Tendinopathy often leads to structural and functional dysfunction of the tendon, reflecting into pain over the tendon and subsequent altered biomechanics [29]. These movement dysfunctions, if not properly corrected, can further lead to the chronicity of the symptomatology [23]. Moreover, each individual athlete may display a unique cluster of risk factors, depending on the site and nature of the injury process [23, 29]. Nevertheless, it may also occur without any presence of overuse symptomatology whatsoever [30]. Thus, recognising and understanding the pathomechanics and clinical implications of these risk factors may further assist the clinicians in planning and implementing risk factor modifying prevention and treatment strategies.
38.3.1 Intrinsic Factors
The intrinsic risk factors are directly related to the individual characteristics; thus, its modifiability is often not possible. Nevertheless, knowledge regarding both modifiable and non-modifiable intrinsic risk factors may be used to target intervention measures in those at risk of sustaining a tendon injury. In this sense, several modifiable and non-modifiable intrinsic risk factors can be associated with the tendon injury. Modifiable Intrinsic Risk Factors
The modifiable intrinsic risk factors are often related with biomechanical and structural deficits, which can be addressed in order to reduce the predisposition to the specific injury. Thus, many modifiable intrinsic risk factors can be taken into account: muscle imbalances or insufficiency [21, 23, 31–34], poor muscle flexibility [23, 34, 35], anatomical malalignments [21, 23], abnormal kinematics [22, 23, 32, 36–41], medication intake [42] and adiposity/elevated body mass index [23, 34, 43–45]. Non-modifiable Intrinsic Risk Factors
The most important non-modifiable intrinsic risk factor is the occurrence of previous tendon injury at the specific tendon. In addition, other non-modifiable intrinsic risk factors can be pointed out: gender [42, 44, 46–49], increasing age [23, 50–52], blood type O [53, 54], individual genetic predisposition [55–58], anthropometrical variations [31, 34, 44] and hypertension [42].
38.3.2 Extrinsic Risk Factors
Although some extrinsic risk factors can be modifiable, these depend upon external factors, which some of them can be due to random occasions (per example, environmental conditions of the training or match). Hence, the extrinsic risk factors related to tendon injury include training and match surfaces (turf or artificial turf) [21, 23, 59, 60], player position, high total exposure hours [31, 43, 61, 62], inappropriate training (volume, magnitude, speed of loading, frequency, inclination, fatigue, wrong sportive gesture, abrupt or acute modifications in amount or type of load) [21, 59], environmental conditions (in colder temperatures, the tendons become stiffer and with decreased blood supply) [21, 23, 63, 64] and wrong footwear and poor equipment available [21, 23]. In addition, excessive dietary intake of cholesterol has been pointed out as an extrinsic risk factor once it will result in accumulation of oxidised low density lipoprotein within the load-bearing areas of tendon, impairing the production of type I collagen and thus reducing the tendon energy storage capacity and strength [23].
38.3.3 Specific Risk Factors Adductor Tendinopathy
During maximal effort football kick, the adductor longus seems to be at greater risk of injury in the swing phase, where eccentric active forces and stretching forces occur simultaneously [65–67]. Hence, by decreasing the demand on the adductor longus, it can reduce the risk of injury during cutting or other lateral change-of-direction manoeuvers [68]. Other factors seem to put the adductor tendon at risk of injury:
Muscle imbalances at the symphysis pubis and surrounding pubic bone (specially between the adductors and rectus femoris) [69, 70]
Reduced flexibility of the posterior chain muscles and/or iliopsoas muscle [71]
Previous rectus abdominis tendinopathy [72]
Lumbar hyperlordosis [71]
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and malocclusion [71]
Altered lower limb kinematics (defects of plantar support) and sports particularities (sudden changes of direction, continuous acceleration and deceleration, sliding tackles and kicking) [71]
Anthropometrical variations (marked asymmetry of lower limbs) [71] or female lower limb morphology and morphometric, such as the pelvis geometry and the knee valgus
Incorrect training and equipment (unsuitable footwear, environmental weather, training and match surfaces and inappropriate training volume/loading) [71] Proximal Hamstrings Tendinopathy
The scientific literature has few reports regarding the proximal hamstrings tendon pathology, also known as “high hamstring tendinopathy”, “hamstring syndrome”, “ischiatic intersection syndrome”, “hamstring enthesopathy” and “hamstring origin tendinopathy” [73–76]. It is often overlooked as a cause of chronic gluteal pain and includes tendon degeneration, partial tearing and peritendinous inflammatory reaction [15, 76]. Usually, these conditions present subacute onset of deep buttock and/or thigh pain, particularly at the ischial tuberosity, which can be exacerbated by repetitive activity and often is aggravated by sitting [10–13]. Little information is available about the risk factors for hamstrings proximal tendinopathy. In this sense, different possible risk factors can be pointed out: Patellar Tendinopathy
Patellar tendinopathy seems to be consequent of a combination of different risk factors [22, 43]. Furthermore, it has been suggested that unilateral and bilateral patellar tendinopathies have a unique aetiology [31]. In this sense, the scientific literature has been suggesting different risk factors that may predispose the development of patellar tendinopathy:
Male gender [44]
Altered lower limb kinematics (such as, high ankle inversion-eversion moments, high external tibial rotation and plantar flexion moments, large vertical ground reaction forces, deeper knee flexion angle and high rate of knee extensor moment development) and reduced muscle activity [37–39]
Anthropometrical variations (tibia length to stature ratio, waist to hip ratio, trunk lean to total lean) [31, 34]
Elevated body mass index [77] Achilles Tendinopathy
Achilles tendinopathy often occurs in athletes who systematically perform running and jumping as sportive actions, including the football [78]. Nevertheless, it specific cause still remains unclear [79]. Some authors have suggested a failed healing response as a major cause for the aetiology of Achilles tendinopathy [80, 81]. In this sense, many risk factors have been suggested to predispose to Achilles tendinopathy:
Medication intake (local or systemic steroid exposure or oestrogen supplementation) [42]
Hypertension [42]
Foot posture (pes cavus valgus or pes planus varum) [82]
Altered ankle kinematics (increase in eversion displacement of the subtalar joint) [40]
Decreased environmental temperature may increase the viscosity of the lubricant, increasing the friction and risk of Achilles paratendinitis [63, 64]
38.4 Prevention
The cornerstone of every prevention program is to accurately identify the predisposing risk factors and modify them and, also prepare the players for the physical demands of their athletic competition. Hence, the sports medicine professionals should first establish the extent of the injury/deficit (incidence, severity, predisposing risk factors) and determine the cause and mechanism of the injury and then implement the preventive strategy and assess its effectiveness in a systematic fashion [26].
38.4.1 Modification of Risk Factors
It has been shown that athletes with tendinopathies related to an overused repetitive sportive gesture, such as jumping in the case of patellar tendinopathy, have also higher performance levels in this specific tasks (e.g. athletes with patellar tendinopathy often show better jumping performance than athletes without patellar tendinopathy) [45, 87]. Nevertheless, these motor control deficits should be properly approached because athletes with tendinopathy at a specific site have potentially increased risk of developing tendinopathy at other locations [88]. Furthermore, it has been shown that tendinopathy-associated motor and sensory (greater cortical inhibition [89]) impairments are often present bilaterally, even when the tendinopathy is presented unilaterally [90]. In addition, once most of lower limb activities are performed bilaterally and symmetrically, the uninjured side may be striving in order to protect the potential vulnerable tendon and stand the loads imposed by the athlete in demand for optional performance [88]. In this sense, the importance of the core and trunk muscles should not be overlooked, since these muscle play an important role in achieving the proper biomechanics and motor control and, therefore, should be included in the prevention program [91]. All these above-mentioned considerations highlight the multifactorial nature of tendinopathy and stress the importance of correctly addressing and controlling the predisposing risk factors.
To design a particular prevention protocol, the clinician should take into account the location of the injured tendon as also the associated deficits. In this sense, addressing the associated strength kinematic abnormalities may play a crucial role in increasing the movement variability, reduce the risk of overuse tendon injury and, in addition, even improve the sports-specific gesture. Along this line, athletes with patellar tendinopathy often show altered landing patterns [92] as consequence of the protective strategies employed to avoid pain [88]. By increasing the movement variability in these athletes will fine-tune the load patterns and decrease the imposed load accumulation in the specific region of the tendon and consequently prevent the potential development of an overuse injury [92–94].
Another essential concept that needs to be properly understood and incorporated into the prevention planning rationale is the tendon biology. It is known that after maturation, tendons undergo biochemical, cellular, mechanical and pathological changes, leading to structural and functional deficits, diminished capacity to readapt to the environmental stress and loss of tissue homeostasis [52]. Moreover, the different tendons have also dissimilar biological characteristics, reflecting into different histopathological, pathomechanical and pathophysiological responses [23, 81, 95, 96]. In addition, within the tendinopathy umbrella, several terminologies can be used (tendinosis, tenosynovitis, paratenonitis), and, therefore, knowledge of these different terminologies is important to better address the preventive programs [23]. Along these lines, neuroplastic training has been proposed as a potential approach for the optimisation of the motor control and sensory neuroplasticity in athletes with tendinopathy [88].
Taking into account all the considerations exposed above, the clinician should be capable to plan a prevention program which includes all these features. Addressing predominantly the motor control and strength deficits, as well as several external factors (in particular, footwear and dietary modification), may determine the success of the preventive program. In this sense, these preventive features should be adapted and directed to the specific tendinopathy to further enhance its effectiveness. A suggested approach to the modifiable risk factors of the different lower limb tendinopathies (adductor, hamstrings, patellar or Achilles) is presented in Table 38.1.
