Epidural steroid injection (ESI) has been used as a treatment for low back pain for over 50 years. In the last 10 to 15 years, there has been a significant increase in the use of ESIs for the treatment of low back pain and radicular pain without clear improvements in outcomes. Recent literature has focused on the use of ESIs as treatment for radicular pain associated with low back pain, with some studies showing benefit over control groups for limb symptoms. There is a lack of literature, however, to support the use of ESIs for the treatment of axial low back pain. The theoretical basis for their use, technical considerations, and the literature available for different approaches of access to the epidural space as pertaining to the treatment for low back pain without radiculopathy are reviewed.
The injection of glucocorticoid medication into the epidural space to treat low back pain has been around since the early 1950s. By the 1960s, initial reports in the United States described treatment for sciatica using the caudal and interlaminar (IL) approaches. In the middle 1970s, injections via the transforaminal (TF) approach alongside the nerve root were described in combination with fluoroscopic radiographic guidance.
The premise of injecting glucocorticoid and anesthetic medication into the epidural space is that it will decrease pain and inflammation at the site of injection. Axial low back pain has many possible sources, but one of the main suspected etiologies is the intervertebral disc. Pain from the disc has been attributed to disc disruption and inflammation. Annulus fibrosis derangement and nucleus pulposus herniation induce an inflammatory response in the dura, nerve roots, dorsal root ganglion, and the spinal cord, with notable elevation of phospholipase A2 activity. In extracts from human disc herniations, phospholipase A2 activity was found to be 20 to 10,000 times greater than any other human source. Specimens from human herniated discs have also demonstrated increased levels of matrix nitric oxide, metalloproteinase activity, prostaglandin E2, and interleukin-6. These and other immunohistochemical substances contribute to increased inflammation and pain transmission. The hypothesis is that the glucocorticoid medication interrupts the inflammatory cascade and inhibits neural transmission by nociceptive C fibers. The pathoanatomical basis of disc-mediated pain is more completely detailed in the anatomy article by Vora and colleagues elsewhere in this issue.
General indications
Epidural steroid injection (ESI) has been used to treat various spinal disorders. It is primarily and most effectively used to treat radicular symptoms. Currently, there is a paucity of evidence to support the use of ESIs for the treatment of axial low back pain associated with conditions such as postlaminectomy syndrome, degenerative disc disease, annular tears, lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), spondylosis, and spondylolisthesis. The aim of this article is review some of the available literature on the use of ESIs for axial low back pain. The use of ESIs for radicular pain will be reviewed in detail in the upcoming Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America State of the Art Review on Radiculopathy.
Although there is a theoretical basis for lumbar epidural injections for the treatment of low back pain, their value remains controversial. The last decade has been characterized by a more detailed look at the efficacy of epidural steroids, with a large number of systematic reviews, but relatively few randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Adding to the controversy is the dramatic increase in lumbosacral injections documented in the Medicare population from 1994 to 2001. Additionally, less than half of the epidural injections in this database study were performed for sciatica or radiculopathy, where the greatest evidence of benefit is available. Approximating the total cost of an ESI performed in an ambulatory surgery center with fluoroscopy in 2008 at $2850 plus $275 for supplies, it is obvious why the rise in injection rates has been implicated as a main cause for rise in health care expenditures for low back pain.
Complications of ESIs
The general risks of lumbar spine interventions are discussed in an article by Dr Hartog elsewhere in this issue. Risks specific to lumbar ESIs can be catastrophic, but infrequent. Transient complications encountered with lumbar ESIs can be caused by adverse effects of glucocorticoids, including but not limited to insomnia, impaired glucose control, facial flushing, and hypertension. Procedural complications include vasovagal reactions, nausea, and increased back or leg pain. Published case reports of more serious complications include infection, hematoma, intravascular injection of medication resulting in spinal cord injury, direct nerve trauma, subdural injection, air embolism, disc entry, urinary retention, and hypersensitivity reactions. In 2008, a review of lumbar IL and TF ESI concluded that most if not all complications could be avoided by sterile precautions, careful technique, and a thorough understanding of the anatomy and fluoroscopic contrast patterns.
