Fragility fractures
1 Introduction 653
2 Etiology 653
2.1 Osteoporosis 653
2.2 Reduction in the quality of bone 654
2.3 Mechanisms of injury 655
3 Fragility fracture patient 656
3.1 Comorbidities 656
3.2 Compliance/adherence 656
3.3 Functional demands 656
4 Preoperative assessments 657
4.1 Risk of surgery 657
4.2 Standard preoperative evaluation 657
4.3 Optimizing the medical situation 658
4.4 Anesthesia 658
5 Postoperative management 658
5.1 Pain treatment 659
5.2 Fluid and electrolyte balance 659
5.3 Prophylaxis with antibiotics 660
5.4 Anticoagulation and thromboprophylaxis 660
5.5 Delirium 661
5.6 Polypharmacy 663
5.7 Other complications 663
5.8 Malnutrition 663
5.9 Rehabilitation 664
5.10 How to avoid complications 664
5.11 How to prevent secondary fractures 664
6 General principles of surgical treatment 666
6.1 The fracture 666
6.2 Indications for operative treatment 666
6.3 Timing of surgery
6.4 Implants 667
6.5 Fixation principles in MIPO 669
6.6 Fracture reduction 670
6.7 MIPO in fragility fractures 670
6.8 MIPO in periprosthetic fractures 671
6.9 Augmentation 673
7 Outcome of treatment of fragility fractures 675
7.1 Bone healing 675
7.2 Mortality 675
7.3 Functional outcomes 676
8 References 676
A fragility fracture is defined as a fracture that occurs following a fall from a standing height or less. These fractures occur with minimal trauma, yet may demonstrate a significant fracture pattern. The fragility fracture confirms a diagnosis of osteoporosis regardless of the bone-density measurement.
Typical examples are a vertebral compression fracture that occurs while bending forward, a distal radial fracture occurring with a simple fall, and a low-energy hip fracture. According to recent studies, in the elderly, fractures of the hip, proximal humerus, and radius occur with the same frequency whereas, spine fractures are rarer [ 1– 3].
In 2000, the World Health Organization Scientific Group on the Assessment of Osteoporosis at primary health care level estimated a worldwide number of osteoporotic fractures in people aged 50 years or older to be at 8,950,000, of which 1,672,000 were hip fractures [ 4]. Many patients who experience a fragility fracture will suffer morbidity, disability, or death.
Life expectancy is dramatically increasing globally and the population is aging at an unprecedented rate. By 2050, people aged 60 years or older will exceed the number of younger people. This trend is believed to be irreversible and is coupled with lower birth rates and lower fertility. This is a worldwide trend. The fastest growing subsegment of the world population is those over 80 years old.
Primary osteoporosis involves a loss of bone mass because bone formation becomes imbalanced with bone resorption. There are many types of secondary osteoporosis besides the typical primary osteoporosis seen with aging. Other causes of osteoporosis are termed secondary osteoporosis [ 5]. Secondary osteoporosis may be the result of altered calcium metabolism or altered collagen make-up of bone. Type I collagen is the primary collagen found in bone. Many mineral metabolism problems may cause a secondary osteoporosis including vitamin D deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, renal disease, anticonvulsant use, and Paget‘s disease. Collagen-based bone structure problems can be the result of osteogenesis imperfecta, vitamin C deficiency, and steroid use [5].
According to the US National Osteoporosis Foundation, 80% of those affected by osteoporosis are women and 20% are men. Kanis et al have shown the femoral neck bone density decreases with age in men and women [ 6, 7]. Osteoporosis in men is common with aging and is often overlooked and undertreated [ 8]. All ethnic groups can be affected, although rates of osteoporosis are affected by ethnicity. Osteoporosis influences the emergence of fractures and their treatment.
Reduction in the quality of bone
Osteoporosis involves both a loss of bone mass, reduction in bone quality by microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, and reduced ability of bone to withstand loading. It is important to understand the difference between bone mineral density (BMD)—which reflects the calcium content—and the deterioration of bone quality measurable in reduced resistance to loading. Usually, the quality of bone reduces much more with age in cancellous bone than in cortical bone ( Table 24-1 ).
