valve endocarditis has been documented. The value of 2D echocardiography in prosthetic valve endocarditis also is superior to that of M-mode echocardiography. An echo-free space found in more than one tomographic plane has aided in establishing the diagnosis of perivalvular abscess, which may complicate 30% of the native valve endocarditis cases and even more cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis. Adjunctive use of the Doppler technique to diagnose prosthetic valve regurgitation before it becomes apparent clinically may aid in earlier establishment of the diagnosis. The sensitivity of echocardiography in detecting vegetative lesions in suspected endocarditis in adults ranges from 13% to 83%, with a greater sensitivity exhibited in the more recently published series using the 2D technique. Several studies have concluded that patients with a “positive echo” were twice as likely to develop serious complications (usually emboli, more commonly cerebral than peripheral) and that patients were at higher risk for death or development of severe CHF if the vegetation were larger than 1 cm2. However, the risk of embolization does not appear to correlate with the size of the vegetation.

Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has become important in evaluating patients for vegetations. TEE takes advantage of the proximity of the heart, especially the left atrium to the esophagus. This technique also eliminates the inability to image transthoracically in some patients who do not have good “echo windows” from that approach. The quality of the image is better, rendering diagnosis more certain. Although this technique can be accomplished using light sedation, our experience has been that heavy sedation administered by an anesthesiologist is preferable.

One study in adults with endocarditis using the transesophageal approach yielded the following conclusions: When combined with a high clinical suspicion of endocarditis, TEE offers a high sensitivity for properly diagnosing IE, and TEE is significantly better than is transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in imaging vegetations in these patients. Our clinical experience has confirmed these conclusions, and we now routinely use TEE if the TTE result is equivocal or negative for a patient who we suspect has the disease.

In a study using M-mode and 2D techniques for 15 children with IE, vegetations were detected in ten (66%) of the patients. Of the ten, three had systemic emboli and two died, but none of the patients without an echocardiography-proven vegetation had an embolic complication. This finding suggested that echocardiography may help identify a high-risk population that could benefit from surgical intervention. Some studies have suggested that the size and mobility of a vegetation may be useful in differentiating bacterial from fungal endocarditis. In our experience, however, this claim probably is not valid because large vegetations are seen frequently in bacterial or fungal endocarditis.

Several recent studies have addressed the role for TEE versus TTE in evaluating patients for endocarditis. Generalizing the results, these investigators found that TEE should be reserved for patients in whom TTE has been technically unfeasible, such as in patients who are very obese, are overly muscular, or have concomitant pulmonary disease, all of which result in poor “acoustic windows.” Moreover, as a “screening tool,” any type of echocardiographic study should be reserved for those patients in whom a high index of suspicion exists as
outlined by either the clinical criteria of von Reyn or the so-called “Duke criteria.” In the absence of a moderate to high suspicion of risk, echocardiographic studies are not cost-efficient. TEE also has the potential risks involved with general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation in order to accomplish the study.

A negative echocardiographic study result does not rule out the presence of vegetations. The resolution on most equipment limits the detection of vegetations to those larger than 2 to 3 mm. Poor technique also may hinder evaluation. Rheumatic heart disease with preexisting valve disease, mitral valve prolapse (MVP) with thickened leaflets, marantic vegetations, Löffler endocarditis, Chiari networks in the right atrium, and valve ring abscesses pose interpretive problems to the echocardiographer. After a vegetation is detected, it may show no significant change during therapy, and a recurrence of disease cannot be diagnosed unless a noticeable increase in size occurs or a new vegetation appears. Attempts to estimate serially the size of a vegetation are fraught with technical and interpretive errors and probably are of little value. However, continued growth of a vegetation coexistent with persistent bacteremia or evidence of further endocardial infiltration may indicate a treatment failure or the need for surgical intervention. One study attempted to define risk factors involved with an echocardiographically demonstrable vegetation in adult patients with IE. Significant complications included peripheral and central nervous system (CNS) embolization, failure to respond to therapy, CHF, need for surgery, and death. Using univariate analysis in patients with native left-sided valve endocarditis, the investigators found that vegetation’s size, extent, mobility, and consistency all were significant predictors of complications. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that size, extent, and mobility could be used to score a patient into a high-risk group. An echocardiographic examination performed at the time of hospital discharge of a patient after an apparently successful course of antibiotic therapy can be used as a baseline for further evaluation.


Numerous electrocardiographic abnormalities may be found throughout the course of IE. Ventricular ectopy in patients with hemodynamic compromise may be life-threatening. Atrial fibrillation in adults and children may be secondary to atrioventricular valve regurgitation. Extension of abscess formation or an inflammatory response may cause direct injury to the conduction system. Complete right bundle branch block, left anterior or posterior fascicular block, and complete atrioventricular block have been reported. The onset of complete atrioventricular block may be an indication for surgical intervention, especially if it occurs during the course of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Abscess formation in the perivalvular aortic region may cause direct injury to the atrioventricular node because of its proximity to that structure, which may result in sudden death unless temporary and eventually permanent pacing is instituted.


The use of antibiotics before and during any procedure that induces a transient bacteremia has become standard medical practice for the prevention of IE. Numerous failures, with subsequent development of endocarditis, have been reported. Although failure often is related to inappropriate drug regimens, infection occasionally develops despite adherence to published guidelines. In 1997, significant revisions were made in the guidelines for endocarditis prophylaxis. This report emphasized that, in fact, most cases of endocarditis are not attributable to an invasive procedure. Cardiac conditions were stratified into high, moderate, and negligible risk categories to help the clinician assess risk based on potential morbidity and mortality. These conditions are summarized in Table 284.3. In addition, further elaboration on the types of procedures that are associated with a relatively higher risk of bacteremia is given. No longer are two doses of antibiotics recommended for oral procedures. Rather, only one dose, with a maximum of 2 g (50 mg/kg), is given, and either cephalexin (50 mg/kg, maximum dose of 2 g) or, for patients with immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins, azithromycin or clarithromycin (15 mg/kg, maximum 500 mg) should be given 1 hour before the procedure. Finally, prophylaxis for genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures was simplified. These changes are shown in Tables 284.4, 284.5 and 284.6.


Endocarditis prophylaxis recommended
High-risk category
   Prosthetic cardiac valves, including bioprosthetic and homograft valves
   Previous bacterial endocarditis
   Complex cyanotic congenital heart disease (e.g., single ventricle states, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot)
   Surgically constructed systemic pulmonary artery shunts or conduits
Moderate-risk category
   Most other congenital cardiac malformations (other than those listed previously or that follow)
   Acquired valvar dysfunction (e.g., rheumatic heart disease)
   Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
   Mitral valve prolapse with valvar regurgitation, thickened leaflets (men older than 45 even without regurgitation, exercise-induced regurgitation), or both
Endocarditis prophylaxis not recommended
Negligible-risk category (no greater risk than general population)
   Isolated secundum atrial septal defect
   Surgical repair of atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, or patent ductus arteriosus (without residua beyond 6 months)
   Previous coronary artery bypass graft surgery
   Mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation
   Physiologic, functional, or innocent heart murmurs
   Previous Kawasaki disease without valvular dysfunction
   Previous rheumatic fever without valvular dysfunction
   Cardiac pacemakers (intravascular and epicardial) and implanted defibrillators

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Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Infective Endocarditis

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