Knowledge of epidural anatomy and its translation to fluoroscopic anatomy is key to preventing complications and is fully described in the article on anatomy by Vora and colleagues elsewhere in this issue. The epidural space contains the spinal nerve roots and their dural sleeves, the internal vertebral venous plexus, loose areolar tissue, segmental blood supply, adipose tissue, and lymphatics. The location of the dura is an obvious consideration, and the vascular structures are equally if not more important. The epidural veins form an arcuate pattern, positioned laterally at the level of each vertebral body. This is an important consideration for ESIs, as venous puncture is more likely to occur laterally than with midline approaches. Intra-arterial injection has been implicated in paraplegia following lumbosacral TF injection of particulate steroid. The artery of Adamkewicz is the largest radiculomedullary artery and major supplier of the anterior spinal artery in the lumbar region. The artery enters the spinal canal through a single intervertebral foramen between T9 and L2 in 85% of individuals and is located on the left side 63% of the time. However, radiculomedullary arteries can enter the spinal canal at any lumbosacral level, and paraplegia after TF injection has been reported as caudally as the S1 level. The specifics of anatomic considerations are discussed further in the section on procedural techniques.
Complications of ESIs
The general risks of lumbar spine interventions are discussed in an article by Dr Hartog elsewhere in this issue. Risks specific to lumbar ESIs can be catastrophic, but infrequent. Transient complications encountered with lumbar ESIs can be caused by adverse effects of glucocorticoids, including but not limited to insomnia, impaired glucose control, facial flushing, and hypertension. Procedural complications include vasovagal reactions, nausea, and increased back or leg pain. Published case reports of more serious complications include infection, hematoma, intravascular injection of medication resulting in spinal cord injury, direct nerve trauma, subdural injection, air embolism, disc entry, urinary retention, and hypersensitivity reactions. In 2008, a review of lumbar IL and TF ESI concluded that most if not all complications could be avoided by sterile precautions, careful technique, and a thorough understanding of the anatomy and fluoroscopic contrast patterns.
Knowledge of epidural anatomy and its translation to fluoroscopic anatomy is key to preventing complications and is fully described in the article on anatomy by Vora and colleagues elsewhere in this issue. The epidural space contains the spinal nerve roots and their dural sleeves, the internal vertebral venous plexus, loose areolar tissue, segmental blood supply, adipose tissue, and lymphatics. The location of the dura is an obvious consideration, and the vascular structures are equally if not more important. The epidural veins form an arcuate pattern, positioned laterally at the level of each vertebral body. This is an important consideration for ESIs, as venous puncture is more likely to occur laterally than with midline approaches. Intra-arterial injection has been implicated in paraplegia following lumbosacral TF injection of particulate steroid. The artery of Adamkewicz is the largest radiculomedullary artery and major supplier of the anterior spinal artery in the lumbar region. The artery enters the spinal canal through a single intervertebral foramen between T9 and L2 in 85% of individuals and is located on the left side 63% of the time. However, radiculomedullary arteries can enter the spinal canal at any lumbosacral level, and paraplegia after TF injection has been reported as caudally as the S1 level. The specifics of anatomic considerations are discussed further in the section on procedural techniques.
ESI approaches, evidence, and efficacy
Techniques available to access the lumbosacral epidural space include the caudal, IL, and TF approach. In the lumbosacral spine, the TF route has become more common as epidural corticosteroids administered by other, and often nonimage-guided, routes have been reported as not as effective as claimed in uncontrolled studies. Prospective studies by Derby and colleagues in the 1990s described improved outcomes using the TF route for radicular pain. Despite the body of evidence that supports the use of fluoroscopy and the possible advantage of the TF approach, there is significant variation in the method for ESI. This makes the study of the overall effectiveness of ESIs difficult, as techniques are not equivalent. The following is an overview of the literature and is not intended to serve as a reference for conducting the procedures.
The use of fluoroscopic guidance for TF epidural needle placement is considered standard of care. Fluoroscopy is used in conjunction with radiopaque contrast to establish correct placement without intravascular injection. With IL and caudal approaches, needle placement sometimes is made without fluoroscopic guidance. It should be noted, however, that inaccurate needle placement occurs in 35% to 53% of caudal and 17% to 30% of IL injections performed without fluoroscopic guidance.
