Learning processes are intricate and complicated, and they may occur at physiological, emotional, cognitive, as well as behavioral levels. For instance, classical conditioning may occur so that a certain, previously neutral, event comes to elicit a conditioned response of fear and heightened muscle tension in the back (Gatzounis, Schrooten, Crombez, & Vlaeyen, 2012; Vlaeyen & Linton, 2012). In this way, lifting a box may come to elicit a tension and fear reaction because of previous co-occurrence with pain. Besides prompting operant learning processes, such as avoidance, this reaction may also directly influence the experience of pain, through muscle tension and hypervigilance. Indeed, some experimental studies testify to the fact that neutral stimuli can come to elicit a muscle tension reaction after having been paired with aversive experiences, and it was also found that persons who experienced back and/or neck pain acquired this conditioned response faster than did pain-free controls (Flor and Birbaumer, 1994; Schneider et al., 2004). Moreover, the conditioned muscle tension was more resistant to extinction in the pain group than in the pain-free controls. This suggests that conditioned responses in anticipation of pain might play a role in the perpetuation of the pain experience. Not only do directly pain-related consequences operate on pain behavior, but so do social consequences, such as responses from spouses or other significant persons in the environment Linton & Götestam, 1985; Leonard, Cano, & Johansen, 2007; Romano et al., 1992). For example, in the study of Linton and Götestam, pain-free subjects were required to report their level of pain while undergoing a pain-inducing procedure. In one condition, participants were rewarded when they reported the same or an increased level of pain as compared to the previous trial. It was shown that participants increased their report of pain across these trials, even though the painful pressure was actually systematically decreased.
Lastly, the role of cognitive processes in learning is becoming increasingly recognized, especially in the conditioning of fear and in the relationship between fear and avoidance (see, for an overview, Goubert, Crombez, & Peters, 2004). For example, the conditioning of fear seems to be facilitated by verbal information about the co-occurrence of events. Cultural beliefs about, say, an invasive dental treatment and pain facilitate fearful apprehension for the dental treatment, even though it may not have been previously experienced. Moreover, the meaning of an aversive experience such as pain is not static, but varies between individuals and is dependent on information from different sources. For example, seeing a person in the nearby environment become severely disabled from back pain may, in some individuals, increase fear of back pain. Finally, people generate rules regarding the relationships between events, and these rules seem to govern behavior many times irrespective of actual contingencies between behavior and outcome. People with back pain may develop rules such as One should never give up trying to find a cure for the back pain while, at the same time, this persistence in finding a cure is unsuccessful and increases distress and frustration (McCracken, 1998; McCracken & Eccleston, 2003).
In summary, the psychology of pain ascribes an important role to cognitive processes, as well as experiential and observational learning. These processes are viewed as intricately linked to one another. Basic learning conditioning paradigms have started to include cognitive processes to explain, for example, why the valence of aversive stimuli differ across individuals and why people fear and avoid events that they have never experienced. These processes, then, give important cues for understanding why and how some people develop a chronic back pain disability.
The Fear-Avoidance Model
In an attempt to describe the mechanism, whereby acute pain develops into a chronic pain problem more specifically, the “fear-avoidance model” was developed. The fear-avoidance model is a specification of the above-mentioned model. Both models stress the role of cognitions and behavior, but the fear-avoidance model is more explicitly tailored to explain a possible road to chronicity and has a specific and exclusive focus on the role of pain-related fear. This model is based on the work of Lethem, Slade, Troup, and Bentley (1983), Philips (1987), and Waddell, Newton, Henderson, Somerville, and Main (1993) and was expanded on by Vlaeyen and Linton (2000, 2012). It has been successfully applied to explain pain and disability in the subgroup of people experiencing a considerable amount of fear across a wide range of pain problems. While the exact sequence of interrelationships between the variables in the fear-avoidance models has been contended (Bergbom, Boersma, & Linton, 2012; Wideman, Adams, & Sullivan, 2009), there is ample evidence supporting the validity of the model (Leeuw et al., 2007; Vancleef, Flink, Linton, & Vlaeyen, 2012; Vlaeyen & Linton, 2000, 2012).
