Fig. 11.1
Palpation of the medial elbow during the physical exam. The UCL and flexor–pronator mass are palpated along their course to determine the site of pain. The subject is asked to apply pressure towards his face, activating the flexor mass. Tenderness or pain at the site suggests tendon or muscular pathology (Image courtesy of ONSF—ONS Foundation for Clinical Research and Education)
Tenderness posteromedially, over the olecranon and olecranon fossa, upon palpation with the elbow in full extension, is common in valgus extension overload (VEO). Posterior pain with forced gentle hyperextension suggests posterior impingement. Posteromedial elbow pain during a milking maneuver test, during which the patient’s forearm is flexed and supinated while the patient’s thumb is pulled downward towards the shoulder, may be suggestive of VEO or UCL insufficiency [38]. A valgus stress test should also be performed between 20° and 30° of flexion to assess the quality of the UCL. A moving valgus stress test should also be performed, by maintaining valgus stress while moving from 30° of flexion to full extension [38]. According to O’Driscoll et al. [42], the moving valgus stress test was highly sensitive (100 %, 17 of 17 patients) and specific (75 %, 3 of 4 patients) when compared to assessment of the UCL by either surgical exploration or arthroscopic valgus stress testing. We find this test to be particularly helpful [Fig. 11.2].

Fig. 11.2
Physical exam tests (a) The moving valgus stress test is performed to access the UCL. The supinated forearm starts with 30° of flexion, then fully extends while valgus stress is placed on the elbow. A positive finding results in pain during the arc of motion or reproducing symptoms on the medial elbow. (b) The hyperextension test is performed to access the stability of the capsule as well as posterior impingement. The supinated forearm starts with 0° of flexion, then fully extended until no further motion is available. This should include comparison to the contralateral side. Pain, end feel, firm or soft, are assessed and are suggestive of posterior impingement and VEO (Images courtesy of ONSF—ONS Foundation for Clinical Research and Education)
The ulnar nerv e should also be carefully assessed during physical exam. Palpation of the ulnar nerve should start at the medial epicondyle and travel distally into the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle [37]. Any neurologic symptoms in the two ulnar digits, as well as instability or subluxation of the ulnar nerve, or a Tinel sign should be identified [32].
Proper imaging should supplement the history and physical examination when diagnosing injuries to the elbow. Radiographs, including AP, lateral, and oblique views with the elbow in flexion can be used to identify osteophytes. Imaging of the contralateral arm is useful in skeletally immature athletes and may help to identify stress and avulsion fractures. Wilson et al. found that posterior osteophytes were easily found in a standard lateral radiograph in all their presurgical patients, but noted that identification of the problematic posteromedial osteophyte using radiographic imaging was difficult [43]. They found that with the elbow in 110° of flexion and the beam angled at 45° to the ulna, the symptomatic osteophyte was most easily seen [43]. Conway recommended an AP view with the elbow in full flexion with 40° of external rotation for complete visualization of the posteromedial olecranon and osteophytes [44] [Fig. 11.3]. CT scans and/or MRI can be utilized to identify stress fractures or avulsion fractures in the elbow [37, 45]. MRI remains the best option when evaluating soft tissue damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and articular cartilage [Figs. 11.4 and 11.5] [37, 38]. Intra-articular contrast medium improves the yield of detecting tears in the UCL, especially undersurface tears [45–47]. Ultrasonography and dynamic ultrasonography can be used to evaluate the UCL and can detect increased laxity with valgus instability [32, 48].

Fig. 11.3
Special radiographs to assess posterior impingement. (a) The Conway X-ray is performed to visualize the posteromedial olecranon and associated osteophytes. An AP X-ray is taken with the elbow in full flexion with 40° of external rotation. (b) The result of a Conway test demonstrating posteromedial osteophyte, not always visualized on straight axial radiograph (Image courtesy of John Conway, MD)

