Fig. 16.1
(a) Contouring of the L-rod. (b, c) Diagram and model demonstrating placement of the Galveston rod into the table of the ilium
A major advancement in sacropelvic fixation was described in the 1980s, with the development of the Cotrel-Dubousset system which utilized a hybrid construct consisting of hooks and caudal pedicle screws [15, 23]. It was the first system to use hooks in combination with pedicle screws, resulting in more rigid fixation. The constructs with sacral pedicle and/or alar screws as the most distal fixation, offered poor flexion control at the lumbosacral junction in adult patients with a deformity extending to that level [24]. As a result, these constructs exhibited high rates of pseudarthrosis (33 %) and instrumentation-related complications (70 %) [8].
Some of the challenges associated with the Galveston technique have been addressed with iliac fixation using screws. Iliac fixation allows placement of fully or partially threaded iliac screws or posts to be connected with the longitudinal rod construct in the lumbar spine by means of monoaxial or polyaxial connectors and offsets (Fig. 16.2). The system has the advantage of modularity and easier placement of implants, placement of more than one iliac screw on each side, and placement of screws in sites of previously harvested grafts [18]. When subjected to load to failure, iliac screws were three times stronger than Galveston intrailiac rods [24].

Fig. 16.2
A radiograph demonstrating iliac screws and the use of multiple connectors
The S2A alar iliac (S2AI) technique was developed at Johns Hopkins, and has been widely adopted elsewhere, for adult and pediatric patients requiring sacropelvic fixation. Fixation through the S2 ala into the ilium allows for a starting point in line with the S1 pedicle screw (Figs. 16.3, 16.4, and 16.5) and it is reproducible. Decreased implant prominence is another main advantage of this technique, as the starting point is 15 mm deeper than that for entry at the posterosuperior iliac spine [25, 26]. The technique also allows for a single rod to be utilized, without the complex use of connectors. A report from our institution documented the 2-year follow-up for this technique in adult and pediatric patients and demonstrated a complication rate lower than that of the traditional iliac screws technique – only 1 of 52 patients required implant removal at 2 years [27].

Fig. 16.3
Representation of the S2AI screw trajectory in the transverse (a), coronal (b), and sagittal (c) planes

