



Prevalence and common causes

  7% in 40 to 50 years of age to 14% in people older than 50 years

  Common underlying causes: overuse or trauma (strain, sprain, fracture, and dislocation)

Lateral elbow

  Most common (MC) location for elbow pain

  Prevalence: 1% to 3% in adults of working age (MC cause: epicondylitis)


Prevalence and common causes

  25% of all injuries in sports occur in the elbow, forearm, and wrist

  Single-stress injury usually caused by contact sports such as football and wrestling

  Repetitive injury: common in tennis (epicondylitis is seen in up to 50% of players, but not necessarily from sports), bowling, cross-country skiing, rowing, and gymnastics

  Highest rate of pediatric elbow injuries occurs in baseball, tennis, and gymnastics

Medial elbow: MC location of elbow pain in young athletes (especially throwing athletes)


Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders of the elbow

  Usually related to occupational ergonomic stressors

  Ergonomic stressors: repetitive and stereotyped motions, forceful exertions, non-neutral postures, vibrations, or combinations of these exposures (2)


  Higher in at-risk industry (up to 29%) than in general population (prevalence: 5%) (3)

  Prevalence varies: 8.9% in meat cutters, ~15% in fish-processing-industry workers

  Risk factors: repetitive movement of hands or wrists, handling loads >5 kg, activities demanding high hand grip forces and the use of vibrating tools

Ulnar neuropathy at elbow (cubital tunnel syndrome)

  More commonly seen in workers who perform repetitive motions, commonly flexed at elbow and directly leaning on elbow (eg, driver)

  Prevalence: 2.8% in workers with repetitive work to 6.8% in floor cleaners



MSK and neuropathic causes of elbow pain based on location are listed as follows (4) (Flowchart 4.1 and Figure 4.1):



Surface anatomy of the elbow (A) anterior and (B) posterior views of the elbow.



Differential diagnosis of elbow pain.

Fx, fracture; MSK, musculoskeletal; N, nerve; PIN, posterior interosseous nerve.

*Adapted from (5). Simons DG, Travell JG, Simons LS. Travell & Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1999:1.





Lateral epicondylitis

Most common pathology


Lateral collateral ligament pathologies

Consider in recalcitrant lateral elbow pain (failed treatment for lat. epicondylitis)


Radiocapitellar synovitis, arthritis, and plica

Distal to the lateral epicondyle ± joint effusion

Osteochondritis dissecans/loose body

History of trauma often present, more common in adolescents

Crystal deposition disease

Often accompanied with h/o other joint involvement

Ganglion cyst

Often asymptomatic (incidental finding)

Radial tunnel syndrome

Radiating pain/paresthesia to the wrist with deep palpation of supinator M and subtle weakness in muscles innervated by the postinterosseous N

Lateral antebrachial cutaneous neuropathy

Commonly seen as manifestation of brachial plexitis (but can be isolated)


Medial epicondylitis

Underrecognized, MC cause of medial elbow pain

Ulnar collateral ligament sprain/tear

Consider if patient not responding to Tx for med. epicondylitis, commonly seen in baseball pitchers and throwers

Ulnar N subluxation/snapping triceps Syn.

Often asymptomatic

Valgus extension overload/overuse Syn.

With/without secondary lateral overloading syndrome


Biceps tendinopathy

Underrecognized cause of elbow pain (anterolateral) with minimal weakness

Bicipitoradial bursitis

Swelling, boggy feeling in the cubital fossa (rare)

Pronator syndrome

Unusual cause of median N neuropathy (motor and sensory symptoms with pain in the hand/fingers)


Often poorly localized

Heterotopic ossification in the brachialis M

Recent history of neurologic injury or h/o trauma


Olecranon bursitis

Septic bursitis; relatively common

Triceps tendinopathy

Rare, but underrecognized, in manual or sports activities

Olecranon stress fracture

Repetitive hyperextension

h/o, history of; M, muscle; MC, most common; med., medial; N, nerve; Syn., syndrome; Tx, treatment.


Differential diagnosis based on the location

  Lateral elbow instability (6): posterolateral rotatory instability common

    image  Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) disruption: more stable in pronation

    image  Dislocation with inadequate ligamentous healing (single trauma): MC

    image  Valgus instability (usually from chronic overuse), lateral epicondylitis, radial tunnel syndrome, and proximal radioulnar joint instability with radial head dislocation

    image  Iatrogenic causes: prior lateral epicondylitis release, multiple steroid injections, and radial head excision

    image  Tardy posterolateral instability: cubitus varus deformity from pediatric supracondylar humerus fracture

  Medial elbow instability (7)

    image  Medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury/rupture: more stable in supination

    image  Common flexor-pronator muscle/tendon insufficiency or disruption

    image  Valgus extension overload in chronic medial insufficiency: posteromedial osteophytes and soft tissue/synovial hypertrophy

    image  Congenitally shallow ulnohumeral joint


Differential diagnosis based on etiologies





Radiohumeral menisci interposition (9)

Synovial plica impingement

Posterolateral elbow rotator instability

Ulnar nerve snapping

Snapping of the distal triceps (medial head)

The brachialis muscle snapping

Posterior–lateral rotatory instability

Lateral displacement of the distal triceps M.

Snapping annular ligament over the radial head


Differential diagnosis based on etiologies

  Traumatic: fracture, dislocation, osteochondritis defect (loose body), crush injuries, and heterotopic ossification

  Atraumatic: rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), post septic arthritis, hemophilia-associated hemarthrosis, congenital contracture (arthrogryposis), congenital radial dislocationstatus post elective elbow surgery, biceps repair, or elbow arthroscopy

Heterotopic ossification: can occur secondary to burns, head trauma (if combined with elbow trauma: very high), spinal cord injury, trauma, as well as certain surgeries (commonly seen in multiple surgeries 1–2 weeks after trauma)




Bone (12) (Figure 4.2)

  Distal humerus: medial condyle (more prominent, spool-like trochlear) and lateral condyle (spherical capitellum)

    image  Three fossa: coronoid (trochlear-ulnar side), radial (above capitellar-radial side), anterior, and olecranon (posterior)

  Proximal radius: cylindrical radial head with a concave surface, radial neck angled 15° from shaft

  Secondary ossification centers appear and fuse at predictable ages: need bilateral x-ray to properly evaluate for pathology in pediatric patients (13)





18 months


Radial head

5 years


Medial epicondyle

5 years



8 years



10 years


Lateral epicondyle

12 years



  Tendon attachment site

    image  Coronoid process of ulnar: insertion of the brachialis tendon

image  Attachment site for anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL): medial facet of the sublime tubercle (~1.8 cm distal to the coronoid tip)

    image  Tuberosity of the radius: insertion of the biceps tendon


  Ulnohumeral (coronoid-trochlear) joint: a hinge (also called ginglymus)—allows flexion/extension and dictates carrying angle

  Radiocapitellar and radioulnar joints (also called trochoid joints): allow for axial rotation (pronation/supination) or pivoting at the joint



Bony anatomy of the elbow. (A) Anterior aspect and (B) posterior aspect.