Fig. 11.4
T2 weighted Coronal MRI demonstrating acute avulsion of the distal UCL. This is a 19-year-old dominant arm of a college football wide receiver treated nonoperatively following the guidelines in Table 11.1. Player returned to full sports with no symptoms
Table 11.1
Rehabilitation protocol for medial elbow pain
Phase I | Acute Phase (week 1) |
Goals | • Improve motion |
• Diminish pain and inflammation | |
• Retard muscle atrophy | |
Exercises | • Stretching for wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints |
• Strengthening exercises: isometrics for wrist, elbow and shoulder musculature | |
• Pain and inflammation control: cryotherapy, HVGS, ultrasound, and whirlpool | |
Phase II | Subacute Phase (weeks 2–4) |
Goals | • Normalize motion |
• Improve muscular strength, power, and endurance | |
Exercises | Week 2 |
• Initiate isotonic strengthening for wrist and elbow muscles | |
• Initiate tubing exercises for shoulder | |
• Continue use of cryotherapy, HVGS, ultrasound, and whirlpool | |
Week 3 | |
• Initiate rhythmic stabilization drills for elbow and shoulder joints | |
• Progress isotonic strengthening for entire upper extremity | |
• Initiate isokinetic strengthening exercises for elbow flexion/extension | |
Week 4 | |
• Initiate Thrower’s Ten Program | |
• Emphasize eccentric biceps work, concentric triceps and wrist flexor work | |
• Program endurance training | |
• Initiate light plyometric drills | |
• Initiate swinging drills | |
Phase III | Advanced Phase (weeks 5–6) |
Goals | • Preparation of athlete for return to functional activities |
Exercises | Week 5–6 |
• Continue strengthening exercises, endurance drills, and flexibility exercises daily | |
• Thrower’s Ten Program (Advanced) | |
• Progress plyometric drills emphasize maintenance program based on pathology | |
• Progress swinging drills (i.e., hitting) | |
Phase IV | Return to Activity Phase (weeks 7–10) |
Goals | • Return to play, depends on condition and progress of injury and physician determination of safety |
Exercises | Week 7 |
• Initiate interval sports program once determined by physician (phase I) | |
Weeks 8–10 | |
• Continue strengthening program, Thrower’s Ten Program (Advanced) and flexibility program | |
• Progress functional drills (phase II) to unrestricted play |

Fig. 11.5
T2 weighted coronal MRI demonstrating insertional and intrasubstance partial tearing of the flexor mass in a collegiate pitcher. Player was able to return to pitching after nonoperative management
Nonoperative Treatment
Instability of the UCL represents a wide spectrum of injuries. The treatment of these injuries is guided by a complex interplay of the patient age, level of participation, concomitant injuries, degree of instability and dysfunction, patient and family expectations, and response to rest and therapeutic exercise.
Age is useful parameter to help guide treatment. Youth baseball players, 16 years old and younger, frequently present with overuse symptoms in the medial elbow. The overwhelming majority of youth injuries, especially those seen in younger side of this cohort, are treated with rest, player and family education, and rehabilitation concluding with a graduated return to sport. Stress fractures are seen in both youth and elite players. These can be uniformly treated with rest and nonoperative management. In contrast, rest and therapy may not be the ideal for the acute displaced sublime or medial epicondyle fracture [Fig. 11.6]. Open reduction and internal fixation of medial epicondyle fractures with displacement of 5–10 mm of the fragment has been suggested in the competitive youth athlete [49]. There is a lack of defined parameters for sublime tubercle fractures, but 2 mm displacement may be an indication for surgery. Prior to surgical intervention some youth athletes may be encouraged to change positions, away from pitching, or even consider switching sports if the youth athlete is not committed to the requisite rehabilitation and the desire for participation at the university level.

Fig. 11.6
CT scan image of the elbow demonstrating a nondisplaced sublime tubercle fracture in a high school pitcher. This was treated nonoperatively with full return to throwing
VEO is an important part of medial elbow instability. VEO is characterized by posteromedial elbow pain with osteophytes that form in the posteromedial joint as a result of ligament attenuation and abutment of the ulna against the olecranon fossa [Fig. 11.7]. It is sometimes useful to think of VEO as a prodromal syndrome to frank UCL insufficiency. Importantly, this prodrome may last for many years or may never manifest into overt UCL incompetence, even in the setting of a complete tear of the UCL. The pathological osteophytes may actually be protective against UCL incompetence. While seen in young athletes, VEO is seen more often in an older athlete. Acute pain and loss of extension may lead to alteration in throwing mechanics and a subsequent earlier release of the ball, perpetuating the stress seen on the elbow. Treatment for this entity involves cessation of throwing until the inflammatory phase is resolved, regaining pain-free pre-injury motion along with guided therapy followed by a gradual resumption of sports. As a rough guideline, the period of shutdown is doubled to estimate the ease back into sports. So if a player needs 2 weeks of shutdown to regain pain-free range motion, that player will need 4 additional weeks of a graduated throwing program. The MRI appearance of the ligament should not guide the treatment in the absence of clinically overt symptoms, especially in the older elite player who may recover and return to play with an overtly abnormal ligament. Judicious use of intra articular corticosteroid injection may also be helpful in the early phase of treatment of VEO .

