Surgical options for chronic mallet deformity
Tendon “repair” at level of DIP joint
Excision of scar and re-attachment of tendon back to bone
Tendon plication
Tendon rebalancing
Central slip tenotomy
Tendon reconstruction
Oblique retinacular ligament reconstruction
Surgical Techniques and Rehabilitation
Tendon Plication
Under digital block a curved incision is made over the terminal tendon. The pseudotendon is exposed. There are two methods described to shorten the tendon. The first is a simple plication leaving the tendon intact and the second is to divide the tendon and then to double breast the divided tendon. In both cases once the sutures have been placed the DIPJ should be in full extension. A K-wire is passed across the DIP joint to maintain full extension for 6–8 weeks. After K-wire removal mobilisation of the DIP joint is commenced with night splintage for a further 4 weeks.
Tenodermodesis (Dermatotenodesis)
This technique was originally described by Brooks in 1961 and later modified by Graner and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Brooks and Graner technique.
The operation is performed under digital block. An elliptical incision is made over the DIP joint and a wedge of skin and subcutaneous tendinous scar tissue is excised. The size of the excised ellipse may be determined by passively extending the DIP joint to produce a dermal fold over the DIP joint preoperatively. The wound edges should come into contact when the DIP joint is extended. The wound is closed using en bloc mattress sutures passing through skin and tendon on both sides of the wound. A K-wire is passed across the DIP joint to maintain full extension for 4 to 6 weeks. The rehabilitation programme is as for tendon plication.
Central Slip Tenotomy
This technique relies on a mature healed but elongated terminal tendon resulting in a persistent extensor lag. At least six months must have passed since the time of injury to allow full maturation of tendon healing. The maximum extensor lag that can be corrected with this technique is 35° [2]. There must also be a full passive range of motion of the DIP and PIP joints. The technique involves dividing the central slip which allows the extensor tendon mechanism to slide proximally thus increasing the tone in the terminal tendon which in turn improves the extensor lag. A boutonnière deformity is not created as the triangular ligament is left intact.
The procedure is best performed under digital block to enable active tendon movement intra-operatively. The tendon is exposed using a mid-lateral incision centred over the PIP joint. An extensor tenolysis may need to be performed over the middle phalanx as the central slip must not be prevented from migrating proximally by distal adhesions. The triangular ligament must not be damaged. The transverse retinacular ligament is divided and the entire extensor mechanism is elevated both proximal and distal to the central slip insertion. The central slip insertion is divided by sliding a scalpel from proximal to distal to take the insertion off the base of the middle phalanx. On active extension there should be improvement of the extensor lag at the DIP joint. If no improvement occurs the surgeon should perform an extensor tenolysis ensuring that the extensor mechanism is not tethered and is able to slide proximally. The finger should then be splinted with the PIPJ in 30° flexion and the DIPJ in full extension.
Post-operatively a dorsal blocking splint is used to maintain at least 20° of flexion at the PIP joint whilst the DIP joint is splinted in full extension. The aim is to maximise the extensor tendon force at the DIP joint. At 2 weeks the PIP joint splint may be discarded and full active mobilisation of this joint may be commenced although hyperextension should not be allowed. At this stage the patient may remove the DIP joint splint several times each day to mobilise the joint. At 4 weeks the DIP joint splint need not to be worn during the day but should be worn at night for a further 4 weeks.
Oblique Retinacular Ligament (ORL) Reconstruction
The ORL originates from the flexor sheath on the volar aspect of the PIP joint and inserts into the terminal tendon. During PIP joint extension the ORL tightens and assists in extending the DIP joint.
Reconstruction involves the use of a tendon graft (palmaris or plantaris). The graft is secured dorsally into the base of the distal phalanx which may be done using a pull out suture or bone anchor. The graft is then directed in a spiral fashion around the middle phalanx passing between the flexor sheath and the neurovascular bundle obliquely across the volar aspect of the PIP joint to the opposite side. The graft is then passed transversely through the base of the proximal phalanx and secured in place once the correct tension is achieved. Care must be taken not to over tighten the graft as this may result in a boutonnière deformity.
