Fig. 19.1
ACL graft mid-substance failure after transphyseal tibial tunnel and epiphyseal femoral tunnel 2 years after index procedure
Due to a lack of data, the rate of re-tear in very young, prepubertal children is not clearly known. It is likely to be the highest of any age group including the high school athlete. Mid-term results of the physeal sparing intra/extra-articular technique show a low 4.5% revision rate [5]. An all-epiphyseal technique similar to that of Anderson et al. had an 11% re-tear rate [6].
It is clear that young patients who are reconstructed with tissue bank allografts (versus their own autografts) have a much higher re-tear rate than those with autografts, with reports up to 37% graft failure [7–9]. Autografts are strongly preferred over allografts in the young age group. In rare cases in which the patients has insufficient length or diameter autograft tendons, an allograft can supplement their autograft to make a hybrid graft.
In very young patients, smaller graft size may also contribute to a higher rate of graft failure (Table 19.1). It is unknown if an 8 year old’s new ACL autograft or allograft can grow in size and strength as the athlete grows in size and strength. Researchers found that graft size decreased by 25% between sizing at surgery as compared to MRI measurement at follow-up [10]. Adults who underwent ACLR with a graft diameter <8.5 mm had a higher rate of re-tear than adults with a graft diameter ≥8.5 mm [11]. In the range of 7–9 mm, researchers found a 0.82 times lower likelihood of being a revision case with every 0.5 mm incremental increase in graft diameter [12].
Table 19.1 Prevention of Re-tear
• Large diameter graft >8 mm. Triple (or quadruple) the semitendinosis and double the gracilis for a 5 (6) strand graft if necessary (Fig. 19.2) |
• Drill bone tunnels in the anatomic footprint (nonanatomic is considered by most experts to be the #1 cause of graft rupture) |
• In multi-strand graft, sew or affix all ends of the graft individually so you can apply even tension to all strands when graft is tensioned in the patient (don’t sew strands together side-by-side) |
• Pre-tension the graft at 15–20# on a graft board |
• Tension the graft at 20# during fixation |
• Consider extending rehab for 9–12 months in very young patients |
• Need ≥90% strength of both legs before return to sports |
Nonanatomic tunnel placement is described as the leading cause of ACL graft re-tears in adults. The most common anatomy problem is that the femoral tunnel is placed too anterior in the notch. Intra-articular reconstructions such as transphyseal and all-epiphyseal are designed to place the graft in the anatomic footprint of the native ACL. The use of fluoroscopy to place all-epiphyseal tunnels close (but not through) the growth plate of femur and tibia may also help confirm that the femoral tunnel is not anterior. A study found that anatomic femoral tunnels (vs. transportal tunnels) failed earlier [2]. A large study using transphyseal drilling technique reported very good results with a 3% re-tear rate [13]. The graft placement from of the intra-articular/extra-articular physeal sparing technique is not anatomic, but the re-tear/revision rate is reportedly low at only 4.5% [5].

Fig. 19.2
(a) The semitendinosis graft is laid flat and the bulky portion (excluding the thin proximal tip) is divided into thirds to give an ultimate tripled graft length of about 7–9 cm. (b) The proximal third is folded back on itself and sewn side to side with a Krackow locking suture of #2 high strength suture. A similar suture is placed in the distal (tibial insertion) of the tendon. An umbilical tape is looped through the loop in the tendon. (c) The proximal tip of the ST tendon is trimmed, and the left side of the tripled graft is looped through a suspensory fixation device. The right side of the graft is tensioned with a suture thought the looped graft and with the sutures previously placed in the free end of the graft
Pediatric ACL reconstructions often use newer, nonstandard techniques of fixation, especially in the thin tibial epiphysis , which may be subject to slippage or loss of fixation. The intra/extra-articular physeal sparing technique relies on suturing to the periosteal membrane at two out of the three graft fixation points versus the adult gold standard of fixing the graft in a bone tunnel fixation [5]. The all-epiphyseal technique in which the graft, the tunnels, and the fixation reside exclusively in the epiphysis may use tunnels that are shorter, and potentially less secure, than standard adult techniques, especially in the thin tibial epiphysis.
