Foot and Ankle Structured SBA Questions
Foot and Ankle Structured SBA Questions
Anatomy and Biomechanics
1. From the options listed below, please choose the most appropriate description of the anatomy of the spring ligament.
2. From the options listed below, please choose the most appropriate anatomical structure to occur in the third layer of the foot.
3. From the options listed below, please choose the most appropriate muscle that plantar flexes the 1st metatarsal.
4. From the options listed below, please choose the most appropriate description of the anatomy of the Lisfranc ligament.
Achilles and Heel
12. What is the most common diagnosis when pain occurs on palpation of the medial plantar aspect of the calcaneum?
14. What is the most effective treatment for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy in the literature?
18. At the level of the navicular, when harvesting flexor digitorum longus for tibialis posterior tendon reconstruction, what structure lies immediately dorsal or deep to it?
19. A patient attends your clinic after transfer of care. They attend with an in-shoe orthotic in a bag. The orthotic is built up on the lateral side of the heel and contains a depressed section at the medial aspect of the forefoot.
What condition would the likely pathology be associated with?
20. A 53-year-old is currently being operated on for a fixed flat foot deformity. The surgeon has just completed preparation of the hindfoot for fusion, reduced it and held it with guidewires.
The surgeon notes a forefoot deformity that will require intervention. What is the deformity likely to be?
21. A patient attends clinic for the results of an excision biopsy performed from a discrete firm lesion in the foot. The histopathology report included no cell atypia, myofibroblast proliferation and collagen proliferation of type III collagen more so than type I collagen.
What is the likely diagnosis?
22. A 42-year-old female attends with a painful bunion she has had for the past 2 years. She has failed conservative measures. On examination, there is no first ray instability or pain on grind test. Her radiographs reveal a hallux valgus angle of 25°and intermetatarsal angle of 12°.
What is the most appropriate surgical intervention?
23. A 42-year-female with a bunion presents with pain on shod weight bearing originating at the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal heads.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
24. A 23-year-old professional footballer sustains an undisplaced diaphyseal proximal 5th metatarsal fracture during training after a few weeks of grumbling about foot pain.
What is the most appropriate treatment?
25. What is the most frequent iatrogenic complication of excision of both tibial and fibular sesamoids of the hallux?
27. What force on the proximal phalanx is created by the abductor hallucis in a hallux valgus deformity?
28. A fit and healthy 75-year-old presents to clinic with pain, stiffness, swelling, erythema over her left 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (MTPJ) following a silastic 1st MTPJ arthroplasty performed 12 years ago. Radiographs demonstrate osteolysis around the component and a valgus deformity. Blood tests are normal with regard to full blood picture, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein.
What is the appropriate treatment?
29. An 18-year-old young woman presents with forefoot pain and stiffness of the 2nd metatarsal phalangeal joint. Pain worsened on axial loading of the joint. Radiographs demonstrate arthrosis and flattening of the metatarsal head.
What is the likely diagnosis?
30. A 1-year-old female infant is brought into your clinic. Her mother is concerned about her 4th toes bilaterally. They appear to be shortened and overlapping the 5th toes. Radiographs demonstrate disruption of Maestro’s parabola and premature closure of the 4th metatarsal physis. You also notice the child to be smaller than average, with a short, webbed neck.
What condition could this child have?
31. An 83-year-old nursing home patient presents with pain over 2nd toe, inability to fit into shoes, chronic paronychia and an ulcer over the 2nd toe proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ). The PIPJ is fixed in flexion, the metatarsal phalangeal joint (MTPJ) is slightly extended and the distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) is hyperextended and flexible.
What is the most appropriate treatment?
32. A 46-year-old man presents with pain in the right 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (MTPJ). He recalls a rugby injury to the joint 20 years ago. On examination he has moderate pain on end range of motion, reduced range of motion (10° dorsiflexion, 50° plantar flexion) and pain on axial loading of the 1st MTPJ. Radiographs demonstrate around 40% joint space narrowing with dorsal osteophyte on the metatarsal and phalanx. He has failed conservative treatment and still wishes to play rugby.
What is the most appropriate treatment?
33. When performing a scarf osteotomy in an otherwise normally aligned foot, to avoid shortening or lengthening the 1st metatarsal, what landmark or reference point should be used for your distal transverse cut?
35. A 28-year-old man is seen in a nurse-led dressings clinic 2 weeks after arthroscopic ankle surgery. He is complaining of persistent numbness over the dorsum of his foot but not in the first web space.
What is the most likely cause of this complication?
36. A normally fit and well 32-year-old- woman is taken to theatre for examination under anaesthesia for chronic ankle instability despite several courses of physiotherapy. On the lateral image, 10mm of forward shift is demonstrated during an anterior drawer test compared to the unaffected ankle.
Which ligament is most likely damaged?
37. A 43-year-old man sustains as pronation external rotation injury to his left ankle while playing football. Initial radiographs show increased tibiofibular clear space.
Which of these is the correct group of ligaments which form the structure that is injured, resulting in the increased tibiofibular clear space?
38. A patient is brought into the emergency department after sustaining an ankle injury while playing basketball. The ankle is grossly swollen and tender. Radiographs show a pronation external rotation injury pattern.
Which answer best describes the sequence of injury?
ATFL disruption, oblique fibula fracture at the level of the syndesmosis, PITFL disruption or posterior malleolus fracture, transverse medial malleolus fracture or deltoid ligament injury
Medial malleolus transverse fracture or deltoid disruption, ATFL disruption, lateral short oblique fracture or spiral fracture of the fibula above the syndesmosis, PITFL avulsion or posterior malleolus fracture
Medial malleolus transverse fracture or deltoid disruption, ATFL disruption, lateral short oblique/ spiral fracture of the fibula below the syndesmosis, PITFL avulsion or posterior malleolus fracture
Medial malleolus transverse fracture or deltoid disruption, ATFL disruption, transverse or comminuted fibula fracture above the level of the syndesmosis.
39. A 30-year-old keen cross country runner presents to a foot and ankle clinic with non-specific ankle pain and occasional swelling. They describe a couple of episodes of mild ankle sprains over the past couple of years. An osteochondral defect of the talus is suspected.
What is the most common location for these injuries on the talus?
40. A 70-year-old man presents to an elective foot and ankle clinic with pain in his right ankle. He had an ankle injury 30 years ago, which he was told could not be operated on at the time and was managed in a cast. Weight bearing ankle radiographs show end stage ankle arthritis. The patient has decided on an ankle arthrodesis for treatment.
During ankle arthrodesis surgery, what is the ideal position of the ankle?
41. What is the risk of talus avascular necrosis following a talar neck fracture associated with subtalar dislocation?
43. What is the most common malignancy of the foot?