Diagnosis and Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injuries

Diagnosis and Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injuries

Sameer K. Puri, MD

Margaret E. Cooke, MD

Steve K. Lee, MD

Dr. Lee or an immediate family member has received royalties from Arthrex, Inc.; is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of Axogen; serves as a paid consultant to or is an employee of Axogen, Checkpoint, Synthes, and Zimmer; serves as an unpaid consultant to HQRB; has received research or institutional support from Arthrex, Inc. and Axogen, Checkpoint, Integra, and Toyoba; has received nonincome support (such as equipment or services), commercially derived honoraria, or other non-research-related funding (such as paid travel) from Cartiva; and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Neither of the following authors nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this chapter: Dr. Puri and Dr. Cooke.


Peripheral nerve injuries present challenges to surgeons in diagnosis and characterization of the injury; prognostication of outcomes with surgical and nonsurgical intervention; and choosing optimal treatment options when intervention is chosen. Suboptimal treatment can leave devastating consequences due to pain and dysfunction. Over one million people worldwide present with a peripheral nerve injury every year. These injuries affect the quality of daily life; 24% to 41% of patients with a major peripheral nerve injury are unable to return to their previous line of work.1 Despite this, there remains a lack of consensus on optimal treatment strategies for many clinical scenarios.

The authors will attempt to present an up-to-date approach to diagnosis and management of peripheral nerve injuries, with reliance on the best available evidence when available. The goals for treating surgeons should be to (1) accurately describe the injury, (2) make a best available assessment as to the likelihood of improvement without intervention, and (3) choose the optimal intervention at the earliest time point when clarity is available. Clarity is not always obtainable, and intervention in the form of exploration may at times be indicated. Options for treatment of peripheral nerve injuries include direct repair, single or cabled autografts, allografts, conduit-assisted repairs, nerve transfers, and tendon- and muscle-based salvage options.


Seddon described three types of nerve injury based on the histologic structure of nerves—neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis. Neurapraxia describes a conduction block of an otherwise intact nerve.2 Axonotmesis describes an injury involving axonal discontinuity. These injures will lead to a degenerative pathway, with variable potential for regeneration, but the macroscopic structure of the visible nerve sheath remains intact. The final category, neurotmesis, describes a complete transection of all neural elements.


Sunderland introduced a classification of peripheral nerve injury in 1989, expanding on Seddon’s classification from 1942, which has been widely accepted and is used to categorize nerve injuries (Table 1). The classification is based on the histologic structure of peripheral nerves, progressing in increasing severity based on the amount of damaged neural elements. When applied accurately, it can help surgeons to accurately prognosticate and make the clinical choice on whether or not to intervene.

TABLE 1 Sunderland Classification of Nerve Injuries With Description of Pathoanatomy and Expected Clinical Course Without Surgical Intervention

Sunderland Grade (and Seddon Classification)

Description and Damaged Elements

Anticipated Clinical Course

1 (Neurapraxia)

A temporary conduction block. Axonal continuity remains; there is damage to the myelin sheath preventing complete or effective conduction.

There may be some sensory, and less commonly motor, sparing. As the myelin sheath repairs, clinical recovery is anticipated.

2 (Axonotmesis)

Stretch or contusion has led to axonal discontinuity and damage to the myelin sheath. The perineurium containing fascicles and endoneurium surrounding axons remain intact.

Due to axonal continuity, a degenerative process distal to the lesion will occur. With the neural structure remaining largely intact, nerve regeneration and spontaneous healing is anticipated.

3 (Axonotmesis)

As above, but with additional damage and scarring of the endoneurium within the fascicles.

Variable chance of recovery based on the amount of endoneurial scarring, and difficult to prognosticate.

4 (Axonotmesis)

Additional damage to the perineurial structure of the individual fascicles. Epineurium remains intact, with the nerve visibly in continuity from a macroscopic perspective.

With all internal neural elements damaged, there is low likelihood of regeneration. Commonly referred to as “neuroma in continuity.”

5 (Neurotmesis)

Complete transection of all neural elements.

Low likelihood of spontaneous regeneration.


Understanding the physiologic effects of nerve injury helps to form the basis of clinical decision making (Table 2). Axonotmetic nerve injuries lead to predictable changes to the nerve stump proximal to the lesion, the cut nerve distal to the lesion, and in the target muscles and target sensory end organs that the nerve innervates. All of these factors play into clinical decision making, and the treatment choice requires a basic understanding of the physiology of nerve healing.