Bone is a living tissue with three main cell types: osteoblast, osteoclast, and osteocyte. Each cell line has an important role in maintenance of healthy bone. The osteoblast forms new bone in areas that were previously resorbed by the osteoclasts. Osteocytes are believed to provide the chemical signaling to osteoclasts and osteoblasts through the canaliculi found in lamellar bone. Peak bone mass is achieved between 25 and 30 years and is believed to decline thereafter. A state of equilibrium exists in the bone of young adults; bone is resorbed and replaced at even rates. This is important to heal minor bone damage that occurs with daily activity. By middle age, bone resorption continues but bone accretion is reduced. At menopause, the antiresorptive effects of estrogen are reduced and a rapid loss of bone mass occurs during the first 7 years after menopause. After 7 years the rate of bone loss slows but continues until death.
Bone can be divided into cortical and cancellous types. Both types change significantly with age. Cortical bone is normally found in the diaphyseal areas of long bones and the perimeter of flat bones. Cancellous bone predominates in the metaphyseal and epiphyseal areas of long bones, vertebrae, and flat bones. Distinctive changes to cortical and cancellous bones are described below.
It is well established that aging humans lose a substantial amount of bone mass that was present at 25 years. It is also documented that women over 40 lose more bone and at a faster rate than men [5, 8, 9]. Cortical bone at 25 years is dense, thick, and strong. The pattern of age-related cortical bone loss involves thinning long-bone cortices or cortical thickness loss with concomitant increase in medullary diameter, particularly in women ( Fig 24-1 ). Women show significant (P < .05) decreases in cortical thickness, bone mineral content, and cortical bone density when plotted against age. Men exhibit slight nonsignificant declines for cortical thickness, bone mineral content, and cortical bone density. Both men and women exhibit significant (P < .05) age-related increases in summed Haversian canal area values and Haversian canal number [ 10, 11]. The human body increases the diameter of the osteoporotic bone to give some increase in its bending and torsional strength. The osteoporotic skeleton increases the outer diameter to increase the bending stiffness. With the reduced bone mass, the inner diameter is also augmented because the bone volume and bone mass may not be enlarged. If we assume a diaphyseal bone is a tube, the formula Π/4(R4-r4) describes the calculation of the bending stiffness of a tube. Bending stiffness depends on the inner and outer radius of the tube. Dependence is as strong as exponent 4.
Cortical bone | Cancellous bone | |
Elastic modulus (E) | -8% | -64% |
Ultimate strength (S) | -11% | -68% |
Toughness | -34% | -70% |
Cancellous bone undergoes many changes with both aging and osteoporosis. The trabeculae undergo osteoclast-mediated resorption with a diminished rate of osteoblastic bone deposition. This results in thinning of the trabeculae and disconnection of the trabeculae from each other and from the surrounding cortical bone. With aging, the bone trabeculae change in shape from flatter structures to more rod-like structures. These changes weaken the internal architecture of the cancellous bone making it more likely to fracture with minor trauma ( Fig 24-2 ).
Biomechanically the reduction of bone quality has been demonstrated for many different failure modes, implants, and bones [ 12].
Mechanisms of injury
There is a wide variety of injury mechanisms, from the usual low-energy fall from standing or sitting height to severe motor vehicle injuries.
Why are fragility fractures more frequent with age? Many factors contribute. Most fragility fractures occur after a low-energy fall. Falls occur in one third of community-dwelling people per year older than 65 years. 10% of falls in the elderly result in serious injury [6]. Women are more likely to sustain a fracture than men. Risk factors for falls are similar to those of fractures: previous falls, weakness, poor balance, gait disorders, and taking certain medications, such as psychoactive drugs, anticonvulsants, and antihypertensives [ 13– 15].
As people are living longer, they are also more active when older. In the elderly population motor vehicle collisions, being struck by a car as a pedestrian, falls from high, and burns are all increasingly common injuries.
In geriatric polytrauma patients, for each 1-year increase in age over 65 years, the probability of dying increases by 6.8%. Hepatic and renal diseases, cancer, and long-term steroid use have greatest negative impact on patient survival [ 16]. For care of the injured elderly patient, trauma centers have shown significantly better outcomes than acute care hospitals [ 17]. Therefore, triage of the injured elderly patient to a trauma center from the scene of injury is critical to improving outcomes.
