Fig. 8.1
AP view of the lumbar spine. Target disk is at L2–L3. Closed white arrow indicates superior end plate of L3 parallel to the X-ray beam

Fig. 8.2
Right oblique view. Tip of the SAP of L3 is at approximate midpoint of the inferior end plate of the L2 vertebral body (* target point, SAP superior articular process, P pedicle)
The disk is preferentially approached from the side opposite the patient’s usual pain to avoid the patient mistaking discomfort secondary to needle placement with provoked pain secondary by disk stimulation. If the patient has central pain or the pain is equal bilaterally, or if there are other impeding technical factors, needle insertion from either side is fine.
The insertion point is marked on the skin. The distance between the opposite superior articular processes increases at the lower lumbar levels. At T12–L1, the needle insertion point is about 3–4 cm lateral to the midline; at L5–S1 it is approximately 6–7 cm lateral. At L5–S1, because of the iliac crest and increased interfacetal distance, ideal access to the disk may not be possible. The fluoroscope is therefore rotated only far enough to bring the superior articular process approximately 25 % of the distance between the anterior and posterior vertebral margins.
Prior to needle placement, a skin wheal is made with lidocaine 1 % (~1 cc) using a 25 gauge 1.5 in. needle. To anesthetize the needle track, one can use a 25 gauge 3.5 in. needle advanced under “tunnel vision,” i.e., parallel to the X-ray beam, to the level of the SAP. Exercise caution so as not to anesthetize the dorsal root ganglion within the foramen. Overenthusiastic anesthetization may obscure nerve root impalement and could potentially anesthetize the sinuvertebral and ramus communicans nerves, thus altering the evoked pain response during disk stimulation and creating a false-negative response.
A one- or two-needle technique may be used; however, most diskographers currently use a two-needle technique. Prior to the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics, Fraser et al. [24] reported a rate of diskitis with single non-styletted versus double needles of 2.7 % versus 0.7 %, respectively. Both the North American Spine Society and the International Spinal Injection Society recommend a two-needle approach [16, 19].
The two-needle technique utilizes a shorter, larger gauge introducer needle through which a longer, smaller gauge needle is advanced past the tip of the introducer needle into the targeted intervertebral disk, theoretically avoiding picking up any skin flora. The trend is to use a 20 gauge 3.5 in. introducer with the 25 gauge 6 in. disk puncture needle. The 25 gauge needle theoretically minimizes any trauma to the disk. Less experienced operators may start with the 18/22 gauge needle combination, particularly because the curve of the disk puncture needle is easier to maintain. The body habitus of the patient will dictate if longer needles are necessary, i.e., 5 in. introducer and an 8 in. disk puncture needle. A slight bend, opposite the bevel, is typically made at the tip of the disk puncture needle to allow the operator to “steer” the needle during extra- and intradiscal insertion [39–42]. At times a larger curve, at the distal third of the disk puncture needle, must be utilized to compensate for less than ideal anatomy or postsurgical changes.
The introducer needle is passed through the skin wheal at the skin puncture point, using a “down the beam” or “tunnel vision” technique on the oblique fluoroscopic view and is often felt to enter the foramen (Fig. 8.3). To protect the diskographer’s hand from radiation exposure, forceps may be used to grasp the introducing needle. To avoid potential neural injury, direct the needle into the region below the segmental nerve, just lateral to the superior articular process and above the end plate (Fig. 8.4). The disk puncture needle must travel under the segmental nerve coursing medial to lateral, and dorsal to ventral, to puncture the annulus fibrosus of the disk at the midpoint of the disk when seen in lateral and AP views. To minimize nerve trauma, one might consider use of a needle with a short, non-cutting bevel. However, a Quinke tip spinal needle is appropriate in that contact with the ventral ramus should be a rare occurrence if a modicum of care is utilized. Forward advancement is stopped at the approximate level of the SAP, although placement within the foramen, ventral to the intervertebral disk annulus, is acceptable. Use a lateral fluoroscopic view to check needle depth (Fig. 8.5).