In summary, the model (see Fig. 11.2) poses that, for most people, pain is appraised as an undesirable and unpleasant but, nonetheless, a nonthreatening experience (“no fear”). This judgment makes it likely that the individual engages in appropriate behavioral restrictions after injury, but also that painful movements are gradually confronted. Gradual confrontation of painful movements is then thought to increase the likelihood of healing and recovery. On the other hand, in a significant minority of people confronted with pain, the pain experience is interpreted as a serious threat. In other words, these individuals appraise the pain in a catastrophic way. Tendencies to engage in catastrophic thinking about pain are central in this model and are thought to be the result of multiple influences, such as predisposing factors (e.g., negative affectivity), as well as environmental influences (e.g., threatening illness information and observational learning). A catastrophic interpretation of pain is thought to lead to pain-related fear, such as fear of the pain itself or fear of (re) injury. Fear, in turn, promotes hypervigilance to pain and behavioral avoidance, fueled by beliefs that activity may cause damage and will exacerbate the pain. Lastly, long-term avoidance of activity can have a negative impact on physiological processes, and it can result in a more general withdrawal from positive reinforcers, leading to mood disturbances such as irritability, frustration, and depression. Both depression and disuse are associated with decreased pain thresholds and tolerance levels and might, in that way, promote the painful experience.
Common Psychosocial Processes Across Models
While the fear-avoidance model places a specific emphasis on the cognitive (negative thoughts such as catastrophizing) and behavioral (avoidance) processes in relation to pain-related fear, these processes may, in fact, cut across most psychosocial and somatic disorders, where individuals are confronted to deal with (persistent or recurrent) aversive inner states, such as anxiety and depression, or health-related complaints such as fatigue and sleep problems (Harvey, 2008). These processes have been coined transdiagnostic processes, and they appear to have in common the fact that they function to regulate negative-affective experiences. Indeed, recently, these processes have been put forward as a possible explanation of the high degree of co-occurrence that has been found between pain and anxiety disorders (Asmundson & Katz, 2009; Sharp & Harvey, 2001). Specifically, there is evidence that relationships between pain and emotional disorders can be explained by shared vulnerability, such as anxiety sensitivity, and by maintaining cognitive and behavioral factors, such as negative cognitive appraisal, worry, covert, and overt avoidance (Asmundson & Katz, 2009).
Recent developments in pain psychology research extend the possible emotional regulatory function of cognitive and behavioral processes by emphasizing contextual factors (Hadjistavropoulos et al., 2011). For example, while the fear-avoidance model highlights the close interrelationship among catastrophizing, fear, and avoidance behavior, another model (the communal coping model) highlights how catastrophizing may perform a regulatory function in the interpersonal and communicative context. In this model, an important function of catastrophizing is thought to be to elicit support and reassurance. Several studies have confirmed that people high on catastrophizing are more interpersonally expressive concerning their pain, possibly with the function to seek support and reassurance and, through this, find emotional relief (Cano, Leong, Williams, May, & Lutz, 2012; Thibault, Loisel, Durand, Catchlove, & Sullivan, 2008). Eccleston and Crombez (2007) presented a reorientation of the fear-avoidance and communal coping models that attempts to take the functions of catastrophizing into account. Their “misdirected problem-solving” model largely reframes pain catastrophizing as worry and focuses on the function of worry in the context of persisting pain. While they describe worry as a generally adaptive mental problem-solving process, they stress that, in the context of chronic pain, worry can become maladaptive and “misdirected.” Specifically, if individuals define their persisting pain as a biomedical problem that needs to be cured, this narrow problem definition, and the consequent goal orientation and pursuit of pain relief, may actually increase the likelihood that individuals get “stuck” in a loop of mental, as well as behavioral, problem-solving. This loop is easily characterized by failure because the goal is diffuse or, in fact, impossible to attain. In the end, a situation may arise where an individual is trapped in a state where, on the one hand, progress toward a goal is not being made while, on the other hand, the individual is not able to abandon the goal. This may then lead to negative, persistent, and unconstructive worry in the form of pain catastrophizing, as well as behavioral avoidance. In other words, besides a threat appraisal and an interpersonal mode of communication, pain catastrophizing in this framework is seen as perseverant and inflexible cognitive attempts to solve an insoluble problem (Aldrich, Eccleston, & Crombez, 2000).
Indeed catastrophizing can, in general, be conceptualized as a form of negative repetitive thinking about a current concern which is abstract, intrusive, and difficult to disengage from (Flink et al., 2013). This account of the function of repetitive thought in the form of worry, behavioral avoidance, and safety seeking seems indeed shared across a wide range of problem areas (Mansell, Harvey, Watkins, & Shafran, 2008; Sharp & Harvey, 2001; Smith & Alloy, 2009; Watkins, 2008). These transdiagnostic processes may be powerful drivers of the chronification process, and they have clear implications for clinical management.
How Can Knowledge on Psychosocial Processes Influence Management?
Improving our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the development of chronicity has implications for clinical management and prevention. The importance of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral factors in the developmental process, from acute pain to a chronic disability, implies that assessing as well as addressing these factors is pivotal. However, while psychosocial theories and models about pain have provided a better understanding about the development of a chronic problem, they are abstract, and the immediate implications for clinical management may be less clear. Therefore, Table 11.1 summarizes some important general implications that can be extracted from the above account of psychosocial processes and models of pain experience.
