Fig. 3.1
Massive rotator cuff tear. (a) Sagittal oblique proton density-weighted MR image in an 83-year-old man demonstrates DeOrio and Cofield’s classification of a chronic massive cuff tear spanning a distance of >5 cm (double-headed arrow). The defect in the infraspinatus and supraspinatus tendons extends from the articular surface to the bursal surface with loss of the acromiohumeral interval. (b) Coronal oblique proton density-weighted MR image demonstrates medial retraction of the supraspinatus tendon to the glenoid fossa (arrow) with mild fatty infiltration and mild to moderate decreased muscle bulk
As massive rotator cuff tears are not necessarily synonymous with irreparability, it is important to be aware of imaging signs suggesting when the rotator cuff is not likely to be reparable (see Pearls and Pitfalls). Markers that a rotator cuff tear is not amenable to anatomic repair include static superior migration of the humeral head, a narrowed or absent acromiohumeral interval, and >50 % fatty infiltration of the rotator cuff musculature [8].
On MRI, a full-thickness defect from the articular to the bursal surface should be identified with reported sensitivities and specificities for the diagnosis of full-thickness tears on MRI ranging from 84 to 100 % and 93 to 99 %, respectively [1, 9]. It is important to be aware that a full-thickness fluid signal gap on fluid-sensitive and intermediate-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) MR sequences is not always demonstrated, and intermediate- to high-signal granulation tissue and/or synovial hypertrophy may fill the tear defect (see Pearls and Pitfalls). Once a full-thickness defect is confirmed and the tendon(s) identified, the anteroposterior dimension and the extent of tear propagation should be addressed. Attention should be paid to the integrity of the subscapularis and biceps long head tendons, as their status may alter prognosis with a torn subscapularis tendon potentially requiring an alternate surgical approach [10, 11].
Sonographic evaluation of massive rotator cuff tears should be performed in both the longitudinal axis (coronal) and short axis (transverse) imaging planes using a 9–15 MHz linear probe with the patient in the seated position. Massive cuff tears associated with rotator cuff tear arthropathy often provide a dilemma to the unsuspecting or inexperienced sonographer due to the altered anatomy afforded by the absent acromiohumeral interval. Furthermore, the inability of the patient to participate in maneuvers due to limited mobility and/or pain can make arriving at an imaging diagnosis difficult. Regardless of the limitations, the absence of rotator cuff tissue over the humeral head filled with anechoic fluid or hypoechoic debris/granulation tissue is diagnostic of a full-thickness tear (Fig. 3.2 and see Pearls and Pitfalls).

Fig. 3.2
Ultrasound of a massive rotator cuff tear. (a) Ultrasound image in the short axis demonstrates the normal supraspinatus and infraspinatus cuff tissue over the humeral head. (b) Short axis ultrasound image demonstrates complete full-thickness absence of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons over the humeral head allowing for the cartilage to be seen (cartilage interface sign) (Ultrasound images courtesy of Dr. Gregory Saboeiro). (c) Ultrasound image in the short axis demonstrates absence of the supraspinatus tendon, which is filled with anechoic fluid (asterisks) and high-grade partial tearing of the infraspinatus (ISp)
Tendon Retraction and Quality
The degree of tendon retraction plays a role in determining surgical reparability. The tendon is less likely to withstand the tensile load imparted on the repaired tendon when there is a greater degree of tendon retraction. This may tend toward a poor prognosis, and it is therefore important to assess at the time of MR imaging. As medial retraction of the tendon approaches the glenoid fossa, the more likely the tendon will be irreparable [12] (Fig. 3.1 and see Pearls and Pitfalls), though be aware that the medial extent of tendon retraction as demonstrated at MR imaging may not represent true tendon retraction and may be mobile at arthroscopy. This typically depends on the chronicity of the tear as acute tears are more mobile than those that are chronic.
Although tendon tear shape is evaluated arthroscopically, the ability to detect tendon tear shapes decreases as the size of the tendon tear increases [13] with a limited role for MR imaging and less so for ultrasound. Massive contracted rotator cuff tears have been categorized into massive crescentic tears (wide anteroposterior dimension) and massive longitudinal tears (spared anterior cuff tissue at the rotator interval) [14].
Many cuff tears are reparable [14], and the ability to detect an acute traumatic massive cuff tear or avulsion rather than a chronic tear is important, as the acute tear will have good-quality elastic tendon stump and will not place undue tension on the tissue following repair. MR imaging can provide useful information about acuity and tendon quality given the degree or absence of soft tissue edema signal (Fig. 3.3). When the tear is chronic, it is important to evaluate the presence of degeneration characterized by fraying and irregularity and possible scarring, as the presumably poor-quality and/or inelastic tendon is unlikely to withstand suture anchoring and tension resulting in a poor postoperative prognosis (see Pearls and Pitfalls) [8].