Fig. 8.3
Right oblique view. Introducer needle in lateral to SAP at L2–L3 target disk (see closed white arrow) (SAP superior articular process, P pedicle)

Fig. 8.4
Location for diskogram needle insertion. NR nerve root outlined by contrast media, SAP superior articular process, EP end plate

Fig. 8.5
Lateral fluoroscopic view of the lumbar spine. All introducer needles in place, at or just ventral to the posterior elements, for L1–L2 through L5–S1 disks
The stylette is then removed from the introducer, and the longer, smaller gauge disk puncture needle is advanced slowly under real-time lateral fluoroscopy. The needle will be seen to transverse the intervertebral foramen; then, a firm but distinct change in resistance will be noted as the needle touches and punctures the annulus fibrosus. On the lateral view, the needle will typically contact the posterior disk margin 1–3 mm posterior to the vertebral margin. On AP projection, the diskogram needle ideally contacts the disk margin on a line drawn between the midpoints of the pedicles above and below (Fig. 8.6). The patient may experience a brief sharp “pinch” or sudden aching sensation when the needle pierces the innervated outer annulus fibrosus. In no case should one advance the introducer or diskogram needle medial to the inner pedicle margins before contacting the intervertebral disk. Using lateral fluoroscopy, the needle is then advanced to the center of the disk as seen on both lateral and AP projections (Figs. 8.7 and 8.8). AP and lateral projections are used to assure good needle placement, and spot films saved for documentation prior to injection of contrast.




Fig. 8.6
The diskogram needle should contact the disk between the midpoint of the posterior vertebral margins on the lateral view (a, white vertical line) and at the line between the midpoint of the pedicles on the AP view (b, white vertical line) (P pedicle)

Fig. 8.7
Lateral fluoroscopic view. Diskogram needles placed into center of intervertebral disks

