Fracture Healing

Fig. 2.1
Primary healing with absolute stability. The patient is a 26-year-old woman who was struck by a motor vehicle and sustained a Grade III open right distal tibia fracture. a Injury radiographs. b, c Initial irrigation and debridement of the fracture site, spanning external fixation, and lag screw fixation. d, e Definitive fixation with lag screw fixation, neutralization plate. f, g 3-month follow-up, showing progressive healing of tibia without callus formation and healing of fibula with callus. h, i 1-year follow-up showing complete healing of tibia and fibula


Fig. 2.2
Impaired healing with absolute stability. The patient is a 41-year-old man who sustained an open right distal tibia fracture that was initially treated with open reduction internal fixation at an outside facility. a, b 6-month postoperative radiographs demonstrate persistent fracture lines with little evidence of healing as well as hardware failure, consistent with nonunion. c, d Nonunion repair with removal of hardware and intramedullary nailing. e, f 6-month postoperative radiographs with healing of fracture

Contact healing occurs in the absence of gapping, where cortices are directly apposed. “Cutting cones” lay down new osteons longitudinally across the fracture site. Osteoclasts form the tip of the cone, resorb injured bone, and create new Haversian canals (Fig. 2.3) [8]. New blood vessels, branching from endosteal and periosteal circulation, penetrate the canals and deliver osteoblastic precursors. Osteoblasts form the end of the cutting cone unit, laying down new bone that will eventually mature into its lamellar structure (Fig. 2.4) [8, 9, 13]. There is limited contribution from the surrounding periosteum and soft tissues.


Fig. 2.3
Cutting cones. Low power photomicrograph of a “cutting cone” in direct bone healing and remodeling. Multinucleated osteoclasts (right) form the leading edge of the cone, followed by osteoblasts (left) forming new bone. From Einhorn [8], with permission


Fig. 2.4
Healing of stabilized fracture. Progressive healing of a stabilized tibia fracture in a mouse model demonstrates no callus formation on serial radiographs (day 4 through day 21) or on histological staining. In the presence of new bone formation (green), there is minimal staining for collagen type IIa expression (red), a marker of chondrogenesis. (SO/FG Safranin O/Fast Green stain). From Thompson et al. [13], with permission

Gap healing occurs with small gaps less than 0.8–1 mm under similar rigid conditions. Unlike in contact healing, hematoma initially fills the gap. It is quickly replaced with woven bone in the first 1–2 weeks. Woven bone is then replaced by lamellar repair bone, though this interposed bone is oriented perpendicular to the long bone axis. While stronger than cartilage, this bone bridge is biomechanically weaker at its interface with the normal bone due to its orthogonal orientation. At 6–8 weeks, the repair bone undergoes secondary remodeling. Cutting cones from the neighboring cortices traverse and replace the repaired bone to reconstitute the canalicular system, recreate the longitudinal lamellar structure, and ultimately restore skeletal integrity. No cartilaginous callus is formed [9, 20]. Indirect Fracture Healing

Indirect fracture healing regenerates bone through a cartilage callus scaffold (Fig. 2.5) [13]. It still requires a relatively stable environment, but it does not require rigid stability or anatomical reduction. Rather, micromotion, to an extent, stimulates the healing response. Indirect healing is the predominant mechanism in most fractures treated by nonoperative means. It is also achieved by interventions that allow for relative stability. These include intramedullary nailing of long bone fractures (Fig. 2.6), external fixation (Fig. 2.7), bridge plating (Fig. 2.8), and splinting, bracing, or casting.


Fig. 2.5
Healing in unstabilized fractures. In contrast to stabilized fractures, progressive healing of a stabilized tibia fracture in a mouse model demonstrates abundant callus formation on serial radiographs and on histological staining. Safranin O/Fast Green staining demonstrates abundant collagen type IIa expression (red), consistent with robust chondrogenesis. From Thompson et al. [13], with permission


Fig. 2.6
Secondary healing with intramedullary device. The patient is a 23-year-old man who was struck by a motor vehicle at high speed and sustained right tibial and fibular shaft fractures with associated compartment syndrome. a, b Initial injury radiographs. c, d Immediate postoperative radiographs following tibia intramedullary nailing. e, f 2-month follow-up, demonstrate callus formation. g, h 9-month follow-up, with progressive callus formation and bone bridging across the tibial fracture. There is some callus at the fibula fracture ends, but no bone bridging across the fracture site. i, j 3-year follow-up, with complete healing of tibial fracture, and nonunion of fibular fracture


