An 87-year-old woman fell from her standing height. The patient was living independently at home. She had suffered a femoral neck fracture 3 years before which was treated with a hemiarthroplasty. The patient was walking without walking aids before the fall.
a–b Preoperative x-rays.a AP view shows a spiral fracture in severely osteoporotic bone. The cemented stem of a hemiarthroplasty lies in the proximal part of the femur.b Lateral view.
Indication for MIPO
The patient had local soft-tissue swelling with a significant hematoma and crepitus in the right thigh. Since the medullary canal was occupied proximally by a cemented implant, an extramedullary stabilization was considered using the LISS-DF with MIPO technique. A distal femoral nail was not appropriate due to the creation of a potential stress riser between the junction of prosthetic stem and the proximal end of the nail.
Preoperative planning
A hand-drawn or computer-generated preoperative plan is recommended, including the approach, the applied reduction techniques, and the selected implant (Fig 18.3-2).
a–c Preoperative planning.a 1 After insertion of the plate submuscularly it is positioned on the lateral condyle 0.5–1 cm proximal to the joint line. The plate is temporarily fixed with a Schanz screw parallel to both the patellofemoral and the tibiofemoral joints.2 Indirect reduction with MIPO distractor (Fig 18.3-2c).3 Maintenance of reduction with MIPO collinear forceps.4 Plate position is checked with image intensification in AP and lateral views.5 Distal fixation using self-drilling, self-cutting screws. To facilitate insertion of the proximal screws, the aiming arm can now be added.6 Proximal fixation (using bicortical and monocortical periprosthetic screws inserted through the aiming arm.b The implant is placed on the skin to check plate position, incision lines are marked.c Markings of the landmarks and the incision lines according to the length of the plate.
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