Fig. 8.8
AP view. Disk puncture needles in the center of the nucleus pulposus of each intervertebral disk
If bony obstruction is encountered, the physician should use fluoroscopy to determine whether the needle has contacted the superior articular process or the vertebral body. If the SAP is contacted, the introducer needle can be withdrawn slightly and its trajectory modified. The introducer needle can be advanced to just over the lateral edge of the superior articular process or advanced to the dorsal margin of the disk. If the vertebral body is contacted, the introducer needle is withdrawn to a point where manipulation of the slightly bent disk puncture needle can compensate for the nonoptimal placement of the introducer needle.
If the patient experiences any radicular pain or dysesthesia during needle advancement, insertion of the needle must halt. The ventral ramus may be encountered because it crosses the posterior-lateral aspect of the disk in close proximity to the disk entry site. In such a case, the needle is partially withdrawn to alter its course and redirected toward the disk. A slight bend in the needle tip facilitates small directional adjustments. Typically, redirection of the needle more medially and caudally will avoid the segmental nerve. If greater direction changes are needed, withdraw and redirect the introducer needle as well.
The above technique can be utilized for disk puncture in greater than 95 % of lumbar disk levels; however, occasionally, due to anatomical variations (i.e., overriding iliac crest, osteophytes) or postsurgical changes (i.e., posterior intertransverse fusion mass or fusion hardware), variations in the procedure must be utilized. A detailed description of the myriad modifications with which a diskographer might be faced is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, most involve either a more lateral or more medial needle insertion with the disk puncture needle bent or curved to varying degrees. Rarely, the posterior interpedicular, transdural, approach must be used for disk puncture. This technique increases the chance for morbidity since the dura is punctured twice. Risks and benefits of this technique must be weighed. At the L2–L3 level and above, the posterior approach should never be used due to the real risk of impaling the spinal cord.
Disk puncture at L5–S1 can be technically more challenging than the L1–L4 levels when due to the increased inter-facet distance and the proximity of the iliac crest which obscures direct access to the disk nucleus. When optimal obliquity is not possible due to bone, less rotation is required. After the L5–S1 intervertebral disk has been identified and the superior end plate of the S1 vertebral body is aligned with the X-ray beam, the image intensifier is ipsilaterally obliqued until the ilium or sacral ala obscures the disk target. Counter rotation then is used to evidence a clear path to the lateral disk access. At this point, the S1 superior articular process (SAP) may be only 25 % of the distance between lateral vertebral borders. Less than 2 cm of the L5–S1 disk is visualized between the superior articular process of S1 and the sacral ala (Fig. 8.9). Unlike the direct approach at the levels above, a slight to marked curve or “hockey-stick” bend is required for the diskogram needle insertion at this level. Under the oblique fluoroscopic view, the introducer needle is advanced toward the bony notch between the S1 superior articular process (SAP) and sacral ala. The needle tip should be immediately adjacent to the anterolateral aspect of the S1 SAP (Fig. 8.9). Next, sterile gauze is used to curve the distal 2–3 cm of the diskogram needle into a smooth arc in the direction opposite the bevel (Fig. 8.10). The degree of curve is operator dependent, based on the amount of medial deflection required to reach the center of the disk. Under a live lateral fluoroscopic view, the curved diskogram needle is advanced through the guide needle until the tip emerges and is felt to gain purchase in the outer annulus. The needle is then directed in a medial and slightly posterior course around the SAP to stay within the safe region (Fig. 8.4). For some diskographers, the 18/22 gauge needle combination may be easier to direct versus the 20/25 gauge needle combination used at upper levels. Obese or muscular patients may require longer needles. Once the diskogram needle reaches the annulus fibrosus, its position is checked in both AP and lateral views. In the lateral view, the needle should contact the disk 2–3 mm posterior to the vertebral margin (Fig. 8.9b), and in the AP view, the needle should ideally be on a line bisecting the midpoint of the L5 and S1 pedicles. The needle course must be closely monitored; if the needle does not curve sufficiently in the medial direction, it will not reach the center of the disk; moreover, it may strike the ventral ramus. If the needle does not track medially and posteriorly, it must be removed and its curvature accentuated. Once the disk puncture needle is within the outer annulus and is slowly advanced, the introducer needle can be withdrawn to reinstitute and accentuate the bend on the disk puncture needle facilitating medial deviation. As mentioned previously, if the needle contacts bone, determine whether the superior articular process or the vertebral body has been encountered and make appropriate adjustments. Ideally, the final needle position is the center of the disk; however, there is leeway. In severely degenerated disks, the needle position is not as crucial because the contrast spreads throughout the disk due to loss of the intrinsic disks architectural integrity. Ideally, the needle should be within 4–5 mm of the disk center on AP and lateral fluoroscopy.



Fig. 8.9
(a) Oblique view of L5–S1 needle position. The tip of the diskogram needle can be seen just beyond the introducer just lateral to the S1 superior articular process and medial to the iliac crest. (b) Lateral view. The needle is advanced slowly under direct fluoroscopic vision, and the guide needle is simultaneously retracted. The inner needle should contact the disk 2–3 mm posterior to the vertebral margin

