Diagnostic Accuracy of Physical Examinations for ACL Injury

Fig. 5.1
Representation of the calculation of the sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test

The three most common physical examinations that test for ACL insufficiency are the anterior drawer test, Lachman’s test, and the pivot shift test. Before the 1970s, the only physical examination that was used for diagnosis was the anterior drawer test. The exact origins of the anterior drawer test remains uncertain, and descriptions of similar tests have been identified in published work dating back to 1875 [14]. The first published description of Lachman’s test was provided by Torg et al. in 1976 [16], although descriptions of similar tests have been found in earlier publications [11]. The pivot shift test was described initially by Galway in 1972 and was introduced into routine clinical examinations in the 1980s [4].

This chapter describes these three physical examination maneuvers that are used to assess ACL instability and present the evidence that is available regarding their diagnostic accuracy and reliability.

5.2 Anterior Drawer Test

5.2.1 Test Description

The examination is performed with the patient in supine position with the hip at 45° flexion and the knee at 90° flexion. The lower leg is held in neutral rotation with the examiner using either their thigh to stabilize the patient’s forefoot or forearm to stabilize the patient’s shin. The examiner then places the fingers of both of their hands in the popliteal fossa with the thumbs over the tibial plateau and anterior joint line. A slow, but firm, anteriorly directed force is then applied to the proximal tibia. A positive test result is an increased anterior tibial translation of the involved leg in comparison to the uninvolved leg, and this is indicative of an ACL tear.

5.2.2 Strengths and Limitations

The anterior drawer test has the benefit of being the least challenging test to perform; however, there are several limitations to the test that may lead to inaccurate diagnoses. The first flaw arises from the occasional difficultly placing the knee at 90° flexion due to muscle guarding and effusion that often accompany ACL injuries. Furthermore, when at 90° flexion the hamstring muscles may act to stabilize the tibia, preventing anterior translation. Lastly, the anatomy of the knee joint when flexed at 90° is such that the convex surface of the posterior femoral condyle and the concave surface of the medial tibia plateau and posterior horn of the medial meniscus may interact in a manner similar to a “door stopper” which impedes anterior translation. Each of these potential flaws, due to the nature of the examination placing the knee at 90° flexion, could increase the likelihood of a false-negative result when performing the anterior drawer test [14]. False-positive results with the anterior drawer test may arise from PCL injuries where the sagging tibia is taken as the normal position of the proximal tibia causing a movement to normal position to appear as an anterior translation [9]. In order to avoid such errors, it is important to consider the “step-off” which is the shortest distance from the femur to a hypothetical line extending tangentially from the tibial tuberosity. A “step-off” less than 5 mm is indicative of a PCL injury, and any anterior movement from this position is not considered a positive anterior drawer test [8].

5.2.3 Accuracy

One meta-analysis of eight studies (n = 1,061) reported a pooled sensitivity of 62 % (95 % confidence interval [CI], 42–78 %) [13]. A second meta-analysis of 20 studies published before the year 2000 (including 7 of the 8 studies from the previous meta-analysis) with a total sample size of 1,809 patients reported a pooled sensitivity of 55 % (95 % CI, 52–58 %) [1] (Table 5.1). The former review also calculated a pooled specificity of 88 % (95 % CI, 83–92 %) based on a meta-analysis of seven studies (n = 929) [13] (Table 5.2). The latter review performed a meta-analysis of 12 studies (half of which were included in the previous meta-analysis analysis) with a total sample size of 1,420 patients and reported a pooled specificity of 92 % (95 % CI, 90–94 %), for a pooled positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 7.3 (95 % CI, 3.5–15.2) and a pooled negative likelihood ratio (LR−) of 0.5 (95 % CI, 0.4–0.6) [1]. Another systematic review reported variable LR+ and LR− with ranges of 2.0–87.9 and 0.23–0.74, respectively; however, the authors of the review did not calculate pooled values because of the substantial heterogeneity of the data, wide confidence intervals in the reported values, and concerns of high bias risk in five of the six studies included in the review [15].