Fig. 16.4
Depiction of lumbosacral pivot. Sagittal (a) and axial (b) views
The sacrum serves as the keystone that connects the two hemipelves and plays a critical role in pelvic ring stability. It is comprised of five fused vertebrae with transverse processes that merge laterally into the thick continuous sacral ala. Its anteroposterior diameter tapers from 47 mm at S1 to 28 mm at S2 in women and, similarly, from 50 to 31 mm in men [28]. The lumbosacral junction represents a transition from a highly mobile segment to a stiff segment with the sacrum and pelvis functioning as one unit. Forces that act on instrumentation and fusion mass in this region include axial loading, shear stresses, and torsion [29]. An additional challenge for fixation in this region is the critical nature of the anatomical structures overlying the ventral aspect of the sacrum including the internal iliac artery and vein, middle sacral artery and vein, sympathetic chain, lumbosacral trunk, and colon [30].
Biomechanical Principles
Certain principles are necessary to understand the biomechanical advantages conferred specifically by sacropelvic fixation. McCord et al. defined the concept of an anterior pivot point for the flexural lever arm, using a model of lumbosacral calf spines [12]. They described the pivot point near the middle osteoligamentous column at the L5–S1 disk space (Fig. 16.4). Stiffness of the construct increases as the instrumentation extends anterior to the pivot point.
O’Brien et al. described three distinct zones of the sacropelvic region: Zone 1 comprises the S1 vertebral body and the cephalad margins of the sacral alae; Zone 2 comprises the inferior margins of the sacral alae, S2, and the area extending to the tip of the coccyx; Zone 3 comprises both ilia [31]. Fixation strength and construct stiffness are greatest in Zone 3, as there is potential in this region for instrumentation to extend far anterior to the pivot point (Fig. 16.5).
Indications for Pelvic Fixation
Pelvic fixation should be considered and utilized when there are greater biomechanical stresses expected than S1 screws can withstand. An inability to achieve adequate fixation strength through sacral screws only can lead to an unacceptably high risk of implant loosening, pseudarthrosis, and failure. In this regard, the primary goal of pelvic fixation is to ensure a stable foundation for the construct and allow for maintenance of the deformity correction and solid arthrodesis. This is particularly critical for patients with greater preoperative and persistent postoperative sagittal malalignment and pelvic incidence (PI) minus lumbar lordosis (LL) mismatch and older patients and those with osteoporosis.
High-Grade Spondylolisthesis
Primary indications for pelvic fixation include high-grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesis (Meyerding Grade III or IV). For high-grade spondylolisthesis, the reduction of lumbosacral kyphosis to restore spinopelvic sagittal alignment can result in high mechanical complication rates due to the significant shear forces at the lumbosacral junction. Biomechanically, fixation extending to the pelvis helps offset the cantilever forces exerted for correction of high-grade spondylolisthesis [32].
Long Fusions to the Sacrum
A common indication for pelvic fixation is a long construct fusion for adult spinal deformity, particularly in the revision setting where distal fixation in the sacrum has previously failed and incorporation of the pelvis is required. Historically, what constitutes a long construct has been controversial. Some surgeons consider it to be one that extends to L2, while others contend that a long fusion is one that crosses the thoracolumbar junction [18, 33–35]. It is our experience that for most adult patients, fusion that extends proximally to L2 or higher creates sufficient biomechanical stresses at the lumbosacral junction that pelvic fixation is required.
Other conditions that may require pelvic fixation include paralytic kyphoscoliosis and neuromuscular kyphoscoliosis and congenital scoliosis. Lumbosacral deformities warrant pelvic fixation to offset the biomechanical stresses imposed on the construct to maintain deformity correction.
Rather than a specific level, more important is the concept that ending the distal construct in the lumbar spine could result in residual coronal imbalance or sagittal kyphosis that could progress over time. Multiple authors therefore advocate extending long spinal arthrodeses to the pelvis and augmenting it with anterior L5–S1 interbody fusion to prevent the development of flat back syndrome [36–38]. In the revision setting, the presence of pseudarthrosis at the L5–S1 junction with loose S1 screws is another indication for extension of fusion, with inclusion of pelvic fixation.
Degenerative spinal deformities involving the lumbosacral junction are common indications for sacropelvic fixation, including oblique take-off of L5, adult degenerative scoliosis, revision decompression surgery, and postlaminectomy flat back syndrome. Along with advanced degeneration of the L5–S1 motion segment, these conditions cause lumbosacral instability, exerting huge biomechanical stresses on the construct. In such deformities, extending the fusion to the pelvis is a prerequisite to achieving and maintaining the correction [39].
Corrective Osteotomies
In the setting of adult spinal deformity, sacropelvic fixation is indicated with the use of corrective osteotomies to correct coronal and sagittal malalignment. A three-column osteotomy or multiple posterior column osteotomies, when utilized to recreate lumbar lordosis, may require extension of fusion to the pelvis to maintain the correction. It is our recommendation that a minimum of six points of fixation are required distal to the osteotomy site; however, if pelvic anchors are used, four points of distal fixation in addition to two pelvic anchors may be adequate to prevent excessive motion and pseudarthrosis at the lumbosacral junction.
Other Conditions
Other indications include long segment fusions in the setting of osteoporotic or traumatic fractures. We had a case at our institution of a 52-year-old female, with severe osteoporosis, who developed a sacral fracture and sagittal malalignment 6 months after posterior spinal fusion L3–S1 for degenerative scoliosis at an outside institution. Our approach for this case was to remove all previous instrumentation and use larger size, bicortical, pedicle screws at L3–S1 for sufficient purchase. We then proceeded to place two S2AI screws bilaterally, referred to as a dual screw technique, and perform a sacral osteotomy to achieve correction in the sagittal plane, as well as translation (Fig. 16.6).