Fig. 8.10
Operator uses sterile gauze to bend the distal tip of the diskogram needle (bevel facing out). This technique is often used at the L5–S1 disk space (Photo courtesy: Richard Derby, MD)
8.7.1 Disk Provocation
Diskography is a provocational test which attempts to mimic physiologic disk loads and evoke the patient’s pain by increasing intradiscal pressure with an injection of contrast medium. Increased intradiscal pressure is thought to stimulate annular nerve endings, sensitized nociceptors, and/or pathologically innervated annular fissures. Historically, pressure standards have been lacking, no doubt leading to erroneous conclusions. This approach is taxonomically unsound; emerging standards require unambiguous operational criteria that establish a threshold intensity for both pain response and stimulation intensity. Both require a precise method to apply the stimulus and strict criteria for interpretation. The intensity of the provocation stimulus must be carefully controlled through the skilled operation of a manometer syringe or an automated manometer. A 3 cc syringe with manual thumb pressure is still utilized by some operators, but this does not reflect current standards. Stimulus intensity can also be quantified with a controlled inflation syringe and digital pressure readout, permitting more precise comparisons between patient disks and between diskographers.
Most abnormal disks will be painful between 15 and 50 psi a.o. [43] and are termed “mechanically sensitive” based on a four-type classification introduced in the 1990s by Derby et al. in respect to annular sensitivity [44]. Disks which are painful at pressures <15 psi a.o. are termed low-pressure positive or “chemically sensitive” disks [44]; if painful between 15 and 50 psi a.o., they are termed “mechanically sensitive” disks. Indeterminate disks are painful between 51 and 90 psi a.o. and normal disks had no pain provocation. An important caveat is that a normal disk can hurt if pressurized too high with uncontrolled, manual “thumb” pressurization. Much of the recent research reporting a high false-positive rate for lumbar diskography in asymptomatic subjects used uncontrolled, manual thumb pressurization to 100 psi a.o. [45, 46]. If a disk is painful at >50 psi, the response must be reported as indeterminate, because it is difficult to distinguish between a pathologically painful disk and the pain evoked from simply mechanically stimulating a normal or subclinically symptomatic disk [47]. To limit false-positive responses, the most up-to-date diskography standards set a pressure criteria of <50 psi a.o. to define a positive response [16].
Injection speed is also a confounding factor and may account inter-operator variability in results and increased false-positive responses. At high injection speeds, the true intradiscal pressure (dynamic pressure) is higher than the recorded static pressure [48]. The dynamic pressure, measured only in research settings, is the actual pressure which would be recorded with an intradiscal pressure sensor. Currently, we measure pressure indirectly via a manometric syringe which records plateau static pressures postinjection. The pain during activities of daily living is more closely correlated to dynamic peak pressure [44]. Static pressure is reflective of dynamic pressure when recorded by needle sensor and manometer only at slower injection speeds (<0.08 ml/s) [48]. Currently, injection speed can be standardized with an automated manometer or manually by a skilled operator.
When all needles are positioned in the nuclei pulposi of the target disks, injection can commence. The patient should be awake and able to describe sensations produced by disk stimulation. The patient should be blinded to both the initiation of stimulation and the level of injection. Nonionic contrast medium combined with antibiotic is injected into each disk at a slow velocity using a calibrated injection syringe or automated manometer with digital pressure readout. The total volume injected should probably be limited to ≤3.5 ml. A standardized procedure form is recommended to record the stimulation parameters, patient response, and observations concerning internal disk morphology.
Opening pressure is reported first, with typical values from 5 to 25 psi, varying with the degree of disk degeneration. If the opening pressure is greater than 30 psi, this usually indicates that the needle tip is in the inner annulus and therefore must be repositioned. At each 0.5 ml aliquot, the following data is collected: total volume, static and dynamic pressures, pain response (intensity and concordance), pain behaviors (vocal or physical), and contrast pattern. Injection continues until one of the following end points is reached: pain response ≥7/10, intradiscal pressure ≥50 psi above opening in a disk with a grade 3 or greater annular tear or 80–100 psi in a disk with normal-appearing nucleogram, epidural or vascular pattern is evident, or a total of 3.5 ml of contrast medium has been injected.
Some severely degenerated disks may accept greater volume; however, the incidence of false-positive pain responses may increase. If the disk cannot be pressurized in a slow sustained manner, to greater than 50 psi above opening pressure at ≤3.5 ml volume (due to an annular or end plate leak or severe disk degeneration), one can use a rapid manual injection of a small volume to elicit a dynamic pressure of 50 psi above opening. However, the diskographer should be aware that in the setting of a leak, stimulation of structures adjacent to the disk (e.g., posterior longitudinal ligament, DRG, nerve roots, etc.) could provoke back pain or referred pain. Furthermore, with injection into the disk nucleus, the height of the intervertebral disk can increase causing motion of the contiguous vertebral bodies and possibly stimulating an adjacent disk with pain provocation. This would be expected to a greater extent when high volumes of injectate are utilized or high pressures obtained.
8.8 Imaging
Anterior-posterior (AP) and lateral images of all injected disks are saved as part of the permanent record. A descriptive classification [49] is used for the fluoroscopic images: cotton ball, lobular, irregular, fissured, and ruptured (Fig. 8.11). A variety of patterns may occur in abnormal disks [49]. The appearance of the normal nucleus following the injection of contrast medium is classic: the contrast medium assumes either a lobular pattern or a bilobed “hamburger” pattern (Fig. 8.11). Contrast medium may extend into radial fissures of various lengths but remain contained within the disk (Figs. 8.11 and 8.12). Contrast may escape into the epidural spaces through a torn annulus (Figs. 8.11 and 8.13). In Fig. 8.13, note how epidural contrast outlines the location of the left S1 nerve root as it passes under the pedicle. This might explain how a patient could experience both axial pain and pseudo radicular pain. In some cases the contrast medium may escape through a defect in the vertebral end plate [8]. In other cases, the disk is completely fissured and disrupted (Fig. 8.14). However, none of these patterns alone is indicative of whether the disk is painful; that can be ascertained only by the patient’s subjective pain response to disk injection.





