Infection Control in the Intensive Care Unit
Rodney M. Durham
Shawn Larson
Hospital-acquired infections, or nosocomial infections (NIs), have received much attention in the mainstream media and represent a growing area of concern to patients and health care workers alike. These conditions pose a serious risk to all hospitalized patients but are particularly serious threats to critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). NIs, reported to affect approximately 2 million patients each year, are associated with longer hospital stays, higher hospital costs, and increased mortality.1 A recent report from Institute of Medicine stated that preventable adverse health events, including NIs, were responsible for 44,000 to 98,000 deaths per year and a cost of $17 to $29 billion.2 There is also growing concern that with increasing rates of antibiotic resistance, NIs will become an even greater threat to hospitalized patients. Therefore, the importance of infection control in the ICU cannot be stressed strongly enough.
Patients in the ICU are 5 to 10 times more likely to acquire NIs compared to other hospitalized patients.3 Recent trends in health care have shifted the emphasis to outpatient medical management, thereby resulting in a decreased number of hospital beds and fewer patient admissions. Conversely, during the same time period, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown an increase in the number of ICU beds by 17% reflecting a greater severity of illness in hospitalized patients.4
According to CDC data, at least one third of NIs are preventable by the implementation of infection control programs.1,5,6 Understanding risk factors and paying careful attention to preventative measures, including hand hygiene and restriction of antibiotic use, have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing NIs.7,8,9,10,11,12 Because NIs are a growing risk, all health care workers, especially those participating in the care of ICU patients, must have an understanding of NIs and measures to prevent them.
Although NIs are broadly defined as any infection that is not present on hospital admission, the CDC has proposed precise definitions of NIs, which are now generally considered the gold standard (a detailed list is available online at,14 In general, an infection is considered nosocomial if it develops 48 hours after hospital admission with no evidence of prior incubation. Additionally, infections that develop up to 3 days after the patient is discharged from the hospital or within 30 days of asurgical procedure are attributed to the hospital or surgical procedure, respectively.
The CDC National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (NNIS) system15 collects data from numerous hospitals around the country for epidemiologic purposes. This data has demonstrated that infection rates vary widely depending on the type of ICU and the population of patients served (e.g., medical, surgical, or pediatric). These variations in infection rates suggest that the epidemiology for NIs differs with the type of units. Because of such demographic and geographic variations in infection rates, it is therefore recommended that each type of unit compare its own locally collected data with that collected by the NNIS for units of similar patient populations and alter infection control measures accordingly.
Pneumonia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and bloodstream infections (BSIs) make up most of the reported
NIs.16,17 A report that looked at NIs from 205 combine medical-surgical ICUs from 1992 to 1998 found that infections from these three sites represented 68% of all reported infections with nosocomial pneumonia being the most frequently reported (31%), followed by UTIs (23%), and bloodstream infections (14%).17 Most infections were associated with medical devices: 83% of episodes of nosocomial pneumonia were associated with mechanical ventilation, 97% of UTIs occurred in patients with urinary catheters, and 87% of BSIs occurred with central line usage.17
NIs.16,17 A report that looked at NIs from 205 combine medical-surgical ICUs from 1992 to 1998 found that infections from these three sites represented 68% of all reported infections with nosocomial pneumonia being the most frequently reported (31%), followed by UTIs (23%), and bloodstream infections (14%).17 Most infections were associated with medical devices: 83% of episodes of nosocomial pneumonia were associated with mechanical ventilation, 97% of UTIs occurred in patients with urinary catheters, and 87% of BSIs occurred with central line usage.17
Independent risk factors for the development of NIs have been identified. These include the severity of the underlying illness as assessed by the Applied Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) score, prolonged hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, vascular access catheterization, and use of parenteral nutrition.18 Changes in hospital economics may also contribute to the risk of developing NIs. Understaffing of ICUs, as well as patient overcrowding, has been reported to be a risk factor for the development of NIs.19,20 Patientto-nurse ratios were found to be a major independent risk factor with significantly increased relative risks associated with higher ratios.21 Reduced numbers of nursing and hospital staff with increasingly greater patient-care responsibilities for care givers not only has the potential to increase the risk of NIs, but also potentially impacts medical error rates and mortality. Risk factors for site-specific infections are discussed in each individual section given in the subsequent text.
The pathophysiology of NIs is believed to be dependent on two key factors: colonization of the host by potentially pathogenic microorganisms and impaired host defenses.22 Critically ill patients often have impaired host defenses due to the underlying disease process. The release of various cytokines and anti-inflammatory mediators can suppress the patient’s immune system, thereby increasing the risk of infection. Patients’ local immune defense mechanisms can also be impaired by invasive medical devices. For example, coughing and sneezing are impaired by endotracheal intubation and sedation leading to increased risk of respiratory infections. These devices can also act as a nidus for infection.
Colonization of the host can arise from endogenous or exogenous sources. Patients in the ICU are susceptible to bacterial colonization due to decreased host defense mechanisms, prolonged hospital stays, the use of indwelling medical devices, and the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics can exert selective pressure on the patient’s endogenous flora, potentially leading to colonization by pathogenic microorganisms. Common host reservoirs for NIs include the skin, oropharynx, urinary tract, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.22 The hands of health care workers are a well-documented and common source of exogenous colonization. Other sources include droplet or aerosol spread or contaminated medical equipment. Understanding potential sources of colonization is important to help identify routes of transmission and to assist in taking preventative infection control measures.