Proximal to axonal injury, both the nerve and the cell body undergo histologic and transcriptional changes to switch the nerve from transmission to growth mode.2 Macrophages are recruited to the cell bodies and mediate changes in the nuclear transcriptional activity of the cell.3,4,5,6 In the ganglia, a group of regeneration-associated genes (RAGs) are upregulated, increasing transcription of neurotrophic factors, their receptors, and structural components necessary for growth such as tubulin and actin.7,8,9,10,11,12 These RAGs are upregulated initially after nerve injury and decline over time.13,14 However, if an injured nerve is repaired or reaches a target, it is exposed to growth factors from the target which help to maintain the regenerative growth response.15,16


Distal to axonal injury, the nerve undergoes a process known as Wallerian degeneration. Negative connotations of the word notwithstanding, Wallerian degeneration refers to a process by which the transected nerve actively becomes more receptive to regrowth. After transection, the distal stump continues to transmit signals for hours to days, likely due to lag time from the slow pace of anterograde axoplasmic transport.17,18,19 Quiescent Schwann cells dedifferentiate, upregulate expression of RAGs, recruit additional macrophages, and together phagocytose the preexisting myelin and axonal tissue.20,21,22,23,24 The dedifferentiated Schwann cells line up along the basal lamina of the distal transected nerve in bands of Bungner, which help to guide and target regrowing axons.25,26,27,28 Schwann cells continue to play an important role in keeping the nerve alive as well, which will eventually cease in the absence of neurotrophic factors.


Target muscle and sensory organs undergo changes when they lose neural input. The neuromuscular junction—made up of terminal Schwann cells and motor axons in the nerve and the motor end plate with its acetylcholine receptors in the muscle fiber—will degenerate and disperse acetylcholine receptors as it loses the neurotrophic factors from the efferent axon.29,30 Atrophy of the muscle and collagen infiltration begins within weeks of denervation, but the architecture can remain intact for up to a year. By two years, fibrosis and degeneration of the muscle is likely irreversible, leading to the generally accepted guideline that a muscle must be reinnervated by 12 to 18 months from injury to hope for functional recovery.31,32 Sensory organs are more resistant and may remain reinnervatable for 2 to 3 years.33

TABLE 2 Important Growth Factors, Pathways, and Proteins Associated With Nerve Injury and Regeneration

Growth Factors


Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

Secreted by macrophages in response to hypoxia at the injury/repair site, stimulates angiogenesis


Released in response to nerve injury, recruits macrophages to injury site, an essential step in promoting regeneration-associated genes (RAGs)


Secreted by fibroblasts, recruits macrophages to dedifferentiated Schwann cells

ERK signalling pathway

Pathway for dedifferentiation of Schwann cells, driving their transition to role in postinjury state

LIF/STAT3 pathway

Utilized by macrophages to upregulate RAGs in the cell body of an injured nerve


Transcription factor upregulated after injury, promotes neurite branching, elongation, and myelination


Receptor upregulated by Schwann cells in distal nerve, responds to Ephrin B secreted by fibroblasts, relocalizing N-cadherin to cell surface. This drives attraction between cells, and aids in formation of bands of Bungner in distal nerve during Wallerian degeneration

N-cadherin, NCAM

Adhesion molecules upregulated by Schwann cells that may aid in migratory behavior, both for formation of bands of Bungner and to drive directionality of regrowth of axons

Chondroitin sulfate glycoproteins

Along with other breakdown products and debris, can play inhibitory role in axon regrowth and migration

Choline acetyltransferase, acetylcholine esterase

Transmission-related genes that are downregulated as RAGs become upregulated

Tubulin, actin

Cytoskeleton proteins upregulated by RAGs essential for growth cone extension from the proximal stump


RAG-associated neurotrophic factors

GAP-43, CAP-23, SGC-10

Growth-associated proteins upregulated by RAGs, correlated with regeneration capacity of injured neurons

IL-1, IL-6

Schwann cells upregulate production of cytokines that recruit macrophages across blood nerve barrier

BDNF = Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, GDNF = Glial derived neurotrophic factor, NCAM = Neural cell adhesion molecule


The space between the proximal and distal stump of nerve is initially characterized by a macrophage-rich inflammatory response.34 Local hypoxia drives migration of regional dedifferentiated Schwann cells and, with them, their neurotrophic factors and factors of angiogenesis. At the distal aspect of the nerve proximal to the injury, growth cones are formed which respond to and are led by neurotrophic factors primarily derived from the Schwann cells in the bridge between proximal and distal nerve.35 Schwann cells progressively organize into cords that can lead regenerating axons across the gap from the proximal to distal nerve stump.36,37 This process, especially initially, is imperfect with staggering of the crossing axons and frequent misdirection.36,38 Upon reaching the distal stump, axons are guided by the bands of Bungner along the path of the distal nerve toward the target organ. While initially random, over time, neurotrophic factors sort the fibers appropriately toward motor and sensory end organs.39

Apr 14, 2020 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Diagnosis and Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injuries

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