This article reviews the current knowledge regarding the benefits and contraindications of exercise on individuals with neuromuscular diseases (NMDs). Specific exercise prescriptions for individuals with NMDs do not exist because the evidence base is limited. Understanding the effect of exercise on individuals with NMDs requires the implementation of a series of multicenter, randomized controlled trials that are sufficiently powered and use reliable and valid outcome measures to assess the effect of exercise interventions—a major effort for each NMD. In addition to traditional measures of exercise efficacy, outcome variables should include measures of functional status and health-related quality of life.
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An accurate diagnosis of a specific neuromuscular disease (NMD) is essential to better understand the potential benefits and contraindications that may result from a potential exercise therapy program.
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There is inadequate evidence from randomized controlled trials with sufficient sample size to document the optimal prescriptions regarding the type, intensity, duration, frequency, and mode of delivery of exercise programs for individuals with NMDs.
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In general, there is a potential for moderate-intensity aerobic training and physical activity to improve the cardiopulmonary condition of individuals with NMD, but the level and type of training depends on the diagnosis, stage, and severity of the disease.
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Moderate aerobic exercise may reverse some of the effects of deconditioning and provide positive health benefits in terms of reduced adiposity, improved cardiorespiratory status, improved sense of well-being, and increased bone mass for individuals with NMDs.
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Low-intensity resistance exercise may be beneficial for individuals with NMDs who have antigravity strength or better.
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High-resistance exercise has not been shown to offer any advantage over a moderate-resistance training program in NMDs, and should be avoided because it may cause overwork injury.
In addition to pharmaceutical interventions, comprehensive rehabilitation program modalities such as resistance training, aerobic exercise training, range-of-motion activities, and bracing, may prolong ambulation, increase strength, and reduce the progression of many NMDs. These interventions may be made at various points in the natural evolution of the disease to increase strength, reduce pain, prevent or reduce the development of contractures, and maintain function for as long as possible. Unfortunately there is not enough evidence-based information available to make an informed assessment of the potential risks and benefits of exercise for individuals with NMDs. We do not know what types of exercise programs are most appropriate for people with NMDs, nor are there randomized clinical trials, in most instances, to justify the proper intensity, duration, and frequency of those exercise regimens that should be ideally included in a prescription for an individual with an NMD.
General benefits of exercise
As everyone knows, there are many potential benefits to increased physical activity and strength-training exercise in healthy subjects. Physical activity and exercise lowers mortality and prevents morbidity by reducing the development of chronic diseases, by reduction of disease-related complications and by restoration of function. Increased physical activity has been shown to reduce blood pressure, help prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes. Exercise also decreases anxiety, depression, and pain. It enhances a feeling of well-being, promotes sleep, and increases vitality with age. Comprehensive guidelines have been developed to combat physical inactivity, which is the fourth leading independent risk factor for death caused by noncommunicable diseases.
Strength Training (Progressive Resistive Exercise)
Strength training (progressive resistive exercise) increases lean body mass, muscle protein mass, contractile force, and power, and improves physical function. Lifting of weights during concentric (muscle shortens during contraction) or eccentric (muscle lengthens during contraction) exercise produces microinjuries to the sarcolemma and initiates transcriptional and splice mechanisms, protein turnover, and signaling pathways from hormone and cytokine receptors. This process involves several proteins that shuttle between sarcomeric and nonsarcomeric localizations and convey signals to the nucleus. Satellite cells, mononuclear cells, and myogenic progenitor cells that typically exist in a state of quiescence under the basal lamina are activated and fuse to the existing fiber, leading to proliferation of nuclei in the muscle, which provides the machinery for additional contractile proteins. Resistance exercise increases the DNA content in the myofibrils, which in turn increases the number of muscle proteins, especially actin and myosin.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic endurance training induces physiologic adaptations that differ from strength training. Aerobic training that involves the use of large muscle groups reciprocally for sufficient intensity and duration (30 minutes at 50%–85% of oxidative capacity [V o 2max ]) induces adaptations in the heart, peripheral circulation, and skeletal muscle systems. Greater oxygen delivery is achieved by training-induced increases in cardiac output (due to increased stroke volume), capillary density, and vascular conduction. Improved use of oxygen by trained skeletal muscle is accomplished by mitochondrial biogenesis and increased mitochondrial oxidative enzyme activity, which lead to an increased capacity to generate energy through oxidative phosphorylation in trained muscles. In healthy individuals, these adaptations play a major role in improving V o 2max and endurance, and reducing fatigue, as shown by the ability to perform submaximal work with less effort for longer duration. Endurance-trained individuals produce a lower concentration of blood lactate and lower heart rates than untrained individuals at the same level of submaximal exercise. Cessation of endurance training and resistance training leads to a reversal of benefits and to partial or marked reductions in the training-induced cardiopulmonary, vascular, and skeletal muscle benefits (deconditioning).