There are no standardized practices for the type and volume of medication administered via an epidural injection, and there is significant variation across disciplines and institutions. A steroid/local anesthetic mixture is the most commonly used for ESI in both academic institutions and private practices. A few practices add other medications such as opioids or clonidine, and sometimes anesthetic alone is injected. The volume of the injectate varies based on the approach used. Generally, volumes do not exceed 2 to 3 mL for TF and 3 to 4 mL for IL ESIs, although up to 6 to 10 mL for IL ESIs, and 20 mL for a caudal approach have been reported. Some argue that larger volumes may dilute the injectate and lessen effects at a specific target.
Caudal ESIs were popularly used especially before the routine use of fluoroscopy because of the ease of access via palpable anatomic landmarks and a lower risk of dural puncture. Because the access point for this procedure is more distal to the presumed pathology in most cases, slightly larger volumes of injectate often are instilled. The typical target is pathology at the L5-S1 level, as medication rarely disperses cranial to this level. Some physicians, however, have developed techniques using an epidural catheter to reach more cranially via a caudal entry point.
Patients are placed in the prone position, and the caudal space is identified using palpation of the sacral hiatus and fluoroscopy. The spinal needle is introduced through the sacral hiatus, and accurate needle placement is ensured using radiopaque contrast and fluoroscopy. To lessen the chance of dural puncture, the needle should not be advanced more cranial than S3 given that the dural sac typically ends at the S2 level. Real-time or “live” fluoroscopy is used to rule out placement in an epidural vein, although some techniques also use a test dose of lidocaine with epinephrine. Once placement is verified, the medication is slowly injected. Post-injection wash-out views on fluoroscopy are used to confirm spread of the injectate to the target level.
There have been six RCTs on caudal ESIs for the treatment of sciatica, three of which have included a diagnosis of low back pain. Unfortunately, none of these studies were performed with fluoroscopy. One study showed significantly decreased pain after three ESIs, although results were confounded by treatments outside the study protocol.
For the diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), which often includes symptoms of neurogenic claudication or radicular pain with or without low back pain, caudal injections were recently studied. In 2008, 40 patients were randomized to fluoroscopically guided caudal injection with either 9 mL lidocaine and 2 mL normal saline, or 9 mL lidocaine, 6 mg betamethasone, and 2 mL normal saline. Multiple injections were allowed throughout the 12-month follow-up period. Success was defined as at least a 50% decrease in numeric pain rating scale and a 40% decrease in the Oswestry Disability Index. There were equivalent results, with approximately 60% success in both the anesthetic alone and the anesthetic plus betamethasone groups at 12 months. A significant weakness of this study includes unlimited injections throughout the follow-up period, with an unknown amount of time between last injection and follow-up points and a nonstandard intention-to-treat analysis. Additionally, the level of stenosis being targeted was not reported.
There is not sufficient evidence for the use of caudal ESIs in the treatment of axial low back pain with our without radicular pain. There is also insufficient evidence to support the use of caudal ESIs for the treatment of LSS.
The IL technique achieves access to the epidural space preferably one spinal segment below the suspected pathology using a paramedian or midline approach. The route of the needle from superficial to deep includes the skin, subcutaneous tissue, paraspinal muscles (paramedian approach) or interspinous ligament (midline approach), ligamentum flavum, then entry into the epidural space. Some practitioners avoid the IL approach if there has been surgery at the site of intended injection, especially laminectomy, given derangement of the anatomy and a higher risk of dural puncture. The most common means to identify entry into the epidural space is the loss of resistance technique, which can be lost with epidural scarring. Fluoroscopy with radiopaque contrast is used to confirm epidural placement and exclude vascular flow.
There are two controlled studies and one observational study for the treatment with IL ESI for axial low back pain. Serrao and colleagues compared ESI with intrathecal midazolam and found no significant difference at 2-month follow-up. An earlier RCT included 39 patients with axial low back pain and radicular symptoms treated with ESI or interspinous saline. There was significant improvement in the steroid group at 1- and 3-month follow-up; however, specific results for low back pain are not known, and fluoroscopy was not used. There is also an observational study that reported pain improvement of 25% to 35% of subjects for greater than 1 year after either one TF or IL ESI. Without a control group, however, and a large drop out rate, these results are difficult to interpret. There is insufficient evidence for the use of nonfluoroscopically guided IL ESIs for the treatment of axial low back pain.