Fig. 8.11
Lateral fluoroscopic view after disk injection. Large closed white arrows point to disks. L3–L4 disk, classic bilobed, “hamburger” pattern; L4–L5 disk, posterior annular fissure with contrast dye outlining disk protrusion; L5–S1, posterior annular tear extends into disk protrusion with very small leak visible (thin vertical white arrow)

Fig. 8.12
AP fluoroscopic view of same patient in Fig. 8.11. Closed white arrows point to disk spaces. L3–L4 disk, bilobed dye pattern; L4–L5 disk, left-sided annular fissure extending into lateral protrusion. L5–S1 disk, marked annular disruption with small leak visible inferiorly*

Fig 8.13
AP fluoroscopic view of lumbar spine. *, epidural leak at left L5–S1 level; note how contrast outlines the location of the S1 nerve root (thin white arrow). Large white arrow shows right lateral disk protrusion below L3 osteophyte

Fig. 8.14
AP fluoroscopic view of the lumbar spine. Multilevel severe degenerative disk disease from L1–L2 to L5–S1
Post-diskography axial CT scanning provides the most accurate depiction of internal disk architecture. The degree of degeneration is described by dividing the disk into four quadrants [50]. If the contrast is confined to the nucleus, then no quadrant disruption is present; if the contrast is dispersed, then its location is described (e.g., single-quadrant disruption, right posterior; two-quadrant disruption, left anterolateral and right posterior, etc.). The degree of radial and annular disruption is most commonly described [50, 51] using the Modified Dallas Discogram Scale (Fig. 8.15) [16, 52, 53]: grade 0 indicates contrast is contained within the nucleus; grades 1–3 describe degree of fissuring extending to the inner, middle, and outer annulus, respectively; grade 4 describes a grade 3 annular fissure with a greater than 30° circumferential arc of contrast (Figs. 8.16, 8.17, 8.18, 8.19, and 8.20), and a grade 5 annular tear indicates rupture or spread of contrast beyond the outer annulus into the epidural space or foramen (Fig. 8.13).







Fig. 8.15
Modified Dallas Discogram Scale. Grade 0, no annular disruption; grade 1, radial disruption into the inner third of the annulus; grade 2, contrast spread into the middle third of the annulus; grade 3, contrast into the innervated outer third of the annulus; grade 4, grade 3 with >30° circumferential tear; grade 5, spread of contrast into the epidural space (Adapted from Endres and Bogduk [29], p 23)

Fig. 8.16
Axial post-diskography CT scan with grade 0 annular tear. Contrast is contained in the nucleus pulposus