Table 5.1
Summary of the pooled sensitivities and specificities reported for the anterior drawer test performed in various circumstances

Test condition


No. of subjects

Sensitivity [% (95 % CI)]

Specificity [% (95 % CI)]


Scholten (2003)


62 (42–78)

88 (83–92)

Benjaminse (2006)


55 (52–58)

92 (90–94)

Acute ACL injury

Benjaminse (2006)


49 (43–45)

Chronic ACL injury

Benjaminse (2006)


92 (88–95)

With anesthesia

Benjaminse (2006)


77 (75–80)

87 (82–91)
van Eck (2013)




Without anesthesia (acute, complete ruptures)

van Eck (2013)




Table 5.2
Summary of the pooled sensitivities and specificities reported for Lachman’s test performed in various circumstances

Test condition


No. of subjects

Sensitivity [% (95 % CI)]

Specificity [% (95 % CI)]


Scholten (2003)


86 (76–92)

91 (79–96)

Benjaminse (2006)


85 (83–87)

94 (92–95)

Leblanc (2015)


89 (76–98)

Acute ACL injury

Benjaminse (2006)


94 (91–96)

Chronic ACL injury

Benjaminse (2006)


95 (91–97)

Partial ACL rupture

Leblanc (2015)


68 (25–98)

Complete ACL rupture

Leblanc (2015)


96 (90–100)

With anesthesia

van Eck (2013)




Without anesthesia (acute, complete ruptures)

van Eck (2013)




Prone position

Mulligan (2011)


70 (49–84)

97 (83–99) Type of Injury

When the studies were distinguished by chronicity of the injury, the pooled sensitivity of the maneuver performed on acute injuries was 49 % (95 % CI, 43–55 %) based on a total sample size of 298 patients. The sensitivity of the anterior drawer performed on chronic injuries was much higher, namely, 92 % (95 % CI, 88–95 %) based on an aggregate of 531 patients [1]. It is thought that patients with ACL insufficiency over a long period of time have developed chronic knee laxity, which is expected to improve the accuracy of the test due to fewer false-negative results from muscle guarding. Effect of Anesthesia

Under anesthesia, muscle guarding is no longer a factor; thus the sensitivity of the anterior drawer test is expected to increase due to fewer false-negative results. The pooled sensitivity of the test with anesthesia was calculated to be 77 % (95 % CI, 75–80 %) by a meta-analysis of 15 studies published before the year 2000 (n = 1,306). The pooled specificity, LR+, and LR− were calculated to be 87 % (95 % CI, 82–91 %), 5.9 (95 % CI, 0.9–38.2), and 0.4 (95 % CI, 0.2–0.8), respectively, by a meta-analysis of seven studies with a total sample size of 713 patients [1]. The ACL injuries were not differentiated by chronicity or type (partial or complete) in this systematic review. Another meta-analysis of 14 studies (with 11 of these studies included in the previous meta-analysis) reported a pooled sensitivity of acute, complete ruptures under anesthesia of 63 % (n = 934) compared to 38 % without anesthesia (n = 826) [17] (Tables 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5).

Table 5.3
Summary of the pooled sensitivities and specificities reported for the pivot shift test performed in various circumstances

Test condition


No. of subjects

Sensitivity [% (95 % CI)]

Specificity [% (95 % CI)]


Benjaminse (2006)


24 (21–27)

98 (96–99)

Leblanc (2015)


79 (63–91)

Partial ACL rupture

Leblanc (2015)


67 (47–83)

Complete ACL rupture

Leblanc (2015)


86 (68–99)

With anesthesia

Benjaminse (2006)


74 (71–77)


van Eck (2013)



Without anesthesia (acute, complete ruptures)

van Eck (2013)




Table 5.4
Sensitivity [% (95 % CI)] of the anterior drawer, Lachman, and pivot shift tests performed on awake patients as reported by available evidence



No. of subjects

Anterior drawer


Pivot shift

Boeree (1991)a



56 (42–69)

63 (49–75)

31 (19–44)

Cooperman (1990)a


71 (40–92)

Hardaker (1990)a



18 (11–27)

74 (65–82)

29 (20–39)

Lee (1988)a



78 (56–93)

91 (72–99)

Richter (1996)



67 (54–79)

93 (83–98)

48 (35–62)

Rubinstein (1994)a



76 (38–96)

96 (60–100)

93 (57–100)

Sandberg (1986)a



39 (30–48)

48 (39–57)

6 (2–11)

Schwartz (1997)a


92 (80–98)

Steinbrück (1988)a



92 (81–98)

86 (74–94)

22 (11–35)

Tonino (1986)a

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