Good posture and how it can be achieved

Chapter 1 Good posture and how it can be achieved


Posture is an overall term comprising the relative disposition of all the many parts of the body, but particularly the shape and position of the spine. It cannot be considered in isolation but only in relation to the person’s prevailing situation or environment, which may be static or dynamic.

In a static posture, whilst a person may be standing, sitting or lying still, this should really be regarded as temporarily suspended movement or dynamic posture, as even with so-called static posture there is always a tendency to change.

In dynamic posture there are constant changes in the relative positions and alignment of all the body parts, particularly against the integral structures of the spine, as most occur during activities such as walking, running, dancing, manual handling, etc. In fact, dynamic posture simply describes the constantly changing relationship between all the parts of the body that occur during movement.

Good posture, whether static or dynamic, is difficult to define, but as all the musculoskeletal components of the body – and not just those of the vertebral column – contribute and maintain posture, the term good posture might best refer to one that puts the least strain on bones, joints and their supporting structures. In practice, good posture should equate with standing, sitting, lying or moving comfortably.

The anatomical basis of good posture can be defined as a state of muscular and skeletal balance that protects the supporting structures of the body against injury, the effects of ageing, etc., irrespective of the activity or effort involved. This is best seen in manual handling techniques designed to keep the combined load and body mass over the feet as the supporting base. It enables the individual to work safely and comfortably. In less strenuous activities, such as walking or dancing, good posture reflects poise and an unselfconscious grace, ease or even economy of movement.

Bad posture, in contrast, implies inefficient use or frank misuse of joints and associated muscles and ligaments, with progressive and, ultimately, irreversible injurious effects, with associated physical, and possibly painful disability.

Posture when observed in others may be felt to range between good and bad, and these deviations are difficult to identify without a prescription for ideal, erect human posture. However, it must be noted that in reality normal posture and particularly good normal posture rarely exists, and when assessing and correcting posture it is essential to consider inherent physical features such as body type and proportions, together with ligament length and joint mobility. For example, people with loose ligaments tend to stand with hyperextended knees and hips (resting on their iliofemoral ligaments) and with flexible, exaggerated curves of the spine that are much greater than those seen in people with tighter ligaments.

Posture can also reflect gender, personality, mood, age and state of health and can alter throughout the day, being related to stimulation or fatigue as individuals react with their environment.

Teaching good posture where it is lacking to a greater or lesser degree aims for an optimum relationship between all parts of the body at all times, so that the most effective musculoskeletal function prevails over the full range of an individual’s activities.

Such teaching can only be effective through an understanding of the basic mechanics of static and dynamic posture, and combinations of the two, and the contributions of anatomical position and alignment, and of musculoskeletal function to overall good posture.

At the same time, it is necessary to consider skeletal abnormalities of bones and joints, whether inherent or acquired as in ageing or degenerative conditions, and problems of inadequate or inefficient muscle function following injury or in neurological conditions, leading to weakness, shortening or imbalance, and their mechanical consequences.

Furthermore, as teachers, good posture is something we should be able to see and feel in ourselves. This enhances our understanding of the basic components of good posture whilst maintaining our own good musculoskeletal function. Not only is this essential for safe, effective teaching through example, it also promotes and assists the achievements of better posture in our trainees.

Whether promoting overall good posture or correcting existing elements of bad posture in individuals or groups, each trainee should be helped to understand their specific postural faults or habits. This knowledge, together with tools and strategies for improving posture, will ensure that each trainee is equipped to gain the long-term benefits of good versus less good posture.


As humans evolved, the erect posture was adopted through the development of the bipedal gait. The upper limbs were thereby freed, allowing the functional use of the arms and hands to develop more complex activities. Naturally, the erect stance could only be achieved at the expense of a greatly reduced area and strength of base support, with inevitably less stability when the body had lost the support of what had become the upper limbs. At the same time, therefore, the lower limbs gained strength and agility, and overall body mobility and stability were maintained and enhanced.