Outcomes and Complications
Several studies have reported on the outcomes of various techniques used in the management of chronic mallet deformity and are summarised in Table 3.2. Unfortunately, due to the heterogenicity of the studies and the small numbers involved it is difficult to make firm conclusions.
No Pts | Pre-op deformity | Duration of deformity | Follow up | Technique | Results | Remarks | |
Surgery at the level of the DI P joint only | |||||||
Boeck et al. (1992) | 4 | >4 months | Tenodermodesis | 100 % full extension | All children. No bony component. | ||
Sorene et al. (2004) | 16 | 30–70° | 12–75 weeks | 10–60 month | Tenodermodesis. K-wire for 4 weeks. | 50 % full extension | No pts had restriction of flexion. |
37.5 % ext lag <20° | |||||||
12.5 % ext lag >20° | |||||||
Ulker et al. (2005) | 22 | Mean 43.6° ext lag | 4–30 month | 6–28 months | Scar excised, re-attachment using bone anchor to create 5° ext, k-wire for 2.5 weeks then mobilise | 15 full extension | Open and closed injuries included. |
5 ext lag 10° | |||||||
2 ext lag 10–20° | |||||||
Kardestuncer et al. (2008) | 10 | >45° ext lag | >6 weeks | 1–12.8 years | Tenodermodesis. 4–6 weeks immobilisation post op. | 20 % full extension | All children – age at surgery 1.4–17.8 years |
80 % ext lag <20° | |||||||
70 % full flexion | |||||||
Central slip tenotomy | |||||||
Bowers and Hurst (1978) | 5 | 45–75° | >6 months | >1 year | Central slip tenotomy | 80 % full extension | 1 pt had 12° ext lag at PIP jt |
20 % ext lag 10° | |||||||
Grundberg and Reagan (1987) | 20 | Mean 37° | Central slip tenotomy | Mean ext lag 9° | |||
Lucas (1987) | 11 | >6 months | >1 year | Central slip tenotomy | 80 % ext lag <10° | 11 of 16 pts reported | |
20 % ext lag >30° | |||||||
Houpt et al. (1993) | 35 | Mean 45° | >4.5 months | Central slip tenotomy | 74 % full extension | Immediate motion post-op protocol | |
23 % ext lag <20° | |||||||
3 % ext lag >30° | |||||||
Spiral oblique ligament reconstruction | |||||||
Kleinman and Peterson (1984) | 12 | 8 pts had hyperext of PIP jt | Soft tissue attachment of palmaris longus graft to terminal tendon only. Graft then routed obliquely across the palmar aspect of the PIP joint and attached to the fibro-osseous flexor sheath. Axial K-wire to DIP jt in neutral and oblique K-wire across PIP jt in 10–15° flexion. Proximal wire removed at 3 weeks and distal wire at 4.5 weeks with additional splint for 1.5 weeks of DIP jt. | 100 % full extension of DIP jt. | One pt had 35° PIP flexion contracture requiring lengthening of graft. | ||
25 % 10–25° hyperextension at DIP jt. | One pt required flexor tenolysis. | ||||||
Hyperextension of PIP jt corrected in all 8 pts. | |||||||
Thompson et al. (1987) | 10 | >3 months | Bony attachment of palmaris tendon graft to dorsal distal phalanx and transversely across base of proximal phalanx. | 70 % full extension | Open patient required revision for over correction. | ||
30 % 10–15° ext lag |
Tenodermodesis has been shown to give a reliable improvement in extensor lag although some studies involved only paediatric patients. Similarly excision of tendon scar and re-attachment using a bony anchor can give good results. All the patients undergoing surgery had a full passive range of motion pre-operatively. Surgery on the DIP joint does carry a risk of infection and stiffness but both complications were reported as being negligible in the papers reviewed.
Central slip tenotomy has been shown to give reliable results but can only improve the extensor lag by approximately 35°. Poor results have been associated with a pre-operative extensor lag of greater than 30°. The standard post-operative splinting protocol is described, however, Houpt et al. [10] does not believe that any immobilization is necessary. The aim of the rehabilitation is to achieve maximal proximal slide of the extensor apparatus while not causing an extensor lag or fixed flexion deformity at the PIP joint.
