Fig. 6.1
Normal frontal (a) and lateral (b) lumbosacral spine radiographs

Fig. 6.2
Normal anatomy in the AP projection demonstrated at L3: Superior articular facet (S), inferior articular facet (I), pedicle (P), pars interarticularis (*), transverse process (T), lamina (L), and spinous process (Sp)
Lateral Radiographs
Vertebral body alignment and height are best assessed on well-positioned lateral radiographs (Fig. 6.1). Optimal positioning yields a single line denoting the posterior cortex of each vertebral body; a line along these posterior cortices will form a smooth, uninterrupted curve when the vertebral alignment is normal. However, lateral views are often compromised by patient rotation. With rotation, two posterior vertebral body cortices may be evident at the rotated levels; a line connecting the midpoints of the spaces between these cortices can be visualized and should again form a smooth curve when the alignment is normal. Alternatively the midpoints of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies should be smoothly aligned (Fig. 6.3). Vertebral anatomic landmarks demonstrated on lateral radiographs include the pedicles, superior and inferior articular facets, facet joints, neural foramina, intervertebral disc spaces, and spinous processes. The portion of the neural arch between the superior and inferior articular facets, the pars interarticularis (plural, pars interarticulari; Latin plural partes interarticulares) can be seen, of particular interest in spondylolisthesis (Fig. 6.4). Most of the radiographic measurements related to spondylolisthesis are performed on lateral views.

Fig. 6.3
Assessment of vertebral body alignment on lateral radiographs with and without patient rotation. There is normal alignment in the examples shown. (a) Lateral lumbosacral spine radiograph with optimal positioning. A smooth, uninterrupted line is drawn along the posterior vertebral body margins of L1–S1 (dashed line). (b) Lateral view with patient rotation. The posterior vertebral margin of L5 is demarcated with a single dashed line. At L4 and above, two posterior margins are evident (dashed lines), with gradual divergence superiorly. Normal alignment is confirmed by visualizing a smooth line connecting the midpoints (*) between the dashed lines. (c) Another lateral view with patient rotation. Alignment in this case is assessed by visualizing a smooth line connecting the midpoints of the anterior borders of the vertebral bodies (dots)

Fig. 6.4
Normal anatomy in the lateral projection on diagram (a) and lateral radiograph centered at L3 (b). Superior articular facet (S), inferior articular facet (I), facet joint (F), pedicle (P), pars interarticularis (*), neural foramen (NF), and spinous process (Sp). The transverse process of L2 (T) is seen en face in (b)
Oblique Radiographs
Oblique views are performed in the AP projection with the patient rotated 45° to his or her left (left posterior oblique) and right (right posterior oblique). In these views, the shape of the vertebral posterior elements is reminiscent of a Scottish terrier; hence, the term “Scottie dog” is used. The parts of the Scottie dog that can be identified include the eye (pedicle), snout or nose (transverse process), ear (superior articular facet), foot (inferior articular facet), and neck (pars interarticularis) (Fig. 6.5).

Fig. 6.5
Normal “Scottie dog” anatomy in the oblique projection on diagram (a) and right posterior oblique radiograph (b). Superior articular facet (S) = dog’s ear, inferior articular facet (I) = foot, pedicle (P) = eye, pars interarticularis (*) = neck, transverse process (T) = snout. Also noted are the facet joint (F) and vertebral body (VB). (c) Unlabelled normal left posterior oblique projection
Radiographic Diagnosis and Grading of Spondylolisthesis
The diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is most commonly made on lateral lumbar spine radiographs where anterior slippage (anterolisthesis) or posterior slippage (retrolisthesis) of a vertebral body is noted in relation to the vertebral body directly below (Fig. 6.6). Spondylolisthesis, either anterior or posterior, is usually found at a single level but may be seen at multiple levels (Fig. 6.7) [2]. Again, the radiographic finding of spondylolisthesis, especially when mild, may not correlate with symptomatology.