For the treatment of LSS, there is a single, small, randomized controlled study on a single fluoroscopically guided IL ESI. In 2009, Koc and colleagues compared IL ESI with a physical therapy control for the treatment of LSS. Patients had both lower extremity and axial low back pain. The ESI was targeted to the most stenotic level via epidural catheter. The therapy group had 2 weeks of inpatient physical therapy, and all groups (including a third control arm) received diclofenac and a home exercise program. All groups had significant improvements in visual analog scale and Roland Morris Disability Inquiry at up to 6-month follow-up. The ESI group was superior only at 2 weeks. There are some who argue that a single epidural injection may not be sufficient, and that better outcomes may be possible with including up to three injections if pain returns. Currently, however, there is inconclusive evidence for IL ESIs for the treatment of LSS.
There are several studies on IL ESIs for the treatment of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), also known as postlaminectomy syndrome. These patients usually are symptomatic of axial low back pain and radicular symptoms, and treatment effect is not specified for one or the other in most of the literature. In 1989, Rocco and colleagues studied 22 patients still symptomatic after laminectomy and randomized them to receive epidural lidocaine with triamcinolone or morphine, or both. After three IL injections at the location of the patients’ pain, there was no difference between groups, suggesting no benefit of epidural steroid. Nonetheless, it is unknown if fluoroscopic guidance was used, and there was no clear control group. Another study on recurrent low back pain after laminectomy randomized 206 patients to nonfluoroscopically guided IL injection with anesthetic plus methylprednisolone or indomethicin, or both. All groups had decreased average pain at 2 weeks, and there was no further follow-up. The short-term follow-up is a major limitation of this study and precludes any interpretation of results. Additionally, the injection was done above the level of operation and presumed source of pain. Many would argue that medication flow in the epidural space is predominately cranial, and epidural injection should always be from below the target level to maximize medication delivery to the presumed source of pain. There is no evidence for the use of nonfluoroscopically guided IL ESI for the treatment of low back pain in FBSS. There are no available studies for the treatment of FBSS with fluoroscopically guided IL ESI.
Overall, there are many studies on the use of IL ESIs performed without fluoroscopic guidance that do not show any conclusive benefit for the treatment of axial low back pain in general, or in the setting of LSS or FBSS. One small study suggests that a single, large-volume, fluoroscopically guided IL ESI is not superior to physical therapy in the treatment of LSS.
The TF approach is considered to be more specific, delivering the injectate directly to the site of pathology at the ventral epidural space next to the disc, the dorsal root ganglion, and the nerve root. The technique involves using fluoroscopy to identify a subpedicular target within the intervertebral foramen. The needle is advanced to achieve a perineural location in the so-called “safe triangle” that lies just below the pedicle and above the dural sleeve of the target nerve root. Precautions are taken to avoid advancing the needle tip medial to the six o’clock position of the pedicle in the AP (anteroposterior) view to avoid dural puncture.
Technique to target the S1 nerve root in its foramen is somewhat analogous to the subpedicular approach at lumbar levels. The target point for an S1 TF ESI is on the caudal border of the S1 pedicle, just dorsal to the internal opening of the S1 anterior sacral foramen. The needle is inserted into the posterior sacral foramen just short of the floor of the sacral canal and lateral to the six o’clock position of the pedicle.
Real-time or (“live”) fluoroscopy or digital subtraction angiography is used to rule out vascular flow. The anesthetic is injected first, and a pause of 60 to 90 seconds is conducted to monitor for central nervous system adverse effects, which are generally thought of as reversible (seizures, transient paresis, and respiratory depression), and an additional indicator of intravascular injection. The corticosteroid or other medication is then injected and post-injection “wash-out” images are taken to confirm flow of the medication to the target.