ORL reconstruction is used in patients who have developed secondary hyperextension deformity at the PIP joint. Thompson et al. [12] and Kleinman et al. [11] have reported reliable correction of both the PIP joint hyperextension and DIP joint extensor lag. However approximately 10 % of patients had the graft overtightened and required revision surgery. A further 5 % of patients required tenolysis. Again only small numbers of patients have been reported on.
Conclusions/Authors Preferred Approach
In the majority of cases our recommendation is to advise the patient to accept the deformity as the results of surgery are unpredictable and may leave them with a stiff finger with consequent loss of grip. Where the extensor lag is a functional problem our preferred approach is to shorten the tendon using a double breast technique. We have found this to give a good result in improving the extension of the joint without creating stiffness which is the reason we do not favour tenodermodesis. For those patients with a correctable swan neck deformity we prefer central slip tenotomy again this seems to achieve a good result. We prefer to use a ORL reconstruction in swan neck deformities caused by primary PIPJ pathology.
Chronic Zone III Injury (Boutonnière Deformity)
The primary cause of a chronic Boutonniere deformity is loss of central slip function. This may be due to failure of treatment or a delayed presentation of an acute injury. It may also be caused by a slow attenuation secondary to osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis or a prolonged flexion contracture which may be seen secondary to a burn or Dupuytren’s disease.
The pathophysiology of the deformity is that loss of central slip function will result in an extensor lag at the PIP joint and hyperextension at the DIP joint as the extensor force is now concentrated on this joint. Over time the triangular ligament stretches which allows the lateral bands to subluxate palmarly and to then lie palmar to the axis of rotation of the PIP joint. The flexor tendons and lateral bands cause increased force of flexion at the PIP joint and because of the relative shortening of the lateral bands an increased extensor force at the DIP joint. The development of this deformity occurs over time and the initial posture of the finger after division or rupture of the central slip may not be abnormal.
Initially the deformity will be flexible with a full passive range of motion of the interphalangeal joints. However, with time the lateral bands will contract causing a fixed deformity. Consequently a joint contracture may develop secondary to contracture of the collateral ligaments and volar plate.
Burton classified chronic boutonnière deformity into three stages with a fourth stage being added later:
Stage I: Flexible deformity (passively correctable)
Stage II: Fixed deformity due to contacted lateral bands
Stage III: Joint contracture due to joint fibrosis and contacted collateral ligaments and volar plate
Stage IV: OA of the PIP joint plus stage III
The history should establish the cause of the deformity (as above), treatment to date, and the degree and rate of progression.
The severity of the deformity and whether it is flexible or fixed should be documented. Careful consideration must be given to the functional deficit the patient experiences as most patients with a boutonnière deformity retain full flexion and grip strength. Any treatment aimed at correcting the deformity and gaining extension can jeopardise flexion and therefore impair hand function.
It is important to differentiate a true boutonnière deformity from a “pseudoboutonnière” deformity where there is flexion contracture of the PIP joint without a fixed DIP extension deformity. This is most commonly caused by a hyperextension injury resulting in damage to the volar plate which subsequently scars and contracts and is also seen in Dupuytren’s disease with ORL contracture.
Treatment Options
As with chronic mallet deformity the first option may be to advise the patient to have no treatment. This is particularly so if the finger remains flexible at both the PIP and DIP joints and no progression has been noted over time.
If reconstructive surgery is considered it is important that all joints of the finger have a full passive range of movement.
Stage II deformities should be managed with hand therapy using splinting or serial casting to achieve full passive PIP joint extension. Once PIP joint extension is achieved it should be maintained with the use of a splint for 6–12 weeks. During this time active and passive exercises of the DIP joint should be done which help realign the lateral bands and rebalance the extensor mechanism. If full PIP joint passive extension and active DIPJ flexion is achieved and an extensor lag persists then surgery can be considered.