In demographic studies, 28% of all traumatic deaths occur in the geriatric group despite being only 12% of the population. When controlled for severity, the elderly were six times as likely to die as their younger counterparts [ 18].
Fragility fracture patient
Preexisting comorbidities have a significant impact on outcomes with geriatric trauma patients [16– 22]. One possible definition of a fragility fracture patient is:
Acute injury
Older than 80 years, or
Older than 70 years with three or more comorbidities, reduced general health status, dementia, and so on
The fragility fracture is only one part of the problem. Fragility fractures are much more common in patients with preexisting medical conditions—comorbidities. These comorbidities may contribute to the cause of the fracture and frequently complicate patient care. Comorbidities may dominate the situation in some cases and the fragility fracture may be secondary in importance. Some fracture survival scores use the presence of specific comorbidities to help predict patient outcomes [ 23, 24].
Common comorbidities in patients with fragility fractures include cardiac disease, dementia, renal dysfunction, pulmonary disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Each of these conditions is likely to be treated with at least one medication which leads to a situation referred to as polypharmacy. When more than three drugs are used, many patients will experience some level of drug-drug interaction. A consultation with a geriatrician or physician is useful in these situations to assist the orthopaedic trauma surgeon with management of these conditions and medications.
The natural aging process limits the elderly in their ability to respond to injury. Many patients have difficulty being compliant with instructions because of frailty and/or dementia. Dementia is a common comorbidity in the fragility fracture population. Dementia is a chronic, fatal illness with relentless progression of decline in cognitive status. The patient with dementia finds it difficult or impossible to follow instructions given in physical therapy.
Delirium is much more common in patients who have dementia and up to 61% of patients with a hip fracture have delirium in the perioperative period [ 25]. Delirium is an acute and fluctuating alteration in mental status with inattention, confusion, and lack of mental clarity. There are hypoactive, hyperactive, and mixed forms of delirium. The hyperactive form often involves agitation, irritability, confusion, hallucinations, and loud verbal communications. The hypoactive form is notable for somnolence, diminished responsiveness, little or no speech, or reduced movement of the patient. The mixed variety involves a fluctuating course between these two forms. Delirium indicates a poor prognosis for the patient with fragility fracture. Hospital stay is lengthened and it becomes more likely that the delirious patient will have a complication. Delirious patients cannot effectively participate in their rehabilitation following fracture [25, 26].
Functional demands
The functional demands of the elderly are unique. Many elderly have little or no support from family and this varies from region to region. Elderly patients often require use of their upper extremities to assist with ambulation by using a cane or walker. It is impossible for most elderly patients to limit their weight bearing on an injured extremity. Both upper and lower extremities can be weight-bearing limbs. Therefore, any treatment plan devised for the older fracture patient must also consider their unique functional needs, preinjury living situation, and preinjury function.
Preoperative assessments
Usually the general preparation for surgery of the geriatric fracture patients has to be separated from medical stabilization that may become necessary in selected, medically unstable cases. The preoperative assessment of most elderly patients should not consume more time than in younger patients if organized well and consented to by all stakeholders.
Another important concept is that fragility fracture patients should not stay longer than absolutely necessary in the emergency department. Disorientation and fear in this noisy, unfamiliar, and chaotic environment causes them problems that could be avoided. A well-organized “fast track” should limit the time in the emergency department to a maximum of 2 hours [ 27].
Risk of surgery
At this stage the status of the patient should only be optimized if the measure lowers the risk of surgery. However, if the risk of surgery cannot be altered surgery should be performed without further delay. Delaying surgery would otherwise add additional, unnecessary risk that is.
Standard preoperative evaluation
The standard evaluation process follows a predefined and consented pathway [17] ( Table 24-2 ).