Gravity is constantly pulling the body as a whole towards the ground. This force is counteracted by the tone of the postural muscle group, a role that cannot be overestimated because the bones of the skeleton, especially the long limb bones, are too irregularly shaped to stand upon each other and maintain the upright position alone. However, muscles do not maintain the erect position alone and their ability to counteract gravity is under the control of the central nervous system which is implemented by information contributed by ligaments, tendons, joints and the muscles themselves, together with input from special senses, mainly visual and vestibular, which help to identify the position of the head in space. Other systems involved less directly by contributing to metabolic homeostasis include the respiratory, circulatory, excretory, digestive and endocrine systems (Thibodeau & Patton 1993).

Although the contributions that these systems make must be appreciated, they will not be considered here, as the topics for discussion in this chapter are posture, balance and the muscular activity involved in maintaining an erect posture.


Spinal anatomical structures

‘The back’ or ‘the spine’ comprises the vertebral column and associated ligaments and muscles, together with the intervertebral discs and the contents of the vertebral canal (Figs 1.2 & 1.3).

The intervertebral discs cushion the bony vertebrae, providing shock absorption and giving flexibility for the spine to move. The shock absorption properties of the discs are essential in protecting the spine from trauma during everyday activities and are particularly effective for walking, going up or down steps or inclines, running, etc. In addition, the health and integrity of the intervertebral discs determine to a great extent the overall function of the spine as the discs allow movement to occur between each vertebra during bending, stretching and twisting, and movements comprised of combinations of these possibilities.

In a healthy disc, the spongy, jelly-like nucleus is enclosed within a fibrous ring (annulus) that allows the disc to change shape during movement but prevents the nucleus leaking out. The ability of the nucleus to change shape during loading and unloading of the spine is demonstrated in Figures 1.41.6.

As the disc nucleus contains a great deal of water, constant pressure exerted on the discs throughout the day will adversely affect their overall size, sponginess and shock-absorbing properties. As the day progresses, water leaks from the discs causing shrinkage of the nucleus. This leads to a loss of disc height that results in less effective disc function and overall mobility and function of the spine itself. However, these changes are reversed during periods of rest, especially when recumbent in bed at night, and varying the amount of pressure exerted on the discs throughout the day can also help to maintain and improve disc health and function (Fig. 1.7).

The intervertebral discs permit movement of the spine, and the range and types of movement are limited by the shape and structure of the different types of vertebra (compare the cervical and lumbar regions) and the strength and length of the ligaments. Movement is controlled by the muscles of the spine and trunk under the influence of motor nerve impulses from the brain.

In the normal spine, the small facet joints on the posterolateral aspects of the vertebrae fit neatly together, so that hyperextension and extreme twisting movements are limited. However, narrowing of the intervertebral space through an exaggerated lumbar lordosis or damage to the intervertebral discs places undue stress on the joints causing pain (Fig. 1.8).

Muscles and ligaments supporting the vertebral column


The erector spinae is a longitudinal mass of muscles ascending along the posterior aspect of the vertebral column from the sacrum to the skull (Figs 1.9 & 1.10A&B). This large and somewhat complex extensor of the spine is divided into three parallel columns termed deep, middle and superficial, each further subdivided into individually named components arranged in ascending series.

Middle layer – multifidus, semispinalis, levatores costarum

This whole middle layer constitutes a greater muscle mass than the deep layer and, together with the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, makes a major contribution to the stabilization of the entire spine. Multifidus is the particular component thought to play an important role in establishing and maintaining good upright posture. Levatores costarum, on the other hand, is more concerned with assisting the inspiratory muscles of the thoracic ribcage.

Balance and stability

A body’s shape, mass and orientation in relation to the surface area, shape and position of its base of support determines where both its centre and line of gravity will lie (Fig. 1.11). All these factors contribute to overall balance and stability.

A stable body will have a stable centre of gravity lying sufficiently low above its base of support to ensure this. Additionally, its line of gravity should fall through the centre of pressure to lie within the base of support.

A stable body will be able to maintain both its centre and line of gravity whilst resisting a short duration of applied force, or will be able to be displaced by an applied force of short duration and yet return to its original, balanced position.

Conversely, an unstable body will lose both its centre and line of gravity when a force of short duration is applied, and will then continue to lose balance as it is further displaced so as to become subject to the influence of gravity.


