Disturbances in behaviour or mood in infancy and childhood

Chapter 4 Disturbances in behaviour or mood in infancy and childhood

Case 4.1

Case 4.3

2. Why was Marcus asked about:

7. What is your final diagnosis, based on these results? Justify your answer.

Major depressive episode with concomitant tension-type headaches. Having met the DSM-IV-TR[3] criteria for major depressive episode and considering his current family dynamic it would appear that Marcus’s headaches may originate from his hypertonic suboccipital muscles secondary to his depression. Children with depression often present with somatic symptoms such as headache and abdominal pain. There is a correlation between childhood depression and parental divorce and a family history of affective disorders.[4]

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Disturbances in behaviour or mood in infancy and childhood

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