Future Advances in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Ultrasound has progressed rapidly in recent years in terms of the technology itself and how it has been applied to both clinical practice and research. Musculoskeletal ultrasound is now considered a major subspecialty of radiology, and manufacturers have been responsive in making the technology more versatile and user-friendly. It is considered a first-line investigative tool for many musculoskeletal diseases although the politics and structure of local health systems often dictate which modality should be applied and when. For example, in the United States, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) have traditionally been preferred over ultrasound although ultrasound is now beginning to be accepted by insurance companies particularly with the realization that it may be more cost-effective.

Advances in Technology


Modern transducer technology has contributed greatly to the use of ultrasound in rheumatology. Improved transducer design has enabled the use of higher frequencies for detailed superficial work ( Figs. 26-1 and 26-2 ). Other improvements include the use of broadband, compound, and harmonic imaging in addition to more sensitive Doppler.

F igure 26-1

Images of the nail bed compare a 55-MHz and an 18-MHz transducer. The higher-frequency transducer provides superior imaging of very superficial structures, such as the dermis and nail plate (arrows) , and two separate layers can be seen clearly. D, dermis.

F igure 26-2

A small vein in the dermis around a proximal interphalangeal joint is visualized with a 55-MHz transducer. The vessel is located only 1 to 2 mm below the skin surface, and it has a diameter slightly larger than 1 mm. The intimal lining can be seen (arrows) . In real time, blood flow could be seen as well as the movement of the valves.

Matrix array transducers, used for both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) scanning, are likely to play an increasing role in ultrasound. They are composed of crystals that allow focusing in the near, middle, and far fields. This leads to versatile near-field and penetrating imaging with superior gray-scale tissue differentiation ( Fig. 26-3 ). They also enable, higher Doppler frequencies to be achieved with subsequent lower flow sensitivity. Currently, these transducers utilize relatively low frequencies, hence their predominant use in echocardiography rather than rheumatology, but this is likely to change with time.

F igure 26-3

A, Image shows a 3D scan of a phantom which contains an array of 2-mm-diameter anechoic spheres. B, The Matrix Array multi-row transducers (here, the M12L high-frequency linear array) create a uniformly thin image slice from the near to the far field. The thin image slice provides excellent contrast resolution and allows detection of small cysts, vessels, and other anatomic structures over a greatly extended range of the image. For comparison, single-row transducers have a single, fixed elevation focus. The image slice which they produce is thin and provides excellent contrast resolution at the focus, but the beam diverges quickly away from the focus and the usable depth of field is limited. (Courtesy Doug Wildes, GE Corporate Research & Development.)

Three-Dimensional Ultrasound

Three-dimensional ultrasound offers an interesting prospect for the volumetric assessment of tissues using gray-scale or Doppler imaging. In a clinical setting, this technology has been used most commonly for fetal assessment and cardiology, but its applications are steadily growing. In rheumatology, it serves mainly as a research tool and is not routinely available in most centers.

Instead of using a conventional image-freeze-print process as in conventional 2D ultrasound, 3D transducers acquire a block of tissue consisting of up to 25 specific slices. The advantages of this approach include increased speed of image acquisition and the potential for improved reliability and image quantification. Transducers are large and heavy ( Fig. 26-4 ) and somewhat cumbersome to use. They are held firmly in position while an internal mechanized drive scans a sector of tissue. The saved images can be viewed in coronal, transverse, sagittal, and axial planes.

F igure 26-4

A three-dimensional volumetric probe was used to capture the coronal ultrasound image on the right. The footprint size is 38.4 × 44.5 mm. The probe is held still while an image is acquired within 5 seconds. The block of tissue can then be interrogated in various planes. In this image, large erosions (asterisk) are seen in the metacarpal head (MCH) and base of the phalanx (P) in a patient with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis.

One of the best features of 3D ultrasound is its ability to quantify regions of interest. However, currently there is no commercially available software to quantify a block of tissue for gray-scale or Doppler ultrasound. When the software becomes available, the use of 3D ultrasound is likely to grow in rheumatology. Until then, the additional cost of the technology and the reduction in image quality prohibits its widespread use.

Fusion Imaging

The concept of fusion imaging describes the simultaneous mapping of one type of image modality onto another, preacquired image modality. In this way, a live ultrasound image can be directly compared and mapped onto a preacquired 3D multiplanar reslice (MPR) CT or MRI volume dataset.

The technique can be used only on high-end machines, but several companies provide the technology. The hardware consists of an external box ( Fig. 26-5 ) that is suspended from a trolley device. This acts as the transmitter of the electromagnetic field. An adjustable arm allows positioning of the box as close to the region of interest as possible. The distance between the transmitter and the scanning region of interest should remain constant throughout the examination. The receivers or sensors are attached to the transducer by means of a clip-on attachment in the example shown ( Fig. 26-6 ).

F igure 26-5

The fusion image apparatus for the GE E9 machine is shown. The electromagnetic transmitter (arrow) is located in a box that should be positioned within 50 cm of the area being examined. The position of the box should remain constant throughout the examination.

F igure 26-6

The adaptation of a transducer allows positioning of the sensors. The dotted arrow highlights the cradle that fits around the end of the transducer. The arrows show the two sensors, which are positioned at a fixed distance apart. Wires (outlined arrows) from each sensor track back along the transducer cable to the machine.

There are theoretical advantages of fusion technology, but whether it provides added value in a clinical setting is uncertain. The technology was first developed for interventions such as guiding biopsy needles, but it can also be used for injections such as in the sacroiliac joints. From a research perspective, it is useful for the validation of bone or soft tissue lesions seen on ultrasound or with other techniques ( Fig. 26-7 ).

F igure 26-7

A, The axial fusion image is obtained through a metacarpal head in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Simultaneous ultrasound and magnetic resonance images are shown side by side. Corresponding erosions (arrows) are seen with both modalities, and synovitis is also observed (asterisks) .

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Mar 1, 2019 | Posted by in RHEUMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Future Advances in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

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