Future Directions of FAI Surgery: Diagnosis and Treatment

Fig. 19.1
(a) Sagittal T1 fat-saturated MRI image of acetabular cartilage lesion. (bd) Cartilage lesion after debridement and subsequent particulated juvenile cartilage repair technique. Acetabular labrum indicated with black arrows

Table 19.1
Current and developing diagnostic and treatment techniques for the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement pathology

Diagnostic imaging


Labrum tears

Cartilage injuries





Dynamic computer models


Labral repair


Dynamic ultrasound

Platelet-rich plasma

Labral reconstruction


Dynamic MRI

Autologous conditioned plasma
Osteochondral autograft

MRI with cartilage sequences
Osteochondral allograft

Computer navigation
Particulated juvenile cartilage

Robotic-assisted surgery
Micronized allograft cartilage matrix

19.9 Biomarkers of FAI

Circulating biomarkers have been investigated as a noninvasive tool to examine the health of articular cartilage. Several studies have been performed and shown that there are several different compounds that may be used as markers of cartilage and bone health, as well as show evidence of breakdown [80, 81]. As the basic science literature becomes more refined, we will be able to identify the most useful of these markers as it pertains to the hip joint. With this knowledge, these chemical tests could be used to screen and evaluate patients and stratify their risk for developing arthritic hip disease, allowing the targeting of patients who would benefit most from surgical interventions. One of the more innovative uses of new technology is the development of bioprinters. This technology aims to utilize thermoplastic fibers and cell-laden hydrogels to create tissue constructs. These techniques have been developing rapidly, and it is possible to create tissue with specific mechanical properties in order to mimic native structures containing different cell types and bioactive factors [82]. Newer developments have allowed the creation of multiple-layer skin-like soft tissue models including human fibroblasts and keratinocytes in a standardized and reproducible fashion [83]. In the future, this type of technology may allow for the creation of grafts for the repair of articular cartilage lesions and soft tissue injuries such as labral tears that are custom-made for individual patients, enhancing the ability to treat FAI injuries of the hip:

Take-Home Points

  1. 1.

    Diagnostic imaging techniques, particularly MRI, are becoming more effective for FAI diagnosis and the evaluation of cartilage lesions.


  2. 2.

    Three-dimensional imaging techniques will continue to grow and enhance the ability to accurately diagnose and treat FAI pathology, including the development of navigation systems.


  3. 3.

    The treatment of the hip capsule is rapidly evolving, and evidence is beginning to emerge for the biomechanical and clinical benefits of capsular repair and plication.


  4. 4.

    Labral tears are treated commonly during FAI surgery, and as the treatment methods have evolved from simple debridement to include base refixation and reconstruction, clear indications will emerge and new techniques will develop.


  5. 5.

    Cartilage repair and reconstruction techniques are growing in use in the hip, to include autograft, allograft, and newer cartilage matrix products to augment traditional microfracture procedures.


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