Fig. 6.6
(a) Anterolisthesis at L4–5. (b) Retrolisthesis at L2–3. Dashed lines on each image denote step-offs in alignment. Intervertebral disc space narrowing is noted at L4–5 in (a) (arrow)

Fig. 6.7
Multilevel degenerative spondylolisthesis. There are anterolistheses at L3–4, L4–5, and L5–S1 (dashed lines). Degenerative narrowing with sclerosis is seen along the facet joints indicating arthropathy (arrows). Intervertebral disc space narrowing is noted at these levels, most severe at L4–5
In the radiographic grading of spondylolisthesis, the most commonly used tools are the classification systems of Meyerding [3] and Taillard [4] both of which have been shown to yield results with high intra- and inter-observer agreement [5].
Meyerding’s system is based on division of the superior endplate of the vertebra below the slipped vertebra into four equal parts. Alignment of the listhesed or slipped vertebra in relation to the divisions in the endplate below determines the grade. Slippages between 0 and 25 % of the endplate below are grade I, between 25 and 50 % are grade II, between 50 and 75 % are grade III, and between 75 and 100 % are grade IV. Anteriorly slipped vertebrae that descend anterior and inferior to the endplate below are classified as grade V, also called spondyloptosis (Fig. 6.8).

Fig. 6.8
Meyerding grading system of spondylolisthesis. This method is based on division of the superior endplate of the lower vertebra at the level of spondylolisthesis into four equal parts from 0 to 100 %. In anterolisthesis, the posterior aspect of the lower endplate is 0 % and the anterior aspect of the endplate is 100 %. The 25, 50, and 75 % marks are shown on the upper left drawing. In retrolisthesis, the frame of reference would be the inferior endplate of the upper vertebral body. Grade I = slippage up to 25 %. Grade II = 25–50 %. Grade III = 50–75 %. Grade IV = 75–100 %. Grade V = anterior and inferior displacement of superior vertebral body (spondyloptosis)
Taillard’s assessment method is also referred to as the “percentage slip” measurement. The distance between the posterior margins of the slipped vertebra and the vertebra below is divided by the anteroposterior dimension of the inferior vertebral endplate and expressed as a percentage (Fig. 6.9).

Fig. 6.9
Taillard method of measuring spondylolisthesis (“percentage slip”). A = AP dimension of the superior endplate of the lower vertebra at the level of spondylolisthesis. B = measurement of anterior or posterior displacement of the superior vertebra. The % slippage = (B ÷ A) × 100
In the cervical spine and thoracic spine, spondylolisthesis is commonly measured in millimeters rather than grades or percentage slip.
Progression of spondylolisthesis can be assessed radiographically, provided that follow-up examinations are similar to prior studies in technique and positioning (Fig. 6.10).

Fig. 6.10
Progression of spondylolisthesis. (a) Lateral lumbosacral spine radiograph shows a grade I anterolisthesis at L4–5 (dashed lines) with intervertebral disc space narrowing at L4–5 and L5–S1 (arrows). (b) Two years later, the spondylolisthesis has progressed to grade II (dashed lines) and there is further narrowing of the disc spaces at L4–5 and L5–S1 (arrows)
Additional Radiographic Observations in Spondylolisthesis
Spondylolysis, a defect in the pars interarticularis, is a common radiographic finding in spondylolisthesis. The abnormality, discussed in detail in the section on isthmic spondylolisthesis, can be detected on lateral or coned-down lateral views (Fig. 6.11). On oblique views, a lucency in the pars interarticularis (representing a break in or collar on the Scottie dog’s neck) indicates spondylolysis (Fig. 6.12). In the presence of spondylolysis, a vertebral body can move forward (anterolisthesis) without its spinous process, resulting in a step-off between this spinous process and the spinous processes above (Figs. 6.13 and 6.14).