Fig. 2.7
Secondary healing with external fixator . The patient is a 51-year-old man who was struck by a vehicle and sustained a Schatzker VI left tibial plateau fracture. a, b Initial injury radiographs. c, d Definitive treatment with spanning external fixation. e, f 10-week follow-up, with interval removal of external fixator and cast application. There is bridging bone and progressive healing across the fracture site


Fig. 2.8
Secondary healing with bridge plating. The patient is a 62-year-old man who was involved in a motorcycle crash. He sustained a Grade I open left tibia fracture. a, b Initial injury radiographs. c, d Initial management consisted of external fixation, followed by bridge plating across the fracture. e, f 17-month follow-up after bridge plating, demonstrating bone healing across fracture site

Three fundamental phases of indirect healing have been described [21]: inflammatory, reparative, and remodeling. Trauma initiates the acute inflammatory phase, and, through the release of mediators, cytokines, and growth factors, recruits progenitor cells responsible for initiating repair. In the reparative phase, progenitor cells lay down cartilaginous and bony callus, facilitate neoangiogenesis, and replace callus with woven bone. The remodeling phase replaces the woven bone with a mature lamellar bone structure.

Inflammatory Phase

Injury disrupts skeletal architecture, blood vessels, periosteum, and adjacent soft tissue. The response to injury initiates the inflammatory phase, characterized by the release of cytokines and chemoattractants that together initiate healing and recruit progenitor cells.

Following injury, hematoma occupies the fracture site. Fracture hematoma serves two key functions. It provides a physical scaffold for subsequent occupation by progenitor cells, granulation tissue, and ultimately callus. Furthermore, the hematoma itself contains progenitor cells, cytokines, and growth factors that directly participate in the healing process [22, 23]. Recent studies have identified higher levels of factors and signaling molecules in fracture hematoma. These include macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) , transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and interleukins (IL), all of which have important roles in stimulating fracture healing (Table 2.1) [2427].

Table 2.1
Cytokines and their roles in fracture healing




Stimulates chemotaxis of inflammatory cells, MSCs

Promotes VEGF production and angiogenesis


Stimulates chemotaxis of inflammatory cells, MSCs

Promotes VEGF production and angiogenesis


Released by platelets and inflammatory cells

Stimulates chemotaxis of inflammatory cells and osteoblasts


Recruits MSCs during inflammatory phase

Regulates chondrocyte apoptosis, resorption of cartilage callus

Regulates bone remodeling, osteoclastogenesis

Stimulates chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation


Promote differentiation of fibroblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes, and osteoblasts


Stimulates chemotaxis and proliferation of MSCs

Stimulates proliferation of chondrogenic and osteogenic cells

Induces production of extracellular matrix


Degrades chondral and osseous extracellular matrix


Mediates neoangiogenesis


Regulates formation of larger vessels and branching of collateral branches from existing vessels


Promote osteoblast differentiation and osteogenesis

Upregulates extracellular matrix production

Stimulate VEGF production


Secreted by osteoblasts to induce osteoclast differentiation and proliferation

Upregulates RANK expression


Inhibits osteoclast differentiation and activation

Inhibits osteoclast-mediated resorption


Stimulates osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast activation through its receptor RANK


BMP antagonist

IL interleukin; PDGF platelet-derived growth factor; TNF-α tumor necrosis factor-alpha; FGF fibroblast growth factor; TGF-β transforming growth factor-beta; MMP matrix metalloproteinase; VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor; BMP bone morphogenetic protein; OPG osteoprotegerin; RANK receptor-activated NF-κβ; RANKL receptor-activated NF-κβ ligand. From Tsiridis et al. [24] with permission

The initial inflammatory response occurs immediately after injury and lasts several days. The response is marked by infiltration of macrophages, platelets, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and lymphocytes into the fracture site. These secrete proinflammatory cytokines including interleukins (IL-1, IL-6), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) , and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) . These factors recruit other inflammatory cells, promote angiogenesis, recruit progenitor stem cells, and induce their differentiation.

