Individualized Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Individualized Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction


Patient Selection

  • ACL ruptures are secondary to noncontact trauma to the knee during cutting or pivoting sports

  • Audible pop, immediate effusion

  • Lachman and pivot-­shift tests

  • Isolated ACL injuries typically involve both bundles, but in rare cases only one bundle may be torn

    • Isolated posterolateral (PL) bundle injury—Positive pivot shift test and negative Lachman test

    • Isolated anteromedial (AM) bundle injury—Positive Lachman test and negative pivot shift test

  • KT-­1000 and KT-­2000 arthrometer testing (MEDmetric) can assist with diagnosis.



Preoperative Imaging


  • Weight-­bearing radiograph should be obtained

  • Evaluate for bony avulsions such as spine fractures or Segond fractures

Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Figure 2Sagittal MRIs of the knee show a cut through the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). A, The two-­bundle anatomy of the ACL can be observed, as well as the presence of an isolated anteromedial (AM) bundle tear; the posterolateral (PL) bundle remains intact. B, The ACL insertion site is measured on MRI; it measures 18 mm in this patient. C, The inclination angle of the ACL is measured on MRI; it measures 46° in this patient.



  • Regional used based on surgeon and anesthesia experience

  • Femoral and sciatic regional blocks frequently used, as well as spinal anesthesia

Examination Under Anesthesia

Room Setup/Patient Positioning

  • Place tourniquet high on surgical extremity

  • Supine position with leg holder

  • Foot of operating table dropped to allow greater than 125° of knee flexion

Surgical Technique

Portals and Diagnostic Arthroscopy

May 13, 2023 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Individualized Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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