(a) Axial MRI images of a 38 y/o nonathletic patient with a L5-S1 HNP. (b) Axial MRI images of 19 y/o elite athlete (who is currently an elite NFL player) with a L5-S1 HNP. Note the difference in anthropometric factors (cross-sectional area of the psoas, paraspinal muscles, and other anatomic structures) compared to the nonathlete in (a)
Kumar et al. found a positive family history for lumbar disc disease in 24% of pediatric and adolescent patients with an LDH [7]. Grobler et al. also found 24% of adolescence with a surgically treated lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) have a positive family history for disc disease [13]. Zamani and MacEwen found a positive family history in 17% of their patients with a symptomatic LDH [21]. In totality, these studies demonstrate the influence of genetics on lumbar disc degeneration.
The report of trauma as a precursor to adolescent and pediatric disc herniation is varied. Sarma et al. found this was a significant factor in 57% cases, and Ozgen et al. found a positive history of trauma or intense sports activities in 83% of adolescent cases [10, 17]. Epstein et al. found 52% of teenaged children reported antecedent trauma prior to symptomatic LDH [11]. Slotkin et al. opined that pediatric disc herniations are much more likely to be the result of an acute injury rather than a degenerative condition [5]. Kumar et al. believed that gross trauma is not necessarily a contributory factor in adolescent LDH since it was only present in 8% of their patients, but repetitive microtrauma may be a predominant factor [7]. Papagelopoulos et al. reported 60% of the patients in their series had an antecedent trauma, which included sports injuries [16].
In a study on surgical treatment of adolescent intervertebral disc herniations, Grobler et al. found trauma was a significant factor in 59% of the cases [13]. In patients under 16 y/o, 61% were female, while in patients 16–20 y/o, 63% were male [13]. They suggested this occurred secondary to earlier skeletal maturity in females [13]. Cahill et al. found that 64% of adolescent LDH patients were competitive athletes [22].
In our experience, we have found younger athletes often have a traumatic prodrome to their LDH. In particular, athletic trauma due to training, such as dead lifts, squats, and power cleans, is often documented.
Ring Apophysis
Many symptoms of adolescent disc herniations are morphologically found to be fractures of the ring apophysis rather than the herniated nuclear material typically found in the adult population. It has been emphasized that recognition of these fractures is essential for appropriate treatment, preoperative planning of surgery, if indicated, and prognosis. Since this is an osseous/cartilaginous lesion, it is more readily appreciated on computed tomography (CT) scan than magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging. Epstein et al. found only one third of limbus vertebrae fractures were identified on the MRI scan, while 100% were appreciated on CT scan [23]. CT scanning is considered the optimal modality for imaging these types of fractures [24].
Bick et al. was the first to histologically evaluate the ring apophysis (RA) in detail, after Schmorl defined it [25]. Bick et al. described the RA as a region with increased amounts of traction due to the branching fibers of the long intervertebral ligament inserting into the individual vertebrae [25]. Calcification begins at approximately 6 y/o, ossification begins at 13 y/o, and fusion with the vertebral body at around 17 y/o [25]. By 18 years, fusion is complete, and at 20 y/o, the ring cannot be histologically identified [25].
The RA can separate from the caudal aspect of the cephalad vertebra or the cephalad aspect of the caudal vertebrae before skeletal maturity causing mass effect similar to, or in conjunction with, a disc herniation. The exact mechanism of the fracture is not understood, but many theories exist. In a study by Epstein et al., approximately half of the patients, mostly athletes, had a trauma as the inciting event [23]. Moreover, if there is neural compression, a radiculopathy may present.

