Pathology III Structured SBA Questions
Pathology III Structured SBA Questions
1. A child attends clinic for evaluation of limb abnormalities. On examination, they have shortening of all 4 limbs with the humerus and femur mainly affected. Genetic testing shows a mutation of the FGFR3 gene.
Which part of the bone is affected by this condition?
2. A child presents with a radiograph showing multiple enchondromata. There are no vascular malformations on testing therefore a diagnosis of Ollier disease is made. The parents ask for a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
What would be seen on histology in the centre of the lesions?
3. A patient with carpal tunnel syndrome is being consented for a decompression under local anaesthesia. They are of a curious disposition and ask you to explain why they might feel pulling/pressure but no pain. You tell them local anaesthetic works by blocking nerve conduction and works on nerves in order, which explains why pain is predominantly affected alongside sympathetic transmission.
Which of the following is in the correct order?
4. You are starting a patient on bisphosphonates for osteoporosis after a fragility fracture.
When considering the mechanism of action of bisphosphonates, the newer nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates affect the osteoclast function to a greater degree than the earlier formulations by which of the following?
5. One of the patients you performed a hemiarthroplasty on 5 days ago has developed a wound infection. They exhibit tachycardia and pyrexia with some confusion. The postoperative period has been otherwise uncomplicated excepting the need for catheterisation in recovery. Blood cultures at 24 hours have shown gram-positive cocci.
This is most likely to represent an infection with which of the following?
6. A patient is started on antibiotics for a gram-negative infection. Two days later, they complain of new hearing loss. This is a well-documented side effect of one of the antibiotics they have been prescribed.
How would the antibiotic they have been given work?
7. A patient undergoes an MRI with contrast enhancement to evaluate a lesion seen on CT. Gadolinium (a rare earth metal) is the agent used.
This works by which of the following?
8. A patient presents with back pain and an MRI shows them to have multifocal lesions in keeping with infection. To investigate further, tissue samples are taken with CT-guided biopsy.
When looking for TB, what would be expected on microscopy?
9. During a decompression of the spine, the ligamentum flavum is encountered. This yellow ligament gains its colour from the high content of elastin.
Regarding elastin, how much strain can it undergo when loaded (in comparison to its resting state)?
11. When implanting an uncemented hip stem, a pause is often recommended as the interface becomes tight to allow for stress relaxation to occur.
Which of the following defines stress relaxation?
12. When considering the process of aging on articular cartilage, which of the following is correct?
Water decreases, chondrocyte number decreases but size increases, keratin increases and chondroitin decreases
Water decreases, chondrocyte number stays the same but size increases, keratin and chondroitin increase
Water increases, chondrocyte number and size are unchanged, keratin increases and chondroitin decreases
Water increases, chondrocyte number decreases and size stays the same, keratin increases and chondroitin decreases
Water increases, chondrocyte number increases as does size, keratin is unchanged and chondroitin decreases
13. When considering the spinal cord, it is important to know the anatomy of the afferent and efferent tracts, as it helps to explain the cord injury syndromes.
Which of the following is correct?
Dorsal column afferent proprioception decussates in brainstem, corticospinal tract efferent motor function decussates in brainstem, spinothalamic tract afferent temperature decussates near level of exit
Dorsal column afferent proprioception decussates in brainstem, corticospinal tract afferent pain and temperature function decussates near level of exit, spinothalamic tract efferent motor function decussates near level of exit
Dorsal column afferent proprioception decussates near level of exit, corticospinal tract efferent motor function decussates near level of exit, spinothalamic tract afferent temperature decussates in brainstem
Dorsal column afferent proprioception decussates near level, corticospinal tract afferent motor function decussates in brainstem, spinothalamic tract afferent temperature decussates in brainstem
Dorsal column efferent motor function decussates at level of exit, corticospinal tract efferent motor function decussates in brainstem, spinothalamic tract afferent temperature decussates in brainstem
14. Nerve conduction studies can provide valuable information about the diagnosis.
Which of the following is correct?
The amplitude of a motor response indicates the number of working motor units (rather than nerve size)
15. Skeletal muscle is composed of repeating functional units of actin and myosin.
Which of the following is correct?