Typical situations that need action but should not delay surgery are:
Hydration to prevent cardiac dysfunction: nearly all elderly patients with a fragility fracture are dehydrated when admitted to hospital. Fluid resuscitation is also necessary to prevent hypotension when anesthesia is given
Strict glucose control before and during surgery: Keeping the serum glucose level between 80 and 180 mg/dL in the perioperative period helps to reduce infections as well as reducing both hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic complications
Correction of hypertension
Avoidance of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation with bronchodilators
ß-blocking to prevent arrhythmia
Warming up in cases of hypothermia: there are many benefits to maintaining the patient‘s core body temperature between 36–37.5°. Specifically, there are reduced infection rates and fewer perioperative complications
The patient‘s psychological status must be carefully followed up to avoid delirium and subsequent complications. Intact skin condition, in particular, pressure sores and infection avoidance are vital. The patients’ preoperative functional status must be determined to assist with planning their care and understanding their prognosis.
Optimizing the medical situation
In few and clearly defined situations, the patient will need additional preoperative preparation and medical stabilization. As a rule the time needed should not exceed 72 hours. Any delay of surgery for more than 72 hours causes a significant increase in complications.
Conditions that need a more time-consuming medical stabilization before surgery are “active” geriatric-medical conditions:
Heart failure, acute cardiac ischemia
Unclear systolic ejection heart murmur, with examination, which suggests aortic stenosis
Acute stroke
Acute infection, such as pneumonia or septicemia
Unstable angina pectoris
Severe hypotension
Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The role of anesthetic assessment remains an area of much concern to the surgeon. The anesthesiologist looks for the patient‘s physiological age. Physiological age is more important than chronological age. The patient‘s preinjury functional capacity is evaluated, including cognitive function and daily activities. Preoperative functional capacity may be the single best predictor of the patient‘s risk of in-hospital mortality. The medication list and the preoperative preparation for surgery are also assessed. The patient is risk stratified and then a decision is made about type of anesthesia and whether to proceed as planned with surgery. Preoperative hydration and restoration of a normothermic state (36–37.5°) is essential for success.
When deciding on the type of anesthesia to be used, the anesthesiologist will consider the procedure planned and its duration, preoperative anticoagulation, possibility of delirium, and feasibility of neuraxial anesthesia. Neuraxial blockade is associated with a reduced risk of delirium, thromboembolic events, pneumonia, and bleeding complications [22]. Presence of antiplatelet agents, such as clopidogrel, may preclude use of neuraxial anesthesia. In most cases proper preoperative rehydration will reduce the risk of hypotension during surgery. Critical aortic stenosis may also preclude use of spinal anesthesia. Use of femoral nerve blockade in the lower extremity or supraclavicular blockade in the upper extremity may provide excellent anesthesia and postsurgical analgesia.
Postoperative management
From the orthopaedic surgeon‘s perspective, the fracture fixation should permit weight bearing as tolerated, especially for the proximal femoral fracture. From the geriatrician‘s standpoint, stability concerns treating comorbidities.
In the first postoperative phase, early mobilization and avoidance of complications are vital. Prolonged bed rest is associated with increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, skin breakdown, infection, and de-conditioning in elderly patients [ 28, 29]. Early physical therapy enables activation of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. The authors encourage early full range-of-motion exercises of the adjacent joints.
Postoperatively the following points are very important and must be addressed:
Sufficient pain management (see 5.1 Pain treatment)
Routine laboratory testing on the first postoperative day
Early administration of blood units when hemoglobin < 8 g/dL
Respiratory therapy in all bedridden or limited- mobility patients from the first postoperative day
Avoidance of prolonged use of surgical drains
Early removal of urine catheter (within 24–48 hours)
Early mobilization with weight bearing as tolerated (within 24 hours)
Protein-enriched nutrition, contingently with additional food, control of intake
Close communication between geriatrician and surgeon
Early discharge planning
Pain treatment
Standard algorithms for pain management should not to be applied in geriatric patients because they are more vulnerable, and many systems do not work as well as in younger patients.
The provision of good pain relief for postoperative patients is generally associated with reduced cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, and gastrointestinal tract morbidity. Good pain management enhances mobilization, lowers delirium rate, and may decrease length of hospital stay. Nevertheless troublesome medications, like nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications, should be avoided because of potential side effects of renal insufficiency and peptic ulcers. Paracetamol, morphine, metamizol, and piritramid are used as first-line therapy intravenously and soon changed to orally administered paracetamol, metamizol, oxycodone, or hydromorphone. When using morphine, laxatives should be prescribed regularly. In addition, formal assessment and charting of pain scores helps with pain management.