Fig. 8.17
Axial post-diskography CT scan with grade 1 annular tear. Contrast extends slightly into the inner annulus in the right posterior quadrant

Fig. 8.18
Axial post-diskography CT scan with grade 1 and 2 annular tears. Contrast extends slightly into the inner annulus in the right posterior quadrant and into the middle annulus in the left posterior quadrant

Fig. 8.19
Axial post-diskography CT scan with grade 3 annular tear. Contrast extends posteriorly to the outer annulus within a contained protrusion

Fig. 8.20
Axial post-diskography CT scan with grade 4 annular tear. Contrast extends into the left posterior quadrant and into a circumferential tear
8.9 Diskography Standards
Both the techniques for performing diskography and the criteria for interpreting the findings have been in a constant state of evolution since their introduction in the 1940s. Until very recently, diskography has been performed without strict operational standards with respect to pressure limits, injection speed, volume, and validated clinical end points. The current standard for determining a positive response to diskography with the use of pressure-controlled diskography is pain ≥7/10, pressure <50 psi a.o., concordant pain, grade 3 or greater annular tear, ≤3.5 ml volume, and at least one negative control disk [16]. One can refine the criteria by adding the Walsh criteria, which stipulate that a positive response includes ≥2/5 pain behaviors (guard/brace/withdraw, rubbing, sighing, verbalizing, and grimacing) [54]. Provocation diskography is the best diagnostic test we have to diagnose diskogenic pain. However, if performed without consistent operational and interpretation standards, diskographers can obtain inaccurate results.
8.10 Caveats
The following are techniques employed by experienced diskographers to optimize performance of the test, as well as limit false-positive and false-negative responses:
The diskographer must be skilled in needle placement; otherwise, further pain provocation will be hard to interpret. Inexperienced diskographers often impale the adjacent segmental nerve or create significant tissue trauma from multiple needle insertion attempts.
Carefully evaluate pain produced ipsilaterally to the needle insertion site. Referred pain may be caused by the diskogram needle impinging upon the dorsal root ganglion. Gently “jiggle” the needle to distinguish needle pain from diskogenic pain.
Transient pain may be provoked if an asymptomatic fissure or previously healed annular tear with a fibrous cap is abruptly opened during pressurization. A true positive pain response is ≥7/10 and sustained for greater than 30–60 s; true diskogenic pain is less likely to decrease rapidly. Pain which resolves within 10 s should be discounted. Clinically, patients with diskogenic pain tend to have increased pain postoperatively and an exacerbation of symptoms for 3–7 days.
Confirm all positive responses with manual re-pressurization with a small volume. If re-pressurization does not provoke concordant ≥7/10 pain at <50 psi a.o., then the response is considered indeterminate.
If the patient has significant pain in a disk without a grade 3 tear (adjacent to a positive response disk), consider injecting 1 ml of 4 % Xylocaine into the painful adjacent disk and retest the normal-appearing disk in 10 min. One may find that the disk is no longer painful. There is likely segmental overlap with innervation or stimulation of the adjacent disk due to vertebral body movement.
Injected volume should be limited to 3.5 ml. Painless, morphologically severely degenerated disks can be made painful if excessive volume is injected.
When diskography is performed on disks status post prior diskectomy, the false-positive response is likely higher. The results should be reported as indeterminate unless the disk is painful at low volume and low pressure.
8.11 Post-procedure Care
After the procedure, patients are taken to the recovery room for vital sign and clinical status monitoring by nurses trained in spine injection management. The patient is checked immediately post-transfer and 30 min post-procedure for any subcutaneous bleeding. Analgesic medications (oral, IV, or IM) is provided as needed. The patient is advised to that they may experience an exacerbation of their typical symptoms for 2–7 days. The patient is instructed to contact the office if he or she develops fever, chills, or severe (or delayed) onset of pain. Patients are observed and discharged according to institutional protocol. Typically, the patient is discharged to the care of a responsible adult and instructed not to drive for the remainder of the day. All patients should be contacted by phone 2–4 days post-procedure to screen to complications or adverse side effects.
8.12 Potential Risks and Complications