Fig. 3.3
Acute massive rotator cuff tear. (a, b) Coronal oblique fat-saturated T2- and (c) axial proton density-weighted MR images in a 55-year-old man status post, a body-surfing injury reveals an acute traumatic avulsion of the infraspinatus (ISp), supraspinatus (SSp), and subscapularis (SSc) tendons (arrowheads) with edema signal extending medially within and around the muscle bellies. The biceps tendon has been destabilized and is medially dislocated to an intra-articular position (arrow)
Fatty Infiltration and Muscle Atrophy
Although degree of tendon retraction and tendon quality is important, it is the integrity of muscle quality that is integral in formulating a treatment plan. Fatty infiltration of the rotator cuff muscle belly has been established as a negative prognostic factor for reparability of the rotator cuff [12, 15–17]. It is therefore important to accurately assess the muscle quality using imaging, as surgical management and prognosis will be influenced by the status of muscle quality. The Goutallier classification of fatty infiltration, initially described using CT, is often applied in practice with MRI and US as they are currently the imaging modalities of choice in assessing the rotator cuff tendons. In clinical practice, modification of the Goutallier classification to a three-tiered staging system is used to indicate the presence of fatty infiltration (Fig. 3.4): mild fatty infiltration (Goutallier stage 0 and stage 1) indicates normal muscle without or with minimal fatty streaks; moderate fatty infiltration (Goutallier stage 2) is characterized by fatty infiltration, but more muscle than fat; and severe fatty infiltration (Goutallier stage 3 and stage 4) demonstrates at least as much fatty infiltration as there is muscle. Warner et al. evaluated the degree of fatty infiltration in massive rotator cuff tears of the same size and found correlation between the degree of fatty infiltration on MRI and overall biomechanics and function [11, 15].

Fig. 3.4
Goutallier classification – applied to coronal oblique proton density MR images. (a) Mild (Goutallier stage 0 and stage 1) is defined as normal muscle without any or with minimal fatty streaks. (b) Moderate (Goutallier stage 2) is characterized by fatty infiltration, but there is more muscle than fat. (c, d) Severe (Goutallier stage 3 and stage 4), there is at least as much fatty infiltration as there is muscle
Ultrasound can be used to evaluate the degree of muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration with good correlation with MR imaging [18] – nevertheless, this remains challenging and is user dependent. Fatty infiltration will be seen as effacement of the normal pennate pattern of the muscle and increased hyperechogenicity (Fig. 3.5). It is often helpful to compare the degree of echogenicity with the overlying deltoid or trapezius muscles and the adjacent teres minor muscle when they are normal.