There is evidence that local catheters and blocks with continuous administration of local anesthetics (3-in-1 femoral nerve block, installed with the help of sonography) are helpful to provide good pain treatment and mean that administration of additional analgesics with potentially negative side effects specifically in this patient population can be reduced [ 30, 31].
Other issues:
Many geriatric patients tend to have renal dysfunction; therefore routine administration of nonsteroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDs) is not justified.
Elderly patients, specifically with dementia, are not able to articulate pain sufficiently; consequently, they are often not given enough analgesics. Unrecognized or undertreated pain on the other hand predisposes the development of delirium, and limits mobilization which leads to an increased morbidity.
An early change to oral administration of analgesics is preferred and helps to avoid delirium.
A regular formal charting of pain scores in the patient‘s medical chart should be adopted as routine practice. It helps to address pain therapy specifically and prevents undertreatment, which is common in these patients [ 32]. Furthermore, an adapted pain-therapy protocol should be used.
The following recommendations are offered:
Intravenous (IV) pain therapy directly postoperatively
Paracetamol/acetaminophen 1,000 mg 3–4 times daily (first choice). Possibly adapt to body weight 15 mg/kg
Metamizole 1,000 mg up to 3 times daily, additionally if needed
Piritramide 3.75–7.5 mg subcutaneously (sc) or morphine 2.5–5 mg sc (or IV) in acute pain
Morphine 1–2 mg intravenously every 2 hours as needed for pain
Early switch to oral pain medication postoperatively:
Paracetamol/acetaminophen 500 mg 3–4 times daily (first choice)
Metamizole 500 mg 3–4 times daily postoperatively, additionally if needed
Hydromorphone 2–4 mg postoperatively or piritramide 3.75–7.5 mg sc in acute pain
Oxycodone 5 mg orally every 3 hours as needed for pain
On constant demand for opiate analgesics:
Haloperidol 0.5mg daily to prevent nausea
Macrogol for regulation of bowel movements
Opioids should only be used in low dosages first, specifically in patients at risk of delirium. When patients are cachectic or sarcopenic, dosages should be generally reduced, which is also true for patients with reduced renal function.
Metamizole is not approved in some countries, like the United States or Sweden, because of a certain risk of agranulocytosis. The drug has low rates of adverse effects and high pain-killing potential. Oxycodone is a satisfactory alternative medication.
Fluid and electrolyte balance
Electrolyte imbalance, especially hypokalemia and hyponatremia, are common in the postoperative period and reflect the limited reserves of the patients [ 33]. This situation may worsen with diuretics and inappropriate IV fluid application and can also encourage delirium. Therefore isotonic fluids should be used exclusively and electrolyte management should be monitored regularly and adjusted appropriately.
Prophylaxis with antibiotics
Gillespie et al [ 34] reported (8,307 patients) that a single-dose prophylaxis significantly reduces superficial and deep wound infections, and urinary and respiratory tract infections, whereas multiple-dose prophylaxis did not show an effect on urinary and respiratory tract infections. Thus prophylactic antibiotics should be given preoperatively and in case of verified infection. Prolonged antibiotic use is of no proven benefit for prophylaxis of wound or visceral infections.
The following recommendations may be given:
First- or second-generation cephalosporins are first choice
Single-dose cephalosporin 2 grams or vancomycin 1 gram in surgical fracture fixation
24 hours prophylaxis (2–3 times) cephalosporin or vancomycin in arthroplasties
48 hours prophylaxis (3 times/day): open fractures until smear test is sterile
Bedridden patients from nursing homes should be tested preoperatively with a smear test from the nose for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The result is available within 24 hours. If positive, perioperative antibiotic therapy with vancomycin is indicated
Anticoagulation and thromboprophylaxis
Perioperative thromboprophylaxis should be a routine aspect in the care of geriatric fracture patients. Commonly, low-molecular-weight heparins are used. Mechanical devices may be reserved for patients with contraindications for anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents [ 35]. Many older patients are chronically anticoagulated. Warfarin is typically reversed to safely permit surgery. Postoperatively, patients using oral warfarin on admission to hospital are restarted on warfarin the day of surgery and may require perioperative “bridging therapy” with low-molecular-weight heparin or unfractionated heparin depending on the individual indication for anticoagulation therapy [35].