LCL, lateral collateral ligament; LUCL, lateral ulnar collateral ligament; UCL, ulnar collateral ligament.

  Clinical implication

    image  Inherent stability at <20° and >120°

    image  Carrying angle is formed by the long axis of humerus and ulnar bone

image  Freedom of movement in flexion/extension and pronation/supination


Medial (ulnar) collateral ligament

  Formed by three bundles—the anterior, posterior, and oblique bands

  Prevents valgus instability, especially the anterior bundle

  Anterior band is attached from the anteroinferior medial epicondyle to the body of the coronoid process

    image  Taut in valgus loading in 0° to 85°, during late cocking and early acceleration

    image  Common location of tear is midsubstance to proximal

  Posterior band forms the floor of the cubital tunnel

    image  Contracture of this band would lead to a significant deficit of flexion

    image  Taut in valgus loading in 55° to 145°

    image  Experimental sectioning of the posterior band does not increase valgus instability



Lateral and medial elbow ligaments.

Source: Adapted from Ref. (14). Bryce CD, Armstrong AD. Anatomy and biomechanics of the elbow. Orthop Clin North Am. 2008;39(2):141–154, v.

Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

  Lateral UCL

    image  From the posteroinferior aspect of the lateral epicondyle, courses along the posterolateral margin of the radial head, and inserts on the supinator crest of the ulna (and partially to the annular ligament)

    image  Main function is to prevent posterolateral rotatory instability

    image  Common location of injury: avulsion at the humeral origin

  Other LCLs: the annular ligament, radial collateral ligament, and accessory LCL


Nerves in the elbow

  The ulnar nerve is located at retrocondylar groove and the cubital tunnel between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU; posteromedial)

  The radial nerve is located at the lateral aspect between the brachioradialis and brachialis

    image  Gives off the posterior interosseous nerve, which travels in the radial tunnel between the two heads of supinator to the posterior forearm

  The median nerve lies medial to the biceps tendon and brachial artery

    image  Enters the forearm between the two heads of pronator teres (PT)

Joint innervation (15) (Figure 4.4)

  Elbow joint is innervated by multiple nerves: musculocutaneous, median, radial, and ulnar nerve

    image  Musculocutaneous nerve/lateral antebrachial cutaneous (LABC) nerve: supplies the anterior radial and ulnar aspect of the joint

    image  Median nerve: supplies the ulnar (medial)-anterior aspect of the joint, distal 1/3 of the humerus, and the medial epicondyle

image  Anterior interosseous nerve: supplies the proximal radio-ulnar joint

    image  Radial nerve: supplies the anterior-radial aspect and lateral epicondyle

    image  Ulnar nerve: supplies the posterior-medial elbow joint, 2 to 3 cm proximal to humeral condyle to the level of the ulnar head of FCU

    image  Other contributor is the medial antebrachial cutaneous (MABC) nerve: courses near the ulnar nerve

  Overlapping of innervation

    image  Medial (ulnar)/posterior forearm: ulnar and MABC nerve

    image  Medial (ulnar)/anterior forearm: median and LABC nerve

    image  Radial-anterior forearm: radial and musculocutaneous nerve

  Nerves connected with each other by articular branches plexus


  Lateral epicondyle: innervated predominantly by radial nerve branches

    image  Branches from a radial nerve include a collateral branch, branch to the anconeus branch to the supinator, and the posterior cutaneous nerve

    image  Resection of radial nerve branches is performed for recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis

  Medial epicondyle: innervated by the articular branch of ulnar nerve at the ulnar groove



Nerve innervation of the elbow and site for nerve entrapment.

Source: Adapted from Ref. (16). De Kesel R, Van Glabbeek F, Mugenzi D, et al. Innervation of the elbow joint: is total denervation possible? A cadaveric anatomic study. Clin Anat. 2012;25(6):746–754.




Flexor and pronator muscles

  Origin at the medial elbow

  Dynamic support to valgus stress across the medial elbow

  FCU and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) over the anterior bundle of UCL: strengthening exercises implicated in medial elbow instability

  The maximal valgus force (290 N) on the medial elbow in the late cocking and acceleration phase in pitching but UCL can hold up to 260 N

  Secondary flexor muscles: PT, extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and flexor carpi radialis (FCR)

Extensor and supinator muscles

  Inserted to the lateral elbow

  Supinator: biceps (major) and supinator. Finger and wrist extensors: weaker supinator

  Secondary extensor muscles: extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) and FCU

Correlation with ultrasound (US) and MRI (cross-­sectional images; Figure 4.5)

  Posterior: triceps tendon; anconeus. Medial: accessory muscle in retro-condylar groove

  Lateral: brachioradialis; ECRL; common extensor tendon; extensor digitorum; extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECU; supinator (superficial head; deep head)

  Anterior: biceps tendon; brachialis; brachial artery and vein; PT (humeral head; ulnar head); common flexor tendon; flexor digitorum profundus; FCU (ulnar head; humeral head); flexor digitorum superficialis; palmaris longus; FCR



Cross-sectional image of the elbow showing the relationship of the major nerves around the elbow.




Loads across the elbow (14,17)

  Loading through radiocapitellar joint (57%) and the ulnohumeral joints (43%)

  Force transmission at the radiocapitellar joint: greatest between flexion and pronation, more than supination

    image  As elbow flexes from full extension, the contact moves from medial part of trochlear notch to lateral trochlear notch (at 90° flexion) then to the radial head and capitulum (in full flexion)

  Joint force

    image  Even with falling onto an outstretched hand only from 6-cm height, the axial joint compression is at 50% of body weight

    image  During a push up, the joint force is 45% of body weight across the elbow

  Elbow in sports activity

    image  Transfer of energy between the shoulder and elbow during throwing (17)

image  Baseball pitching (rapid extension ~2,400°/s and valgus torque; highest at ball release to prevent elbow distraction)

    image  Tennis: larger demand on the elbow during serving motion than ground strokes


  Two-degree freedom: flexion/extension by hinge-like motion at ulnohumeral joint and rotational axis at the trochlea and capitellum

    image  Normal flexion–extension range of motion (ROM): 0° to 150°

    image  Supination–pronation: axis through distal ulna and the center of the radial head ROM: 75° pronation and 85° supination

  ROM: crucial for activities of daily living (ADL)