Fig. 6.11
Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in the lateral projection. Arrows on diagram (a) and lateral radiograph (b) demonstrate the pars interarticularis defect. Spondylolisthesis is denoted by dashed lines in (b)

Fig. 6.12
Spondylolysis in the oblique projection. Arrows on diagram (a) and right posterior oblique radiograph (b) demonstrate the broken Scottie dog neck (pars interarticularis). Note the normal Scottie dog neck at the level above (open arrow in b)

Fig. 6.13
Spinous process step-off in spondylolisthesis (illustrated here at L5–S1) with spondylolysis. A dotted line runs along the posterior aspects of the spinous processes. (a) Normal alignment. The dotted line forms a smooth arc from L1 to L5. (b) Anterolisthesis at L5–S1 with spondylolysis. As the L5 vertebra and the vertebrae above move forward, the posterior elements of L1–4 also move forward. The spinous process of L5 remains in its original position (or in some cases slips posteriorly), resulting in disruption of the dotted line with a step-off between L4 and L5

Fig. 6.14
Radiographic demonstration of spinous process step-off in spondylolisthesis with spondylolysis. A grade I anterolisthesis at L5–S1 is noted with defects in the pars interarticulari (arrow). The L5 vertebral body remains aligned with L2–4. In contrast, the spinous process of L5 is now situated posterior to the spinous processes above (dotted lines)
Dysplastic or Dystrophic Changes
Dysplastic or dystrophic changes may be detected on radiographs in patients with spondylolisthesis. Dysplastic changes reflect abnormal development of the spinal elements, while dystrophic changes reflect sequelae of spondylolisthesis which occur in areas that had originally developed normally. In some cases, particularly in the pars interarticularis, dystrophic changes may not be distinguishable from dysplastic changes; evaluation of the remaining vertebral body elements is often helpful in these instances. Dysplastic changes related to spondylolisthesis include abnormalities of the pars interarticulari (defects or elongation), spina bifida, posterior element hypoplasia, rounding of the superior endplate of S1 and posterior wedging of L5. Dystrophic changes described by Vialle et al. [6] include bony condensation and sclerosis of the anterior portion of the S1 superior endplate and posterior portion of the L5 inferior endplate, a bony protuberance at the posterior part of the S1 endplate, and convexity of the S1 superior endplate. At a pars interarticularis defect, dystrophic sclerosis and attenuation may be seen.
Degenerative Intervertebral Disc Disease and Facet Arthropathy
Degenerative disc disease and facet arthropathy can be demonstrated on radiography. While these findings are most commonly associated with degenerative spondylolisthesis, they can be found in any of the other types of spondylolisthesis, especially in cases of instability. The radiographic hallmarks of degenerative disc disease are disc space narrowing, endplate sclerosis, and osteophyte formation. The frequently associated disc protrusions and bulges cannot be assessed on radiography. The vacuum phenomenon of disc degeneration may be present (Fig. 6.15).

Fig. 6.15
Spondylolisthesis with degenerative disc disease in two patients. (a) Lateral radiograph of the lower lumbosacral spine demonstrates anterolisthesis at L5–S1. The hallmarks of degenerative disc disease are seen at this level including disc space narrowing (straight white arrow), osteophyte formation (open white arrow), and endplate sclerosis (black arrows). Similar but less severe changes are seen at L2–3 (curved white arrow). (b) In this patient with anterolisthesis at L4–5, the vacuum phenomenon of disc degeneration is present (white arrow) along with endplate sclerosis (black arrows) and an anterior osteophyte (open white arrow). Similar changes are present at the level below without spondylolisthesis
Sclerosis and bony overgrowth at the facet joints indicate arthropathy (Fig. 6.7). Facet arthropathy may be overestimated on lateral views in the lower lumbosacral spine due to the overlying density of the pelvic bones, and should be confirmed on frontal or oblique views. Review of previous imaging, such as abdominal CT scans done for medical indications, often yields the desired information about the presence or absence of facet arthropathy. Generally, intervertebral disc degeneration is believed to precede facet joint degeneration and to be a primary cause of anterolisthesis [7, 8].
Spondylolisthesis in Patients with Scoliosis
Spondylolisthesis may be initially encountered in the workup of scoliosis (Fig. 6.16). The incidence of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in patients with idiopathic scoliosis has been shown to be equal to or only slightly higher than the general population. The two processes are generally, though not always, thought to be unrelated [9].