Most pediatric sports surgeons exclusively use soft tissue autografts to minimize the risk of bone bar formation (bone block epiphysiodesis) from placing a patellar tendon or quadriceps tendon bone block near or across the physis. The growth plate of the distal femur is precariously close (2–3 mm) to anatomic origin of the ACL. If the child with a failed graft (ACL re-tear) is still skeletally immature, then the patellar tendon graft, with its bone plugs at each end is not a good option due to the risk of iatrogenic bony bar formation across the adjacent femur and tibial growth plates. If hamstrings were the original graft, then the IT Band can be harvested for either a repeat epiphyseal or transphyseal reconstruction, or an intra/extra-articular technique. Another option is to harvest the quadriceps tendon as a pure soft tissue graft, or as a single bone plug graft. The bone plug can be placed in the femoral tunnel and the soft tissue end can be pulled through the joint and out the tibial tunnel with a screw/post in the metaphysis. An allograft is a poor option in a revision ACL surgery due to the high risk of re-tear of allograft versus autograft in children.
The standard principles of revision should be followed. The original bone tunnels on the preoperative MRI or CT scan should be measured for tunnel widening. If the tunnels measure >14 mm diameter, then tunnel bone grafting may be a necessary first stage of a two stage revision. If the original tunnels are in an anatomic position, then the failed graft ends can be removed from the bone tunnel using an arthroscopic shaver and curettes, which is an arduous process. The cleared tunnels can then be reamed up to the size of the new graft. If the child has matured substantially since the original growth plate friendly ACL surgery, an original all-epiphyseal technique can be converted to a transphyseal or a standard adult technique. Drilling new tunnels is much easier in a revision than cleaning and reclaiming the old tunnels. If the child is essentially mature at the time of revision, then a patellar tendon autograft is a great graft. If interference screw fixation is planned for a patellar tendon revision, it is handy to have oversize screws available to compensate for any tunnel widening up to 14 mm.
Contralateral ACL Tear
Any athlete who tears their ACL is at risk to tear their opposite knee ACL. This risk can be higher than re-tearing the original graft. Paterno et al. report a 30% re-tear rate within 2 years after an ACLR in young patients, with 70% being the opposite knee tear, and 30% being ipsilateral knee graft failure. Ho et al. found that contralateral ACL tore in 8% of pediatric patients versus 9.6 ipsilateral graft tears [2]. Rehab of a reconstructed ACL should include the contralateral uninjured ACL. Systematic reviews of ACL prevention programs usually find a positive effect, but this is controversial [14, 15].
Meniscal Tear/Re-tear
Meniscal tears are common among the very young athletes who sustain an ACL tear. Almost all meniscal tears in the young should be candidates for a meniscal repair. Many tears are bucket handle tears and these often involve capsular detachment of the whole meniscus and run from the anterior to the posterior horn (Fig. 19.3). Inside-out repair technique using high strength 2-0 sutures is recommended due to the high number of sutures needed for the extensive meniscal repair. All inside suture devices may not be optimal with bucket handle repair due to the high number of implants necessary which can overpopulate the meniscus with the nonabsorbable end toggles of each implant. Peripheral menisco-capsular tears cannot be sewn together with an all-inside suture device that is for intra-meniscal tears. These peripheral tears must anchor the meniscus down to the capsule. Root avulsions, root tears, complex tears, radial tears, and in folded parrot beak tears can be reduced and sutured, but require advanced meniscal suturing techniques. Outside-in technique is particularly helpful for anterior horn tears. In a review of 30 patients with all-epiphyseal ACL reconstruction, there were four re-tears of bucket handle meniscal repair, so the author recommends multiple high strength nonabsorbable sutures that grab a big bite of the meniscus and repair it to the joint capsule. Kocher et al. also noted four meniscal re-tears in their series of 44 intra/extra-articular physeal sparing ACL reconstructions in very young patients [5]. Any meniscal tear, whether virgin or a re-tear of a previously repaired meniscus should raise suspicion of a lax or unstable ACL graft. Carefully check Lachman’s and pivot shift tests in the operating room, along with inspection of the ACL graft.