  Bony architecture (only at the extremes of flexion and extension) and the stabilizing ligaments/muscles


  The elbow is a highly congruent, complex hinge joint (ulnohumeral joint)

  Olecranon: 75% to 85% of valgus stress resisted by proximal half of olecranon

  Coronoid (distal half of sigmoid notch): resists 60% to 67% of varus stress

Ligamentous and muscular stabilizer

  The MCL (anterior band) is the main constraint to valgus instability

    image  Large valgus force is transmitted during throwing (late cocking and acceleration phase)

    image  MCL; stronger and less elastic than LCL

  The lateral UCL is the main constraint to posterolateral rotational instability (18)

  Posterolateral instability (19)

    image  MC type of symptomatic chronic instability of the elbow

    image  When the elbow is extended with the forearm in supination (with arm by the side), the forearm pivots around the medial soft tissue restraints, causing posterolateral subluxation of the radial head with respect to the capitellum

image  The annular ligament remains intact so the radioulnar joint does not dislocate

  Forearm flexor (FCU, lies over MCL): primary dynamic stabilizer against valgus stress

  Posteromedial rotational instability: caused by varus, axial loading internal rotation and coronoid overloading or coronoid fracture and LCL disruption

Elbow stability with forearm rotation

  Elbow: more stable in supination (especially in the setting of coronoid fracture)

  Forearm pronation and supination with decreased valgus laxity compared to the neutral forearm

    image  Radius moves proximally with pronation of the forearm and distally with supination

    image  Passive tension in the flexor-pronator muscle with forearm supination

    image  With passive flexion, the MCL-deficient elbow is more stable in supination, whereas the LCL-deficient elbow is more stable in pronation


  Most ADL require 100° of forearm rotation (50° of pronation and supination [slightly more than pronation]) and ~110° (30°–145°) elbow flexion and extension (20)

  Reach the head: 140° of flexion

Loss of forearm pronation: Can be compensated to a certain extent by shoulder abduction; however, there is no effective mechanism to replace supination

Elbow in Sports: Overhead Throwing

  Common cause of overuse injuries in the elbow

Maximal valgus torque

  Occurs during the cocking and acceleration phases of throwing, in which torque peaks immediately before ball release

  Pitching: wind-up, stride, arm cocking, arm acceleration, arm deceleration, and follow-through

  During acceleration the elbow extends from about 110° to 20° at a rate of up to 3,000°/s

  Significant compressive force (500 N) at the radio-capitellar joint: need static stabilizer (ulnar collateral lig.) and dynamic stabilizer (flexor-pronator muscle)

Repetitive stress of valgus extension overload (21)

  Medial tension: MCL sprain, tear, rupture, flexor/pronator tendonitis/rupture, and possible ulnar neuropathy

  Posterior loading: posteromedial osteophyte and olecranon stress fracture

  Lateral compression of radiocapitellar joint: arthrosis, fragmentation (osteochondritis dissecans) [OCD] and loose body

Fall on Outstretched Hand (22)

  Varus extension injury without frank dislocation

Soft tissue injury pattern after a fall: circular from lateral to medial in three stages

  Stage 1: disruption of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL)

    image  Rotatory subluxation of the ulnohumeral joint due to an incompetent LUCL, resulting in posterolateral instability

  Stage 2: disruption of the LCL complex and the anterior and posterior capsule

  Stage 3: partial or complete disruption of the MCL (grossly unstable)




Carrying angle

  Normally ~5° in male, ~15° in female by long axis of humerus and ulnar

  Cubitus varus (gunstock deformity): history of supracondylar fracture childhood)

  Cubitus valgus in the lateral epicondylar fracture can cause tardy ulnar nerve palsy


  Joint effusion

    image  Flexed elbow on rest: accommodate more fluid with flexion (25–30 mL at 80° flexion) usually at ~ 45° flexion with limitation of extension

    image  Bulging of soft spot (triangle made up of radial head, lateral epicondyle, and olecranon)

image  Normally subtle concave; compared with the other side

  Bursal effusion: olecranon bursa (posterior and superficial; common) and bicipitoradial bursa (anterior and deep)


  Anterior ecchymosis: rule out (R/O) distal biceps rupture (not always present because of lacertus fibrosis)

  Medial ecchymosis: MCL rupture (blood vessels with posterior MCL)


  Palpate for tenderness (systematic way): lateral, medial, posterior, and anterior

  Lateral: epicondyle, radio-capitellar joint, radial head (rotation of the forearm helps to distinguish epicondyle (not rotating) and radial head (rotating)

  Medial: epicondyle and MCL

    image  Tenderness on MCL: highly sensitive but low specificity for tear

    image   Retro-condylar groove for ulnar nerve palpation

image  Tinel sign of ulnar nerve on the retro-condylar groove (compare with the other side)

    image  Snapping or subluxation/dislocation of ulnar nerve and/or medial head of triceps muscle (medially over the medial epicondyle) as elbow flexes gradually


    image  Triangle of olecranon, medial, and lateral epicondyle on flexion. On extension, malalignment of triangle seen in dislocation (eg, supracondylar fracture)

    image  Olecranon fossa on flexion of the elbow (site for elbow joint injection)

    image  Focal swelling ± warmth and/or erythema seen in olecranon bursitis

  Muscle/tendon palpation

    image  Hook test: distal biceps tendon rupture

image  With the patient’s shoulder abducted and the elbow flexed at 90°, the examiner hooks a finger around the lateral side of the distal biceps tendon while the patient actively supinates the forearm. By having the patient supinate the forearm without actively flexing the elbow, an intact biceps tendon becomes more prominent, while the brachialis muscle remains relaxed and is less likely to be mistaken for the biceps tendon

    image  Lateral to medial at anterior elbow: PT, FCR, PL, and FCU (unable to distinguish by palpation)

    image  Triceps rupture can be easily overlooked because of continuity of the lateral fascia and anconeus muscle (elbow extensor): often minimal weakness compared to the normal side

  Lymph node palpation: enlarged medial supracondylar lymph node (24)

    image  Differential diagnosis: skin infection, rarely lymphoma, and skin malignancies


Normal and functional ROM




0–5 (–30)


140–160 (130)


80–90 (50)


70–90 (50)

Stiffness frequently defined as loss of extension of >30° and flexion <120°





Lateral Epicondylitis (25)

Cozen test

Resisted radial deviation and extension of the wrist while the examiner resists this motion (performed with fully extended elbow with forearm pronated and fist)

Positive with pain at the lateral epicondyle

Sen: 84

Mill’s test

Palpating lateral epicondyle with pronated forearm, wrist fully flexed and elbow moved to extension. Positive with pain at the lateral epicondyle