Potential benefits of therapeutic exercise for persons with NMD s
Therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation management techniques have been shown to correct impairment and improve musculoskeletal function in a variety of disease states. The effects of therapeutic rehabilitation interventions vary depending on the specific disease, prognosis, impairment, and objective. The interventions may include the performance of general physical activities such as household ambulation and activities of daily living, performing 60 minutes of physical activity per day, yoga or, alternatively, highly selected activities focused on specific muscles or parts of the body. The potential benefits derived from therapeutic exercise would certainly be beneficial to individuals with NMDs, whose primary symptoms are weakness, fatigue, and muscle atrophy. It has been shown that many individuals with NMDs fall frequently as a result of weakness and sensory impairment associated with their disease, and that these impairments may be modified through therapeutic exercise. Exercise can be used to proactively prevent the development of painful musculoskeletal syndromes associated with the loss of mobility and disuse weakness, which further contributes to pain generation.
Potential benefits of therapeutic exercise for persons with NMD s
Therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation management techniques have been shown to correct impairment and improve musculoskeletal function in a variety of disease states. The effects of therapeutic rehabilitation interventions vary depending on the specific disease, prognosis, impairment, and objective. The interventions may include the performance of general physical activities such as household ambulation and activities of daily living, performing 60 minutes of physical activity per day, yoga or, alternatively, highly selected activities focused on specific muscles or parts of the body. The potential benefits derived from therapeutic exercise would certainly be beneficial to individuals with NMDs, whose primary symptoms are weakness, fatigue, and muscle atrophy. It has been shown that many individuals with NMDs fall frequently as a result of weakness and sensory impairment associated with their disease, and that these impairments may be modified through therapeutic exercise. Exercise can be used to proactively prevent the development of painful musculoskeletal syndromes associated with the loss of mobility and disuse weakness, which further contributes to pain generation.
The deleterious effects of sedentary status, deconditioning, and disuse weakness in NMD s
Appropriate therapeutic exercise should be an important modality in preventing the deleterious effects associated with inactivity and deconditioning observed in subjects with NMDs. Sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, additional loss of muscle mass, diminished walking endurance, increased fatigue, and musculoskeletal pain. As a result, individuals with NMDs have significantly higher risk factors for metabolic syndrome and chronic disease resulting from obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Aitkens and colleagues reported that ambulatory individuals with NMDs were more obese, spent less time in total activity (144 min/d vs 214 min/d), and exercised (11 min/d vs 45 min/d) significantly less than able-bodied individuals who were group-matched for age and body mass index. Fifty-five percent of the NMD group satisfied the criteria for metabolic syndrome, versus 0% in the control group. Even NMD subjects with normal weight and body mass indices also have problems with increased body fat. A recent study revealed that subjects with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) had 14% less lean muscle tissue in their trunk, but 76% more fat in the trunk than an age-, weight-, and height-matched control group. In addition, the FSHD subjects significantly lost muscle mass and had a concomitant increase in fat mass as they aged, which was not seen in the control population. Individuals with NMDs have also been shown to have problems with joint deformity, tight muscles, altered gait, balance, flexibility, and sleep, all of which have been shown to have beneficial responses to therapeutic exercise. Although diminished aerobic capacity is rarely the limiting factor in performing daily work tasks, involvement of the cardiac and pulmonary musculature in NMDs may reduce cardiopulmonary fitness, compounding the effects of deconditioning.