As all individuals have unique anatomical profiles it is difficult to identify definitive attributes for describing normal posture. However, it is possible to identify the components of ideal alignment and posture and these are the standards used for observing and assessing the many postural variations that may be encountered.

Before assessing posture, personal details such as age, sex, medical history, psychological status and adaptive influences, such as occupation, lifestyle, etc., should be noted.

Assessment procedures

Assessment of static standing posture

To begin, ask the subject to stand with the feet bare and approximately 8 cm apart (the examiner can place one foot between the subject’s feet to achieve this correct position) and the body weight distributed evenly between the feet.

Considering the fall of the plumb line, observe posture from the side and back (initially one might use a plumb line but with experience exercise teachers learn to imagine such a line) and note the surface markings and underlying anatomical structures that would normally coincide with the plumb line as shown in ‘Ideal alignment side view’ and ‘Ideal alignment back view’. Record any deviations from ideal alignment and note the overall balance of the whole body over the lower limbs and feet.

Next scan the body from the feet up to the head to identify obvious features associated with common postural faults such as flat feet, foot pronation or supination, bow legs or knock knees, exaggerated spinal curves or a forward-poking chin, etc.

Continue with a more careful study of segmental alignment beginning with the head, spine, pectoral girdle and upper limbs followed by the pelvis, hips, lower limbs and feet using the landmarks described in the following charts as guidelines.

Compare deviations from an ideal alignment with those identified as features of common postural faults to confirm specific problems and how to address them.

This same process is used to identify and address faults that occur during sitting, when moving from sitting to standing, and when mobilizing the spine.

Exercises to improve spine mobility should aim to provide continuous support for the intrinsic spinal structures whilst moving each vertebral joint through its optimum range of movement (see Chapter 4).

Assessment of sitting

This might also be formally assessed to confirm the effects that adaptive influences and habits have on a particular person.

To begin, ask the subject to sit on a chair or firm bed that allows the feet to rest on the floor with the upper thighs fully supported and the backs of the knees unrestricted. The feet are positioned approximately hip distance apart.

Scan the body from the feet up to the head to identify habits such as slouching with excessive rounding of the thoracic spine as well as other features associated with common postural faults – a forward-poking chin, incorrect pectoral girdle and pelvic alignment, foot pronation or supination, etc.

Assessment of forward bending

Variations in alignment at the end of forward bending

Assessment of return from forward bending

Common faults in movement sequencing during flexion and return from flexion

Assessment of lateral flexion or side bending

Observable faults during the side bending motion

During side bending to the right:

Assessment of spine rotation

The thoracic spine allows approximately 35 degrees of rotation in each direction, the lumbar spine approximately 13 degrees and at the lumbosacral junction there is normally about 5 degrees of motion, making it the most mobile single junction. The thoracic spine is where spine rotation should mostly occur, as the shape and orientation of each thoracic vertebra allow an optimum range of movement for each spinal segment. The lumbar spine and the lumbosacral junction are prone to injuries caused by excessive, repetitive rotary motions with the lumbar spine flexed, and therefore should be comparatively immobile during spine rotation (Tables 1.2 & 1.3).

Table 1.2 Summary of ideal movement during bending forwards and returning from bending forwards

Movement sequencing into forward bending Movement sequencing to return from forward flexion

Table 1.3 Summary of ideal movement during spine lateral flexion and rotation*

Lateral flexion Rotation

* Based on data from Bobath (1978), Larson & Gould (1974), Sahrmann (2002), White 1969, White & Panjabi (1978).

Ideal alignment

Static postural observation from the side

In this position the imaginary plumb line represents the postural line of gravity and facilitates the observation of relative symmetry in the sagittal plane. Beginning with the spine, observe in relation to the plumb line the positions of the head, tips of the shoulders, hip and knee joints, and note unnecessary tension in associated muscles and soft tissue (Figs 1.131.15).

When observing the lower legs and feet, note whether the line of gravity falls approximately through the lateral malleolus as well as the state of the knee joints and leg muscles which should appear comparatively relaxed. Also note the tone and development of the hamstring and gluteal muscles in relation to one another.

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Sep 12, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Good posture and how it can be achieved

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