Sen: 53, Spe: 100

Maudsley test

Resisted supination with long finger extension (and for radial tunnel syndrome)

Positive with pain at the lateral epicondyle

Sen: 85

Lateral Collateral Ligament (26)

Posterolateral rotatory-

instability test (pivot shift)

Patient supine with the arm over the head. The examiner grasps the patient’s forearm and, beginning in full extension and supination, slowly flexes the elbow applying valgus and supination forces and axial compression. Positive with apprehension or dislocation of the radiocapitellar joint

Sen: 38

Chair apprehension signs

Sitting push-up. The patient is seated with elbows flexed to 90°, forearms supinated, and arms abducted greater than shoulder width. A positive test is demonstrated by the reluctance to extend the elbow fully while using arms to rise up from the chair


Varus stress

The arm is placed in 20° of flexion with slight supination. The examiner gently stresses the lateral side of the elbow joint. Positive if there is excessive gapping on the lateral aspect of the elbow joint


Medial Epicondylitis

Resisted wrist flexion and pronation

With the elbow flexed to 90° and forearm supinated, patient makes a fist and flexes the wrist resisted by the examiner. Positive if symptoms reproduced by resisted wrist flexion and pronation.

Less pain if performed with elbow in extension


Medial Collateral Ligament

Valgus stress test

Valgus stress to elbow at 20°–30° flexion (to unlock the ulnohumeral joint and olecranon) while palpating the medial joint line. Compare with the other side. Positive if pain with laxity is noted compared to the contralateral side. Particularly for anterior band of medial collateral ligament

Sen: 50–66, Spe: 60

Moving valgus stress test

The elbow is brought through range of motion while the examiner applies a valgus force. A positive if the patient experiences pain at midrange of motion (70°–120°)

Sen: 100, Spe: 75

Milking maneuver

Performed by having the patient reach with the contralateral hand under the affected elbow and grasp the ipsilateral thumb. Positive if medial elbow pain reproduced with this maneuver. May be more specific for posterior band of MCL


Distal Biceps Rupture

Hook test

With the patient’s shoulder abducted and the elbow flexed at 90°, the examiner hooks a finger around the lateral side of the distal biceps tendon while the patient actively supinates the forearm. Positive if unable to hook finger about biceps tendon

Sen and Spe: 100 (27)

Biceps squeeze test

The examiner firmly squeezes the biceps with two hands (one on the myotendinous region of the biceps and the other on the belly of the muscle). Lack of supination of the forearm indicates a positive test (similar to Thompson squeeze test) (28)

Sen: 96

Biceps crease interval test

With slight pronation of the forearm and the elbow flexed at 60° to 80° (to allow for spatial separation), external compression is placed on the biceps muscle and the forearm is supinated if the biceps tendon is intact. Positive if there is no supination of the forearm (28)

Sen: 96, Spe: 80

MCL, medial collateral ligament.




Diagnostic workup and management of elbow pain.

CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; POC, point-of-care; ROM, range of motion; Tx, treatment; US, ultrasound.



  Persistent pain (despite initial conservative management) ± decreased ROM to evaluate inflammatory or degenerative joint disease

  Early imaging indicated if trauma, decreased ROM of the joint, and systematic disease (inflammatory, such as RA etc.)

  Useful (not necessarily sensitive) for detecting fractures, arthritis, calcified loose bodies, heterotopic ossification, and destructive processes, such as osteomyelitis and tumors

Limitations: low capability to assess soft tissues (except tendon calcification), articular cartilage, intra-articular lesion, or bursal effusion. Limited in evaluating complex fracture (CT with 3-D reconstruction)

Individual views

  Routine: Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral view

    image  True lateral: elbow flexed at 90°

    image  Fat pad sign: lucency on the lateral view indicating effusion (especially posterior fat pad sign, anteriorly [sail sign]); indicating ≥5 to 10 mL fluid

    image  Anterior humeral line: line drawn along anterior surface of humerus; transects the middle 1/3 of the capitellum on true lateral view. Anteriorly displaced in supracondylar fracture

    image  Radiocapitellar line: line drawn along the radial neck; intersect the capitellum. If not, radial head dislocation or subluxation should be considered.

  Oblique view

    image  Oblique view with internal rotation to evaluate humeroulnar joint (trochlear notch/coronoid process of ulna) and tip of olecranon process

    image  Oblique view with external rotation to evaluate radiocapitellar and proximal radioulnar joints

  Valgus stress radiography

    image  Compare with the asymptomatic elbow

    image  May be useful in asymmetric medial joint space opening in patients with insufficiency of the MCL

  Bilateral views in pediatric patients

    image  Ossification centers: “CRITOE” mnemonic for capitellum, radius, medial (internal) epicondyle, trochlear, olecranon, lateral (external) epicondyle, ossified at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 years, respectively, although it can be highly variable


Common indications and findings: soft tissue pain, effusion, and superficial joint structural pain (31)

  Lateral/medial epicondylitis (common extensor/flexor tendinosis [insertional tendinosis]/tear)

  Tendon: partial/full thickness tear of biceps and triceps

  Ulnar and radial collateral ligament tears

  Cubital, bicipitoradial, or olecranon bursitis (bursal effusion)

  Ulnar entrapment neuropathy, posterior interosseous nerve entrapment (radial tunnel syndrome), median neuropathy (ligament of Struthers, PT)

  Soft tissue mass evaluation; ganglion cyst, lipoma, and enlarged lymph node

  Joint evaluation

    image  Joint effusion (able to detect 1–3 mL)

image  US elbow flexed at 90°, palm facing the table, posteriorly on the olecranon fossa; more sensitive than x-ray finding of fat pad elevation

    image  Synovial hypertrophy and increased vascularity in synovitis

    image  Intra-articular loose body; often not sensitive

MRI/MRA (32)

Common indications

  Evaluation of intra-articular or periarticular (eg, ligaments) structure

  Recalcitrant pain (despite conservative treatment) and planning for surgery (providing clearer relationship between the structures) or further evaluation of mass lesion (33)

Evaluation of common abnormal findings

  Muscle, tendon, and ligament pathologies

    image  Posterior: pathology for triceps and medial side, for example, accessory muscle in retro-condylar groove (posteromedial)

    image  Lateral: common extensor tendon, LCL, supinator (radial tunnel)

    image  Anterior: biceps/brachialis insertion, pronator (medially), brachioradialis (laterally), medial and radial nerve

image  Tear/rupture of distal biceps attachment to radial tuberosity and brachialis attachment to coronoid process

    image  Medial: common flexor tendon, UCL

  Location of common entrapment neuropathies

    image  The ulnar nerve at the retro-condylar groove and cubital tunnel (by the two heads of FCU)

    image  The posterior interosseous nerve at the radial tunnel (between the two heads of supinator)

    image  The median nerve between the two heads of PT, under lacertus fibrosus, and flexor digitorum superficialis

    image  Common abnormal findings: focal enlargement/signal change, increased T2 SI, nonuniform fascicles, subluxation/dislocation, abnormal muscle pathologies (increased T2 SI, atrophy, and fatty infiltration) and underlying structural pathology for entrapment syndrome (aberrant muscle, ganglion cyst, and osteophytes, etc)