Reparative Phase

The reparative phase is characterized by the deposition of extracellular matrix across the fracture site. It involves a tightly regulated sequence of events that ultimately stabilizes the fracture site with bridging bone. Following the inflammatory phase, this phase begins with the recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells. These progenitors differentiate into osteogenic and chondrogenic cell lines, which produce soft cartilaginous callus as a scaffold for bone healing. Vascular ingrowth prompts the maturation of the fracture callus; the soft callus undergoes mineralization, resorption, and ultimately replacement by hard callus. The end result provides a stable bridge of bone across the fracture site.

  • Recruitment of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
The recruitment of MSCs is an essential component of fracture healing. MSCs reside throughout the body, including the periosteum, bone marrow , trabecular bone, muscle, and systemic circulation [28]. Periosteal- and bone marrow-derived MSCs were traditionally thought to be the primary sources of progenitor cells in early fracture repair [29]. However, current data suggests that other sources of MSCs, namely from muscle and systemic circulation, may also contribute to the progenitor cell population [28, 30].

Inflammation at the time of injury releases a number of chemokines, growth factors, and signals to recruit MSCs and other inflammatory cells. In the early phase, TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 play key roles in chemotaxis, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) recruitment, and osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation [14]. Peak levels of IL-1 and IL-6 are reached within the first 24 h, and then decline precipitously after 72 h. IL-1 and IL-6 contribute to chemotaxis of other inflammatory cells and of MSCs and promote angiogenesis via vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production [31]. TNF-α and IL-6 promote recruitment and differentiation of muscle-derived stromal cells. TNA-α, at low concentrations, also stimulates chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation [3234] (see Table 2.1). In vivo injection of TNF-α accelerates fracture healing and callus mineralization [32]. Conversely, the absence of TNF-α signaling appears to delay both chondrogenic differentiation and endochondral resorption [14, 24, 34].

Emerging evidence has also supported the role of stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1) in skeletal repair. SDF-1 is a potent chemoattractant expressed at sites of injury to recruit MSCs from both circulating and local sources. Kitaori demonstrated that SDF-1 expression is upregulated in periosteum at the fracture site and recruits MSCs that participated in the healing process. Additionally, blocking the function of SDF-1 significantly reduced bone formation, indicating SDF-1 has a crucial role in fracture healing [35].

  • Formation of Soft Cartilaginous Callus
By this time, the fracture hematoma has been converted to granulation tissue, containing inflammatory cytokines and growth factors that stimulate MSC differentiation, proliferation, and production of extracellular matrix. The formation of cartilaginous callus marks the initial attempts at achieving fracture union. The result is a calcified cartilaginous bridge that both provides stability and creates a template for further remodeling.

Cartilaginous callus formation is driven by growth factors, chondrocytes, fibroblasts, and mechanical stimulation across the fracture site. TGF-β and IGF-1 play primary roles in this stage of chondrogenesis and endochondral bone formation, stimulating the recruitment, proliferation, and differentiation of MSCs. BMPs also promote chondrogenesis. Several days after fracture, chondrocytes derived from MSCs proliferate and synthesize collagen. Starting from the periosteum and the fractured ends, chondrogenesis progresses by appositional replacement of adjacent granulation tissue with cartilage matrix [29]. Fibroblasts produce fibrous tissue in areas with limited cartilage production. Micromotion across the fracture stimulates callus formation, and increased callus formation provides more mechanical stability to the fracture. When sufficient callus and stability have been attained, roughly 2 weeks after fracture, chondrocytes undergo hypertrophic differentiation. Proliferation ceases. Collagen synthesis is downregulated. Hypertrophic chondrocytes release vesicular stores containing calcium, proteases, and phosphatases into the surrounding matrix. As the collagen matrix is degraded, released phosphate ions bind with calcium to promote cartilage calcification. These calcium and phosphate deposits become the nidus for hydroxyapatite crystal formation [8].

At the same time, intramembranous ossification occurs in areas of low strain, beneath the periosteum, and directly adjacent to the fractured cortices. Within 24 h following injury, MSCs from the bone marrow differentiate into osteoblastic phenotypes. Proliferation and differentiation peak at day 7–10. Woven bone is formed in these regions without a cartilage scaffold.