Theoretical risks of overwork weakness in myopathies and other NMD s
If there are so many benefits to physical activity, why have doctors not prescribed exercise for patients with NMDs? Unlike able-bodied patients, clinicians have been concerned that exercise might cause overwork weakness in patients with NMDs. More than 50 years ago Bennett and Knowlton raised the concern that exercise in postpolio patients may produce muscle injury if the exercise regimen equals or exceeds the maximum strength of the muscle. In 1971, Johnson and Braddom warned that exercise may cause overwork weakness in individuals with all NMDs, regardless of the severity of the disease and the pathogenesis. The risk of overwork weakness is likely to be greater in individuals with muscular dystrophies, and dystrophinopathies such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy in particular, whereby sarcolemmal muscle membranes are susceptible to injury from mechanical loads and stresses. As is true in most effective pharmaceutical therapies, exercise training has potential dose-dependent risks in subjects with NMDs, and these are significantly greater than those seen in the able-bodied population. Rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria, and significant pain have been reported after physical activity in NMDs. Because the exercise treatment may induce overwork weakness and other adverse events, exercise studies in subjects with NMDs must be performed using just as stringent safety and efficacy measures as are used in randomized, controlled clinical drug trials.
Studies documenting benefits of exercise in NMD s
Despite the concern about overwork weakness, many investigators have reported beneficial effects of exercise in NMDs. Aitkens and colleagues examined the effect of a moderate-resistance, home-based strengthening exercise program on 27 people with a mixed group of NMDs. During the first week of a 12-week exercise program the patients were instructed to strengthen their knee extensors by performing 3 sets of 4 repetitions at 30% of their maximum strength (30% of a 1-repetition maximum). The subjects gradually increased their exercise regimen, and by week 12 they were performing 3 sets of 8 repetitions at 40% of their maximal strength. In a follow-up study these investigators examined whether they could achieve greater effects with a high-resistance exercise program. The NMD group demonstrated significant gains in several knee-extension isokinetic strength measures but loss of elbow-flexion eccentric peak torque and work per degree. In addition, several of the subjects complained about persistent weakness after the exercise bout. Therefore the investigators determined that a high-resistance training program seems to offer no advantage over a moderate-resistance training program in this population, and may potentially cause overwork injury. Furthermore, subjects who had less than 15% normal strength were unable to achieve any strength gains from strengthening exercises. Similar results were observed by Milner-Brown and Miller.
Challenges in study design for exercise clinical trials
Despite these encouraging studies, systematic reviews have determined that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether exercise is beneficial or detrimental for individuals with peripheral neuropathies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and muscle diseases. A major reason for the lack of good controlled studies is the rarity of NMDs. To obviate this difficulty researchers have frequently grouped subjects with dystrophinopathies alongside persons with various other neuromuscular disorders, even though the severity, rate of progression, and disease type markedly affects the exercise response. Combining individuals with various types of NMDs together creates several problems; there is no reason to believe that diseases affecting the anterior horn cells, peripheral nerves, and/or muscles would respond similarly to exercise training. Therefore, studies need to be developed in which there are adequate numbers of subjects with the same diagnosis and phenotypic characteristics, in order for informed decisions to be made. In past reports, very few studies had enough information regarding the results of exercise on a sufficient sample size with one genetically and phenotypically homogeneous group for adequate conclusions to be drawn. There has been little uniformity regarding the type of exercise interventions (aerobic, strengthening, or combinations of exercise regimens), duration of exercise, intensity of exercise therapy, initial state of physical activity and fitness, and types of outcome measures. Another major weakness in the literature is the lack of clearly identified primary and secondary outcome measures. Outcome measures that have been reported include strength, endurance, fatigue, cardiopulmonary function, functional ability, activities of daily living, anxiety, depression, well-being, and pain, among others. The systematic reviews that have been published on the effect of exercise on individuals with different types of NMD highlight the inadequacy of most of the studies in the literature.
Exercise studies in specific NMD s
To understand the effect of various types of exercise regimens, one needs to understand the underlying pathophysiology of each disease with regard to the type of exercise administered, the dose (intensity, rate, and duration of exercise), degree of weakness, and progression of the disease, along with typical demographic factors (age, gender, race, and so forth). The following sections briefly review the major exercise studies done on the hereditary muscular dystrophies, hereditary myopathies (metabolic mitochondrial myopathies), acquired inflammatory myopathies, and neuropathies of the motor neuron (eg, ALS) and peripheral nerve (eg, Charcot-Marie-Tooth [CMT] disease, postpolio syndrome [PPS]).