  Subtle bony lesion can be seen in Little Leaguer’s Elbow: fragmentation or distraction of the medial epicondyle or apophysis


  OCD, loose body, and plica pain

  UCL and LCL (axial and coronal images)

    image  Helpful in patients without joint effusion for subtle ligament tears


  Performed when evaluating bony structures, when MRI is contraindicated and quicker modality is preferred

    image  Osteoid osteoma or myositis ossificans, calcified loose bodies, and fragmented osteochondral lesions

  3-D construction: for surgical planning, CT arthrogram when MRI is contraindicated




  ROM/stretching at the end range a few times a day at least, if not contraindicated

    image  Prevent elbow flexion contracture (maintain elbow extension)

  Avoid leaning on the elbow (in ulnar neuropathy at retrocondylar groove)

  Gradual increase in resistive strengthening exercise

Physical or occupational therapy

  A, AA ROM exercise ± dynamic splinting or static progressive splinting (less discomfort and better compliance)

  Eccentric strengthening exercise of wrist extensor and flexor usually after stretching with full pain free ROM

  Evaluate ergonomics and abnormal biomechanics (neighboring joint dysfunction, evaluation of sports or work equipment)

  Taping: different methods available, parallel to the common extensor, diamond tape (center on the lateral epicondyle) for lateral epicondylitis or others (34)

  Modality for temporary pain relief


  Patch/gel (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug [NSAID]; diclofenac, lidocaine, capsaicin, and nitroglycerin), acetaminophen, or NSAIDs


  Elbow strap (medial and lateral epicondylitis), elbow hinged orthosis (with/without dynamic control), or wrist splint (often useful for resting wrist flexor/extensor muscles in epicondylitis)


Common elbow orthoses



Elbow strap (counterforce)

Epicondylitis (lateral and medial)

Move functional muscle origin to distally where the strap is located

Articulating elbow orthosis (dynamic elbow splint)

Biceps and triceps tendinopathy

Stretching with therapy and after invasive intervention

Cautious in spasticity (any joint movement can trigger spasticity)

Elbow pad

Focal pressure relief of ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow


  Landmark-based injection

    image  Elbow joint injection to the soft spot (by triangle of olecranon, lateral epicondyle, and radial head, see Figure 4.1)

    image  Olecranon bursal effusion (to bulging mass)

    image  Lateral and medial epicondylitis (needling to the bone)

  US-guided injection

    image  Common indications: tenotomy (needling or Tenex®, joint injections, small ganglion cyst removal, and injection around the nerve, or when using biologics)



  Failed conservative treatment for disabling pain

  Contracture: flexion >30° and extension <130°

  Loose body, OCD with pain, and decreased range

  Recalcitrant OA and RA

  Recalcitrant lateral or medial epicondylitis

  Repair of collateral ligament tear (in high-performing athletes or failed conservative management)

  Severe ulnar neuropathy or symptomatic mass (ganglion or soft tissue mass)

Total elbow arthroplasty

  Indications: >65 years old, severe pain throughout ROM/limited motion/functional deficits despite nonoperative interventions, or painful RA (MC)

  Contraindications: aseptic loosening (~5%, clinically), infection, inadequate soft tissue envelope, instability, ulnar neuropathy, triceps insufficiency

  Humeral and ulnar implant ± resection of the head of radius

  Precaution after procedure: avoid lifting >10 lb, repetitive lifting >2 lb after the procedure





  Epidemiology: 1% to 3% of the population, peak between 35 to 50 years old and male = female

  Pathology: angiofibroblastic tendinosis, degenerative rather than an inflammatory process

    image  MC involved tendon: extensor carpi radialis brevis (lateral epicondyle to third metacarpal)

    image  Two hypovascular zones: at the lateral epicondyle and 2 to 3 cm distal to the extensor insertion

  Etiology and risk factors

    image  Direct trauma, overuse (backhand tennis stroke, more common in novice player), fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and anatomic predisposition

    image  Neighboring joint pathologies (rotator cuff pathology, de Quervain tenosynovitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome)

image  Underrecognized shoulder pathology with decreased internal rotation of the shoulder

             Requires increased wrist flexion with increased eccentric contraction of the wrist extensor muscle (increased risk of lateral epicondylitis) (35)

    image  Others: oral steroid treatment, previous history of smoking, and so on (36)

History and physical examination

  Pain and tenderness on lateral elbow (epicondyle) ± referred pain to the wrist

    image  Location of tenderness not changing with forearm rotation (supination/pronation) versus rotating tenderness in radial head/neck lesion (radial tunnel syndrome)

  Neurologic test: usually normal

    image  Symptomatic posterior interosseous nerve irritation: ~ 5% of patients with lateral epicondylitis

  Provocative test: Cozen’s test, Mill’s test, and Maudsley’s test


  Clinical diagnosis supported by imaging study

  Imaging modality to rule out unusual pathologies in recalcitrant case or unresponsive to the typical treatment: do not order initially

    image  X-ray: cortical irregularity, spur, and calcification

    image  US

image  Common findings: focal hypoechoic swelling with loss of fibrillar pattern in the common extensor tendon origin, calcification of the common extensor tendon, and complete or partial discrete cleavage tears

image  Specific (67%–100%), but not as sensitive (64%–82%) as MRI (sensitivity: 90%–100% and specificity: 67%–100%) (37)

    image  MRI: to evaluate intra-articular pathology, radial collateral ligament, or extent of the tear

image  Usually not necessary unless the presentation is atypical or unresponsive to the treatment

image  Common findings: diffuse heterogeneity, increased T2 signal within the extensor tendon, tendon thickening in symptomatic elbows and edema of the common extensor origin (38)

image  Abnormal finding common in asymptomatic population (up to 35%)

  Differential diagnosis (39)

    image  Radial tunnel (supinator) syndrome (40)

image  Rare (compared to lateral epicondylitis), radiating pain distally (more common than epicondylitis), tenderness 3 to 4 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle (near the radial neck)

    image  Radiocapitellar arthrosis and plica (often concurrent)

image  A painful clicking at terminal extension and forearm supination as well as maximal tenderness over the posterior radiocapitellar joint

    image  Osteochondral defect of the capitellum

    image  Lateral UCL injury/posterolateral rotatory instability

    image  Partial tear of the distal biceps tendon


  Benign neglect: initial brief rest (with gradual increase of activity) and observation

