Fundamentals of Cost-Effectiveness Research

Fundamentals of Cost-Effectiveness Research

David W. Shearer, MD, MPH

Kevin J. Bozic, MD, MBA

Dr. Bozic or an immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Cardinal Analytx, Carrum Health, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; serves as an unpaid consultant to Harvard Business School; and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons and the American Joint Replacement Registry. Neither Dr. Shearer nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this chapter.


The United States (US) health care system is in the midst of a transition from fee-for-service health care to “value-based health care” with increasing scrutiny on the high cost of orthopaedic surgical procedures.1 Health care systems and policy makers are employing novel strategies, such as bundled payment programs, to reduce cost and improve patient outcomes. As such, research evaluating the cost-effectiveness of orthopaedic interventions has become increasingly important in both clinical and health care policy decision making. Historically, clinical decision making in orthopaedic surgery has been informed primarily by anecdotal surgeon experience, expert opinion, and small uncontrolled case series. This has evolved with greater emphasis on evidence-based medicine toward larger, multicenter clinical trials employing randomization, blinding, and patient-centered outcome measures. However, implicit in both of these approaches is the idea that the more effective intervention is always preferred, regardless of its cost. Economic analysis is an alternative approach that incorporates the cost of an intervention into the clinical and policy decision-making framework. Two underlying assumptions that are important for acceptance of this methodology are (1) resources are constrained that is, there is not an unlimited budget and (2) a more effective intervention may not always be preferred if the incremental benefit is small relative to the monetary cost.2

The first assumption is more widely accepted. In the United States, although health care spending is not fixed, the steady rise as a fraction of gross domestic product (GDP) over the last several decades has been labeled a health care “crisis.”3 There is no absolute threshold, but the idea that resources are not unlimited is not debated. The second assumption that certain high-cost interventions with small incremental benefit may be too expensive is more politically and ethically troublesome.4 An attempt to factor cost into a ranking system to determine Medicaid coverage in Oregon in the 1990s led to widespread public outcry due to concerns over rationing and government control of health care.5

To date in the United States, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has accepted comparative effectiveness research, but has declined to use cost-effectiveness analysis for beneficiary coverage decisions.6,7 In other countries, economic analysis has seen greater acceptance by governments seeking to control costs of health care and maximize scarce resources. Many countries have dedicated government agencies, such as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom, that perform economic analysis, the results of which weigh heavily in coverage decisions in the frequently nationalized healthcare systems.8

Despite the absence of an explicit use of economic analysis by CMS in the United States, there are a growing number of studies published both in the orthopaedic and other medical literature.9,10 Review articles have been published in every orthopaedic subspecialty summarizing the existing cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) literature.11,12,13,14,15,16 The results are incorporated into decision making by private insurers, professional societies, and to some degree individual surgeons. It is, therefore, important for orthopaedic surgeons to have a basic understanding of the principles of economic analysis and familiarity with the interpretation of study results.

To date, the standard for CEA methodology in the United States is based on the recommendations of the Panel on Cost-effectiveness in Health and Medicine, published in 1996.17 The panel emerged due to the lack of standardization in CEA methods and aimed to put forth a set of recommendations for each component of a CEA that would form a base case, called the reference case, that should be performed in all studies. Although the authors recognized no single method applies to all circumstances, the goal of the reference case is to allow greater comparability across economic analyses. Furthermore, it provides a framework for the reader to evaluate the methodologic quality of studies being interpreted. More recently, a second panel on Cost-effectiveness in Health and Medicine was convened to update its recommendations, which were published in JAMA in 2016.18 These recommendations are incorporated throughout the chapter and summarized in an outline at its conclusions.


Although there is variability in the nomenclature used to describe types of economic analysis, the terminology described in this chapter is generally accepted.19,20 Each approach shares the inclusion of cost but varies in the method and degree to which other data are incorporated. Table 1 summarizes each type of economic analysis and lists the strengths and limitations.

TABLE 1 Types of Economic Analysis

Measure of Cost

Measure of Health Effect






None (assumed equal)

Cost difference

Simple to conduct

Effectiveness of two treatments usually not equal

Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)


Any measure of health benefit

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio

Can choose health effect most relevant to intervention

Difficult to make comparisons across different diseases or interventions

Cost-utility analysis (CUA)


Utility (eg, QALYs)

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio

Allows comparisons across diseases and interventions within health care

Need estimate of utility for each relevant outcome

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)



Net monetary benefit

Policy-makers can make comparisons across health and non-health care programs

Difficult to assign monetary value to health benefits


The first major category of economic analysis is cost-minimization, which is employed when the effectiveness of two or more interventions is considered equivalent. In this scenario, cost alone can be used to differentiate the two treatments. Cost data for both treatments are collected and the intervention with lower total cost is preferred. A simple example would be comparing the costs associated with arthroscopic versus mini-open rotator cuff repair. Collecting outcome data is unnecessary as the results have been shown to be equivalent, and therefore, an appropriate comparison can be made with cost data only. An example is a study by Adla et al21 demonstrated equivalent outcomes but a $1850 excess cost associated with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair compared with open repair, which was attributed primarily to increased costs of instrumentation. This type of economic analysis is often simpler, and the information derived from a cost-minimization analysis can be used in future cost-effectiveness research. However, it is rare that two interventions result in an exactly equivalent outcome.


