Fatigue and generalised weakness

Chapter 23 Fatigue and generalised weakness

Case 23.3


Jenny is a 48-year-old woman who presents to you with a request for some soft tissue work, as she is constantly plagued by neck and upper back pain. These pains have been an ongoing problem for many years. They vary in site, but seem to be predominantly above and between her scapulae. She regularly has massage to alleviate the pains, which helps only for a few days. During these massages, she has noticed that there are many very tender points on her body. Sometimes she experiences sciatic type pain following deep tissue massage of the piriformis muscle. She also has occasional chiropractic treatment for her neck pain.

Jenny’s major complaint, however, is fatigue. This is not a new symptom, and Jenny admits that she has felt tired for most of her life. The first time that it was especially bad was at the age of 20, when she clearly remembers a point in time when she suddenly felt overwhelming muscle weakness. Jenny even recalls with great clarity where she was seated in a university lecture theatre when the symptoms hit. She managed to make it back home, but the details of her symptomatology over the next few weeks is a bit hazy. She knows she struggled to attend her classes, and missed quite a few of them. She recalls fevers, headaches, sore throat, muscle weakness (predominantly proximal) and overwhelming fatigue. Following this acute illness, the fatigue never really disappeared.

At this time, Jenny started to lose weight, and became somewhat obsessed with her appearance. Although of normal weight, she reverted to a diet of mainly vegetables. This was accompanied by episodes of rather severe abdominal pain and bloating, which was relieved by defecation. Her weight dropped to under 45 kg, and menstruation ceased.

During the following 2 years, Jenny managed to complete her degree, with the help of the drug ephedrine. Her weight eventually returned to normal once her diet improved, the episodes of abdominal pain improved, and menstruation was re-established.

Over the next few years she continued to rely on ephedrine to cope with daily activities. She was employed full-time as a teacher. During this period she married, and her husband encouraged her to see a physician about her health problems. A specialist was consulted, who made a diagnosis.


Physical examination

Vitals •Pulse rate/min 78
•Respiratory rate/min 12
•Blood pressure mm Hg 110/76
•Temperature (degrees C) 36.2
•Height (cm) 165
•Weight (kg) 65
•BMI 24.1
•Temperature (degrees C) 36.4
HEENT Unremarkable
Chest No cardiomegaly, heart sounds normal, no murmurs, chest clear
Abdomen Soft, non-tender, no masses
Neurological No objective loss of muscle power

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Fatigue and generalised weakness

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