  Education on use of sports equipment: for proper tennis racket grip

    image  Nirschl technique: circumference of the racket handle should be equivalent to the distance between the proximal palm crease to the tip of the ring finger


    image  Isometric and eccentric exercises are better than a contract relax stretching program

image  Initially pain-free resistive strengthening (three sets of 15, bid of wrist curl, elbow flexion/extension, forearm pronation and supination), as well as scapular stabilization

    image  Eccentric strengthening exercises using device (Thera-Band FlexBar® or rubber band) and grip strength (2–3 minutes, bid)

    image  Deep friction massage (2–3 minutes, bid), ice massage (5 minutes, bid), and stretching (quick varus force to the forearm that is supinated and extended, 30 for 5 reps, tid)

    image  Iontophoresis and phonophoresis

  Medications: NSAIDs, diclofenac patch, or topical nitric oxide patch (1/4 of glyceryl trinitrate, 1.25 mg/d patch, cautious of headache or dizziness initially)

  Orthotics: counterforce band and cock-up splint (no significant long-term benefit)


    image  Steroid injection: for short-term pain relief (not for the long term)

    image  Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection: for younger athletes and may have longer duration of effect (41)

    image  Tenotomy (needling, use large gauge needle) under US guidance

    image  Tenex®; ultrasonic percutaneous tenotomy in recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis (42)

  Extracorporeal shock wave

  One year follow-up evaluation success rates for treatments: 69% for injection, 91% for physiotherapy, and 83% for observation (43)


Introduction (26)

  Uncommon cause of pain in the lateral elbow ± posterolateral instability

    image  Underrecognized often coexisting with lateral epicondylitis

  Anatomy and biomechanics (6)

    image  Lateral ulnar collateral ligament (most important lateral stabilizer), radial collateral ligament, and annular ligament work together to stabilize the ulnohumeral and radiocapitellar joints

    image  Dynamic posterolateral stabilizers: extensor muscles (ECU) and supinator

image  Radial nerve injury (affecting dynamic stabilizers) can cause instability


    image  Trauma (fall on outstretched hand with forearm supinated; MC), elbow dislocation, iatrogenic injury (lateral epicondyle injection and/or radial head fracture with cubitus varus)

    image  Delayed onset: cubitus varus (eg, history of pediatric supracondylar humerus fracture), crutch walking, or connective tissue disorder

History and physical examination

  Pain on lateral elbow ± locking, clicking, and snapping

    image  Aggravated by activities resulting in supination, extension, and valgus forces, such as carrying a grocery bag with possible elbow giving out

  Provocative test to assess for concomitant posterolateral instability

    image  The posterolateral rotatory instability test (pivot shift)

    image  Floor push-up test

    image  Chair apprehension signs: a sitting push-up


  Clinical suspicion confirmed by imaging study

  X-ray (stress radiograph during pivot shifting test): slight malalignment of the ulnohumeral joint, overlap of the radial head and capitellum

  US: calcification in LCL located deep to the common extensor tendon, often fibrocartilaginous meniscus homolog (which is attached to the LCL). Loss of continuity and fibrillar pattern, often challenging (44)

  MRI and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA)

    image  Coronal MR is best view for tear of the LCL on humeral attachment. Sagittal MR is best view to see posterolateral subluxation of the radial head with respect to the capitellum (45)


  Hinged elbow brace with forearm in full pronation for 4 to 6 weeks in acute sprain/injury

  Strengthening dynamic stabilizers (extensor and supinator muscles) in patient with instability

  Surgery referral if failure to respond to conservative treatment for chronic recurrent lateral instability with impaired ADLs/affecting profession (athletes)


Introduction (46)


    image  Prevalence: 0.3% to 0.6% in men and 0.3% to 1.1% in women, common in 40 to 60 years

image  Twenty percent of all epicondylitis (or more), underrecognized

    image  Seventy-five percent in the dominant arms

    image  Ulnar nerve and UCL injury often coexist (upto 23%–50%) (47)

  MC involved tendons: PT and FCR muscles

  Etiology and risk factor

    image  Activities involving respective forearm pronation and wrist flexion

image  Athletes: pitchers (valgus force at late cocking and acceleration) and also seen in golf (improper swing), tennis, bowling, racquetball, football, archery, weightlifting, and javelin throwing

image  Occupations: carpentry, plumbing, and meat cutting

History and physical examination

  Pain of insidious onset along the medial elbow, worsened by activities (forearm pronation and wrist flexion)

    image  ± Tingling, numbness in the medial hand/fingers (due to concomitant ulnar nerve injury)

  Tenderness 5 to 10 mm distal and anterior to the midpoint of the medial epicondyle (overlapping with UCL)

  Symptom reproduction by resisted wrist flexion and pronation


  Clinical diagnosis supplemented by imaging study

    image  X-ray: soft tissue calcification in proximity to the epicondyle (20%–30%) and cortical irregularity

    image  US to evaluate the UCL as well as ulnar nerve (focal swelling and subluxation) in addition to common flexor tendon (calcification and hypo/heterogenic echogenicity)

image  Evaluate traumatic tears to the flexor/pronator origin at the epicondyle

    image  MRI: if unresponsive to initial management or to evaluate intra-articular/intracortical pathology

    image  Electrodiagnosis (EMG) for ulnar neuropathy at elbow if sensory or motor symptoms from ulnar neuropathy persists

  Differential diagnosis

    image  UCL injury (often coexist)

    image  Ulnar neuropathy and irritation of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

    image  Medial elbow intra-articular pathology

    image  FCR/pronator avulsion: usually concomitant with UCL rupture


  Nonoperative management

    image  Temporary cessation of offending activities while maintaining flexibility and ADLs

    image  PT: initial flexibility (stretching) exercises and then gradually progress to eccentric strengthening exercises of wrist/finger flexor/forearm pronator strengthening

image  Premature discontinuation (of home exercise program) is common reason for failure

    image  Counterforce bracing (rarely cause AIN/posterior interosseous nerve [PIN] irritation), night splinting, or ice massage

    image  NSAIDs and steroid injection to subaponeurotic recess deep to the flexor pronator mass (no clear benefit for 3 months and 1 year)

    image  Prolotherapy or PRP injection if unresponsive or high-performance athlete (with concomitant treatment of UCL lesion)

    image  Extracorporeal shock wave therapy

  Surgery: after at least 3 to 6 months trial of nonoperative treatment or may be considered earlier in elite throwing athletes

    image  Excision, firm reattachment, and/or repair of the resultant defect

    image  Management of any concurrent ulnar nerve or UCL pathology


Introduction (48)