Fig. 11.7
Image demonstrating posteromedial osteophyte formation on the olecranon tip. This osteophyte is formed when increased UCL laxity increases compressive forces. These osteophytes cause impingement of the olecranon fossa and may result in pain and discomfort during throwing. Identification of the tidemark between normal articular cartilage and the osteophyte is the hallmark of surgical resection, and overly aggressive resection may result in further instability of the UCL. The osteophyte may even be protective in the older asymptomatic throwing athlete (Image courtesy of Christian Caliboso)
Isolated partial and complete soft tissue tears of the UCL in the youth population should be considered for nonoperative management , particularly in the 11–15 year old age group. The diagnosis of a partial tear may be facilitated by MRI arthrogram; CT arthrogram is also an option. Once again, player age, chronicity and degrees of dysfunction help to guide treatment and period of shutdown, ranging from a few weeks to 3 months. The majority of acute tears are from the ulnar insertion of the UCL; recent biomechanical data suggests that tears just proximal to the sublime tubercle, as opposed to just distal, may be associated with greater degrees of instability [50]. Hassan et al. conducted a study where 13 specimens had their UCL detached at 50 % and then 100 % from the ulna in a proximal-to-distal fashion and 12 specimens followed the converse tear pattern, distal-to-proximal [50]. There was a significant change in contact area and movement of the center of pressure in partial proximal versus partial distal simulated rupture, suggesting that the proximal half of the distal UCL has a primary role in maintaining posteromedial stability of the elbow [50]. Earlier data had suggested that partial tears in elite athletes should be considered for early surgical reconstruction [51–53]. In contrast, Podesta et al. conducted a study involving 34 athletes with partial UCL tears, who failed at least 2 months of nonoperative treatment as well as an interval throwing program [54]. Each patient was injected with platelet-rich plasma and asked not to take any NSAIDs after the procedure [54]. After injection, each patient underwent a progressive course of physical therapy designed for eventual return to play [54]. The results of this study showed an 88 % return to play without complaints, with an average return to play at 12 weeks [54]. There is promise to this technique in soft tissue injuries. The rehabilitation program is not to be understated in this study.
While some may advocate for operative treatment of acute traumatic tears of the UCL, the extremes of age of the throwing athlete, the very young, ages 11–15, and the older elite athletes, ages 35–40, may undergo a trial of nonsurgical treatment. The patient may be placed in hinged elbow brace, locking out the terminal 30° of extension for 4–6 weeks, followed by a therapy and guided throwing program with a goal for return to sports at 3–4 months.
Acute traumatic avulsions in contact athletes such as football and lacrosse may also be braced with an extension block. Return to sport may be faster than the 3–4 month program for throwing. Return to contact sports is more guided by symptoms and function, with players returning to play in just a few weeks.
Specific Guidelines Have Been Developed for Supervised Physical Therapy and Gradual Return to Throwing [Tables 11.1 and 11.2]
Table 11.2
Modified rehabilitation protocol for acutely traumatic avulsion
Phase I | Immediate Motion Phase (weeks 0–2) |
Goals | • Increase ROM |
• Promote healing of UCL | |
• Retard muscle atrophy | |
• Decrease pain and inflammation | |
Exercises | ROM |
• Brace (optional) nonpainful ROM [20–90°] | |
• AAROM, PROM elbow and wrist (nonpainful range) | |
Exercises | |
• Isometrics—wrist and elbow musculature | |
• Shoulder strengthening (no external rotation strengthening) | |
Ice and compression | |
Phase II | Intermediate Phase (weeks 3–6) |
Goals | • Increase ROM |
• Improve strength/endurance | |
• Decrease pain and inflammation | |
• Promote stability | |
Exercises | ROM |
• Gradually increase motion 0–135° (increase 10° per week) | |
Exercises | |
• Initiate isotonic exercises: wrist curls, wrist extensions, pronation/supination, biceps/triceps dumbbells, external rotation, deltoid, supraspinatus, rhomboids, internal rotation (Thrower’s Ten Program) | |
Ice and compression | |
Phase III | Advanced Phase (weeks 6–12) |
Goals | • Increase strength, power, and endurance |
• Improve neuromuscular control | |
• Initiate high speed exercise drills | |
Exercises | Exercises |
• Initiate exercise tubing, shoulder program, biceps/triceps program, supination/pronation, wrist extension/flexion (Advanced Thrower’s Ten Program) | |
• Plyometrics | |
• Throwing drills | |
Phase IV | Return to Activity Phase (weeks 13–14) |
Goals | • Return to functional activity |
Exercises | Exercises |
• Initiate interval throwing, continue Advanced Thrower’s Ten Program, continue plyometrics |
Phase 1: Immediate Motion
This phase is to be completed after a period of rest, use of NSAIDS and ice. The goals of this phase are to minimize effects of immobilization, reestablish nonpainful ROM, decrease pain and inflammation, and retard muscle atrophy of the elbow [55]. It is important to manage pain and inflammation during this phase. Cryotherapy, laser, and high-voltage stimulation may be used in the acute response [55]. Following the acute response, moist heat, warm whirlpool, and ultrasound may be used to prepare the tissue for stretching [55]. Early ROM exercises are performed in all planes of elbow and wrist motions to minimize the formation of scar tissue and adhesions, while nourishing articular cartilage and assisting in the synthesis, alignment, and organization of collagen tissue [56–63]. Additionally, joint mobilizations may be performed to minimize joint contractures at this time [55]. If the patient is having difficulty reaching full ROM, low-load, long-duration stretching may be incorporated to produce a deformation of the collagen tissue, resulting in tissue elongation [64–67] [Fig. 11.8]. Slowing muscle atrophy plays an important role during this phase. It is important to perform subpainful and submaximal isometrics for the elbow flexor and extensor, as well as the wrist flexor, extensor, pronator, and supinator muscle groups [55].