Fig. 6.16
Scoliosis and dysplastic spondylolisthesis. (a) AP thoracolumbar radiograph demonstrates mild S-shaped scoliosis in a teenager. (b) Lateral thoracolumbar radiograph demonstrates spondylolisthesis at the lower edge of the image (curved arrow). (c) Dedicated lateral lumbosacral spine radiograph was later performed, clearly showing spondylolisthesis (dashed lines) at L5–S1 with spondylolysis of L5 (white arrow) and convexity of the superior endplate of S1 (black arrow). (d) Dedicated AP view at the same time as (c) demonstrates dysplastic changes in the posterior elements of L5 (open arrows)
In the adult population with scoliosis, lateral spondylolisthesis can be seen on frontal radiographs, either initially or with progression of disease (Fig. 6.17). Terms that are used synonymously with lateral spondylolisthesis include translatory shift, lateral subluxation, rotatory subluxation, and lateral slip. A significant correlation between lateral translation and vertebral rotation has been found, and nerve root compression by the convex superior articular facet of the inferior vertebra has been described [10].

Fig. 6.17
Lateral spondylolisthesis in a patient with progression of scoliosis. (a) Dextroscoliosis measures 17° and there is no step-off in the coronal plane (dashed lines). (b) Four years later, the dextroscoliosis has progressed to 35° and there is right lateral translation of L4 with respect to L5 (dashed lines)
“Inverted Napoleon’s Hat” Sign
In cases of high-grade L5 spondylolisthesis, the extreme anterior shift and tilting of L5 results in the superimposition of L5 over the sacrum on frontal radiographs. The rounded anterior margin of L5, now seen en face, resembles the dome of an inverted Napoleon’s hat, with the transverse processes forming the brim of the hat [11] (Fig. 6.18). The sign is not specific, being present in some cases of extreme lumbar lordosis without spondylolisthesis.

Fig. 6.18
Spondyloptosis with inverted Napoleon’s hat sign. (a) Lateral radiograph shows displacement of L5 (dotted lines) anterior and inferior to superior aspect of S1 (solid line). There is curved ossification at the inferior aspect of L5 (arrows). (b) Sagittal fat-suppressed T2W MRI shows marked central spinal canal stenosis (curved arrow). The dark low signal area beneath L5 (arrows) corresponds to the ossification demonstrated in (a) which is seen along the anterior and inferior aspects of the L5–S1 disc that was displaced with L5 (note absence of disc at the superior endplate of S1). (c) AP radiograph demonstrates the inverted Napoleon’s hat sign related to the marked coronal orientation of the L5 endplate. The crown of the hat is formed by the anterior border of L5 (straight arrows) and the brim corresponds to the transverse processes (open arrows)
Spinous Process Tilt or Rotation
Tilting and/or lateral rotation of a spinous process on frontal radiographs of the lumbar spine has been described in cases of par interarticularis abnormalities with or without spondylolisthesis [12, 13]. These signs reflect rotational instability in patients with pars interarticularis defects (spondylolysis) or unequally elongated or attenuated pars interarticulari. Ravichandran found lateral rotation of the spinous process to be more pronounced in patients with spondylolysis who had associated spondylolisthesis than in patients with spondylolysis alone [13] (Fig. 6.19).