  • Revascularization and Angiogenesis
Fracture healing begins in a relatively hypoxic environment; injury to vessels, periosteum, and soft tissue compromises local blood supply [22]. Early cartilage callus can form in this hypoxic environment. However, as healing progresses, subsequent callus remodeling and bone formation require adequate oxygen delivery. Failure to do so leads to delayed healing. Revascularization is thus critical for progressive healing and bone formation [9, 11, 12, 3638].

Two main molecular pathways regulate this process: an angiopoietin-dependent pathway and a VEGF-dependent pathway. Angiopoietins promote formation of larger vessels and collateral vessels off existing vessels. VEGF promotes endothelial cell differentiation, proliferation, and neoangiogenesis, and it mediates the principal vascularization pathway [11, 24].

Inflammatory cytokines from early fracture healing, particularly TNF-α, induce expression of angiopoietin, allowing for early vascular ingrowth from existing periosteal vessels [9, 33]. However, the primary vascularization process is driven by VEGF. Following calcification of cartilage callus, osteoblasts and hypertrophic chondrocytes housed in callus express high levels of VEGF, stimulating neoangiogenesis into the avascular chondral matrix [36, 38, 39]. Concurrently, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade calcified cartilage to facilitate ingrowth of new vessels [40].

  • Hard Callus Formation
With the onset of neoangiogenesis, the next event is characterized by the transition from soft callus to hard callus: the removal of calcified cartilage and its replacement with woven bone matrix. This process is mediated by MMPs, BMPs, osteoclasts, chondroclasts, and osteoblasts [36, 40, 41].

Osteoclasts have historically been considered the key cell type in soft callus resorption. However, more recent evidence suggests that resorption is nonspecific and mediated by multiple cell lines, including osteoclasts and chondroclasts alike, and by MMP expression [40, 41]. This has been supported by findings that impaired osteoclast function does not necessarily impair healing. In an osteoclast-deficient osteopetrosis mouse model, there was no difference in callus remodeling or union rates compared with control mice [42].

Cartilage callus is removed and subsequently replaced by woven bone. Mature osteoblasts secrete osteoid, a combination of type I collagen, osteocalcin , and chondroitin sulfate. Collagen fibrils are randomly oriented, producing an irregular structure known as woven bone [41].

Remodeling Phase

While woven bone provides more biomechanical stability than fibrous tissue and soft callus, its irregular and disordered structure is mechanically inferior to native cortical bone. Further remodeling is required to restore structural integrity. The final phase of fracture healing converts irregular woven bone into structured lamellar bone. The process encompasses both catabolic and anabolic mechanisms, regulated by the coordinated relationship between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Whereas the earlier phases take place over the course of days to weeks, this final phase spans months to years after injury [9].

Remodeling is characterized by woven bone resorption followed by lamellar bone formation. Osteoclasts are multinucleated polarized cells that attach to mineralized surfaces. At sites of attachment, osteoclasts form ruffled borders, effectively increasing surface area through which lysosomal enzymes and hydrogen ions are secreted. Enzymes degrade the organic collagen components, while the acidic milieu demineralizes the bone matrix. The erosive pits left by the osteoclasts are termed “Howship’s lacuna.” Following resorption, osteoblasts form new bone within these lacunae. This process progresses along the length of hard callus, layer upon layer, replacing woven bone with lamellar bone [43, 44].

Activation and regulation of remodeling depends on intimate coupling between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts initiate remodeling by producing factors to stimulate osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast function. The principle cytokines secreted by osteoblasts are M-CSF, receptor-activated NF-κβ ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) . M-CSF and RANKL are essential for osteoclast formation. Osteoblasts express RANKL on their cell membranes, whereas mononuclear osteoclast progenitors express the complementary receptor, RANK. Upon contact, RANKL interacts with RANK to induce fusion of osteoclast progenitors and thus produce mature multinucleated osteoclasts. Alternatively, osteoblasts can also secrete OPG, which acts as a decoy by binding RANK and consequently disrupts RANKL–RANK interactions. By modulating RANKL and OPG expression, osteoblasts can tightly regulate osteoclast activation. Osteoblasts express and secrete M-CSF, which induces osteoclast precursor proliferation and differentiation. Additionally, M-CSF upregulates the expression of RANK on osteoclast precursors [4345].