Post-diskography complications are well described [25, 55]. Complications can occur secondary to the disk puncture itself and to misadventures during needle placement or can be related to medications utilized. Complications vary from minor (e.g., increased low back pain, nausea, headache) to major (diskitis, seizure, permanent neurologic injury, and death) [56].
Concern over prolonged pain after diskography has been overblown. In the 1960s, Holt reported prolonged low back pain after diskography [57]; however, serious criticisms were raised about this author’s patient population (prisoners), technique, and the use of noxious Hypaque dye. More recent studies also have serious shortcomings. The claim that diskography causes prolonged pain at 1 year in subjects asymptomatic of low back pain who underwent diskography is based on six patients [58]. However, a closer look must be taken at these six patients, as they are not “psychologically” representative of patients undergoing PD. All patients had been diagnosed as distressed somatics or with somatization disorder. Two of the six patients were chronic pain patients status post failed cervical fusion, on daily opiate medications with active worker’s compensation claims. Psychometric testing of these two patients also revealed that they were distressed somatics. The other four patients had a primary diagnosis of somatization disorder; two of these four patients were unable to tolerate the initial needle placement at more than one or two levels and were excluded from further study on diskography, yet they were included in the 1-year follow-up publication reporting that diskography caused prolonged pain. Such a small sample size limits generalizability of the conclusions; moreover, it is well recognized that persons with somatization disorder commonly complain of recurrent pain and conversion phenomena (pseudoneurologic symptoms) and are at risk for iatrogenic illness [59]. Furthermore, somatization disorder patients are hospitalized or undergo surgery three times as often as depressed patients [60].
Diskitis is the most common serious complication of diskography, reported to be less than 0.15 % per patient and 0.08 % per disk [19]. The incidence of diskitis has been clearly diminished with the double- vs. single-needle technique [24]. Also, with careful preprocedure screening for infection (e.g., UTI or skin), aseptic skin preparation, styletted needles, and intravenous and intradiscal antibiotics, diskitis is now very rare. Over a 10-year period, in our clinic (RD), only one case of diskitis per over 2,000 patients has been recorded, while in the practice of the other author (ML), in over 5,000 disks injected, no cases of diskitis are known. In these practices using standard prophylactic measures, the combined rate of diskitis is less than 1/11,000 or <0.009 %. To prevent diskitis, the authors recommend a surgical skin preparation and draping, a double-needle technique, and intravenous prophylaxis with antibiotics before the procedure as well as intradiscal antibiotics. However, even with prophylactic antibiotics, an epidural abscess after diskography has been reported [61, 62].
The most common causative organisms for diskitis after lumbar diskography are S. aureus, S. epidermis, and E. coli [25, 63, 64] suggesting inoculation with surface flora or inadvertent bowel perforation. Clinically, the patient with diskitis presents with severe, unremitting, disabling pain in the days to weeks after the procedure. The patient may report a change in the quality of their pain as well as typical relieving factors. Some patients have a fever, although this is not a universal symptom. The workup should include a physical examination, laboratory, and imaging studies. Laboratory tests include complete blood count (CBC) with differential, C-reactive protein (CRP), sedimentation rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and blood cultures. The CRP usually increases within days of onset of infection; the ESR is not as sensitive and may not be elevated for a month. If the end plates have not been breached, the blood cultures and CBC will be normal. MRI is the preferred imaging modality [65–67]. Technectium-99 bone scan is less sensitive and specific than MRI [68]. MRI within 3–4 days of symptoms shows increased T2 signal in the disk and end plate hyperemia. Biopsy in the acute phase, before end plate breach, is more likely to be positive. After end plate breach, sanguineous spread creates a sterile environment and activation of the immune system [69]. Treatment of diskitis typically requires prolonged antibiotic therapy, although some mild self-limiting cases have been reported [69]. Empyema or abscess formation requires CT-guided drainage or surgical intervention [70–72].

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