Table 38.1
Potential control or interventional approaches for modifiable risk factors
Specific tendinopathy | Modifiable risk factor | Potential control or interventional approaches |
Adductor tendinopathy | Altered lower limb kinematics [71] | N-M exercises targeted to correct kinematic deficits, particularly the plantar support and knee adduction/abduction moments |
Muscular strengthening exercises targeting to correct muscle imbalances | ||
Stretching exercises of the hip targeting the increase of range of movement | ||
Previous rectus abdominalis tendinopathy [72] | Rectus abdominalis strengthening exercises | |
Proximal hamstrings tendinopathy | Muscle imbalances | Muscular strengthening exercises targeting to correct muscle imbalances |
Eccentric hamstrings overload [15] | N-M exercises targeting the improvement of motor control and hamstrings correct contraction awareness | |
Poor muscle flexibility | Stretching exercises of hamstrings targeting the increase muscle elasticity | |
Core static and functional exercises | ||
Previous hamstrings injury | Secondary prevention of hamstrings muscles through eccentric exercises and stretching of the thigh muscles | |
Patellar tendinopathy | N-M exercises targeted to correct lower limb kinematic deficits and footwear modification | |
Muscular isotonic strengthening exercises targeting the hamstrings/quadriceps unilateral ratio normalisation and bilateral asymmetry (supervised by isokinetic evaluations) | ||
Stretching exercises of quadriceps targeting the increase muscle elasticity | ||
Elevated body mass index [77] | Motorised physical exercise targeting weight loss and dietary counselling | |
Achilles tendinopathy | Altered ankle kinematics [40] | N-M exercises targeting ankle and foot posture correction, footwear modification and, eventually, sports taping limiting eversion of the foot |
Muscular eccentric strengthening exercises targeting the plantar flexor muscles | ||
Motorised physical exercise targeting weight loss and dietary counselling (lipid profile) |
38.4.2 Training System Particularities
Tendinopathy is caused by multiple factors and therefore should be address by a multidisciplinary team. In this sense, the medical team should work together to prevent and/or modify the different potential predisposing risk factors. Thus, the medical team should include all the sports medicine professionals that may play a role in the different aspects within the sports injury scope: sports medicine physician, physiotherapist, strength and conditioning trainer, radiologist, psychologist and nutritionist, among others.
In addition to the multidisciplinary approach, the prevention program should be customised to the specific tendinopathy and to the football player himself in order to address the different particularities inherent to each individual. Along this line, it is of upmost importance to adapt the prevention program in accordance to the player’s current fitness status, level of competition and positional role in order to enhance the adherence and effectiveness of the program. Moreover, since female football has been fast growing worldwide (nearly 10% of total number of footballers), it is crucial to also know the specificities of the female player, such as hormonal particularities, sexual maturation and anthropometry [97]. In addition, it has been shown that female footballers have different football-specific biomechanical and skills performance [98–102], highlighting the need to adapt the training loads and intensities to their physical demands and capacities [97].
A progression-based prevention program can help the players, once they start with easier exercises and progress to more complex ones as they improve the physical capabilities and skills. Training tips and pearls are described in Table 38.2.
Table 38.2
Training tips and pearls
Tips and pearls |
Avoid sudden changes in the training (intensity, frequency and type) |
Caution upon in the choice/change of football boots (if needed ask for help) |
Keep a healthy diet and control your body composition |
Make sure there is no biomechanical and strength deficits |
Remember that motor control deficits may persist after injury recovery |
Adequate the training loads |
Keep in mind that well-developed physical qualities may be part of the best prevention strategies |
Identify the origin of the problem and try to fix it |
Implement individualised and progression-based preventive programs |
Another important training particularities are the method of strengthening and the loads applied. In this sense, performing muscular assessment allows to tailor the prevention program to fit the needs of each individual athlete. At earlier stages more isometric exercises should be performed in order to initiate the muscle-tendon unit loading, and, as the program progresses, more isotonic exercises can be performed in order to increase the tolerance to higher loads, especially during eccentric exercises. Attention should be paid to excessive loads once these often lead to maladaptations within the tendon structure causing pain [103]. As the strength performance is balanced, high velocity exercises (such as jumping and landing, acceleration, deceleration and cutting/change-of-direction activities) may be incorporated to program aiming to replicate the high demands of football. In addition, exercises targeting motor control and football-specific skills should be implemented into the prevention program.
38.4.3 Clinical Follow-Up
The tendinopathy in the athlete is usually characterised by pain and impaired performance [104]. Nevertheless, when the symptomatology appears, the inflammation already may be present for a long time, as result of the repetitive loading placed in the tendon [105]. In addition, these injuries often result in prolonged periods of rehabilitation, leading to a delayed return to play [106]. Moreover, biomechanical and strength deficits may persist even after the player return to the competition [88]. Thus, continuous assessment follow-up plays a crucial role in keeping the player healthy and injury-free, ensuring his safe and best performance.

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