Venous thromboembolism is one of the leading reasons for postoperative morbidity and mortality in patients with hip fracture or other immobilizing fracture. Up to 7.5% of all patients with hip fracture sustain fatal pulmonary embolism within 3 months postoperatively.
Administration of thromboprophylaxis on admission depends on timing of surgery, type of anesthesia, and preexisting anticoagulation.
If the time between admission and surgery exceeds 2–3 hours, thromboprophylaxis with unfractionated heparin (5,000 units subcutaneously) should be started preoperatively.
In cases of preexisting anticoagulation or antithrombotic therapy or if thromboprophylaxis has been initiated preoperatively, certain therapy interruptions have to be respected if the use of regional anesthetic procedures is planned [35].
Unfractionated heparin
In case of prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin, the recommended therapy interruption of 3 hours has to comply with elective interventions. In acute cases with indication for regional anesthesia, peripheral blocks or single-shot spinal anesthesia are possible before expiration of the recommended interruption period. In case of therapeutic dosing the normalization of a partial thromboplastin time or activated coagulation time in the laboratory tests should be additionally ensured preoperatively.
Low-molecular-weight heparins
In case of prophylactic doses of low-molecular-weight heparins the therapy interruption of >11 hours has to be observed. Because of the recommended long-therapy interruption of 24 hours, in case of therapeutic doses the indication for regional anesthetic techniques should be carefully weighed in each case. Bridging therapy with unfractionated heparin is possible.
Oral anticoagulants (warfarin, vitamin K antagonists)
The use of neuroaxial anesthetic techniques without a therapy interruption is contraindicated due to the long and variable half-life periods of oral anticoagulants. In the case of any interruption, bridging therapy with low-molecular-weight heparins or unfractionated heparin may be recommended, especially in patients with atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, or recurrent thromboembolic events. Reversal of oral anticoagulants with low-dose oral vitamin K (1–5 mg) is possible, the use of coagulation factor concentrate (prothrombin complex concentrates (PPSB), prothrombin, prokonvertin, Stuart-Prower-Factor, antihemophiles globulin B, prothrombincomplex) or fresh frozen plasma is not usually indicated for the limited purpose of regional anesthetic administration. Postoperatively anesthetic catheters should be removed before reestablishment of oral anticoagulation.
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
For patients taking aspirin not combined with other anticoagulants and a normal-bleeding history compliance with therapy, delay before the use of regional anesthesia is no longer urgently recommended. In case of abnormal bleeding histories or combination therapies, eg, with low-molecular-weight heparins, a 48-hour delay in aspirin intake is recommended before single-shot spinal anesthesia with atraumatic “Touhy” needle, while a 72-hour interruption is recommended before all other neuroaxial procedures.
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
In patients with normal bleeding history receiving pain medication with NSAIDs as a monotherapy, no therapy interruptions have to be observed before the use of regional anesthetic procedures similar to the case with aspirin. With the use of regional anesthetic catheters postoperatively a window of two half-life periods for the NSAID is suggested before removing the catheter if patients receive additional postoperative thromboprophylaxis. During this phase pain medication should be changed to agents without antiplatelet activity.
Dual antiplatelet therapy
In patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin, eg, after coronary artery stenting, no neuroaxial anesthetic techniques should be performed under ongoing effect of clopidogrel because of possible spontaneous and perioperative bleedings requiring transfusion. In those patients, an individual, interdisciplinary risk-benefit analysis is recommended before starting any therapy interruption because of the high risk of possibly life-threatening thrombotic complications (eg, stent thrombosis). If clopidogrel is interrupted, regional anesthesia can be performed after an interval of 7 days during ongoing monotherapy with aspirin. Preoperatively monitoring platelet function with aggregometry is recommended. Thromboprophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparins should not be initiated until after the puncture, and appropriate therapy interruption times also have to be respected before catheter removal. Postoperatively a rapid readministration of the clopidogrel therapy is recommended to reduce risk of stent thrombosis [ 36, 37]. The authors do not recommend a delay in patient care when clopidogrel is being used.
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