Fundamentals of Being a Sport Surgeon

Fig. 1.1
Triangle pearls for sports orthopedic surgeon

1.3 Role of Sports Orthopedic Surgeons in Medical Teams

In sports medicine, a medical team generally consists of sports physicians, sports orthopedic surgeons, athletic trainers, physiotherapists, sports pharmacist, and other specialists. Sports physicians mostly work with the team and play a role in primary care. Sports physicians do not operate on athletes but can refer to a sport orthopedic surgeon when surgery is required. However, the roles of team members differ by countries and regions. Sports orthopedic surgeons can also play the role of sports physician, for which leadership and communication skills are essential.

For instance, the Japanese Volleyball Association’s medical committee has 50 members, including specialists. Sports orthopedic surgeons, including knee, ankle, and shoulder specialists, belong to this committee. Some accompany the Japanese national volleyball team to matches, such as the FIVB World Cup, World Championships, World League, World Grand Prix, and Olympic games. In case a player is injured, the team doctor can refer that player to the sports orthopedic surgeon for prompt treatment. The team doctor can also contact specialists for training, nutrition, antidoping controls, and other medical problems. In addition, the athletic trainer is always on the front lines of sports scene and athlete care. They are a vital piece in the team approach to taking care of athletes and their injuries. Team doctors have to communicate with athletic trainers and lead the medical team in order to provide athletes with comprehensive treatment.


Today’s society demands more specialization both inside and outside of the sports field. Sports orthopedic surgeons specialize in treating sports-related injuries, catering predominantly to athletes. Sports medicine is a subspecialty of orthopedics and focuses on the musculoskeletal system. The main goals of the sports orthopedic surgeon are to examine, treat, and prevent sports-related injuries and disorders. However, sports medicine as a speciality is still in the early years of subspecialty, and standards vary widely around the world. Therefore, to treat injured athletes to a high level and to improve performance, sports orthopedic surgeons must constantly study the latest knowledge and improve their personal skills in communication, team work, and leadership.

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Apr 7, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Fundamentals of Being a Sport Surgeon

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