Hereditary muscular dystrophies
The hereditary muscular dystrophies are a pathogenetically heterogeneous group of hereditary muscle diseases, which present with muscle weakness. Exercise studies have been performed in individuals with dystrophinopathies (Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy), limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD), facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD), and myotonic muscular dystrophies. Typically the muscular dystrophies are accompanied by progressive muscle fiber damage, inflammation, necrosis, and regeneration, as noted by histopathologic evaluation. Most dystrophies are associated with defects in sarcolemmal and extracellular matrix proteins, which bind the contractile elements across the sarcolemma to the extracellular matrix (especially to laminin-2 [merosin] of basal lamina). These proteins appear to be essential in maintaining the cytoskeletal framework of the muscle fiber during muscle contraction. Thus, it is conceivable that intensive muscle contractions, particularly when including an eccentric component, may damage myopathic muscle to a greater extent than in able-bodied subjects. This aspect is of particular concern in those diseases known to involve structural proteins of the muscle cell, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy, and many of the limb-girdle syndromes. In animal models of dystrophin-deficient dystrophy there is increased damage to muscle using eccentric contractions, which particularly stress these cytoskeletal elements. Maximal eccentric contractions appear to damage the cytoskeletal framework with myofibrillar disruption, which clinically is associated with transient muscle weakness, elevation of serum creatine kinase, and delayed-onset muscle soreness. In NMDs that affect the integrity of the muscle-cell membrane, it is possible that eccentric contractions may hasten the progression of muscle degeneration.
Several theories have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of muscles from individuals with dystrophinopathies. Dystrophin deficiency destabilizes the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, impairing localization of the dystroglycan and sarcoglycans to the muscle membrane, and compromising the structural integrity of the sarcolemma membrane. Dystrophin is a high molecular weight cytoskeleton protein localized at the inner surface of the muscle membrane, and is part of a dystrophin-glycoprotein complex that also includes dystroglycan and sarcoglycans. This dystrophin-glycoprotein complex provides a bridge across the muscle membrane; dystrophin couples F-actin in the cytoplasm with dystroglycan, which binds to merosin (laminin-2) in the extracellular matrix. Excessive mechanical stress creates micro- and macroinjuries to the sarcolemma membrane which, in turn, causes excessive calcium ion influx, phospholipase activation, oxidative muscle injury, and, ultimately, necrosis of the muscle fiber. As muscle damage progresses, connective tissue and fat replace the damaged muscle fibers. Disruption of the dystrophin complex downregulates neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), which disrupts the exercise-induced cell-signaling pathway that regulates blood flow to the muscle and results in functional muscle ischemia. Recent studies have shown that when nNOS is not present at its normal location on the muscle membrane, the blood vessels that supply active muscles do not relax normally and show signs of fatigue. Thus, the pathophysiology of the disease may significantly affect its response to exercise. Exercise, especially exercise that places a large amount of stress on the muscle fibers, such as high-resistive and eccentric exercise, damages skeletal muscle in the dystrophinopathies. Even mild exercise has been implicated in causing functional muscle ischemia and fatigue in dystrophinopathy patients, resulting from disruptions in nNOS signaling.
Strengthening exercises
Very few randomized studies have systematically examined the effect of strengthening resistive exercise or aerobic exercise in persons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and/or Becker muscular dystrophy. Most of the randomized controlled trials have been small in size, and the methodologies and results have been inconsistent. Studies regarding the effect of exercise in individuals on skeletal muscles of individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have produced conflicting results. Some investigations have demonstrated that low-intensity resistance or aerobic exercise maintains or even slightly improves strength in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. However, others have presented case-study evidence that exercise induces weakness in dystrophinopathies. Garrood and colleagues noted that individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy increase their physical activity after steroid treatment, and suggest that this increased activity places their dystrophin-deficient muscles under greater mechanical stress, which predisposes them to muscle-fiber damage and consequent myoglobinuria. A case study of a boy who had both spina bifida and Becker muscular dystrophy revealed that the dystrophic changes in the muscle biopsy were less severe in the lower extremities immobilized by spina bifida than in the unaffected upper extremities. The investigators suggested that this adds to the evidence that excessive exercise causes muscle damage in dystrophinopathies, and should be restricted.