Metaphyseal Fracture Healing

The principles underlying fracture healing have largely been based on diaphyseal models. By comparison, the existing literature for metaphyseal healing is limited. Metaphyseal bone differs from diaphyseal bone in anatomy and biologic activity. Periosteum is thicker around the metaphysis. Blood supply is richer to the metaphysis [12]. Additionally, metaphyseal bone has a larger active bone surface area with consequently higher bone turnover rates [46].

Diaphyseal bone healing hinges on the interrelationship between biomechanics and biology. Early in the healing process, the mechanical environment determines the biologic response, whether healing will proceed by direct or indirect means. In stable situations, healing proceeds directly to osteogenesis. In unstable conditions, healing begins with chondrogenesis. The same holds true for metaphyseal healing. Under rigidly stable conditions, newly formed bone bridges the fracture gap with minimal chondrogenic tissue, similar to direct healing. Under more flexible conditions, bone intermixed with islands of chondrogenic tissue forms across the gap, analogous secondary healing. Interestingly, both situations do not generate a significant amount of external callus [47]. Whereas progenitor cells need to be recruited in diaphyseal healing, the metaphysis houses a large reservoir of precursor cells, obviating the need for a large periosteal reaction and MSC recruitment [48].

2.2.2 Biomechanics of Fracture Healing

The relationship between mechanics and biology is well established in skeletal physiology. Wolff’s law stipulates that bone structurally adapts to its loading conditions. Likewise, biomechanics plays a central role in skeletal repair. Following injury, the mechanical environment influences the biologic healing response. This response in turn attempts to restore skeletal integrity. Understanding how biomechanical factors affect healing is therefore fundamental to fracture treatment. The existing body of literature has identified three mechanical parameters that impact fracture healing: interfragmentary strain, gap size, and hydrostatic pressure. The degree to which these parameters affect healing, and the timing at which they are applied, will be discussed in this section. Interfragmentary Strain

Perren’s strain theory proposes that “a tissue cannot be produced under strain conditions which exceed the elongation at rupture of the given tissue element” [16]. Thus, bone can only form in low strain environments, while fibrous tissue can form in high strain environments. In stable fractures, a low strain environment allows for primary osteogenesis across the fracture gap. However, in unstable fractures, high strains preclude direct bone formation. Instead, precursor tissues must first bridge the gap, providing adequate mechanical stability for osteogenesis to ultimately occur. Such is the case with endochondral bone formation. Cartilage callus first bridges the gap and provides provisional stability across the fracture. When sufficient stability has been attained, the cartilage callus can then undergo calcification, and woven bone can replace the chondral matrix. If strain is still too high, more callus is produced, increasing its diameter and effectively increasing its strength. If strain still remains too high, bone bridging may not occur and a fibrous nonunion may develop instead.

The relationship between strain and tissue differentiation correlates with both histomorphometric and finite element analyses [15, 49, 50]. In models of indirect healing, intramembranous bone formation occurs at the periosteum and directly adjacent to the cortex, areas characterized by low strain. Cartilaginous callus developed between the fractured ends, in areas of high strain. Increasing the mechanical stress and strain, by early loading or delayed stabilization, impairs bone bridging and delayed healing across the fracture [51, 52]. Histological analysis in these animal models of delayed stabilization demonstrated higher proportions of cartilage and fibrous tissue in the fracture site compared to fractures that were stabilized early (Fig. 2.9) [53]. Similarly, Augat demonstrated in a sheep model that higher gap sizes and higher strains led to lower amounts of bone formation and higher proportions of connective tissue and fibrocartilage formation across the fracture (Fig. 2.10) [49].