The term cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is an umbrella term that seeks to identify the cost for a unit of health benefit from an intervention. It is usually expressed quantitatively in terms of the cost-effectiveness ratio. The numerator always contains cost, while the denominator can be any desired outcome of interest. Examples could include cost per life saved, cost per complication averted, or cost per unit of utility (eg,
quality-adjusted life years) gained. Although using an outcome specific to an intervention may simplify an analysis, it may limit the ability to make comparisons across studies or interventions.


Cost-utility is a specific case of cost-effectiveness in which the denominator of the cost-effectiveness ratio is the preference-based measure of utility. Utility in the context of health is a measure ranging from 0 to 1 that quantifies an individual’s preference for a given health state relative to perfect health (equal to 1) and death (equal to 0). The product of utility and duration of a health state yields quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), which are frequently used in the denominator of a cost-utility analysis. In the medical literature, the term cost-effectiveness analysis is often synonymous with cost-utility analysis, and the two terms may be used interchangeably, but it should be recognized that in the current taxonomy while every cost-utility analysis is a CEA, not all CEA’s are a cost-utility analysis.


In cost-benefit analysis both the cost and effect of an intervention are expressed in monetary terms. Because all terms have the same units, the result is expressed as net monetary benefit (NMB) rather than a ratio. Alolabi et al22 used this technique to estimate the net benefit of internal fixation compared with hemiarthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fractures. The authors found a higher cost associated with internal fixation, but surveyed individuals were willing to pay more for internal fixation than hemiarthroplasty. When multiplied by the expected number of femoral neck fractures in Ontario, a total net benefit of $224,000,000 was found for internal fixation. The advantage of this approach is that it allows comparisons across broad categories of intervention that could include education, environment, criminal justice, or any other societal interest competing for scarce funds. Its use is limited in medicine, however, because assigning a monetary value to health outcomes is difficult and ethically troublesome.

Recommendations of the US Panel on Cost-effectiveness in Health and Medicine: The numerator of the cost-effectiveness ratio should contain the net cost of an intervention, while the denominator should be QALYs.


There are two major categories for CEA study design: clinical trial-based and model-based studies. In the former, cost data are collected in the context of a clinical trial through empiric observation. The latter relies on simulations, typically computer-generated, that make assumptions regarding the costs and effects of an intervention based on data from other sources. Each has specific advantages and disadvantages, and the two are frequently combined to achieve the best possible result.


A cost-effectiveness analysis can be conducted alongside a clinical trial by collecting economic data in addition to measuring clinical outcomes.23 This is sometimes referred to as a CEA “piggy-backed” on a clinical trial. These studies generally require a prospective cohort design with the intention to collect data regarding every aspect of the intervention for example, procedures, hospitalization, outpatient visits, travel time, etc.

The primary advantage of a clinical trial-based CEA is that data are generated through empiric observation, which eliminates many of the assumptions necessary for modeling. However, they are often limited by the time frame of observation, which may not include important outcomes that impact health and incur cost over a longer period of time than a trial is feasible to conduct. Furthermore, all the same limitations that apply to a typical clinical trial such as a selection bias or confounding apply with the inclusion of cost. Generalizability is problematic because strict inclusion and exclusion criteria are frequently employed in trials, and efficacy observed in a trial may not reflect the effectiveness observed with more widespread use.

An example of a trial-based cost-utility analysis in orthopaedics is the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) study assessing surgical versus nonsurgical care for disk herniation, spinal stenosis, and degenerative spondylolisthesis.24,25 In addition to reporting clinical outcomes, Tosteson et al26 separately published the results of the cost-effectiveness of surgical decompression compared with nonsurgical care for the management of spinal stenosis with and without spondylolisthesis. The EQ-5D, a survey instrument for estimating utility, was administered to all participants and demonstrated a difference in utility of 0.17 between the surgical and nonsurgical cohorts over the 2-year follow-up period. Cost data were determined using as combination Medicare payment data for procedure and inpatient charges while remaining costs incurred, such as nonsurgical care and missed work were self-reported by the subjects in the trial. Using these data, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of surgical decompression for the management of spinal stenosis was estimated to be $77,600/QALY.

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Apr 14, 2020 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Fundamentals of Cost-Effectiveness Research

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