Chronic or recurrent joint pain

Chapter 18 Chronic or recurrent joint pain

Case 18.1


While doing housework Sally, a 56-year-old woman, noticed discomfort in her right hand and right lower lumbar region. After completing the housework, she went to rest but noticed no improvement. Three days later she decided to consult a chiropractor. She described it as a continual dull pain, but with sharp exacerbations upon sudden movements. The visual analogue scale (VAS) is 6/10. Sudden movement is described as 8/10. The patient also complains of difficulty lifting teacups, cutlery and general items of everyday use. While not absolutely successful in subduing her symptoms, relieving factors included ice, lumbar support belts and wrist guards.

Over the past 8 years, she had undergone several periods of discomfort in both hands and lower back. The duration of each episode ranged from several days to weeks, with the pain usually resolving on its own. Over the years she had consulted several healthcare practitioners who diagnosed her with either stress-related problems or osteoarthritis. However, she had not undergone any X-ray examination or consulted a specialist about her condition. She did recall that during pregnancy she did not have any pain in her lower back or hands while carrying out normal housework.

Other complaints included mild frontal headaches occurring approximately once every 6 months. Episodes of ‘pins and needles’ which lasted 30–40 seconds occurred in her right hand. This was noted to occur approximately once every 4 weeks.

She perceives her general health as good. Surgical history included an appendectomy at the age of 16. Family history included a mother (now deceased) suffering from low back pain and bilateral foot pain diagnosed as osteoarthritis. Her father has type 2 diabetes mellitus. She has four children ranging from 20 to 13 years of age.

Physical examination

General Sally presented as a woman of generally healthy appearance, although she appeared to be in some discomfort. She also had a noticeable disturbance in gait
Vitals •Pulse rate/min 80 and regular
•Respiratory rate/min 18 and shallow
•Blood pressure mm Hg 128/82
•Height (cm) 153
•Weight (kg) 51
•BMI 21.7
•Temperature (degrees C) 36.9
HEENT Unremarkable
Neck Accessory muscle use was noted during breathing
Chest Heart sounds normal; chest is clear; no cardiomegaly
Abdomen Soft, non-tender, no distension or other abnormality

Structural analysis Increased lumbar lordosis, decreased kyphosis, forward head carriage with right rhomboid and levator scapula muscle contraction. The right posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) is observed and palpated more posterior and inferior compared to the left PSIS. There is right lumbar tilting to L1 with a short left thoracic translation


Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Chronic or recurrent joint pain

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