Fig. 2.9
Histological findings in impaired healing. Nonstabilized fractures (e) demonstrate increased cartilage formation compared to stabilized fractures (d). From Miclau et al. [53] with permission


Fig. 2.10
Influence of fracture gap size and strain on tissue differentiation. Tissue differentiation as a function of fracture gap size and strain. With higher gaps and strains, there is an increasing proportion of connective tissue and fibrocartilage at the fracture site and within the callus. Conversely, low strains and gaps had higher amounts of bone formation. From Augat et al. [49], with permission Fracture Gap

While the strain theory accounts for some of the clinical observations seen in fracture healing, further work has shown that strain is not the only determinant of tissue differentiation. Fracture gap is as important, if not more important, than strain. Augat et al. and Claes et al. examined the effects of increasing gap size (1, 2, and 6 mm) and different strains (7 vs. 31%) on bone healing and mechanical strength. Augat demonstrated in a sheep model that higher gap sizes and higher strains led to lower amounts of bone formation and higher proportions of connective tissue and fibrocartilage formation across the fracture (Fig. 2.10) [49]. Increasing gap correlated with less bone formation. Cases in which bone failed to bridge the fracture gap were only observed for gaps >2 mm. Regardless of interfragmentary strain, gaps of 6 mm never healed. Strain played a more subtle role. While there was no difference in mechanical properties between strain groups, those that experienced higher strain (31%) had higher cartilage and fibrous tissue content, and lower bone content [49, 50]. Additionally, hydrostatic pressure and local stress play a role in tissue differentiation. Timing in Fracture Healing

Fracture healing involves a complex temporal and spatial sequence of events. The timing at which mechanical stimulation is introduced appears to affect the outcomes of skeletal repair. The initial mechanical environment is an early determinant of tissue differentiation and of healing outcome [14]. Immediate and early full weight bearing in a sheep model has been shown to delay healing, demonstrating lower bone content compared to delayed weight bearing [51]. Others have likewise shown that early or immediate mechanical loading led to decreased bone formation and inferior mechanical properties [52, 54]. These same studies also showed that delayed loading led to higher proportions of bone formation and improved biomechanical properties. Miclau et al. showed that delayed stabilization for even 24 h in mice led to higher cartilage callus formation and lower bone content compared to those who had immediate stabilization [53]. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that timing of mechanical loading impacts fracture healing. When loading occurs prematurely or exceeds tolerable amounts, it can disrupt early healing and have deleterious effects. However, with callus providing some inherent stability across the fracture site, loading is better tolerated and may stimulate further callus formation and bony healing.

2.2.3 Assessment of Fracture Healing

The accurate assessment of fracture union is often a difficult undertaking, but nonetheless fundamental to clinical practice and research. Nonunions can be a source of significant disability, and its early diagnosis and treatment is paramount to improving patients’ quality of life and return to function [55]. The definition of nonunion provided by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires a minimum of at least nine months to elapse since the initial injury and no signs of healing for the final three months. Yet, there are no standardized methods of assessing fracture union, and there still remains considerable variability among clinicians and researchers alike [56, 57]. However, advances in imaging techniques, improved knowledge about the biology and biomechanics of fracture healing, and new scoring systems are refining our ability to assess fracture healing. Clinical Criteria

Physical examination and clinical evaluation remain the cornerstone of fracture healing assessment. Weight bearing status has been shown to correlate with fracture tissue stiffness [58], though the clinicians’ ability to assess stiffness is not reliable [59]. Weight bearing without pain is the most commonly endorsed factor, used in over half of all published studies to assess healing [57]. Pain at the fracture site and tenderness to palpation are also important signs in assessing healing. Conversely, the lack of weight bearing is considered the most important clinical criteria for impaired healing. Radiologic Scores

The Radiographic Union Score for Hip (RUSH) and the Radiographic Union Score for Tibia (RUST) were developed to provide standardized, reliable radiographic measures of fracture healing [6063]. These scoring systems evaluate healing on the basis of cortical bridging and fracture line visibility on AP and lateral views (Table 2.2; Figs. 2.11 and 2.12). Both RUST and RUSH have high interobserver agreement, with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.86 and 0.85, respectively. Compared to subjective assessment, these scores increase reliability and agreement among clinicians in assessing radiographic progression of fracture healing [6265].

Table 2.2
Calculation of RUST and RUSH scores

Score per cortex


Fracture line










The RUST and RUSH scores are based on radiographic findings on AP and lateral projections. Each cortex is scored according to the presence of callus and visibility of fracture line, with a maximum score of 12 for 4 cortices

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Jan 24, 2018 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Fracture Healing

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