Surgical reconstruction to correct the deformity must never be attempted in the presence of a fixed deformity. The first aim should be to achieve a full passive range of movement and if hand therapy fails then a surgical joint release should be done as a first stage. Following the joint release the patient should undergo appropriate splinting and an exercise program. In some patients the extensor mechanism will rebalance and thus the second stage reconstruction will not be required.
The surgical options for correction of a chronic boutonniere deformnity are shown in Table 3.3. Some of these are discussed below.
Table 3.3
Surgical options for the treatment of chronic boutonierre deformity
Surgical options for chronic boutonierre deformity | |
Principle | Technique |
Tendon repair | Excision of scar and re-attachment of central slip with or without V-Y advancement |
Tendon rebalancing | Terminal tendon tenotomy |
Mobilisation and relocation of lateral bands | |
Tendon reconstruction | Lateral band transfer |
Using slip of FDS |
Surgical Techniques and Rehabilitation
Excision of Scar and Re-attachment of Central Slip
A curvilinear incision is made over the PIPJ under local anaesthetic. As in mallet injuries the central slip injury may result in pseudotendon formation. In a similar manner the pseudotendon and any scar tissue is excised and the native central slip is advanced and repaired to the base of the middle phalanx using bone anchors or a pull out suture. If the central slip is too tight a formal V-Y advancement may be performed to gain more length. A k-wire is inserted across the joint for a period of six weeks during which time the DIPJ is mobilized. After the wire is removed the patient will continue with a splint both active and dynamic for a further 4–6 weeks.
Terminal Tendon Tenotomy
Division of the terminal tendon enables proximal migration of the extensor mechanism which in turn increases the extensor force at the PIP joint, thus improving the extensor lag. This technique may be used in patients with full passive extension of the PIP joint and is contraindicated in patients with a fixed PIP joint flexion deformity. A dorsal incision is made over the middle phalanx. The terminal tendon is divided transversely, distal to the triangular ligament. The ORL should be identified and preserved. Although a “surgical mallet finger” is created, clinically a mallet finger rarely develops which is thought to be due to function of the intact ORL and partly due to the contracted capsule and ligaments of the DIPJ causing rebound extension after the joint is flexed. Postoperatively active movement of the finger is commenced immediately although a resting extension splint for the DIP joint is worn in between exercises for 6 weeks.
Lateral Band Mobilisation and Relocation: Littler-Eaton Technique [13]
In this procedure all the active extensor force at the DIP joint is released and is concentrated on the PIP joint thus improving the flexion deformity proximally whilst enabling correction of the hyperextension deformity distally.
Through a dorsal incision the lateral bands are identified. Using sharp dissection the lateral bands are freed from the lumbrical tendon and the spiral oblique retinacular ligament thus completely separating the extrinsic and interosseous intrinsic tendons from the lumbrical and oblique retinacular fibres. The liberated lateral bands are folded dorsally and are sutured to each other and to the remnant of the central slip in the midline whilst the PIP joint is held in full extension. If there is excessive redundancy of the attenuated central slip the relocated lateral bands should be sutured into the base of the middle phalanx. The joint is held in full extension with a K-wire for 2 weeks post-surgery after which mobilisation begins.
Free Tendon Graft Reconstruction
Many techniques have been described which utilize a free tendon graft to reconstruct the central slip. In a method described by Littler a tendon graft is passed through a bony tunnel in the base of the middle phalanx and is then passed dorsally around the lateral bands in a figure of eight configuration and is finally sutured proximally to the interosseous tendons.
Lateral Band Transfer: Matev Procedure [14]
The lateral bands are identified and released from any scar tissue so that they are mobile. The lateral bands are divided at different levels – one proximal and one distally over the middle phalanx. The lateral band which was divided more proximally is passed through the remnant of the central slip and sutured to the base of the middle phalanx to reconstitute the central slip. The lateral band cut more distally is then sutured to the stump of the opposite lateral band hence lengthening the terminal extensor mechanism. This decreases the extensor tone at the DIP joint enabling correction of the hyperextension deformity. The MP joint is held in 45° of flexion and the IP joints in full extension for 20 days post-surgery. A modification of the procedure has been described in which the immobilisation is for 6 weeks post-surgery.

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