Selective nerve root block
In practice and in the literature, the terms selective nerve root block (SNRB) and TF ESI are often used interchangeably. The term SNRB describes a highly selective TF injection in which the interventionalist anesthetizes a single specific nerve root/dorsal root ganglion to confirm or refute it as the source of pain. The selective nature of the nerve root block applies if the injectate/anesthetic travels only to the target nerve root and not medially into the epidural space. It has recently been demonstrated, however, that with as little as 0.5 cc of contrast directed via SNRB at L4 and L5, epidural flow to an adjacent level can be seen. With standard doses of 1 to 2 mL of anesthetic used, these injections are likely often nonselective or at least only partially selective.
For radicular pain, there are two recent RCTs supporting the efficacy of TF ESI. Decreased surgical rates and decreased pain scores at 12-month follow-up have been noted. There are no RCTs on the use of TF ESIs for the management of axial low back pain in isolation. There are no studies on TF ESI for the treatment of primarily axial low back pain in FBSS.
There have been several studies on the treatment of LSS with TF ESI. They show favorable response, but include patients with axial low back pain and significant radicular pain, making interpretation specifically for the treatment of low back pain difficult. For axial low back pain in isolation, Lee and colleagues compared treatment with TF versus IL ESIs in 102 subjects with LSS and 103 with herniated nucleus pulposus. Success was defined as a decrease in the numeric pain rating scale of at least 2 points and patient satisfaction. All groups showed significant improvement. The LSS patients treated with TF ESI showed statistically significant greater success than those treated with IL ESI. There was not a significant difference in the rate of success between the TF and IL routes in those with herniated nucleus pulposus. The fact that all groups significantly improved suggests that ESIs may be effective for the treatment of axial low back pain caused by herniated disc or LSS. The lack of a control group, however, significantly limits this conclusion. What can be concluded is that TF ESI is likely superior to IL ESI in the treatment of axial low back pain caused by LSS.
IL Versus TF
Injectate flow
The primary contention for using the TF approach in preference to the IL approach is that it delivers the medication directly to the ventral epidural space, in closer proximity to the presumed target of the disc or dorsal root ganglion. Studies evaluating contrast patterns generally support this concept in the lumbar spine.
Botwin and colleagues evaluated the contrast patterns in lumbar IL injections in 2004 and found that approximately one-third revealed ventral contrast flow, and 16% were bilateral. In contrast, Manchikanti and colleagues evaluated lumbar TF ESI flow patterns and demonstrated ventral epidural filling in 88% of the procedures and nerve root sleeve filling in 97% of procedures. These two studies suggest better epidural flow to the anterior structures with TF approach. Conversely, a prospective evaluation of contrast flow patterns with fluoroscopically guided lumbar ESI compared the lateral parasagittal IL (PIL) approach with the TF approach. The PIL approach was superior to the TF approach for placing contrast into the ventral epidural space, with reduction in fluoroscopy times and improved spread. In general, a more lateral approach, TF or PIL, will be more likely to produce ventral flow than a midline or paramedian IL injection. This may differ from the cervical spine, as a recent analysis of contrast patterns for cervical IL epidural injections using the midline approach found rate of ventral epidural spread from this posterior approach was 56.7% with 1 cc and 90% with 2 cc of injectate.
The effectiveness of TF versus IL ESIs has been compared, and the results are mixed. Schaufele evaluated the effectiveness of TF versus IL ESI for the treatment of symptomatic lumbar disc herniations and found TF injections resulted in better short-term pain improvement and fewer long-term surgical interventions than the IL ESI. Ackerman and Ahmad compared TF, IL, and caudal approaches for treating lumbar disc herniations and found that pain relief was significantly more effective with TF injections. As noted in the discussion of TF ESI evidence, treatment with TF versus IL ESIs was compared in patients with axial low back pain, 102 with LSS, and 103 with herniated nucleus pulposus. All groups showed significant improvement, but the LSS patients treated with TF ESI showed statistically significant greater improvement than those treated with IL ESI. There was not, however, a significant difference in success between techniques in those with herniated nucleus pulposus. The evidence suggests that TF ESI may be more effective than IL ESI for treating axial low back pain, especially in LSS. It should be noted, however, that neither the TF nor the IL technique has been shown to have clear benefit over control for the treatment of axial LBP.

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