Respiratory muscle training
Studies that have examined the effect of respiratory muscle training on patients with dystrophinopathies have also produced conflicting results, depending on initial muscle strength. Several investigators have reported increased ventilatory strength and endurance following inspiratory and/or expiratory resistance training, whereas others have shown no changes. Koessler and colleagues demonstrated an improvement in maximum inspiratory pressure and 12-second maximal voluntary ventilation after 24 months of inspiratory muscle training in 18 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and 9 with spinal muscular atrophy whose forced vital capacity was greater than 25% predicted. However, inspiratory muscles that were very weak or near their fatigue threshold showed no improvement after respiratory training.
Aerobic exercise training
Sveen and colleagues studied the effect of endurance training (30 minutes of aerobic cycling 3–4 times per week at 65% of their V o 2max for 12 weeks) in 11 ambulatory patients with mild Becker muscular dystrophy and 7 matched, healthy subjects. Aerobic endurance training increased V o 2max by 47%, maximal workload by 80%, and muscle strength by 13% to 40%, without causing muscle damage as indicated by muscle abnormality and increased serum creatine kinase. These studies suggest that exercise is contraindicated in subjects with dystrophinopathies who have very weak muscles and are very susceptible to exercise-induced damage. Further short-term and long-term studies regarding the effect of endurance exercise and mild-resistance exercise is warranted for individuals who still have adequate strength, but these studies need to be well controlled and should be monitored with great care to prevent adverse effects from the exercise.
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies
Before the advent of genetic testing, patients commonly sharing a slowly progressive pattern of proximal greater than distal muscular weakness and classified as being of either autosomal recessive (type 2) or autosomal dominant (type 1) inheritance were termed as having LGMDs. Recent advances in molecular and genetic analyses have now identified several distinct genetic abnormalities with mutations in these patients. At present at least 22 subtypes of LGMD are recognized, and the list continues to grow. Eight have autosomal dominant inheritance (LGMD type 1, A–H) and 14 have autosomal recessive inheritance (LGMD type 2, A–N). It is now known that LGMD comprises many distinct diseases with genetic defects in genes that encode for sarcolemmal, sarcomeric, and sarcoplasmic proteins. The most common LGMDs include LGMD2A (calpainopathy), LGMD2B (dysferlinopathy), LGMD2C (γ-sarcoglycanopathy), LGMD2D (α-sarcoglycanopathy), LGMD2E (β-sarcoglycanopathy), LGMD2F (δ-sarcoglycanopathy), and LGMD2I.
The defects or loss of proteins encoded by these genes leads to a loss of sarcolemmal integrity and a progressive pattern of proximal greater than distal muscular weakness that is similar to that of the dystrophinopathies. Defects in these proteins render muscle fibers more susceptible to exercise-induced damage and the development of myoglobinuria. The reduction of nNOS levels in the sarcolemma of LGMD subjects alters their cell-signaling response to exercise and makes them more susceptible to injury and fatigue, in both humans and the dystrophin-deficient (mdx) and α-sarcoglycan deficient (Sgca) mouse.
The effect of exercise in LGMD subjects is mixed. Sveen and colleagues examined the effect of aerobic cycling in adults with mild LGMD2I, which is caused by a defect in fukutin-related protein, a sarcoplasmic enzyme that glycosylates dystroglycan needed for appropriate binding of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex to laminin-2. The LGMD2I patients reported a 21% increase in V o 2max and a 27% increase in work capacity, as well as a self-reported increase in strength and endurance without any evidence of muscle damage, as observed by serum creatine kinase and muscle biopsy. Yeldan and colleagues reported that progressive resistance exercise improved respiratory function in 17 individuals with genetically confirmed LGMD and 6 with Becker muscular dystrophy. However, muscle response of respiratory muscles was specific to the training protocol. Deep-breathing exercises improved maximal expiratory pressure while inspiratory muscle training improved maximal inspiratory pressure; however, neither regimen significantly altered spirometry results. Böhme and Arnold examined the effect of intensive physical therapy in 156 patients with an LGMD and noted an improvement in functional parameters. The rarity of individuals with specific LGMDs and the lack of adequate genetic confirmation confound the difficulties in performing studies to determine the effect of exercise in these patients. As is true for the dystrophinopathies, high-resistance exercise training should be avoided in LGMD patients, especially those who are very weak.
Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
FSHD was clinically categorized by its characteristic progressive muscular weakness in the facial and shoulder girdle musculature and onset of symptoms in adolescence or early adulthood. More recent studies have shown that FSHD is an autosomal dominant disorder resulting from a chromosomal abnormality identified at the 4q35 gene locus that causes reduced DNA fragment size at the telomere region and epigenetic changes in the chromatin structure regulated by DUX4. In contrast to the other muscular dystrophies, there are few distinctive findings on muscle biopsy, with histology frequently demonstrating mild findings of atrophied fibers along with hypertrophied fibers; they do not undergo necrosis and regeneration as do those in dystrophinopathies and sarcoglycanopathies.
A randomized clinical trial was performed to assess the effect of progressive resistance strength training (3 times a week for 52 weeks) with and without albuterol in 65 FSHD subjects. No muscle damage was observed as a result of the training. Whereas the isometric strength of the elbow flexors did not increase between the exercised and nonexercised group, the dynamic strength increased more in the exercised group. Lindeman and colleagues suggested that different responses were due to the specificity of the training effect on dynamic strength. These results reiterate the need to develop proper outcome measures that are responsive to a specific type of exercise regimen. Because the weight training performed by van der Kooi and colleagues used isokinetic exercise, it is not surprising that the training resulted in larger increases in isokinetic strength compared with isometric strength. Whereas the elbows responded to the exercise training, the ankle dorsiflexors showed no significant changes as a result of the weight training. The lack of response in the ankle dorsiflexors may be attributed to an ineffective training regimen. However, the investigators noted that the dorsiflexors may not have been able to move against gravity and therefore might have been too weak to respond to the training regimen. The amount of weight used for training the dorsiflexors may have been insufficient to cause a training effect. The conflicting responses observed by the various muscles examined by van der Kooi and colleagues demonstrate the difficulties researchers face in developing an exercise prescription for each of the NMDs. The training needs to be optimized according to the initial strength of the patient, type of exercise, frequency of exercise, intensity of exercise, and the desired change, which are likely to differ depending on the muscle group that is being trained, the strength of the muscle, and the desired outcome (whether it is a change in isometric strength, isokinetic strength, or fatigue). Olsen and colleagues reported that low-intensity aerobic cycling at a heart rate corresponding to a work intensity of 65% of V o 2max for 35 minutes, 5 times a week for 12 weeks significantly increased the maximal oxygen uptake and workload in 8 subjects with FSHD, with no signs of muscle damage. Perhaps the most important outcome is not strength or V o 2max , but whether the exercise changes function, improves quality of life, and alters future health outcomes.
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy (DM1 and DM2)
There are 2 subtypes of myotonic muscular dystrophy, DM1 and DM2 (dystrophia myotonica types 1 and 2). DM1 is caused by abnormal expansion of the CTG trinucleotide repeats in the Dystrophia Myotonica Protein Kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19q13.3, whereas DM2 is caused by an abnormal expansion of the CCTG repeats in the Zinc Finger protein 9 (ZNF9) gene on chromosome 3q21. The expansion of the gene is thought to trigger an RNA-mediated process that creates a toxic RNA that modulates other transcripts, including the chloride channel. As a result, DM1 and DM2 are multisystem disorders affecting skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, myocardium, brain, and ocular structures. This condition may manifest clinically with cataracts, cardiac conduction defects, endocrine abnormalities, swallowing dysfunction, and skeletal muscle weakness and myotonia. As opposed to the dystrophinopathies and sarcoglycanopathies, which are characterized as being necrotic muscle diseases with regeneration, myotonic muscular dystrophy necrosis is rare. In DM1 and DM2, atrophy leads to progressive reduction in muscle mass and weakness.
Moderate-resistance exercise and aerobic training have been shown to be safe in patients with myotonic muscular dystrophy, although the benefits of these exercise programs are mixed. Lindeman and colleagues found few significant effects of progressive resistance exercise in a group of clinically diagnosed ambulatory subjects with myotonic dystrophy. Aldehag and colleagues reported that progressive resistance exercise of the hand function 3 times per week for 12 weeks significantly increased motor function and self-rated occupational performance in 5 patients with DM1. Orngreen and colleagues reported that 12 weeks of moderate aerobic training increased V o 2max by 14% and workload by 11% in patients with DM1, without any muscle damage as observed by serum creatine kinase or muscle pathology. The DM1 subjects had a self-reported increase in strength, endurance, and walking.
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