Any microorganism can be responsible for NIs in critically ill patients. Many infections in this subset of patients are polymicrobial in nature. There has been a recent change in the pattern of organisms with increased gram-positive infections.21 Recent evidence suggests that fungal infections are increasing in prevalence as well.16 The European Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care (EPIC) study23 identified the most common reported pathogens responsible for NIs. Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were identified most frequently (30% and 29%, respectively), with the remaining microorganisms including coagulase-negative staphylococci (19%), yeast (17%), Escherichia coli (13%), enterococci spp (12%), Acinetobacter spp (9%), and Klebsiella spp.23,24
It is important to understand that the exact patterns of microorganisms responsible for NIs vary by patient population, local infection control policies, antibiotic usage, type of ICU, and even geographic locations. Once again, the physician caring for critically ill patients must have a solid knowledge of local microorganisms and resistance patterns to best institute infection control practices and appropriate antibiotic usage. This is best achieved by careful coordination between health care workers, ICU pharmacists, the infection control team, and microbiology.
One of the most effective strategies against NIs is prevention. The simplest and most effective preventative strategy appears to be basic hygiene and care with the insertion and maintenance of indwelling medical devices (i.e., central lines). The transmission of microorganisms from the hands of health care workers is well documented in the literature. Hand washing before and after patient contact remains one of the simplest and most effective infection control procedures, but compliance is often poor.25,26,27,28 Numerous factors may play a role in the low compliance with hand washing including lack of time and inconvenient placement of hand washing facilities. Additionally, health care workers who participate in frequent hand washing run the risk of skin damage including allergy and intolerance to hand cleaning solutions. Skin damage results in potential shedding of more organisms into the surrounding environment, thereby increasing the risk of infection.29
There is growing evidence that hand washing with alcohol-based gel solutions not only reduces hand contamination more than hand washing alone but may also in fact improve compliance.30,31 Updated guidelines for hand hygiene in the health care setting are available from the CDC website ( The use of universal precautions should also be stressed. Gloves should be worn in all situations where contact with blood, mucous membranes, secretions, or a wound is anticipated. Hand washing must be undertaken after glove removal because hands may be contaminated during the procedure or after glove removal. Masks should be worn when contamination from splashes or sprays may occur.
Contact Precautions
NIs that are transmitted by direct and indirect physical contact with an infected patient or the surrounding environment are best prevented by contact precautions. Patients with infections from microorganisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and Clostridium difficile should be placed in a private room or with another patient harboring the same infection. Health care workers should use gloves and impervious gowns for all patient contact. The gowns and gloves should be removed before exiting the room and followed by hand washing. Patients on contact isolation should have dedicated medical devices in their rooms (e.g., stethoscopes) that are not used on other patients. Where this is not feasible, medical devices must be thoroughly disinfected before using them on other patients.
Patients with immunosuppression (e.g., transplant or chemotherapy patients) should, in addition to contact precautions, have private rooms with positive pressure air flow systems. Previously hospitalized patients are at a high risk for carrying resistant organisms and can transmit them to uninfected patients upon readmission. Such patients should be identified at the time of admission and placed in appropriate rooms (e.g., private or with patient having similar infections).
Airborne and Droplet Precautions
Airborne precautions prevent the transmission of small, aerosolized infected organisms (<5 µm in size) whereas droplet precautions are for larger particles (≥5 µm). Airborne transmission is by inhalation of these small particles that can remain in the air for extended periods of time. They are also capable of traveling longer distances compared to droplets, which usually do not remain in the air as long nor travel long distances due to their size. Droplets are produced by activities such as coughing and sneezing or during invasive procedures such as endotracheal tube suctioning and bronchoscopy.
In addition to standard infection control procedures, patients with infections and a risk of airborne transmission, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, need to be placed in a private room with a negative air filtration system. Airborne precautions also require respiratory protection with the use of high efficiency masks approved by the National Institute for Occupations Safety and Health.32,33 Patients with Haemophilus influenzae type B infection, multidrug-resistant pneumococcal infection, or any multidrug-resistant respiratory infection should be placed on droplet precaution. These patients require private rooms, but do not require special air filtration systems. Health care workers should utilize masks with a shield during close contact (<1 m) or during all invasive procedures.
Antibiotic Use
The use of antibiotics in the ICU is commonplace. Patients may be prescribed antibiotics for known infections or empirically started when an infection is suspected. However, overuse of antibiotics is a major factor in the development of resistant organisms.34 Recently, strategies have been published to help control the emergence of resistant strains.8 These strategies include optimal use of antibiotics and cycling, or using antibiotic rotations. Restricting antibiotic use has been shown to not only reduce costs but also to reduce the excessive use of broad-spectrum agents.34 One large study showed a 32% decrease in associated costs with a reciprocal increase in susceptibility of bacterial isolates.35 Additionally, there were no adverse clinical outcomes noted, particularly survival.

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