Fig. 3.5
Ultrasound of fatty infiltration. Short axis ultrasound image shows hyperechogenicity of the infraspinatus (ISp) muscle belly as compared to the normal appearance of the overlying deltoid muscle (D), which is indicative of fatty infiltration (Ultrasound image courtesy of Dr. Gregory Saboeiro)
Methods to assess supraspinatus muscle atrophy include the scapular occupation ratio and the “tangent sign.” It is important to recognize the difference between loss of muscle bulk and true fatty infiltration. Muscle atrophy has the potential to be reversible if fatty infiltration is not present. Zanetti and coworkers described the “tangent sign” to assess muscle atrophy in the sagittal oblique plane on MRI at the medial coracoid process [19] (Fig. 3.6). The normal supraspinatus muscle belly should cross superior to a line across the superior borders of the scapular spine and the superior margin of the coracoid process. With an atrophic muscle belly, the muscle will lie inferior to the line.

Fig. 3.6
Tangent sign. (a) Sagittal oblique proton density-weighted MR image shows the muscle belly of the normal supraspinatus muscle crossing a tangent (line) drawn between the superior borders of the scapular spine (ss) and the superior margin of the coracoid process (c). (b) Sagittal proton density-weighted MR image demonstrates atrophy of the supraspinatus muscle, which now lies below the tangent (line)
Thomazeau described the occupation ratio, which is evaluated in the same imaging plane and utilizing the same osseous landmarks [12]. It is defined as the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the supraspinatus muscle to the area of the supraspinatus fossa, with a ratio of less than 50 % indicative of muscle atrophy (Fig. 3.7). This method was shown to correlate supraspinatus atrophy with the extent of tendon tear and was associated with postoperative tear recurrence. Both methods have been shown to correlate with strength and mobility. When evaluating the cross-sectional area of the supraspinatus and other cuff tendons, it is important to be aware of the degree of tendon retraction as this can result in an overestimation of muscle atrophy if the torn tendon has retracted far medially (see Pearls and Pitfalls). Cross-referencing with the coronal and axial planes and awareness of the marbling due to fatty infiltration should help one avoid this imaging pitfall (Fig. 3.8). Cross-sectional areas of the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles have also been correlated with chronicity of rotator cuff tears, with the subscapularis muscle atrophy being associated with poorer surgical outcomes [11, 19].

Fig. 3.7
Occupation ratio. (a) Sagittal oblique proton density-weighted MR image shows a normal occupation ratio, representing the ratio between the cross-sectional area of the belly of the supraspinatus muscle (red–dashed line) and that of the scapular fossa (red–dashed line). (b) Sagittal oblique proton density-weighted MR image demonstrates volume loss in the supraspinatus muscle belly (red–dashed line) with a smaller cross-sectional area compared to that of the scapular fossa (black–dashed line). c coracoid process, ss scapular spine

Fig. 3.8
Pitfall in estimation of muscle atrophy. (a) Sagittal oblique proton density-weighted MR image shows both an abnormal tangent sign and occupation ratio. However, it is important to not overestimate the degree of atrophy as the supraspinatus tendon may be retracted medially. (b) Coronal oblique proton density-weighted MR image demonstrates medial retraction of the muscle belly (arrowheads), which is not as atrophic as might be expected based on the tangent sign/occupation ratio determined on sagittal oblique imaging alone
It is important to recognize subacute muscle denervation involving one or more muscle groups of the shoulder girdle, such as seen with Parsonage-Turner syndrome (inflammation of the brachial plexus). Although, subacute denervation is rare, it can mimic the clinical presentation of pseudoparalysis seen with a massive rotator cuff tear (see Pearls and Pitfalls). Subacute muscle denervation causes diffuse homogenous edema signal confined to the involved muscle and is usually evident on MR imaging 2–4 weeks after denervation has occurred [20] (Fig. 3.9). This can be distinguished from acute muscle injury, as muscle injury characteristically manifests as a feathery edema pattern and often has adjacent edema signal within the soft tissues. Acute, traumatic edema is typically seen within hours to days after injury. If innervation is restored, the MR imaging findings will return to normal. If not restored, a chronic irreversible denervation will ensue characterized by fatty infiltration. If denervation is suspected, correlation with electromyographic findings and a careful search for upper extremity peripheral nerve compression by a mass lesion should be performed. Parsonage-Turner syndrome is usually self-limited with a return to full recovery as the rule.