Fig. 6.19
Spinous process rotation and tilt as signs of spondylolysis with spondylolisthesis. (a) Lateral radiograph demonstrates anterolisthesis of L5–S1 (dashed lines). There is spondylolysis at L5 (arrow). (b) On the AP radiograph, the spinous process of L5 (curved arrow) is rotated to the left of an extension of the vertical line drawn through the spinous processes of L3 and L4 (dashed line) and appears tilted. (c) Axial CT slice through L5 confirms the spondylolyses (open arrows) and the rotation of the spinous process (arrow) relative to the midline (dashed line)
Radiographic Measurements
In addition to the measurement systems of Meyerding and Taillard, several radiographic measurements have been proposed in evaluating lateral lumbosacral spine radiographs in cases of spondylolisthesis but are not as commonly used. Among these measurements are pelvic incidence (PI), lumbosacral angle (LSA), sagittal pelvic tilt index, slip angle, angle of kyphosis, sagittal rotation, sacral inclination (SI), sacral slope, and lumbar index [5, 14, 15]. The various assessments were developed in efforts to better evaluate the overall severity of disease in addition to the amount of displacement, which might improve the ability to predict and measure the progression of disease. Dubousset reported that the increasing kyphosis over time measured by the LSA correlated with worsening of disease which could have surgical implications [15]. Curylo et al. suggested that patients with low-grade spondylolisthesis and higher PI angles could be at greater risk for progression to high-grade spondylolisthesis especially in the context of posterior element dysplasia [16]. In a review of six of the measurements listed above, only the SI measurement was shown to have inter- and intra-observer reliability comparable to those of Meyerding and Taillard [5].
Radiographic Assessment of Instability
Lateral views in flexion and extension (Fig. 6.20) are used to assess stability at the site of spondylolisthesis or to elicit spondylolisthesis. These can be performed on the tabletop with the patient in a lateral decubitus position, or with the patient standing. Proponents of standing views note that weight-bearing views may better approximate normal daily activities. However, patients may achieve a higher degree of flexion and extension in the decubitus tabletop position. In other attempts to elicit the greatest movement at sites of spondylolisthesis, axial compression–traction techniques have been used [17]. Putto proposed that the flexion view be done with the patient seated and their hips flexed, while the extension view be done with the patient standing with hips against the radiography table [18].

Fig. 6.20
Normal flexion (a) and extension (b) lateral radiographs. The vertebral bodies remain smoothly aligned in both views
Two types of instability are assessed. Parallel instability refers to movement of the upper vertebra in relation to the lower vertebra anteriorly with flexion or posteriorly with extension. The angle between the two vertebral endplates does not change significantly (Fig. 6.21). Angular instability is defined as an abnormal change in the angle between the endplates of the listhesed vertebra and the vertebra below (Fig. 6.22). Wide variations in vertebral body motion on flexion and extension have been reported. In an extensive review, Leone et al. concluded that between flexion and extension, the upper limit of normal total parallel excursion is 4 mm and the upper limit of normal angular change is 10° [19]. It should be noted that patients with normal alignment in the neutral position may demonstrate spondylolisthesis on flexion or extension (Fig. 6.23).

Fig. 6.21
Parallel instability. (a) Anterolisthesis at L4–5 is seen (dashed lines). (b) The percentage slip at L4–5 increases from grade I to grade II with flexion (dashed lines), without significant change in angulation between the inferior endplate of L4 and superior endplate of L5

Fig. 6.22
Angular instability in spondylolisthesis. (a) Lateral radiograph in the neutral position demonstrates anterolisthesis at L4–5. A defect is seen in the L4 pars interarticularis (curved arrow). The inferior endplate of L4 is approximately parallel to the superior endplate of L5 (dashed lines). (b) Lateral radiograph in flexion demonstrates a change in the angle between the involved endplates (dashed lines) with L4 appearing to be perched on L5. The L4 spondylolysis defect (curved arrow) has widened compared to the neutral position. Spinous process dysplastic changes are seen at L4 (arrows). (c) On the AP radiograph, arrows denote dysplastic posterior elements of L4 and L5

Fig. 6.23
Spondylolisthesis on flexion in a patient with normal neutral alignment. (a) Neutral lateral radiograph demonstrates normal alignment at L4–5 (dashed lines). (b) Lateral radiograph in flexion demonstrates grade I anterolisthesis at L4–5 (dashed lines)
While flexion and extension radiographs are the most common method of assessing stability, comparison between modalities may provide similar information. For instance, if the severity of spondylolisthesis changes between a neutral radiograph and a supine MRI study, instability has been effectively demonstrated (Fig. 6.24).