Table 11.1
Guiding principles relating psychosocial factors to the treatment of pain
Number | Guiding principle | Clinical implication |
1 | Psychosocial factors that may impact pain outcomes are not routinely assessed by many treating clinicians | Better methods of screening and early intervention are needed to improve feasibility and utility in usual care settings |
2 | Persistent pain naturally leads to emotional and behavioral consequences for the majority of individuals | Psychosocial concepts of learning can be useful to provide empathy and support without reinforcing pain behavior |
3 | Clients who are depressed or have a history of depression may have more difficulty dealing with pain | A brief assessment of mood symptoms should be part of routine screening and intake procedures for pain conditions |
4 | Persistent pain problems can lead to hypervigilance and avoidance, but simple distraction techniques are not enough to counter this | Clinicians should avoid inadvertent messages that escape or avoidance from pain is necessary in order to preserve function. Instead, show understanding of the problem and support reactivation in the context of the presence of pain |
5 | Individuals hold very different attitudes and beliefs about the origins of pain, the seriousness of pain, and how to react | Individual differences in pain beliefs and attitudes should be assessed and taken into account in treatment planning |
6 | Personal expectations about the course of pain recovery and treatment benefits are associated with pain outcomes | Providing realistic expectations (positive, but frank and not overly reassuring) may be a very important aspect of treatment |
7 | Catastrophic thinking about pain is an important marker for the development of long-term pain problems as well as for poor treatment outcome | Clinicians should listen for expression of catastrophic thoughts and offer less exaggerated beliefs as an alternative. A brief assessment might be part of routine intake procedures |
8 | Personal acceptance and commitment to self-manage pain problems is associated with better pain outcomes | Overattention to diagnostic details and biomedical explanations may reinforce futile searches for a cure and delay pain self-management |
9 | Psychosocial aspects of the workplace may represent barriers for returning to work while pain problems linger | RTW planning should include attention to aspects of organizational support, job stress, and workplace communication |
10 | With proper instruction and support, psychological interventions can improve pain treatment outcomes | Psychosocial approaches can be incorporated into conventional treatment methods, but this requires special training and support |
As highlighted in Table 11.1, the possibility for prevention of chronicity would be enhanced if the psychosocial factors that impact on pain outcomes would be routinely assessed when they are already in the acute and subacute stages of development. In several ways, early screening for risk could play a key role in secondary prevention. First, it may be beneficial in directing preventive interventions, specifically to those who need it the most. Second, it might direct attention to those factors that are most pertinent and modifiable. It would help clinicians and researchers to target and develop the content of the intervention to the actual problems, fueling the development of a specific individual. Third, it might provide primary care facilities that often do not have the resources for assessing psychosocial factors with a simple routine for ensuring assessment. Because psychosocial factors have been shown to predict the development of future pain and disability problems, they form the basis in screening procedures (Nicholas et al., 2011). However, note that many other factors (e.g., specific work-related factors, such as organizational support, job stress, and perceived workplace communication) predict the development of chronic (work) disability and may be included in screening procedures, not in the least in a return-to-work context (Shaw, van der Windt, Main, Loisel, & Linton, 2009). Choice of a screening tool may well be dependent on the purpose and setting. In order to aid in the assessment of psychosocial factors, as well as to communicate with patients and implement early intervention, the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (ÖMSPQ) was developed and psychometrically tested (Ektor-Andersen, Örbaek, Ingvarsson, & Kullendorff, 2000; Hockings, McAuley, & Maher, 2008; Hurley et al., 2000; Hurley, Dusoir, McDonough, Moore, & David Baxter, 2001; Melloh et al., 2009). About 80 % of the people presenting with a (sub) acute back pain problem can be correctly classified using this screening instrument. This Questionnaire is a self-administered screening instrument for individuals with acute or subacute musculoskeletal pain, containing 25 (Boersma & Linton, 2002) or 10 (Linton, Nicholas, & MacDonald, 2011) questions, covering the most important psychosocial risk factors, including questions such as work-related variables, coping, function, stress, mood, and fear-avoidance beliefs. Table 11.2 presents the short, ten-item version. The ÖMSPQ screening tool could, in addition to providing a rough estimate of prognosis, be used to aid in clinical management and a more precise targeting of treatment. For example, while the scoring pattern can give a risk estimate, it can also be used to discuss specific problems with the patient and identify individual problem areas and planning intervention strategies.
Table 11.2

Items in the short version of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (Linton et al., 2011)

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