Schematic diagram of fractures of the vertebral limbus . (a) Type I: simple separation of the entire posterior vertebral margin. (b) Type II: avulsion fracture of some of the substance of the vertebral body, including the margin. (c) Type III: more localized lateral fracture of the posterior margin of the vertebral body. (d–g) Type IV: fracture that extends both beyond the margins of the disc and the full length of the vertebral body between the end plates. The Type IV fracture effectively displaces bone posteriorly, filling the floor of the spinal canal with a combination of reconstituted cortical and cancellous bone accompanied in part by scar formation
Grobler et al. found that 38% of pediatric LDHs had a RAF [13]. They reported on 29 surgical patients with a RAF and found that trauma was a significant factor in 59% of cases. Moreover, 78% of these were caused by sports [13].
Wu et al. conducted a literature review on RAF with LDH that included 366 patients and discussed the importance of preoperative planning. The surgical treatment with excision of the apophyseal fragment was somewhat different than a more typical LDH. Wu et al. concluded that the surgical outcomes in patients were equally beneficial for the posterior RAF and LDH patients, but due to the shortcomings in the literature, no definitive consensus on treatment modality could be established [27]. Wu et al. demonstrated that there was a 2.85:1 male-to-female ratio, and 7.9% of RAF occurred at vertebral levels other than L4-L5 and L5-S1 which were similar to LDH patients [27].
Epstein et al. evaluated 27 patients with a RAF with a mean age of 32 years [23]. Fifty-nine percent of patients were male [23]. Trauma, which included sports-related injuries, was related to more than half the patients [23]. Lavelle et al. found that 28% of adolescent disc herniations involve apophyseal fractures, and these have a higher rate of surgical intervention [28].
Singhal et al. evaluated CT scans of 42 patients less than 18 y/o that were evaluated for LDH [29]. Fifty-five percent of patients with a LDH had a traumatic etiology [29]. Of the 42 patients, 38% of the pediatric patients did have an associated RAF [29]. Of their LDH patients, 55% of the males and 20% of the females were found to a RAF [29]. RAF was also associated with central herniations [29].

Postcontrast MRI in a 16-year-old male demonstrating a persistent RAF that was not resected at the time of initial micro-decompressive surgery. See text for further discussion
Disc Degeneration in Adolescent Athletes
Alyas et al. evaluated MRI findings in 33 asymptomatic elite adolescent tennis players with a mean age of 17.3 and found disc degeneration, desiccation, and bulging in 39% of these athletes [30]. Only 15% of those studied had a normal MRI exam of the lumbar spine [30]. Additionally, 27% had a pars lesion and 70% had early facet arthropathy [30]. Most pathology was exclusively displayed at the most caudal two motion segments [30]. This study, as with others in the spine literature, underlies the importance of correlating abnormal imaging to the patient’s symptoms. Abnormal imaging alone does not indicate a diagnosis necessitating treatment.
Gerbino et al. found degenerative disc disease (DDD) , facet degeneration, and low back pain increased in football players with their years of participation [31]. Bono discussed that while the prevalence of disc degeneration in athletes is higher than in nonathletes, it remains unclear whether it correlates with a higher rate of low back pain [32].
Sarma et al. found that 29% of skeletally immature patients with a disc herniation had a single level of disc degeneration, and 29% had multilevel disc degeneration [17]. Kumar et al. found only 16% of LDH patients had underlying degenerative changes [7].
Bartolozzi et al. looked at training and the occurrence of disc lesions with training overload in volleyball athletes. They found training regimens are a more important risk factor than player age and overall period of athletic activity [33]. Volleyball players who followed appropriate training procedures had positive MRI findings 21% of the time, and those who trained with exercises creating significant functional overload had positive findings in 62% of cases [33]. Their control group of swimmers displayed positive MRI findings in only 20% of cases [33].

Sagittal MRI of a lumbar disc herniation at the L5-S1 level with age-appropriate changes

Sagittal MRI of a 19-y/o elite athlete with a disc herniation and advanced degenerative changes at the L5-S1 level
While a significant portion of adolescent athletes experience episodic low back pain, only a small percentage have disc herniations, leading the diagnosis to often be delayed or misdiagnosed. The inability of children or adolescents to fully articulate their symptoms further compounds the issue of diagnosis. The initial differential diagnosis often includes strains, sprains, stress fractures, spondylolisthesis, DDD, Scheuermann’s disease, scoliosis, discitis, tumors, or other neoplastic lesions. These processes may all mimic LDH. It is also important to rule out an extraspinal pathology.