Fig. 6.24
Comparison between modalities illustrates instability. (a) Upright lateral lumbosacral spine radiograph demonstrates anterolisthesis at L4–5 (dashed lines). (b) With the patient supine for MRI, the anterolisthesis reduces (dashed lines). A posterior disc protrusion (arrow) and vacuum phenomenon of disc degeneration (open arrow) are noted
Progression of instability in spondylolisthesis can be assessed on serial studies. However, reproducibility of flexion and extension views is difficult and slight variations in patient positioning or angulation of the radiographic beam can result in discrepancies in the range of vertebral displacement.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRI is a powerful cross-sectional imaging modality that detects the behavior of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, the most abundant atoms in the human body, in the context of a strong magnetic field. The physics concepts related to MRI are complex and are beyond the scope of this text. Very simply put, patients undergoing MRI are placed within the strong magnetic field of the machine; this magnetic field is always “on.” Current is applied to a coil over the body part to be imaged and the coil produces energy in the form of a rapidly changing magnetic field. This energy falls within the energy frequency range commonly used in radio broadcasts, and is therefore called radiofrequency energy. While radiofrequency energy is on the same EM spectrum as X-rays, it is of a much higher wavelength (lower frequency and therefore lower energy) and cannot ionize tissues. Thus the risks associated with the ionizing radiation of radiography, computed tomography, and nuclear medicine studies do not apply to MRI.
The radiofrequency energy from the coil causes alterations in the spin of the hydrogen nuclei. When the radiofrequency waves are turned off, the hydrogen nuclei “relax” to assume their original orientation. As they relax, they give off energy which is detected by a receiver coil; the information is then processed by computer and an image is generated. An array of coils and MRI scanning parameters are available for use depending on the body part and the type of information sought.
MRI is the cross-sectional imaging modality of choice in the workup of spondylolisthesis as excellent soft tissue differentiation is achieved without exposing the patient to ionizing radiation.
MRI Scanning Sequences and Anatomy
The studies should include sequences using a variety of parameters. T1-weighted (T1W) images are useful for visualizing fracture lines and excluding abnormal marrow infiltration. Proton-density (PD) or T2-weighted (T2W) images provide good spatial resolution. Short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequences are excellent for detection of bone marrow edema as are fat-suppressed PD or T2W sequences. Various gradient-echo (GE) sequences are available and are useful in evaluating the intervertebral disc contours particularly in the cervical spine.
Sagittal images demonstrate vertebral body heights and alignment, and are also used to evaluate intervertebral disc heights and disc hydration. The central spinal canal and neural foramina can be assessed on both sagittal and axial images. The axial sequences should include a “stacked” set of slices that are contiguous and parallel to each other, rather than angled for disc evaluation, in order to gain optimal visualization of the pars interarticulari. Coronal images are useful for visualization of scoliosis and lateral spondylolisthesis. Figure 6.25 shows normal lumbosacral spine anatomy on MRI.

Fig. 6.25

Normal MRI of lumbosacral spine. (a) Midline sagittal T1W image demonstrates normal vertebral body alignment. The bone marrow signal in the vertebra (VB) is brighter than the signal in the intervertebral disc (D). On the sagittal STIR image (b), the vertebra (VB) is now darker than the disc (D). Individual nerve roots can be seen as linear low signal foci (arrows) within the bright cerebrospinal fluid. (c) Sagittal T2W image through the left neural foramina demonstrates the superior articular facet (S), inferior articular facet (I), facet joint (F), pedicle (P), pars interarticularis (*), and nerve root (NR). (d) Axial T2W slice through the neural foramina demonstrates the vertebral body (VB), exiting nerve roots (white arrows), facet joints (open white arrows), and layering descending nerve roots (curved black arrow)

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