  A group of symptoms in the elbow caused by overuse stress injuries during childhood and adolescents

    image  Traction apophysitis, medial epicondyle avulsion fracture, OCD

  Etiology and risk factors

    image  Repetitive valgus extension overload and compression of the lateral structure (radial head and capitellum)

    image  Pitching with fatigued arm, competitively pitching for >8 months/yr, and >80 pitches per appearance

History and physical examination

  Pain ± popping, giving way when throwing

  Point tenderness over the medial epicondyle and pain with resisted flexion and pronation


  Clinical diagnosis with imaging study for differential diagnosis

  X-ray: normal, avulsion difficult to diagnose, compare with noninvolved side


  Complete rest from throwing for 4 to 6 weeks (minimum) ± posterior elbow splint followed by slow progressive throwing program over 6 to 8 weeks

    image  Average return to competitive pitching: 12 weeks

  If OCD present, protect elbow for a few months and early ROM in 1 to 2 weeks

  Ortho referral if apophysis is widely displaced. Early ROM exercise recommended

  Prevention: limiting pitching to <105 pitches per game (recommendations based on age: 50 pitches in 8–10 years to 105 pitches in 17–18 years), breaking pitches (ie, curve balls and sliders) should not be thrown until skeletal maturity, no more than 9 months per year


Introduction (7,22)

  Most commonly injured ligament in the elbow (18)

    image  Common in overhead sports (baseball, tennis, volleyball, golf, javelin, and football)

  MC location of injury: anterior bundle, at the humeral insertion with avulsion of the medial epicondyle

  Etiology: chronic repetitive stress to the elbow

    image  Late cocking and acceleration phase in overhead throwing

  Sequels of chronic medial instability from UCL injury (causing valgus extension overload)

    image  OCD of the capitellum, radiocapitellar chondromalacia/arthritis, posterolateral synovial plica thickening, posteromedial osteophyte/stress fracture of the olecranon, ulnar neuritis, flexor/pronator weakness

History and physical examination

  Pain (may be minimal, medial elbow initially), impaired performance (loss of control), and instability ± ulnar nerve irritation (by hematoma in acute tear or valgus force)

  Inspection for carrying angle/muscle mass, ROM (elbow flexion contracture common), and normal neurological examination (±Tinel sign for ulnar nerve at retro-condylar groove; not specific)

  Provocation test

    image  Static valgus test at 70° to 90°, moving valgus stress test (more accurate), and milk test


  Clinical suspicion confirmed by imaging study

  X-ray (AP and lateral): avulsion fragment in acute injury, ossification of the UCL, loose bodies, and radiocapitellar or ulnohumeral osteophytes in chronic cases

    image  Valgus stress view (negative in partial tears)

  US: elbow slightly flexed (20°–30°) and forearm supinated Normally cord-like structure with broad attachment to the medial epicondyle

    image  Injured UCLs: hypoechoic, disrupted fibers (cautious of normal anisotropic artifact), calcification of the ligament, nonvisualization of the ligament

    image  Dynamic maneuver with valgus stress (with side to side difference of ulnohumeral joint gap and symptom reproduction)

  MRA: most sensitive and specific.

    image  MRI/A: to evaluate differential diagnosis/concomitant pathologies: radiocapitellar impaction, lateral instability patterns, and nonosseous loose bodies


  Nonoperative management

    image  Temporary cessation of offending activities, NSAIDs, ice/modality, and elbow splint at 90° at night

    image  PT: strengthening exercise (pronator, flexor muscle) gradually then return to sports (in 2–3 months) once strength is normalized. General upper body strengthening is important as well

image  Average return to play for thrower: 6 months after the diagnosis. Recommend use of elbow extension braces for throwing and lifting

    image  PRP injection to UCL (49)

  Operative management: UCL reconstruction “Tommy John surgery” for high-performing throwing athletes (25% of major leaguers and 10% of minor leaguers have undergone the surgery) (29)


Introduction (30)

  Epidemiology: common in throwing athletes (>50% in professional baseball players), swimmers, volleyball players, gymnasts, racquet sports athletes, and golfers


    image  Chronic anterior MCL injury image shear force at the posteromedial olecranon image olecranon osteophytes/chondromalacia image common flexor tendinosis and ulnar neuropathy

History and physical examination

  Posterior (posteromedial) elbow pain near elbow terminal extension (pain at ball release in thrower)

  Mild decrease in range (extension; common in dominant throwing arm) with pain otherwise normal

    image  Tenderness on posteromedial aspect of the olecranon

    image  Symptom reproduction with valgus stress on elbow in 20° to 30° of flexion while forcing the elbow into terminal extension (vs UCL stress test from valgus stress with 0°–20° flexion)


  Clinical diagnosis supplemented by imaging study

  X-ray: AP, lateral, and axial (check contralateral elbow): posteromedial olecranon osteophytes or loose body

  MRI: if diagnosis is in question or to evaluate concomitant injury (especially MCL injury suspected) or for differential diagnosis

    image  MCL attenuation, redundancy, osteophytes on the posteromedial olecranon, and intra-articular loose body

    image  Stress fracture of olecranon (pain during or after throwing)

  Differential diagnosis

    image  Distal triceps tendonitis: posteromedial pain with resisted arm extension (not necessarily at end range)


  Nonoperative management

    image  Active rest: resting from throwing and other activities (no throwing for 10–14 days), rotator cuff strengthening, flexor pronator strengthening, and improvement in mechanics image gradual interval throwing program with plyometric exercise

    image  Intra-articular steroid injection to control acute pain

  Surgery: in failed conservative management

    image  Resection of osteophytes, removal of loose bodies, and debridement of chondromalacia


Introduction (22)

  Distal biceps tendon rupture: uncommon compared to the proximal rupture, 1.2/105, ~3% of all biceps tendon injury

    image  Male > female, peak incidence in 40 to 60 years of age, from single trauma (a sudden eccentric contraction)

    image  Full rupture (more common than partial tear) with intact aponeurosis image only mild proximal retraction of muscle (therefore underrecognized)

  Etiologies and risk factors (31)

    image  MC activity: weight training (lifting ≥40 kg usually)

    image  Minor trauma (incomplete/partial tear) and overuse

    image  Systemic risk factors: tendon degeneration and rupture more commonly seen in ankylosing spondylitis (AS), rhematoid arthritis (RA), acute rheumatic fever, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and hyperparathyroidism

    image  Local risk factors; hypovascularity and impingement

image  Common location: 1 to 2 cm from the insertion (radial tuberosity): hypovascular zone

image  Impingement between the radius and ulnar during pronation

             Distance between radius and ulna: decreased from 8 to 4 mm during pronation

image  Impingement by osteophyte-enthesopathy at the radial tuberosity or by bicipitoradial and interosseous bursa