In the skeletally immature patient, there is a trend toward more back pain and fewer radicular complaints, although this varies between studies. Grobler et al. looked at the surgical treatment of adolescent intervertebral disc herniations and determined that back pain was a major chief complaint in all cases surgically treated [13] where sciatica was the primary symptom in only 55% of the cases [13].
In a series published by Kumar et al., all patients with LDH presented with low back pain and 68% had radiculopathy [7]. Nerve tension signs vary and significant motor deficits are not common. In a study by Ozgen et al., 88% of patients presented with low back pain, 41% of patients had a positive straight leg raise, 35% presented with radiating sciatica, 47% of patients had scoliosis, and the median duration of symptoms from the onset to time of presentation was 7.7 months [10]. Papagelopoulos et al. found a 6.4-month period between the onset of symptoms and initial surgery, and all of the patients presented with sciatica [16].
Borgesen et al. found that lumbar pain and sciatica were both present in 96% of patients less than 20 y/o [9]. Motor and sensory findings were far less common in this study. Scoliosis was present in 52% of cases [9]. In contrast to other studies, Borgesen et al. opined trauma as an unlikely etiology in adolescent lumbar disc herniation and found this in only 16% of those in their series [9]. This is the same as their adult control group; hence they concluded that disc degeneration is the primary cause, while trauma is only a precipitating factor [9]. A good or excellent surgical outcome was found in 98% of patients [9].
Grobler et al. found restricted forward flexion was found in 76% of patients, and all patients had a positive straight leg raise and 3.8 months of conservative treatment prior to surgery [13].
Pinto et al. demonstrated that scoliosis was one of the presenting findings secondary to an antalgic position, and this resolved with successful removal of the inciting disc herniation [35]. Cahill et al. reported a reactive scoliosis was present in 18% of the 87 patients [22]. In a study by Sarma et al., 31% of adolescents with a LDH had scoliosis upon presentation [17]. Zhu et al. evaluated 26 patients whose scoliotic posture was the initial symptom in adolescents with LDH and found a pattern of a short lumbosacral curve accompanied with a long thoracic or thoracolumbar curve toward the opposite side [36]. Fifty-eight percent of these that had low back pain, and only 69% had a positive straight leg raise exam finding [36]. There were 88.5% that had a trunk shift greater than 2 cm toward the side opposite of the disc herniation and had poor coronal plane balance [36]. All patients had a straight sagittal profile, and all had marked improvement in the curve after excision of the offending disc herniation [36].
Ozgen et al. evaluated 17 adolescent patients who required surgery for LDH [10]. Fifty-nine percent of the patients were male [10]. Eighty-two percent of patients were involved trauma or intense sports activities [10]. Eighty-eight percent of the patients had low back pain as the most common complaint [10]. The straight leg raise test was only positive in 41% of patients [10]. All of the cases were at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 vertebral levels [10].
As seen above, most studies show that adolescent LDH differ from adult presentation with a preponderance of back pain compared to leg symptoms . In addition, a possible reactive scoliosis should trigger the clinician that a disc pathology may be present.
Conservative treatment options vary, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), other medications as indicated, physical therapy, interventional pain management with blocks, activity modification, orthosis, and observation of the natural history of disc resorption. However, the natural history of disc regression may not be the same in adolescents and children as in adults. Many of the older case studies recommend nonoperative treatment with prolonged initial bed rest, traction, activity limitations, and a body cast [3, 21]. Early imaging with an MRI is sometimes prudent and is mandatory for any neurologic findings, systemic issues, or atypical findings.
Prior to surgical intervention, MRI is the study of choice, allowing for visualization of edema, compressive neural lesions, tumors, stenosis, disc degeneration and associated changes, pars fractures/stress reactions (edema), etc. CT scanning can be helpful for preoperative evaluation of pars lesions, RAF, and facet pathology.

