Guided Growth to Correct Limb Deformity

Guided Growth to Correct Limb Deformity

Ryan D. Muchow

Kenneth J. Noonan


  • Mechanical and anatomic axis of lower extremity (see FIG 1A)15

    • Hip

      • Neck-shaft angle (NSA) = 130 degrees

    • Knee

      • Lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA) = 87 degrees

      • Medial proximal tibia angle (MPTA) = 87 degrees

      • Posterior distal femoral angle (PDFA) = 83 degrees

      • Posterior proximal tibia angle (PPTA) = 81 degrees

    • Ankle

      • Lateral distal tibia angle (LDTA) = 89 degrees

      • Anterior distal tibia angle (ADTA) = 80 degrees

  • Center of rotation of angulation (CORA) is the location of deformity in a long bone. If a single point of deformity exists, the point of intersection between the proximal mechanical axis and the distal mechanical axis is the CORA and it should correspond to anatomic deformity. If a constructed CORA does not correspond with obvious anatomic deformity, another deformity must exist. Therefore, deformity correction should occur at the CORA to restore the mechanical axis.14

  • Assessment of the physis should occur to ensure adequate growth is available for guided growth. This would include checking for physeal bars and to identify whether the physis is normal or pathologic secondary to an underlying etiology.

  • Secondary problems

    • Limb length discrepancy

    • Rotational problems

    • Osteochondritis dissecans

    • Angular problems resulting in subluxation

      • Hip—coxa valga

      • Patella—genu valgum


  • Physiologic

  • Idiopathic genu valgum

  • Heuter-Volkmann principle

    • Infantile and adolescent tibia vara

  • Acquired (insult to the physis)—trauma, infection, radiation, iatrogenic, juvenile inflammatory arthritis, osteochondroma

  • Congenital (condition affecting the health/growth of the physis)—skeletal dysplasia, focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, multiple hereditary exostosis, Ollier disease, Maffucci syndrome

  • Metabolic bone disease (the physis is susceptible to the Heuter-Volkmann principle at the age of physiologic angulation, for example, onset before 2 years of age will lead to progressive varus, after 4 or 5 years of age will lead to progressive valgus)—rickets, renal osteodystrophy

  • Adaptive response to a long bone deformity


  • Physiologic = spontaneous resolution

  • Progressive angular deformity can cause gait disturbance, limitations in function, and pain.

  • There is no consistent evidence demonstrating what degree of malalignment could lead to osteoarthritis and at what age. Various biomechanical and gait studies describe increased force through the medial and lateral compartments with genu varum and valgum, respectively, but this has not been shown to cause osteoarthritis.4, 9, 12, 24


  • History is important to identify underlying pathology and determine growth potential.

  • Current symptoms

    • Pain, functional limitations, cosmetic concerns

  • Observe gait

    • Thrust, instability, crouch, equinus

  • Assess for limb length discrepancy and rotational profile.

  • Joint examination

    • Range of motion of affected and adjacent joints

    • Joint instability and pain

  • Foot deformities


  • Plain radiographs (as indicated)

  • Bone age

  • Lower extremity

    • Standing, full-length anteroposterior (AP) alignment radiograph

    • Lateral views of the lower extremities and joints involved

    • Consider comparison views

    • Consider scanogram

    • Standing lateral foot film to assess foot height

  • Computed tomography (CT)—most accurate assessment of rotational profile and best method to assess individual bone lengths in children with sagittal plane joint contractures

  • CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—identifies a physeal bar


  • Pathologic conditions by definition are progressive and therefore not commonly amenable to observation or bracing.

  • Metabolic disorder—treat and optimize underlying condition first, then if progressive deformity remains, guided growth is indicated.


Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Guided Growth to Correct Limb Deformity

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