Fig. 11.8
Low-load , long-duration stretch into elbow extension using light resistance is performed by having the shoulder internally rotated while the forearm is pronated to best isolate and maximize the stretch on the elbow joint. Patients having difficulty reaching full ROM use this progressive stretch into extension (Image courtesy of ONSF—ONS Foundation for Clinical Research and Education)
Phase 2: Intermediate
In order to proceed to phase 2, full throwing ROM, minimal pain and tenderness, and a good manual muscle test of the elbow flexor and extensor muscle groups must be achieved [55]. The goals of this phase are maintaining and enhancing elbow and upper extremity mobility, improving muscular strength and endurance, and reestablishing neuromuscular control of the elbow complex [55]. More aggressive mobilization techniques are applied to the joint as well as stretching exercises that focus on wrist, elbow, and shoulder flexibility [55]. Strengthening exercises during this phase include isotonic contractions, starting with concentric eventually reaching eccentric [55]. Exercises focus on elbow flexion and extension, wrist flexion and extension, and forearm pronation and supination [55]. If elbow pain is absent, the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic muscles may be placed on a progressive resistance program [55]. While working the shoulder, strengthening should focus on the external rotators and periscapular muscles [55]. The Thrower’s Ten Program [Table 11.3] may be utilized during this phase, which has shown to illicit activity of muscles most needed for dynamic stability of the elbow [68–70] [Fig. 11.9]. Neuromuscular control exercises are initiated to enhance the muscles’ ability to control the elbow joint during athletics, using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation with rhythmic stabilizations and manual resistance elbow/wrist flexion drills [55].
Table 11.3
Thrower’s Ten Program
Thrower’s Ten Program | |
1 | (A) Diagonal pattern D2 extension |
(B) Diagonal pattern D2 flexion | |
2 | (A) External rotation at 0° abduction |
(B) Internal rotation at 0° abduction | |
3 | Shoulder abduction to 90° |
4 | Scaption, external rotation |
5 | Sidelying external rotation |
6 | (A) Prone horizontal abduction (Neutral) |
(B) Prone horizontal abduction (Full ER, 100° ABD) | |
(C) Prone row | |
(D) Prone row into external rotation | |
7 | Press-ups |
8 | Push-ups |
9 | (A) Elbow flexion |
(B) Elbow extension | |
10 | (A) Wrist extension |
(B) Wrist flexion | |
(C) Wrist supination | |
(D) Wrist pronation |