T2 sagittal MRI demonstrating a contained HNP in an adolescent athlete. He did not respond to nonoperative treatment and underwent successful microdiscectomy
When treated surgically, the tenuous disc material often necessitates the use of reverse currets and tamps to impact the compressive lesion, sometimes including RAF’s into the disc space. The material may then be resected with a pituitary from the disc space. Also, Kerrisons, osteotomes, drills, or other instruments can be used to extract the offending lesion and provide satisfactory neural decompression. Identification of the pars interarticularis is necessary, and preservation of this structure is necessary to prevent iatrogenic instability. Consequently, this procedure may be more technically demanding than an adult microdiscectomy.
We have found that a number of patients have an osseous-cartilaginous end plate fracture, and the surgeon must be prepared to address this. While not all authors advocate removal of the bony fragment in a RAF, removal of the bony fragment is indicated for decompression when it creates neural impingement. Successful outcomes depend on the neural decompression and require meticulous microsurgical techniques. Because of this, the surgeon must have a level of awareness for the RAF pathology.
Estimated probability of competing in college athletics
High school participants | NCAA participants | Overall % HS to NCAA | % HS to NCAA Division I | % HS to NCAA Division II | % HS to NCAA Division III | |
Men | ||||||
Baseball | 491,790 | 34,980 | 7.1 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.8 |
Basketball | 550,305 | 18,712 | 3.4 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.4 |
Cross country | 266,271 | 14,350 | 5.4 | 1.8 | 1.4 | 2.2 |
Football | 1,057,382 | 73,063 | 6.9 | 2.7 | 1.8 | 2.4 |
Golf | 141,466 | 8,527 | 6.0 | 2.1 | 1.7 | 2.2 |
Ice hockey | 35,210 | 4,199 | 11.9 | 4.8 | 0.6 | 6.5 |
Lacrosse | 111,842 | 13,899 | 12.4 | 2.9 | 2.3 | 7.1 |
Soccer | 450,234 | 24,986 | 5.5 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 2.7 |
Swimming | 138,364 | 9,691 | 7.0 | 2.7 | 1.1 | 3.1 |
Tennis | 158,171 | 7,957 | 5.0 | 1.6 | 1.1 | 2.3 |
Track and field | 600,136 | 28,595 | 4.8 | 1.8 | 1.2 | 1.7 |
Volleyball | 57,209 | 2,007 | 3.5 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 2.0 |
Water polo | 21,286 | 1,013 | 4.8 | 2.7 | 0.7 | 1.3 |
Wrestling | 244,804 | 7,175 | 2.9 | 1.0 | 0.8 | 1.1 |
Women | ||||||
Basketball | 430,368 | 16,532 | 3.8 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
Cross country | 226,039 | 15,966 | 7.1 | 2.6 | 1.8 | 2.7 |
Field hockey | 60,549 | 6,066 | 10.0 | 3.0 | 1.3 | 5.7 |
Golf | 75,605 | 5,372 | 7.1 | 2.9 | 2.1 | 2.2 |
Ice hockey | 9,599 | 2,355 | 24.5 | 8.8 | 1.2 | 14.5 |
Lacrosse | 93,473 | 11,752 | 12.6 | 3.7 | 2.7 | 6.2 |
Soccer | 388,339 | 27,638 | 7.1 | 2.4 | 1.9 | 2.8 |
Softball | 367,405 | 19,999 | 5.4 | 1.7 | 1.6 | 2.1 |
Swimming | 170,797 | 12,684 | 7.4 | 3.3 | 1.2 | 2.9 |
Tennis | 187,519 | 8,736 | 4.7 | 1.5 | 1.1 | 2.1 |
Track and field | 494,477 | 29,907 | 6.0 | 2.7 | 1.5 | 1.8 |
Volleyball | 444,779 | 17,387 | 3.9 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
Water polo | 20,826 | 1,159 | 5.6 | 3.4 | 0.9 | 1.3 |

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