Fig. 16.6
Preoperative (a, c) radiographs of a 52-year-old female with previous L3–S1 fusion who developed an S1 fracture. Postoperative radiographs (b, d) after revision fusion, sacral osteotomy, and dual S2AI screws bilaterally
In all of these cases, the purpose of sacropelvic fixation is to provide structural support to partially unload S1 and/or S2 screws until fusion has occurred, thereby preventing fixation failure and progressive deformity. In particular, sacral insufficiency fractures complicating long fusions can pose a significant challenge. The authors believe that rigid spinopelvic fixation is the best prophylactic measure and serves at the same time as the treatment of choice for these fragility fractures [34]. Traumatic lower lumbar vertebra or sacral fractures with spinopelvic dissociation similarly demand spinopelvic fixation, a mechanically stable construct that allows weight bearing.
Pelvic fixation is also used in pathologies involving destruction of the sacrum, such as from neoplasm, infection, or sacral fractures leading to spinopelvic disassociation. The sacroiliac joint plays a critical role in load transmission from the axial skeleton to the lower limbs, and therefore lumbopelvic stabilization should be considered in the case of sacrectomies above the S1 foramina and total sacrectomies. If it is not possible to salvage the sacral pedicle for screw fixation, options include a bridging bone graft from the L5 transverse process to the sacrum or an anterior lumbar interbody fusion at L5–S1 for caudal support [40].
Options for Sacropelvic Fixation
Sacral (S1) Tricortical Pedicle Screws
To preface, failure with S1 pedicle screw fixation as the sole means of distal fixation of a long construct can be as high as 44 % [8, 15]. The key factors that play a role in distal sacral fixation alone include screw length and diameter, as well as bi- or tricortical screw placement. Studies have also confirmed the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) and screw fixation strength [41]. Failure of the S1 pedicle screw largely occurs from insufficient sacral bone stock, whether by virtue of a small S1 sacral body or osteoporotic bone, or incorrect direction or depth of the screw.
Options for S1 pedicle screws include bicortical fixation with an entry point either in the anterior sacral cortex or the S1 superior endplate, or tricortical fixation incorporating the apex of the sacral promontory (posterior sacral cortex). Tricortical technique involves directing the screw toward the medial sacral promontory, allowing purchase of the dorsal cortex, the anterior cortex, and the superior endplate cortex (Fig. 16.7). This technique therefore provides three potential points of fixation. Studies have confirmed the biomechanical advantage of tricortical versus bicortical S1 screws, based upon the ability to insert longer screws with the tricortical purchase trajectory, and doubling the insertional torque of the bicortical screw inserted parallel to the S1 endplate [42]. This latter configuration is thought to improve pullout strength and to increase load to failure, both of which are particularly important concepts in osteoporotic bone.

Fig. 16.7
Intraoperative lateral radiograph showing the pedicle finder in the direction of the tricortical S1 screw
S1 and S2 Pedicle Screws
Although the combination of S1 and S2 pedicle screws is stronger than S1 screws alone, the S2 pedicle screw remains dorsal to the lumbosacral pivot point limiting its effect on overall strength of the lumbosacral fixation construct [12]. Thus, S2 screws add little to the overall biomechanical strength of the construct in resisting flexion at the lumbosacral junction. Zindrick et al. noted that, compared with other sacral screws, medially directed S2 screws had the worst pullout strength and that screws inserted at a 45° lateral angle into the ala and medially into the first sacral pedicle were the strongest [11].
Sacral Alar Screws
Sacral alar screws are placed into the lateral anterior cortical bone of the sacrum and are aimed laterally 30° to 45° [30]. The safe zone is narrow, with potential for injury to the lumbosacral trunk, the internal iliac vein, and the sacroiliac joint. Screw lengths average 38 mm with 30° lateral angulation and 44 mm with 45° lateral angulation [30]. Poor clinical results and high pseudarthrosis rates have been noted when these screws were used for long fusions to the sacrum [8].

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