Fig. 19.3
Re-tear or bucket handle tear that was previously repaired in a transphyseal ACL reconstruction. “Ghost meniscus ” (arrow) seen with notch displacement on left image. Right image shows “double PCL sign” (arrowheads)
Growth Disturbance
Overgrowth can be more common than undergrowth in young children and physeal sparing techniques do not completely eliminate all risk of a growth disturbance after ACL reconstruction in the skeletally immature [16, 17]. The authors suspect that overgrowth may be due to periosteal stimulation near a growth plate, similar to femur overgrowth in femur fractures, and the Cozen phenomenon seen after minor proximal tibia fractures as Chotel et al. suggested [18]. Leg lengths and leg alignment should be measured/inspected at each pre-op and post-op visit until the patient is skeletally mature (Fig. 19.4). If there is a trend toward overgrowth, manifested as an increasing limb length discrepancy or an angular knee deformity, a minimally invasive percutaneous epiphysiodesis can be performed to correct the overgrowth or angulation, as long the patient has adequate growth remaining [19].

Fig. 19.4
3 years after an all-epiphyseal ACL reconstruction the right leg is 2.6 cm longer than the left. The patient underwent a screw epiphysiodesis which reduced the leg length discrepancy down to 0.5 cm at maturity [17]
Cases of growth arrest causing limb shortening or angulation have been sporadically reported in the literature [18, 20–22]. These can be caused by bony bar formation across the growth plate, or by the tether effect of hardware such as an interference screw, a staple, a suture loop suspensory device, or even sutures placed across a growth plate. Anderson et al. mentioned that they found no growth disturbance in 50 cases using his all-epiphyseal technique . They recommend drilling the smallest tunnels that will accommodate the patient’s hamstring graft diameter. They minimized the suture bulk of the graft by sewing the semitendinosis and gracilis tendon ends together with a single suture [23, 24]. Most importantly, a well tensioned and firmly anchored soft tissue graft placed across the growth plate can also cause a growth arrest due to the tether effect. The traditional mantra for transphyseal tunnels is to drill vertical tunnels that are ≤6–8 mm diameter [21, 25]. Unfortunately recent studies have shown that vertical tunnels can lead to persistent rotary instability despite good anteroposterior stability and that graft size (in adults) ≤8 mm is associated with increased graft failure.
In animal studies almost every well tensioned and well fixated graft placed across a wide open growth plate can cause a growth arrest [26–31]. Un-tensioned and poorly anchored grafts that violate over 7% of the growth plate’s cross-sectional area can also cause a growth arrest [32, 33]. One unique advantage of all-epiphyseal techniques of ACL reconstruction in the skeletally immature is that the theoretical risks of growth arrest from both drilling though the growth plate and from the tether effect are eliminated. Anatomic transportal techniques for drilling a transphyseal femoral tunnel will ream out a much larger swath of the distal femoral growth plate due to their oblique trajectory verses a trans-tibial drilled tunnel. Anatomic transphyseal techniques should be avoided in patients with wide open growth plates. A transverse all-epiphyseal tunnel or a physeal sparing intra/extra-articular technique is preferred in the very young athlete [5, 34].
Stiffness can complicate 8% of ACL reconstructions in young patients [35]. The author rehabilitates his immature patients identical to adults with immediate weight bearing as tolerated without any limits on motion. Patients may remove their post-op knee immobilizers at any time, and are instructed to remove it by post-op day #3 for slow gentle knee extension and flexion. It should be totally discontinued by post-op day #7. Swimming is encouraged to start on post-op #7. Formal physical therapy is started on about post-op day #7. Crutches are discontinued at about 3 weeks post-op when the physical therapist deems the patient safe for unassisted ambulation.
The author performs a 2–3 mm lateral and anterior notchplasty , especially when inserting a quintupled hamstring graft (tripled semitendinosis, doubled gracilis) which often measures 8.5–10 mm diameter. The author also places a tibial tunnel aperture as medial as possible with the tibial guide pin touching the lateral edge of the PCL. With an anatomic femoral tunnel the graft can impinge along the lateral wall of the notch especially at flexion angles >45° and can lead to stiffness and require manipulation under anesthesia and revision notchplasty in rare cases. If by 4–6 weeks postoperative the patient has greater than 10 degrees of full extension or cannot flex past 90 degrees then the author considers manipulation under anesthesia. The author uses an extension board starting at the first post-op visit (POD#7) if the patient has unusual stiffness. Serial extension casting (without surgery) can also be effective for mild to moderate knee flexion contracture in the first 6 weeks after surgery [36].

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