Electrodiagnostic Testing for Nerve Injuries and Repairs

Neurapraxia (segmental demyelination)

Caused by a mild stretch or compression injury that disrupts the myelin sheath at the injury site, resulting in focal demyelination and leaving the axons intact. This causes a transient state of disrupted conduction along the injured segment

The axons remain intact, function can be restored by focal remyelination, usually within a matter of days to weeks


A more severe injury that disrupts axons but spares the supporting perineural connective tissue sheaths

The axonal segment distal to the injury degenerates in a centrifugal pattern (Wallerian degeneration)

The axon may recover by axonal regeneration through the intact perineural sheath from the intact cell body, which is a slow process occurring at a rate of about 1 mm/day


The most severe injuries which disrupt the whole nerve, affecting both the axon and supporting connective tissue

These injuries are less likely to recover by axonal regeneration and more often require surgical repair


Most nerve injuries will actually include a mixed pattern of both segmental demyelination and axonal loss. The prognosis is determined by which process predominates

Recovery from mixed lesions is usually biphasic. The neurapraxic component of the injury recovers quickly by remyelination and the axonal component of the injury recovers slowly by axonal regeneration

Electrodiagnostic medicine physicians may be called upon to assist in any one of three distinct roles. First, electrodiagnostic evaluations are needed to localize injuries, determine if they are complete or incomplete, and characterize the pathophysiology. Second, preoperative evaluation for planning tendon transfer repair may also necessitate multichannel electromyography during complex volitional activities as discussed in this book in Chap. 7 [1]. Finally, electromyographers may be asked to come to the operating room to provide additional information during the actual surgical exploration and repair.

Part I: Preoperative Electrodiagnostic Testing

A carefully planned electrodiagnostic study is critical for determining the localization, completeness, and pathophysiology of nerve injuries. Both nerve conduction studies and the needle electromyography (EMG) portion of the test contribute. However, the utility of nerve conduction studies to assess nerve injuries can be limited by the availability of conventional studies and stimulation sites. In general, sensory conduction studies are affected earlier and more severely than motor studies in nerve injuries, and a low-amplitude or absent sensory response from an affected nerve is the most sensitive indication of peripheral nerve injury. Normal sensory responses are seen with nerve root injuries, even from clinically anesthetic regions, because the injured nerve segment is proximal to the dorsal root ganglion. In neurapraxic injuries, the compound muscle action potential elicited from stimulation of a motor nerve distal to the lesion is normal, with partial or complete conduction block from proximal stimulation. Late responses (F-waves) are occasionally useful with extremely proximal lesions where it is not possible to directly stimulate proximal to the injured segment. Once an axonal injury has fully evolved, nerve conduction studies will show low-amplitude responses from both proximal and distal stimulation (Fig. 8.1 and Table 8.2). Nerve injuries will cause reduced or absent motor unit potential recruitment in denervated muscles on needle electromyography (EMG) examination. The mere presence of any voluntary motor unit potentials in a clinically paralyzed muscle always indicates that the nerve injury, at least the branch or fascicle supplying that individual muscle, is partial and not complete. Abnormal spontaneous activity on needle EMG examination in the form of fibrillation potentials appears in muscles denervated by axonal nerve injury over 2–3 weeks.


Fig. 8.1
Nerve conduction studies in nerve injury. (a) Axonal injury, once Wallerian degeneration has occurred, evoked responses are low amplitude or absent proximal and distal to the injury site. (b) Neurapraxia, the distal segment conducts normally, but proximal stimulation will result in conduction slowing and block across the injury site

Table 8.2
Electrodiagnostic findings in neurapraxia and axonal injury

Motor nerve response from distal stimulation

Motor evoked response from proximal stimulation (or F-wave response)

Needle EMG examination



Low amplitude or absent

Reduced or absent motor unit recruitment


Low amplitude or absent

Low amplitude or absent

Abnormal spontaneous activity and reduced or absent motor unit recruitment


Low amplitude or absent

Low amplitude or absent

Abnormal spontaneous activity and reduced or absent motor unit recruitment

In sum, although electrodiagnostic studies can be performed at any time after nerve injuries, maximal information can be obtained after 2–3 weeks, when the presence of conduction block on nerve conduction studies indicated neurapraxia, and the presence of low-amplitude motor and sensory responses and abnormal spontaneous activity on needle EMG examination indicate the degree of axonal loss (Table 8.2). Obviously every electrodiagnostic evaluation is tailored to the particular clinical situation. However, in general the study should include motor and sensory nerve conduction studies and proximal (F-wave) responses from affected nerves and from the contralateral limbs to compare amplitudes as well as a needle EMG examination of affected muscles to distinguish complete from incomplete injuries and neurapraxia from axonotmesis. In the case of axonal injuries, a repeat study may be indicated in 2–3 months to look for increased evoked amplitudes on nerve conduction studies as well as nascent or reinnervating motor unit potentials on needle EMG examination, both of which indicate ongoing recovery [2]. Planning for surgical repair should be considered for the case of complete injury or where there is significant injury with the lack of ongoing reinnervation after 2–3 months. Even after nerve graft repair, recovery must occur by axonal regrowth from the proximal stump which occurs at a rate of 1 mm/day. Reinnervation must occur before the muscle undergoes irreversible muscle atrophy (within 12 months). In other words, nerve graft repair must be accomplished within 6 months, 3 months for proximal injuries, in order to obtain meaningful results.

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