History and physical examination

  Pain on the antecubital fossa (in acute trauma or a rupture) or poorly defined lateral elbow pain (tendinopathy or partial tear)

    image  In rupture: “pop,” mass in the arm, ecchymosis, and mild weakness with supination (eg, turning screwdriver)

  Provocation tests

    image  Hook test, biceps squeeze test, and biceps crease interval test

Diagnosis (32)

  Clinical diagnosis confirmed by imaging

  Imaging study

    image  US: often difficult to scan in long axis; oblique sagittal (medial-proximal to lateral-distal), tilting down distally

image  Dynamic images (supination and pronation) and compare with the contralateral side

    image  MRI: can evaluate neighboring structure (bony hypertrophy, bone marrow edema in high-grade tears)

  Differential diagnosis: bicipitoradial bursitis (can be secondary finding), interosseous bursitis, and cubital bursitis

Treatment (33)

  Activity modification, articulating elbow orthotic, and US-guided injection to bicipitoradial or interosseous bursa for pain control. Strengthening exercises of elbow flexor and supinator

  Surgical indication: in acute rupture in high-performing athletes (even during the season as chronic repair/reconstruction not predictable) or in individuals with persistent pain despite conservative treatment, anatomic repair, and/or reconstruction


Introduction (50)

  Rare but underrecognized as well


    image  Overuse by repeated pronation/supination

image  Bicipitoradial bursa decreases friction forces between the biceps tendon and the radial tuberosity during elbow movements

    image  RA, synovial chondromatosis, synovitis, synovial cyst, and infection

History and physical examination (51)

  Anterior elbow (cubital fossa) pain or discomfort with elbow movements

  Worsening/reproduction of pain with pronation (jamming between biceps tendon and radial tuberosity) ± signs of median nerve irritation

    image  Fullness in severe cases


  Clinical suspicion confirmed by imaging study

  US (effusion surrounding biceps tendon) (52) or MRI to further evaluate neighboring structures (intra-articular and intracortical lesion)

  Differential diagnosis: interosseous bursitis, lipoma, infection, tenosynovitis, ganglion cysts, pigmented villonodular synovitis, or malignant tumor


  Nonoperative management with NSAIDs, maintain flexibility, aspiration of the bursa, and steroid injection to the bursa under US

  Surgery if nerve (median or AIN) compression, biceps tendon degeneration/tear, persistent or recurrent symptoms despite conservative management


Introduction (53)

  Epidemiology: rare

    image  Male with heavy manual labor jobs or sports activity: weight lifter (bench pressing), football player, javelin thrower, baseball player, and gymnast

    image  Triceps tendon rupture: very rare (<1% of all tendon injury)

image  Partial tear more common than complete tear

  Etiology and risk factors

    image  MC mechanism of tear/rupture: eccentric contraction of the elbow (fall on the outstretched hand or direct blow)

    image  Risk factors: anabolic steroid use, diabetes, ESRD, lupus, hyperparathyroidism, olecranon bursitis, or steroid injection

  Triceps tendinopathy: often accompanied by posterior impingement, loose bodies, or tennis elbow

History and physical examination

  Posterior elbow pain (especially on resisted extension), mild weakness (with pain), and tenderness

  Snapping triceps syndrome: medial slip or muscle belly detached from the main tendon, snap over the medial epicondyle, may cause ulnar neuropathy (asymptomatic in most cases)


    image  Ecchymosis (in acute), defect (later), inability to extend the elbow actively (in full rupture)

    image  Modified Thompson test (often difficult due to long lever arm, small cross-section size of triceps compared to gastrocsoleus muscle)


  Clinical diagnosis confirmed by imaging study

  AP and lateral x-ray (may see flakes sign: flecks or avulsed fragment from olecranon [pathognomic])

    image  X-ray of the wrist for concomitant injury

  US: fluid-filled defect within the distal triceps tendon, avulsion fracture, distinguish partial versus complete tear

    image  Partial tear: medial side of tendon insertion area is more commonly involved

    image  Complete tear: a large fluid-filled gap between the distal end of the triceps tendon and the olecranon process

  MRI for further soft tissue evaluation and associated osseous injuries: radial head fracture, and distal radius fx (CT if MRI is contraindicated)


  Nonoperative: good result, splint immobilization for ~4 weeks at 30° flexion, then gradual stretching and strengthening

    image  Indications: partial (<50%) or complete within muscle belly, mild weakness, or fatigue

    image  Tendinopathy: usually resolve in 3 to 6 months of conservative management (54)

  Surgical if acute complete tear at the tendinous insertion with significant loss of triceps strength or failed conservative treatment in highly active patients with partial tears

    image  Earlier (ideally within 2 weeks) intervention, the better outcome


Introduction (55,56)

  Epidemiology: incidence unknown, male > female, and common in 30- to 60-year age group


    image  Olecranon bursa: synovium-lined sac promoting gliding between the olecranon and the overlying skin

  Etiology and risk factors

    image  Traumatic, inflammatory, and infectious (20%)

image  Septic bursitis: Staphylococcus and other gram-positive organism: MC

image  Trauma/sports: common in football

    image  Predisposing conditions: RA, gout, pseudogout, chondrocalcinosis, and pigmented villonodular synovitis

History and physical examination

  Swelling over the proximal olecranon (usually unilateral) ± pain

  Joint mobility: intact; may result in sympathetic effusion in the bursa and extension to the forearm

  Usually not tender (tenderness in only up to 20%–45%), fever (up to 50% in infectious bursa), and erythema (more often in septic form)

  Increased temperature (>2.2°C difference: 100% sensitivity and 94% specificity)


  Clinical diagnosis confirmed by imaging study

  Imaging: x-ray R/O olecranon fracture, US to confirm and evaluate soft tissue lesion (triceps tendinopathy/tear or joint effusion), MRI in presence of abscess or to R/O osteomyelitis

  Aspiration (18–20 G, usually from lateral approach) for fluid analysis

    image  Gram stain (positive in 50%–60%), culture, WBC count (<1,000/mm3: aseptic; >10,000/mm3: septic), and glucose level (<50% of serum level: septic)


  Ice, compressive dressing, and avoidance of aggravating activity (eg, leaning on elbow)

  Aspiration to R/O infection; 90% resolves in 6 months

  Intrabursal steroid injection: lack of clear benefit, related to the infection, skin atrophy, and chronic pain


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Feb 21, 2018 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on ELBOW

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